TE:E BROMI~EY DIRECTORY FOR 1 875, INCLUDES THE PARISHES OF BROMLEY:-- PAGE PAGE AdvbrtisemlmtS •••... i-lxvi FARNBOROUGH •••••••••••• 92 Ofticial E;,LLblishments, FOOTS CRAY ••••••••••••••• 93 Local Im,iitutions, &c. 1 HAYES ••••••••••••••••••••• 95 Street Dir~dory •..•...•• 5 KESTON ••••••••••••••••••••• 96 Comlll,:ri.:ial •••••••••••• 30 KNOCKHOLT ••••••••••••••• 98 Private 11e;;idents •••••. 38 NORTH CRAY ••••••••••••••• 99 BE0KENHA~I ••••••••••••••• 47 ORPINGTON ••••••• ~••••••• 100 CIIEJ"SFIELD ••••••••••••••• 77 SID CUP ••••••••••••••••••••• 102 CI!I8LEIIUHS"1.' ••••••••••••••• 79 ST. MARY CRAY ••••••••• 104 crrD~IA:aI. •••••••••••••••••••• 90 ST. PAUL'S O:RAY ••••••••• 109 DOWNE ••••••••••••••••••••• 91 WEST WICKHAM ••••••••• 110 '2mN'I'l~f; ~\iW rUBI,ISIIED Id R. HTEONG, :r.rATIKI!;T SQUARE, BEOMLEY, KENT. A preface is considered the proper thing In a 11('\'.' book; the object being to give the reader some id'_',l of its contents. But the BTomley Directory has ;)(;\',. been ten years before the public) therefore cannot ;:\ looked upon as new) but a new number of a series coming out in yearly parts with additions and corrections. That the present Dircctory for 1875 will be fOUlld more interesting than its predecessors we will not· vcnturc to say) but in justice to ourselves we must state that no pains have been spared to make it as nearly as possible correct) and thus enhancc its usefulncss) and consequently its valuc) which we have set down at One Shilling) or Onc Shilling and Twopence per post~. Tlv ~ is our price} though many say it is worth double money. But wc are contcnt while the purchasers are:, And rcmaIn} Very respectfully} THE CO]\1PILF:~, INDEX TO ADVERTISERS. BROMLEY . •~l1r"~"'" (1 tL (ltmily draper, hosier, &c. .... i~. Ardern, ""v. J., dairyman, and wine spirit merck:): !iii. Ayling, E., currier and leatherseller, . ... vii. .\.yling, T. & Son, boot and shoe m~nuf~cturcrs vi• .\.yling, William T., oil and colornuD . vi • lialls, Henry, tailor and trousers ill:l.kcr . lviii. TI~,nk", J"":yh. t•.?.lJi:'.11·.?:.;:o:..::.r, and cheesemonger lvi. IL:cl::":. ~.. gr,~·~..::r~::1prU'.15lon dealer liii. Ihxt'.?r. V,·. '\" .. f:lr'.::I.- c!1:::::is~ xl. R,c:ter &: Payne. auctioneers and estate agents lxvi. R.:.:a F .. i:::liih- ·te.l dealer and grocer xlviii. Blulldeli 'I,. fiihmongcr, poulterer, &c. xvii. Blt.nilcll, '\\'. T .. fruiterer and greengrocer xliii. Boorah, T.. f:J.~il'y grocer and provision dealer Iv. Boyn:'.'':. :~. G., carman and contractor ... Ex. Brown \:; .":on, tailc)fs and outfitters xix. Browning, J. W., dyer, bleacher, &c. Iii. Buckle & Griffin, coal und coke merchants xlv. Bulleid, A., contractor and horticultural builder xxix. Burgess J., boot nnel shoe maker ... lxi. Bush. S~ book5·.:11er.st:1tioner, und bookbinder lxiii. Carreek.. "-. ~ .. h:rJstul1cr, stationer, &c. xxxviii. Cham1i:'rb:n. J.. bv.:mling school for young gentlemen xxxvi. Chapm:lll. ~E5S(,S, cst:lhlishment for young ludi1'5 xxxv. Child,; _""Co.. :lt1ctionecrs. surveyors, &c. xlv. Cole. E .. plumb.:r! gj,sfittcr! decorator, &c. I. Coop.:-:-,B:-o~hers, corn merchants xliv. Coop:::!', li. G., butcher... ... xvi. Coop:::r .r.. plumber. gasfiHer, and hot water engineer lxii. Darb:', 'Yo II.! m3.son and contractor ... lix. D.nies. 