LATE GLACIAL HISTORY, PALEOECOLOGY, AND SEDIMENTATTON IN THE LAKE NIPIGON BASTN, ONTARIO A thesis presented to The Faculty of Graduate Studj_es University of Manitoba in partial ful-fil-ment of the reguirements for the deqree Master of Science @ Richard M. J. Lemoine March I 1989 Bibliothèque nationale ffi*ffi )i3""iXot"'o'"'u du Canada Canadian Theses Service Service des thèses canadiennes Ottawa, Canada K1 A ON4 The author has granted an irrevocable non- L'auteur a accordé une licence irrévocable et exclusive licence allowing the National Library non exclusive permettant à la Bibliothèque of Canada to reproduce, loan, distribute or sell nationale du Canada de reproduire, prêter, copies of his/her thesis by any means and in distribuer ou vendre des copies de sa thèse any form or format, making this thesis available de quelque manière et sous quelque forme to interested persons. que ce soit pour mettre des exemplaires de cette thèse à la disposition des personnes intéressées. The author retains ownership of the copyright L'auteur conserve la propriété du droit d'auteur in his/her thesis. Neither the thesis nor qui protège sa thèse. Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantial extracts from it may be printed or substantiels de celle-ci ne doivent être otherwise reproduced without his/her per- imprimés ou autrement reproduits sans son mission. autorisation. rsBN 0-315-5L586-4 Camadä LATE GLACIAL HISTORY, PALEOECOLOGY, AND SEDIMENTATION IN THE LAKE NIPIGON BASIN, ONTARIO BY RICHARD M.J. LEMOINE A rhesis submitted to the Facurty of Graduate studies of the university of Maritoba in partiar furfiilment of the requirenrents of the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE @ 1989 Pernrissior has bee'gra¡rted to the LIBRARY oF THE uNIvER- slrY MANTTOBA oF ro rerd or seil copies of this thesis. to the NATIOn*AL LIBRARY oF CANADA to microfirnr this thesis and to le¡rd or seil copies of trre firm, and UNIVERSITY Ivf ICROFILIvIS ro publish an absrract of this thesis. The author reserves other pubrication rights, and neitrrer the thesjs nor extensive extracts fro¡n it may be printed or other- wise reproduced without the author's writte¡l pernrission. Table of Contents Page List of Figures l_tl List of Tables V Abstract vi r. TNTRODUCTTON 1 Previous Research and Current Objectj-ves Methods 3 Acknowl_edgements 4 0 GEOLOGTC II. SETTING 10 Precambrian Geology 10 Quaternary Geology and History I2 rTI. SEDIMENTS TN THE LAKE NIPTGON BASTN 1B BOREHOLE SEDTMENTS 18 LEE Hole 18 PfK Hole 22 AIR Hole 26 CAS Hole zo KOP Hol-e 32 RES Hol-e 36 NATURAL AND MAN-MADE EXPOSURES OF SAND AND COARSER GRATNED SEDTMENT 39 DESCRIPTION OF STLT-CLAY RHYT}IMITES Àa ïntroducti-on AA Gull- Bay X-2 r1 a Gyll Bay X-3 46 Pik9. Bay 48 English Bay 48 Wabinosh Bay 50 Whitesand River Cuts 52 Ombabika River 54 Carbonate and euartz Content parameters 54 Statistical_ 59 Paleomagnetism 65 InterpretatÍon 72 IV. PALEONTOLOGY AND PALEOECOLOGY OF SEDIMENTS 75 Introducti_on 75 Trace Fossil_s 75 Molluscan Taxonomy 81 Palynology 90 Paleoecology of Fauna and Flora 94 v" RADIOCARBON DÀTES 100 Dates in the Nipigon Basin and Adjacent Area 100 Discussion of Reliability of Shel-l Dates . L02 t- VI. CORRELATION OF MAJOR SEDTMENTARY