• • THE TEESDALE MERCURY. Wednesday, February 24th, • ocinedaay, Feb • THE ECONOMIC POULTRY UNIT WOMEN'S CORNER W.I. JOTTIN ANIMALS TELL US MORE 4 PROFITABLE POULTRY However. 14 a poultryman is fully ABOUT OURSELVES BUTT'ERKNOWLE. KEEPING ON THE MIXED FARM occupied with the laying flock, Try these Recipes nsiersai. Football there is the pcoblem of rearing re- :tfia Hall (president.) 'lira placements. If there is labour on The roust' liarm is a common and welcomed Meets new in r9i7. tb,e n nyaLssonuE kv(it .powAv:t,4412Ur;ixeEiii,ws,,,,i,,,,;(7:R laming .utait of British -agriculture. the farm sufficiently skilled to cope By Maurice Goldsmith COD FILLET PROVENCALE. A SHROVE TUESDAY The minutes and oorrespon Wa oder a May of the farms are, however, with rearing all well and good. But wore read by Miss Jackson e remain. Have you heard of the mica that certain events which produced fees. VARIATION ipscialised dhangin.g their charaotee. Formerly if not, two alternative Nothince goes bettor with cod tar-y) and the treason-I.', *write A n d ot crops Either replacement point-of-lay got combat fatigue-nrist like One team of heart specialists is astanga cowl- they produced a, variety s_oldiers exhausted from too much studying the giraffe. They want to fillet than tomato and •tometo has Suggested b-v Jeanne Heal. was given by Mrs; Down. 14tiel :303.1..A,id(141.1kinggil•sati.haw,turimmvdaIU and carried email unite of cattle or pullets are bought in, or the laying It . denital deteirid fighting? Or of the yosing ohimpan- find out haw it its heart can pump few better uses than (this famous Shrove Tide is nigh at hand A very interesting clemonstri palmants for Mtss lags and poultry with perhaps one flask is reduced over the rearing French sauce, " Sauce Proveneale." And 1 are come a shroving. on smocking was given ,hy sondarst, invisible alds season, to allow the poultryznan zee whose nother was .so strict that blood all the w.ay up that long to be11Ar titian. of these entreprises, isay a sisealee never learned to get along lit Ingredients: lb. cod fillet. Pray, Dame, something &ha of Spennyinocia sufficient time to rear the raplorhe .neck. They hope to gain knowledge STM for detail* and Fret dairy herd, being treated more the world by himeelf ? Or of the cats that may prove useful in learning Method: 1. Gently steam or poach An apple or a dumpling thauked by Mrs Flodgsou. dercisptivm booldot 141 Diiii pt teee. meets. If he is meringues. say, seriously. But the need to produce who learned to drown their sorrows the cod fillet until tender (approxi- Or a piece of truckle cheese The mystery prize, given b mare food at home, end the desire 1,000 layers in a henyard, then he more about hi* blood pressure and with a few drinks•of, alcohol? hardening of the arteries in mately 10 minutes). 01 your awn malking Hall, was won by Mrs Wm tutu to take full advantage of a profit- will need to rear 1,000 replacements CORNEALCO TACT These animals exist-and they humans. Afeanwhile make the eatice- Or a, piece of pancake." Mrs Brown, Mrs Kerby cud iyiseiouR :0,Nnyeleeion. able period in farming, has induced annually. These will require about Viekers were in charge of 30 hours weekly, which leeves him play an important part in psycho- .A.nother group is studying 1 tablespoonful olive oil, 4-5 ripe (15th (entury' rhyme). LENSES LTD a ehauge in the livestock policy ot logical research on 'our whales-to learn bow heart move- tomatoes (cut in quarters), 1 a social half-hour, when games criovri crnemaxes, a ALBIOX BT many mixed farms. Livestock 20 hours (given a 60-hour week) to habits, gramophone illtIsi■• LILDS 1. Teisausons 2.6232. pro- emotions, thinking processee, and ments ere affected by the presence dove of garlic, 1 teaspoonful rough- For neanly 600 years pancake' wen) enj Calsruitin• Rooms I i.wciLii Ols•eow, ducts have, in recent years, become attend to the lavers. In this time, ly chopped parsley. pinch of salt, JUSTO bell, eaten in nusst Britian itedVtlyuriv Iliw:::n Cree671:sv,nAy 7.41•Surdsh, Dirsolnihsan. Derby, London highly profitable providing their he eau cope with 400 layers without even such social behaviour as work of large internal deposits of fat, so 1::;:lytl 1 level teaspoonful sugar, rather a homes on Shrove Tuesday (Which M I DTI LETO N-1 N-TIEESDA awl in cesalsel production is taken seriously. At difficulty. Thus it will be necessary and play. charticteristao of this animal. lot of black pepper. this year fails en March 2nd). Li the same time. capital and pro- to reduce the laying flock from 1,000 'Peke the mice for example. First, Another marine creature, the lowly 2. Heat the olive oil in a small :Alen days it w,i.t ii requesite part Mrs Geary presided. 