Registered at the General Poet 011lee, Sydney, for transmissioas Vol. 29, No. 33. Sydney, Monday, August 17, 1925 by Post as a Newspaper, The Spintpirit of Prophecy .No "UST before leaving His disciples, Christ promised perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, J them a continuation of the Holy Spirit, that Spirit for the edifying of the body of Christ." Eph. 4: 12. under whose direction the prophets had written and Here He outlines the improvement of personal character, spoken ; and He was to " abide with them forever." direction of the ministry, and upbuilding necessary for John 14 : 16. No limitation as to time is here given— the church. neither days, months, years, nor age is introduced. A Holy Church Only the question of necessity is to be the measure. God designs to have His church separated from all As a " Teacher" that Spirit would teach the things that is false, — false theories, false doctrines, imperfect of God. As a " Reminder " He would remind them of characters, egotistical men with all that is selfish and the divine lessons given, and of every duty these en- impure. It is to be built up, refined through trial, and joined. As a " Convincer " He would point out sin, that made like to the divine, so that when Christ appears it it might be confessed and forgiven. As a " Guide" He may be found a glorious church, without spot or wrinkle would guide them into all truth ; while as a " Comforter" —" holy and without blemish." Eph. 5 : 25-27. He would go with them through trouble and give them In the closing history of the church, Satan will put the peace of God. forth his supreme efforts to hinder in this work of Christ had many things to say unto them ; but the preparation. But inspiration has given all the great homeless and soon to be friendless disciples could not, lines of truth, and God must guide His people into them. at that time, bear any further revelation. John 16 : 12. Hence the dragon is wroth with the woman (the church) Through that Word of Truth, into which the Spirit and goes " to make war with the remnant of her seed, would guide, He was to show them " things to come." which keep the commandments of God, and have the John 16 : 13. Hence it is just as easy, just as necessary, testimony of Jesus Christ." Rev. 12 : 17. just as expedient for God to guide, instruct, and direct The Testimony of Jesus His people today by means of that Spirit as in times The word " testimony" is found in the Old Testa- past. ment eighty-one times. It represents the Hebrew word The Divine Revelation edah in its various forms and is translated in eight It will never be necessary for Jehovah to produce different ways assembly, company, congregation, multi- another Bible. That which He has caused to be tude, people, swarm, testimony, writing. In the New written is true, and the great lines of prophecy revealed Testament the word is found thirty-four times. The in that Book reach over all ages into eternity. These Greek marturion is translated in five different ways— marvellous revelations will never need to be repeated. record, report, testimony, testing, witness. Hence the They are to shine on till their light is mingled with that word is found one hundred and fifteen times in Scrip- of the perfect day. Yet to the great world these pro- ture, and is translated in thirteen different ways. phetic lines are unknown. To millions of professing In order that God's people might have a very Christians they remain as mysteries, or visions but definite idea of how it is to be applied in connection with dimly seen ; while by millions more, who profess to be the work of God in the last days, God Himself has given acquainted with the Word of God, these great lines of the latest definition : " The testimony of Jesus is the prophecy are misunderstood or misapplied. spirit of prophecy." Rev, 19: 10. By this explanation What then is most needed ?—A guide leading into we are to understand, among the many, God's idea con- all truth. This God must supply ; for the promise is cerning its latest application. " He shall guide you into all truth." Jehovah has the Let the reader understand that the statement same right to select His own instruments now, for this " testimony of Jesus " is to he found only in the Book of work, as He had in days gone by. Not only so, but He Revelation, and there these words are linked with the has already outlined the work to be done : " For the review of later-day events. They do not signify the 2 -ALISTRALA§LAN. RECORD'_ 17/8/25 " Word of God." This is definitely seen in the fact that John was banished to Patmos for " the Word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ." Rev. 1 : 9. It would be o Our Mission Field foolish for John to state that he was 0-0 banished for the " Word of God " and for the Word of God. And The Fijian "Bose " spoke for a few minutes. This was when we remember that this asso- indeed a Spirit-filled meeting and was an ciation of words appears four times To our people in Fiji the annual evidence of the good things which were general meeting, known as the bose, is a to follow. in Revelation the position would very important gathering. Just as our The people of this town had just built appear still more ridiculous. No, members in the homeland plan well ahead a large European church building, 72 by the " testimony of Jesus " is not in order to be able to attend camp-meet- 30 feet, the cost approximating £400. In the Word of God. It is that Spirit ings, so our believers in Fiji do a good order to make possible the erection of deal of thinking and planning in order to this building many of the young men by which Christ speaks through be able to attend the annual base. When belonging to the town had gone away to the prophets, whether ancient or we realise that probably five or six work for twelve months, their earnings modern — " The Spirit of Christ hundred people will be gathered together going toward the cost of the erection of which was in them did signify." 1 in a native village, we can understand to the church. Much hard work was per- some extent the amount of preparation formed by one and all in order that they Peter 1: 11. R. HARE. and work necessary. The people living might have a suitable building in which in the town and district where the bose is to worship God. During the first day of to be held must plant large gardens so the meeting this church was dedicated. that there will be plenty of food available A financial statement was placed before The Shining Way when the meeting convenes. To see the the people showing that over £300 had large heaps of food which are placed on been raised by the brethren of Naqia and " THE battle is not yours but God's." the rara, or village green, each day during district. An offering was lifted which There is a great difference between fight- the time of the meeting, helps one to helped considerably to reduce the amount ing in a battle on our own account with realise that much planting has been done of about £70 that was still owing. all the physical and spiritual odds against some months prior to the meeting. It We were very glad of this fine building us, and in fighting in a battle that is would never do to have a shortage of in which to hold the annual council. The God's, in which all the spiritual and food, for this would reflect upon the old native church building was still physical success is assured, and the weight people in whose district the bose is being standing. In this our young people's of victory is ours. held. One of the natural traits of the meetings were held. There were scores We have heard of the drowning man Fijian is hospitality, and this fine trait of of young people in attendance and who catches, at a passing straw. We character is very noticeable when attend- some excellent meetings were held with have no passing straw at which to grasp, ing a meeting of this kind. them. They were appreciative of the but a golden chain whose links have been A Beautiful Location help that was rendered, many of them forged on the anvil of heaven. responding to the calls made for conse- We are not left to scale the heights by This year the bose was held in the cration and dedication of life and heart to clinging to a slippery cliff. Oh, no! town of Naqia, which is situated on the God. There is a ladder set up on earth whose banks of the Wainibuka River. On a hill During the early morning the older top reaches to heaven, every rung of overlooking the town the home of Pastor people met in morning devotion in the which is bathed in light. And as we S. W. Carr is situated. The location of new church building. These meetings climb, hand over hand, with our feet the town is an excellent one, and the were times of refreshing.
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