UNTTS 1_08 KATASHK i_08 KOPKA-PTLLAR 111 ARMSTRONG 113 PIKITTGUSHT rt7 TNTERPRETATTON OF DEPOSITTONÄL SCENARTO II9 Kaiashk and Kopka-pil_lar Deltas II9 Armstrong and pikitigushi Deltas 722 VTT. SEDIMENTOLOGY 126 Introduction 126 Mineral-o q icai- / I extural_ f nterpretat ions T27 Dj-scussion of the Deposj_tional_ Nature of Rhythrnites L¿Ó Rhythmite Sedimentation and Sediment Dispersal- Mechanísms Sedimentation in Glacíolacustrine l-32 Del-taic Environrnents 13s Kaiashk Delta Sedimentation l_37 Kopka-Pil-1ar Delta Sedirnentation I4B Armstrong and pikitigushi Del_ta Sedirnentation 156 vrrr. DEGLACTATTON CHRONOLOGY AND HISTORY OF THE I,AKE NTPTGON BASIN 168 fntroduction 168 Deglaciation of the Nipigon Basin r69 Former Lake Shorelines 772 9500 B.P. Stage 177 8800 B.P. Stage L82 Early Post-8500 B.P. Stage 1_8s rX. SUMMARY 189 References Cited ]-92 Appendix: Stratigraphic Sections For Shorel-ine Exposures of Sediment 198 l_.1_ List of Figures Page 1. Precambrian Geology of the Lake Nipigon Region 11 2. Surficial Geology of the Lake Nipigoñ negión L4 1 Lake Agassiz-Lake Nipigon-Lake Supãrior Hydrological System 15 4. Borehole Locations I9 5. Grain Size Trends and Stratigraphy of the LEE Borehole 20 6. Grain Size Trends and Stratigraphy of the PIK Borehole ---- - - 24 7. Grain Size Trends and Stratigraphy of the AIR Borehole 27 8. Grain Size Trends and Stratigraphy of the CAS Borehole 29 o Grain Si-ze Trends and Stratigraphy of the KOP Borehole JJ tO. Grain Size Trends and Stratigraphy of the RES Borehol_e 37 11- sample Locations and chemical- Maturity of sandy sediments shown by euartz/Mafic Ratios and pl_ot 40 12. Lake AgassJ_z Eastern Outl-et Deltaic Deposits 4I 13. Sample Locations of Rhythmites 44 14. Gull- Bay X-2 Silt and Clayey SiIt Rhythrnites 45 15. Gul-l- Bay X-3 Mul_tilarninated Silty Rhythmites with Thin CJ-ay Laminae 47 16. Pike Bay Rhythmites 49 17 . Wabinosh Bay X-1_O Rhythrnites 51 18. Vüel-l Developed and Contorted Rhythrnites at lühitesand River X-Lz Site 53 i-9. Representative X-Ray Diffractograms of Lake Nipigon Rhythnites ...:.... 58 20 - standard Deviati-on versus Mean Grain size for Lake Hitchcock and Lake Nipigon Rhythrnites 60-61 21-. Skewness Versus Mean Grain Size for l,ake Hitchcock and Lake Nipigon Rhythnites 63-64 22. rntensities, Declinations, aná rncrinations of tþ" Depositional Remnant Magnetism for Lake Nipigon Rhythmites 68-7 0 23. Trace Fossils in pike Bay Rhythmites 76 24. Tubifex 80 25. Location of Namewarninikan River Fossil Mol_luscan Assemblage 82 26. Namewaminikan River Bruff stratigraphic section 83 27. Sphaerium striatinum 87 28. Sphaerium simile 87 29. Valvata tricarinata 89 30. Helisoma anceps 89 31. Location of Cores Sampled for Palynologica1 Analyses 9I l-aa 32. Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of the Namewaminikan River Region 96 33. Radiocarbon Dated Material_ in the Nipigon-Superior Lowl_ands 101 34. Little Pic River Section 103 35. Location of Namewamini-kan River and Littl_e pic Ri-ver Sites and Carbonate Line 106 36. Locatj-ons of Sedimentary Sections and Boreholes in the GuIl Bay Region 109 37. Stratigraphy of the Sedimentè in the Gul_I Bay Region 110 38. Eastern Outlet Sedimentation in the North Ononga Lake Region