![Structure of the Larvikite-Lardalite Complex, Oslo-Region, Norway, And](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Aufsiitze BowEs, D. R.: Tectonics in the Baltic Shield in the period 2000---1500 million years ago. -- Acta geol. Polon., 26, 855---376, 1976. BRADBUaL H. J., SMITH, R. A., & HaRRIs, A. L.: 'Older' granites as time-markers in Dal- radian evolution. J1 geol. Soc. Lond., 132, 677--684, 1976. HOrGOOO, A. M., BowEs, D. R., & ADDISON,J.: Structural development of migmatites near Sk~ld6, southwest Finland. -- Bull. geol. Soc. Finl., 48, 43--62, 1976. H'~RME, M.: Map of Pre-Quaternary rocks, BI Turku. -- The General Geological Map of Finland, 1:400,000, 1960. LAITALA, M.: Map of Pre-Quaternary rocks, 2018 JussarS. -- Geological Map of Finland, 1:100,000, 1973. LYON, T. D. B., PmGEON, R. T., BGWES, D. R., & HOPGOOO, A. M.: Geochronological in- vestigation of the quartzofeldspathic rocks of the Lewisian of Rona, Inner Hebrides. -- J1 geol. Soc. Lond., 129, 889~04, 1973. PANKHURST, R. J., & PIDGEON, R. T.: Rb-Sr whole rock isochron and U-Pb zircon ages and their bearing on the timing of Caledonian events in the Dalradian Series. -- In Pidgeon, R. T., Macintyre, R. M., Sheppard, S. M. F., & van Breemen, O.: Geo- chronology and isotope geology of Scotland. European Congress of Geodaronologists III, East Kilbride, 1973. SEDERHOLM, J. J.: Selected works; granites and migmatites. -- Oliver and Boyd, Edin- burgh and London, 1967. SIMONEN, A.: Das s Grungebirge. -- Geol. Rundsch., 60, 1406---1421, 1971. VaN BASEMEN, O., & BOWES, D. R. : Rb-Sr muscovite age of a pegmatite near Sivakkavaara, Finland. -- Bull. geol. Soc. Finl., 49, 7--10, 1977. Structure of the Larvikite-Lardalite Complex, Oslo-Region, Norway, and its Evolution By Jon Steen PETERSEN, Oslo ~) With 5 figures Zusammenfassung Die Arbeit behandelt bisher nicht beschriebene Strukturen im sfidlichen Tell des permi- schen Bruchsenkungsgebietes im Oslogebiet in Norwegen. Sie zeigen, dab das Larvikit- Massiv einen ringfSrmigen Komplex bildet aus zahlreichen, ungef~ihr zirkul~iren und unter- einander diskordanten Teilbereichen. Die Lage der Diskordanzen erlaubt die Annahme, einer westlich gerichteten sukzessiven Verlagerung der Zentren magmatischer Aktivit~it. Mit abnehmendem Alter dieser Teilbereiche ver~indert sich deren Mineralbestand von quartzffihrend fiber intermedi~ir bin zur larvikitischen und lardalitischen Zusammensetzung mit Nephelinfiberschul3. Da dieser Komplex fast den gesamten Bereich des Osloer Bruchsenkungsgebietes deckt, stellt er ein wichtiges Profil dutch die Grabenstruktur dar. Dieses l~il3tplausibel erscheinen, dal3 die Zentren der magmatischen Vorg~inge der Gegend einem einheitlich westgerichte- ten Trend gefolgt sind gleichviel, ob man in ihnen grol3r~inmige Vorg~inge ringfSrmiger Magmen-intrusion sieht oder zylindrische Kesselbrfiche (,,Cauldrons"). Die in der Arbeit *) Author address: Jon Steen PETEaSEN, Geologisk Institut Arhus Universitet, DK-8000 Arhus 6, Denmark. ~0 Band 67, Heft 1, 1978, Seite 330---842 J. s. PETERSEN -- Structure of the Larvikite-Lardalite Complex, Oslo-Region, Norway dargelegten Ergebnisse sind somit geeignet, die Frage des Ursprungs und der Entwick- lung des Osloer Bruchsenkungsgebietes weiter zu erhellen. Abstract Structures not previously described from the southern part of the Permian rift-system in the Oslo-district, Norway, are presented. These indicate that the larvikite massif is a