'Y., b3.ker aUlI confcctioner ... 1. D.1.,i~. ~iis", drawing and water colour painting XXXll. DJ.'\'is, :\liS5 C., teachcr of music ..• XL'{ii. Doc & Son, boot and shoe makers . xxiii. Dunn, E., upholsterer and undertaker ..• ... xix. Dunn, J. & E., upholsterers, cabinet makers, undertakers, &c. xviii. Ellis, S., school for young gentlemen ... xx..'{v. :Filby, Brothers, hair dressers, l)eriume~, &c. ..• ix. Fisher, J., furniture remover 'Xlix.. Fox & Sons, brewers, Oak brewery! Farnborough v. Francis and Lloyd, ironmongers, gas fitters, and plumbers ii. Gael and Tupper, photographers and picture frame manufacturers xxv. Garwood, H. W., watch and clock maker, jeweller, &c. xli. Gayfcr, W., middle class school xxxiii. INDEX TO NAMES OF ADVERTISERS. Gilbert, T., grocer and baker •.• '" G~m.\.e."'t, "W • &. ~~l\, \\'a.\l'jm.~1l ~,\Avl. Grinsted.. Daniel, coal merchant xiii. Grubb, W. A., builder, &c. :.. ..• ..• xx,iii. Hammond, G., plumber, gasfitter, and house decorator xxxviii. Hannan's pianofort.e and music warehouse xx. Hannan, R. Y., photographer .•• xxi. Hambleton & Co., dyers and cleaners x. Rilhner. W., draper, hosier, and milliner Lxvii. Hinchliffe, D., statuary and mason lxii. Romreopathic pharmacy... ... ... .. iii. Hopton, J., fruiterer and greengrocer, coal merchant, &c. xxvi. JIow, James, watch and clock maker, jeweller and silversmith xlviii. tIoward John, pork butcher . xlvi. Hutchings, E. & Co., dyers, cleaners, &c. h·iii. Ingles, W. H., saddler and harness maker h. Isard, Edward, tallow chandler ... xviii. Isherwood, J., family and dispensing chemist xiii. James J., baker and confectioneu xvii. Johnson, G. T., fishmonger and poulterer xv. Johnstone, W., family grocer, cheesemonger, &c. xlviii, Jones, G., family draper, &c. lxiv. Jones, T. B., ironmonger, gasfitter, &c. xxiii. Lownds, W., fly proprietor, White Harl Hotel ..• xxn. Lynes Mrs., milliner, dressmaker, &c. •.• .•• x••·• Martin, E., grocer, wine, spirit, and bottled beer merchant Iv. Maunder, ·W., fancy bread and biscuit baker vii. :Mead, :JIiss, young ladies' school xxxiv. :\Iersh, 'V., carman and contractor .,. Ii. ~1iddlellliss, W., bread and biscuit baker xi\·. ~Iorlcy, Thomas, Bromley Academy ... xxxv. ?\Iowat, James, tailor, &c. ..• ... Ix. Nash John, draper, silk mercer, and milliner •.. xlvii. Nash and Milstead, berlin wool and fancy repository xlii. Nelson, Richard, accountant and auditor ... ... ..• xlv. X ettlefold, 1., auctioneer and appraiser, upholsterer, and undertaker x. Odden, J .• family grocer, tea dealer, and prmision merchant lvi. Oliver, P., boot and shoe maker xvi. Orford, :JIiss, young ladies' school ... .. xxxvi. Pamphilbn, George, wine find spirit merchant ..• iv. Phillpott, W., boot and shoe maker ..• xii. Podger, H., Page Heath Laundry... .. viii. Pulham, C., monumental and cemetery works ... xxviii. Pyrke, B. S., grocer, &c. ..• xliv. Quick, H. D., shirt and collar maker . ii. Ranson, T., decorator, painter, &c . xlv. Ratley & Thorpe, toy and fancy repository xxii. Redfern, Henry, gas and hot water engineer ..