May 25, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E831 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RIVERDALE COMMUNITY CENTER and women have to offer. Truly, it is one of I was shocked at the impudence of the Ger- the most challenging and rewarding under- man government in its application of the HON. ELIOT L. ENGEL takings of their lives. Hague Convention. But, I was even more out- Kyle is an outstanding student who brings a OF NEW YORK raged at the failure of our own government to special mix of leadership, service, and dedica- act as an aggressive advocate on behalf of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion to the incoming class of West Point ca- American parents. The U.S. State Department Wednesday, May 24, 2000 dets. While attending Port Clinton High left him to fend for himself, which his ex-wife Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, nearly three dec- School, Kyle has attained a grade point aver- appeared to have all of Germany fighting for ades ago the rise in juvenile delinquency led age of 3.929, which places him seventh in his her. I wrote to Secretary Albright, our Ambas- to the creation of the Riverdale Community class of one hundred ninety-three students. sador to Germany, and others seeking assist- Center. It gave a growing number of teen- Kyle is a member of the National Honor Soci- ance, but my efforts were rebuffed as well. agers, who were unsupervised after school ety and has received the Port Clinton Kiwanis This happens to thousands of American par- because their parents worked, a place to go. Scholar Athlete Award for his academic ents every year, with similar responses. Drug and alcohol abuse were escalating as achievements. Today's resolution says with firm resolve was teen pregnancy. The dropout rate was Outside the classroom, Kyle has distin- that the U.S. Congress will stand with these also soaring. The Community Center was or- guished himself as an excellent student-ath- left-behind parents and fight for their children. ganized to provide a structure where, under lete. On the fields of competition, Kyle served When we unite with these parents in even a adult supervision, teens could escape the dan- as Captain of the Varsity Football team and simple ``sense of Congress'' resolution, things gerous crosscurrents of life in the streets. received the 1997 and 1998 Football Ironman can change and these nations will take notice. A free weekend recreation center was Award. Kyle is also a member of the Varsity Because of all the publicity that has been opened, then an after school program was Wrestling team and was named the 1997± generated by this resolution and this issue, my added followed by a drug outreach program. 1998 Most Improved Wrestler. He is the Presi- constituent's ex-wife finally complied with the Soon more than 1,400 teens a year partici- dent of the Leadership Council and is a mem- court-ordered visitation. He saw his little girl pated in the after school program. In addition, ber of the Varsity Club. In addition, Kyle has for the very first time in nearly four years last the Center developed an Adult and Youth performed in several school musicals and was week. As he puts it, ``I can't see her very Education Center where, for modest fees, a delegate to Buckeye Boys State. often, she doesn't speak English, and hardly families could take classes. This program now Mr. Speaker, I would ask my colleagues to knows who I am, but I feel like I just won the serves upwards of 1,000 children, adults and stand and join me in paying special tribute to lotto.'' seniors in a variety of courses. Kyle W. Hemminger. Our service academies That is what this is all about. I urge all of my Today, more than 2,400 people a year enjoy offer the finest education and military training colleagues to support H. Con. Res. 293. the many programs at the Riverdale Commu- available anywhere in the world. I am sure f nity Center. that Kyle will do very well during his career at The Center is a marvelous example of what West Point and I wish him the very best in all HONORING MR. GEORGE WILLIAM a community can do when faced with adver- of his future endeavors. ROBERTSON sity. Instead of wringing their hands, the par- f ents of Riverdale mobilized. The Riverdale URGING COMPLIANCE WITH HAGUE HON. STENY H. HOYER Community Center every year serves more CONVENTION ON CIVIL ASPECTS OF MARYLAND people in more and better ways. I am proud OF INTERNATIONAL CHILD AB- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to honor the Center on the occasion of its an- DUCTION Wednesday, May 24, 2000 nual brunch. I congratulate the Center for all it has accomplishedÐand it has accomplished SPEECH OF Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, today I recognize an awful lot. HON. TILLIE K. FOWLER and honor the life of Mr. George William Rob- f ertson, a community activist in Southern Mary- OF FLORIDA land fondly known simply as ``Capt. Billy.'' IN SPECIAL RECOGNITION OF IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Captain Billy was born in Baltimore on June KYLE W. HEMMINGER ON HIS Tuesday, May 23, 2000 12, 1930, and grew up along the Potomac APPOINTMENT TO ATTEND THE Mrs. FOWLER. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong River. By the age of 19, he knew he wanted UNITED STATES MILITARY support of H. Con. Res. 293, which urges all to live off the water and built Robertson's ACADEMY AT WEST POINT parties to the Hague Convention on the Civil Crabhouse on the Potomac shores in Popes Aspects of International Child Abduction to Creek. He purchased Capt. Drink's restaurant HON. PAUL E. GILLMOR comply with this important treaty. in 1986 and renamed it Capt. Billy's. OF OHIO Too many countries that have signed this Captain Billy had many pastimes. In addition IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES compact fail to live up to its principles. Wheth- to his passions for the water and his res- er by design or passivity, these countries act taurant, he owned Dahlgren Hardware Store in Wednesday, May 24, 2000 as obstacles to reuniting parents with their kid- Virginia, was an avid horseman as he loved to Mr. GILLMOR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to napped children. This not only occurs with race with friend Gene Euster, a zealous golfer, pay special tribute to an outstanding young rogue nations that ignore basic human rights; and a competitive bowler who was inducted man from Ohio's Fifth Congressional District. I but even some of our closest allies. into the Duckpin's Bowler's Hall of Fame. An- am happy to announce that Kyle W. I first became acquainted with this issue other passion of his was cars, which he turned Hemminger of Port Clinton, Ohio, has been of- several years ago when a constituent of mine into a business by opening Capt. Billy's Auto fered an appointment to attend the United lost his only daughter to his German ex-wife. Sales on U.S. 301 in La Plata. Every week States Military Academy at West Point, New She was only 15-months old. For the next four with friend Dave Phillips, he attended car auc- York. years, he followed the Hague Convention to tions throughout Maryland and Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, Kyle's offer of appointment the letter, going to court in the United States Captain Billy was diagnosed with gall blad- poises him to attend the United States Military and Germany to seek custody and visitation der cancer in January 1999. Together with his Academy this fall with the incoming cadet with his little girl and paying child support. friend Robert Mitchell, he sponsored a benefit class of 2004. Attending one of our nation's Though a German court eventually awarded golf tournament in August 1999 at Swan Point military academies is an invaluable experience him visitation rights, his wife refused to comply Golf Course in Issue. Four hundred golfers that offers a world-class education and de- and the German courts failed to enforce their participated to raise $170,000 for the Amer- mands the very best that these young men own orders. ican Cancer Society. For his efforts to fight the ∑ This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate 11<MAY>2000 08:30 May 26, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A25MY8.000 pfrm04 PsN: E25PT1 E832 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks May 25, 2000 disease, the American Cancer Society recently the Immaculate Conception parish. Since re- that offers a world-class education and de- presented him with the Excalibur Award. In tirement in 1992, he has again settled in Au- mands the very best that these young men addition, he was a strong supporter of Civista burn, where he continues to sit on Diocesan and women have to offer. Truly, it is one of Medical Center in La Plata. At the first Mardi committees and acts as supply pastor the most challenging and rewarding under- Gras Ball sponsored by the Physicians Memo- throughout the Sacramento Diocese. takings of their lives. rial Hospital Foundation, he was crowned As he celebrates the Golden Jubilee of his TJ brings a special mix of leadership, serv- ``King Rex.'' Robertson also raised money for ordination to the priesthood on June 18, I join ice, and dedication to the incoming class of Richard R.
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