'rhe eirt duction costs have risen sharply to 400 birds. Therefore, the toes of scientiete trained them to fight- squid, has proved invaluable to rites were reed and then saw to it that they were neurologists 'because its nervous saucepan, and when it is just of Lenten fasting that no Oggs or fled duly signed which 'mane that bad luck or bad income from 600 layers for 24 beginning to smoke st littae add fat F, Sheuld be eaten, • se ovr correspondence was dealt with management can lead to substantial weeks has to be belanced against beaten every time they did fight. system consists of one giant nerve Geary gave the Golden Thread, After two weeks of defeat. the mice cell, providing an ideal laboratory the remaining ingredients. Put on a. (esters used IIIt thiir stocks in lacasaczgezz2x22:02awmgc losses. the gain not having to yap someone pancakes in a final fling on the most embarrassing moment." 1 This opportunity of making flood else (for rearing replacements. suddenly laecerme very nervous, for the study of nerve impulses and the lid - and cook gently for 25 were vary pleased to weleorme LsaE imitable and panicky. More import,- their transmission. minutes. riesday. J. profits, coupled with the possibility Pullets can be rea.red on average Here is a new and intere-thig Dawson: who gave us quits ESU MILNER ant, they could not be taught to Often, .these researches directly While the sauce is cooking. interesting talk on. eye, and r p acAny R ot large losses. Jule -prorriptect for llas. and good quality point-set- 3. variation of the traditional -pan- (Packing Station 151) farmers to rely increasingly on the fight again, even after they had benefit the animals themselves. For Drain the cooked cod fillet, development. of stigilit from the :lay pullets can be bought for 25s. put in the serving dish and keep cakes, siinple to make and .refresh- skilled stockman. But as he is emch..Home.rearing, therefore. saves apparently regained normal calm- example, Swediel investigators Ail- beginning, in inflects, a.nisnala ness,. covered not long ego that dogs can hot. ugly delieious to eat: 64, Galgate, relatively well oaal, it has beeome the fanner 78. x 1,000 e £350. On Ingrealents: 1 eupftn of Kee fishes. As always,. Dr. Da nechssary to have units large to he Now this is almost exactly what suffer backache just like humans. 4. When the sauce hats cooked made hie talk amusing at weft the other hand profit has for 25 minutes, remove the piece of Peer, I eilpful of Hulk. 1 ege. Minch Barnard Castle. enough to keep him fully employed. foregone through rechicing the happens to eoldiens who stiffer from This work led to a corrective spinal intoresting. Alise Hunt propo n.tfy,Tniszeime8Ogititl:07:1:t4'hehr,hzasfeidan,iitidikrea!tecrel::tfi1,:.eortivit'atii garlic and rub the of salt, 1 fresh Jaffa grapefruit 'Phis has meant, in the case of by 600 birds. This profit so-called " combat-fatigue," an opt-Allston. remaining vote of thanks to Dr. Dawson. laying flock - "ents through the sieve. (makes 4-5 large pancakes). :ECCS COLLECTED poultry, a change from the small is unlikely to be more than 5s. a emotional disorder caused by Pro- But perhaps the strangest find- Brown won the sarprise longed exposure to battlefield ings were reported recently by the Parsley or watercress for garnish. Method: Beat up the egg in 4s. Hock tended 'by anyone tree more bird, on average. from March to 'asin and over it pour the cupful 31ns E. 'Watson won the corn oneions atid stresses. Often inlet American Veterinary Medical Assoc- 5. Pour the hot Sauce Proven- ,tion. " The prettiest .Chria to meet: t Beat Prices given for or less at the right time to feed, August. assinning thh to be the cale over the cod fillet. Garnish of flue flour. Add a. pinch of salt trinet rtaLtiggute e water and collect eggs. to the roaring season. Allowing for cleathe soldiers lapse into a kind of nervous iation. Some dogs, it seems. aro Card." For the social link. 'breakdown that continues into with parsley or watereress. and a. dessertspoonful of grated RABBITS speelalist " Gildsman poultry unit." and culls, the in-Come foregone will ethnic to their owners' face- we had the B.B.C. parlour g civilian life. The oymptens ere powder. Some cats develop skin peel front a treali Jaffa grapefruit. 20 Questions, produced by sIne11:1111811tiTll 11Ols-'01ed POULTRY There appears to he everything in therefore be no more than £125. Crewe nod Flahaakes. Mix well together and add by tavear of the " one-man unit " (cis This gives a net saving from the difficult to treat, and puzzling.
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