• ... Ii' Roberts, Mrs., Berlin repository, and baby linen warehouse xi. Royal Exchange Assurance Corporation xxxvii. Russell, T. R. & H., carriers ... xlii. Sanders, Mrs., dress and mantle maker ..• xlvii. Satchell, T., plwnber, glazier, and dcco,rative painter xxv. INDEX TO NAMES OF ADVERTISERS. Shillcock, J. B., chemist, &c. xlvi. Simmons, W., tailor, &c. ... .•• .It It. ••• xii. Smith, Mrs. E. S., dress, mantle, and costume maker... ..• xxii. Smith, Edward S., teacher, cleaner, and regulator of sewing machines xxii. Sparrow hawk, R., draper and silk mercer xxi. Steiert & Dotter, watch and clock makers xi. strang, E., china and glass warehouse ..•... xxiv. Strong, E., letter-press, copper-plate, and lithographic printer i. Sturt, Misses, schools for young ladies and gentlemen xxxii. Stubbs, Wm., miller, corn, coal, and seed merchant lxiIi. Talby, Sergt. G. W., drill instructor. &c. xxxvi. lxi. Tilling George, job and post master ... xxix. Trotter, E. and A.. E., the Bromley arcade iii. Unstcad, E., grocer and pro"ision merchant xxxix. Uridga, ~Irs. E., family grocer, cheesemonger, & foreign wine merchant xxiv. 'Valker &. Holmes, cabinet makers, and upholsterers... ... xxvii. 'Veeks, George, furnishing and manufacturing ironmonger xxxix. Wells, G. M., upholsterer and furniture dealer...... xliii. Wells, T., family grocer and tea dealer lvii. Wheeler, Miss, young ladies school... xxxiv. 'Villby. James, carolan, &c, ... !vii 'Yingfield. James, nurseryman and florist Iii. 'Vitham, J., billiard rooms lxiv. 'Vood, W. S., ramoneur, &c. xiv. BECKENHAM. Allen, J., builder, upholsterer, underUiker, and house agent 75 Bailey C., gas, hot water, and steam engineer G9 Barnes, Mr., auctioneer and estate agent ..• 74: Bluudell, 'V., fishmonger and poulterer ... 59· Booth, William, family grocer and provision merchant 67 Church & Son, builders, funeral furnishers, &c. 76 Churcher &. Son, boot aud shoe makers •.• 69 Cook, Thomas, seedsman and florist 62 CC'oper, Brothers, corn merchants ... 71 Cumberland, John, tailor, hatter, hosier, and shirt maker 63 Day, T. S., family chemist ... ... 61 DeBruin, Mrs., berlin wool and fancy repository 72 Durrant, J. E., plumber and house decorator 77 Evans, T., tailor and habit maker 75 Fisher, I. J., baker and confectioner 62 Freeman, J. P., grocer and butterman 65 Frith, A., plumber, gas and hot water fitter... .. 77 Gascoyne, 'V. & Sons, architects, surveyors, and contractors ..• 57 Graham, T., builder, plumber, gas, and hot water fitter •.• 71 Green, J. H., family and dispensing chemist ... G5 Hillier & Jones, French and English milliners, dressmakers, &c. 58 HiI'd, George, draper and silk mercer 64 Hoare, S., boot and shoe maker ... •.. ..• ..• 75 Homewood, G., family grocer and wine and spirit merchant ..• 67 Hooker, J., builder and undertaker ... •.. .. 66 Keeler, J., nurseryman •.• 63 Levens, William, cook and confectioner 60 iNDEX TO NAMEs OF ADVERTISERS. Longhurst, A. & E., berlin and fancy needlework repository 60 Lovelock, W., statuary and mason ... ... ..• 66 Lownds, W., job and post master ••• 69 Lumsden, T. C., fruiterer, greengrocer, and potatoc l'alesman 58 Manger, E., draper, milliner, ~c. ••• ... •.• 59 Merriman, Miss, preparatory school xxx. Middleditch,
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