ring complex consisting of numerous individual sections which are roughly circular and repeatedly cut each other in a manner that suggests sequential shifting of centres of igneous activity towards the west. The compositions of these sections vary from quartz- bearing varieties in the earliest parts through intermediate types to larvikite and lardalite with excess nepheline in the youngest parts. As this complex covers almost the total width of the Oslo rift-system, it forms an im- portant profile across the graben structure. It suggests unilateral westward migration of centres of igneous activity in this region, viewed either as magma injection or eauldron subsidence and therefore provides additional information regarding the origin and evolu- tion of the Oslo paleo-rift system. R6sum6 Une nouvelle analyse structurale de massif de larvikite au sud du rift permien d'Oslo, Norv6ge, montre que ce massif forme un complexe annulaire eomprenant de nombreuses composantes ~t peu pres cireulaires et diseordantes entre elles. Les segments se reeoupent successivement indiquant un d6plaeement des centres d'aetivit6 magmatique vers l'ouest. Les larvikites passent de types /t composition aeide avee quartz dans les premiers seg- ments, h des types interm6diaires puis a des compositions sousatour6e avee n6ph61ine en excess dans les segments les plus jeunes. Comme le massif occupe presque toute la largeur du rift d'Oslo il eonstitue une coupe importante de cette fosse pal6ozoique. Sa structure sugg6re une migration continue vers l'ouest des centres d'activit6 volcanique pour autant qu'on y vole des intrusions annulaires de magma, ou des effondrements successifs de la ealdeira. Ce r6sultat apporte une infor- mation nouvelle sur l'origine et l'6volution du rift permien d'Oslo au sud de la Norvbge. Kpa~oe co~ep~aHxe P&CCMOTpeHbI ~0 CHX Hop He Hcc~e~OBaHH~Ie cTpyKTypbI Ha ~0:~HO~I ~aCTH 30HbI pa3YIOMOB HepMeKoro B03pacTa B pafioHe OcJIo, HopBerHa. ~oKa3aHo, qTO MaccHB ]IapBHKHT 05pa3yew KOJIb/2eBoHo~OSHbI~ KOMHJIeKc H3 MHOPO~HCYleHHbIX, pacno~aram~Hxca l~pHMepHo KOH~eHTpH~ecKH, a HO 0WHOmeHHm ~Tpyr KO ~pyry -- HecoP~aCHO, CeKTopom IIO~O~eHHe Hecor~acHfi pa3pemaeT npe~no~arawL, ~TO ~eHTp~I MarMaT~qeCK0f{ aKTOBH0CTH nepeMe~aaHc~ ~OCTe~eHHo Ha 3aHa~. C yMeHbme~HeM B03pacwa 3T~X 30H H3MeHYleTC~ H MH~epa~OrH~ecKHfi COCTaB HX OT ~sap~eBoro qepe3 cpe~HHfi y ~apBHKHTOBOMy H ~ap~a~HT~eCKOMy COCWaBy e ~I35bITKOM He~beJ~Ha. T.K. DTOT KOMIIYleKc oXBaTI~IBaeT Bcm weppuwop~m pa3YIOMOB B pa~oHe Oe~o, TO OH o~a3~iBaewc~ Ba~H~IM ~p0dpHJ~eM ~I~I ~3yqeHI4g cTpyKwypI,I rpaSeHa. Ka- ~eTeg YIOFHHI-II~IM, tITO ~eHTp~I MaPMaTI4qecKHx Hp0~eecoB pa~oHa HpH HX CMe- ~t_~eHHg c~e~oBaJm e~gHOf~ TeH~eHI~HH Ha 3aHa~ He 3aBHeYIMO OT T01~O, pacc~aTpH- Ba~0T-JIH HX, KaK oSmgpH~Ie HBJIeHYIH KOJIb~eBI,IX HHTpy3ni~ MaPM~I, HJH4 ~e ~H- nnH~pnqecn~e pa3JIOM~I ~<KOTJIa>> -- <<Cauldrons>>. OTa paSoTa ~aeT BO3M0~HOCTI~ pemaTb sonpoc, KaI~ 0 IIp0HCXOX-~eHHH, Tax: H 0 pa3BHTHH 30H pa3JI0~OB ~ pafloHe Ocao. Structure of the larvikite-lardalite complex, Oslo-region, Norway and its evolution The southernmost part of the Permian rift-system in the Oslo-district is made up es- sentially of'larvikite~ ( ~ monzonite) which hero occupies more than 1000 km e (Fig. 1). 331 Aufs~tze NORWAY Y ~.