II2 39. Locations of Sedirnentary Sectj_ons and Borehol_es in the Armstrong Delta 115 40. Stratigraphy of the Sedinents in the Armstrong Delta 116 4I. Stratigraphy of the Sediments in the Pikitigushi Delta 118 42. Correl_ation of Sediments Deposited in the lVestern Lake Nipigon Region I2o 43. Correlatj_on of Sediments Deposited in the Northern Lake Nipigon Region J.23 44. Pl_anar-Bedded Sands at 85-11 Site 139 45. Rípp1e Cross-Laminated Sands at 86-1,6 Site I4I 46. Ripple-Drift Cross-Laminated Rhythmites at Gull Bay X-3 ]-45 47 - Pl-anar-Bedded sands in the obonga Lake Region r49 48. Kopka-Pil1ar Delta Sediments ..:.. 150 49. Upper KOP Core Clay and Silt Rhythmites 153 50. Clay and Silt Rhythmites Exposeã Wear the Kopka River Bridge ]54 51. Ripple-Drift Cross-Laminated Sands Within Clay-Si1t Rhythmites Located at the Whitesand River X-Iz Site 158 52. Massive and planar-Bedded Sands Located at the hthitesand River X-Iz Site 160 53. Convolute Bedded Sands Located at the Whitesand River X-i.2 Site l- 62 54. Faulting in Bedded Sands Located at the Vühitesand River X-1-2 Site 163 55. Upper CAS Core Rhythrnites of Clay and Silt with Thin Sand Laminae L64 56. Upper PIK Core Rhythrnítes J 66 57 - Deglaciation of the Nipigon-superior Lowl_ands L7o 58. Former Shorel_ine Features I73 59. Boulder Lines at present Lake Level_ in Vtabinosh Bay Area 17 6 60. 9500 B.P. Lake Nipigon Stage I7g 61,. 8800 B.P. Lake Nipigon Stage 183 62. Early Post-8500 B.p. Lake Nipigon Stage Ig7 fV List of Tables Page 1-. Mean Variation of Carbonate Content in the Coarse Grained and Fine Grained Laminae of Lake Nipigon Rhythrnites 56 2. Namewaminj_kan River MoIluscan Assemblaqe 86 ) Pollen Content of Sediments 93 V ÀBSTRÀCT Between 9500 B.p. and g5oo 8.p., water overffowed from glacial Lake Agassiz into Lake Nipigon through the Lake Agassiz eastern outlets. The outl_ets south from the Nipigon basin carri-ed this flow into the northwestern Lake superior basin- The fl-ow of water through these two outlet systems v/as regulated by the position of the retreating íce front of the Rainy Lobe. Former Lake Nipigon revels are recorded by numerous wave-cut terraces found throughout the basín. These reflect both the changing outrets to the superior basin that \^/ere used, âs well as erosion of these outfets. G]acial rebound also served as a component in the formation of wave-cut terraces as the level of the l-and surface rose above a decl j-ning and later statj_c l-ake 1eve1. Deltas formed at the mouths of the eastern outl-ets as sediment-laden waters from Lake Agassiz spilled into Lake Nipigon. sand and coarser g'rained sediments lùere deposited near the lake shore, whire finer sands and sil-ty sediments I^rere deposited on the prodelta slope by underflow and overflow-interflow currents. Finer grained sediments were transported farther out into the basin and deposited, forming rhythmites of cì_ay and sil_t. Numerous species of arborear and non-arborear_ polren present within sediments of the Nipigon-superior lowl-ands vl_ infer that upon deglaciation, the Lake Nipigon region became colonízed by dense coni-ferous and deciduous forests interspersed with open mead.ows and grasslands.
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