~A'RENDAL L l PLUTONIC ROCKS LAVA SERIES ~ KANBRO- SILUR SED. I I Pc-BASEMENT F IGNEOUSRING STRUCTURE ~,J"~" NIAJOR FAULTS ,,,m VOLCANIC NECK b 0 Fig. 1. Geological sketch map of the Oslo region, based on geological maps by B~OeGEa & SCHETELIG(1928) and OFTEDAHL(1960 a) with minor changes and additions. It is bordered to the NW by a nordmarkite-ekerite series; to the NE by extensive lava flows, essentially rhomb porphyries (latites) (OFTEDAHL, 1967); and towards the W, the complex cuts a series of Cambro-Silurian sediments and Permian lavas 332 J. S. PRTERSEN -- Structure of the Larvikite-Lardalite Complex, Oslo-Region, Norway deposited on Precambrian gneisses outside the rift-valley (B~OGGER, 1888; OFTE- DAHL, 1960). The complex has been thoroughly studied by BROGGE~ (1890, 1898), and a geological map published by BROGGER & SC~ETELIG (1928). Geochemistry of some of these rocks was compiled by BROGGER (1988) and petrographic characters reviewed by BAltTIt (1944). Recent field work in the area has indicated that the larvikite complex displays a large number of circular structures, which are arranged in a manner that suggest a general shift of focus towards the west. The purpose of the present work is there- fore to present evidence of previously undescribed structures found in the southern- most larvikite-complex; to draw attention to a pattern which relates different larvikitie variants in a manner that points to a unilateral development of the com- plex; and to suggest some petrogenetieally significant indications of this inter- pretation. EVIDENCE FROM: I Topographic effects A number of striking lineaments appear on topographic maps and aerial photo- graphs of the larvikite area. Some of these are rectlinear trending roughly NNW-- SSE such as the Farris-Larviksfjord or the L~]gen valley. This is parallel to major fracture directions in the southern part of the Oslo-province which are most likely the result of regional faulting related to the rift formation (OFTEDAHL, 1952). Numerous small camptonite dikes in the larvikite area generally follow this direction. A great number of topographic lineaments however, are curvelinear and appear as topographic steps, narrow depressions, small streams and lakes as well as elongate hills, often situated in rows. Fig. (2) indicates that some of these linea- ments, as interpreted from topographic maps and areal photographs, may suggest a concentric pattern apparently with centers progressively displaced westwards. Where these lineaments are absent the topography is generally low, and these areas often consist of younger syenites which possess a conspicuous subhorizontal jointing, in contrast to many of the larvikite-lardalite rocks, and thereby have different geomorphological properties. These syenites correspond to rocks pre- viously described as belonging to a foyaite-hedrumite-pulaskite series. Remapping has revealed that these rocks clearly postdate the larvikite-lardalite complex, and are therefore not included in this structural analysis. Furthermore it should be noted that east of a line through Tonsberg-Sandefjord- Larvik (defined by the main road E-18) and further from Larvik towards Helgeroa (A-road 302), there is a marked contrast in topography. This is approximately the position of the huge Quarternary terminal Ra-moraine, which can be traced for several hundreds of kilometres across southernmost Norway. The direction of this line is NNE--SSW, roughly parallel to another principal direction in the Oslo-rift province, as well as forming the extension of the coast line of SE-Norway (Fig.
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