Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC February 1965 Daily Egyptian 1965 2-27-1965 The aiD ly Egyptian, February 27, 1965 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_February1965 Volume 46, Issue 99 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, February 27, 1965." (Feb 1965). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1965 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 1965 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 'How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth It Is ••.' - -Mervyn Blake as King Lear D.i4 Act I, Scene 4 'Not Only an Old King's Tragedy - But Mankind's' EGYPTIAN - by Eric Christmas, director, page 3 S~i'lfM IJtl.tui4 1t1fiq.,,,~ Humanism and Optimism Are Brechtian Whispers Carbondale, IIlinoil - Review hy Mordecai Gorelik, page 4 VollI"' • .oM Satunlay, February 27, 1965 Number 99 Page 2 DAILY EGypnAM February 71, 1965 Mervyn Blake as: Menteith in 'Macbeth' Mervyn Blake Shakespeare Poses No Problems If Actors Take Him in Stride By Floyd H. Stein Mervyn Blake. who has the their roles. fit his personality. He was title role in the Southern "Shakespeare is much less given the sobriquet while Players' production of "King difficult. No one should have serving in the British Army Lear," was discussing acting any qualms about his plays." during World War II when men with a visitor. Although Blake has appeared in his outfit decided everyone "There's no such thin~ as in three other productions of should have a nickname. a Shakespearean actor,' he "King Lear:' this is his first "They tried several on me declared. opponunity to play the title for size, but finally decided As an actor who has played role. that "Butch" was the least numerous roles in other wod.s "It's a marvelous play and likely one to fit. So I became by Shakespeare during 35 the Lear role is challenging Butch and the name has fol­ Anthony Dull in 'Love's Labor Lost' years in the Theater, Blake in expressing the humanity lowed me." explained: Shakespeare has given the "You don't alter your ap­ king." The name not withstanding, proach to do Shakespeare. He Blake won critical acclaim Blake is known as an actor. was a playright and wrote for last summer for his inter­ At Stratford, "all are respect­ Humanities Library Records any actor. But you have to prE!tation of the Duke of ful of the fact he is an actor be an actor to take him in Gloucester in the "Lear" and a good one," said Eric stride." production by the Stratford Christmas, a member of that Include Bela Bartok Duos Originally from India, Blake Festival Theater Co. at Strat­ company and director of the Phonograph records re­ Oil a Jewish theme) (1929). was educated there and in ford,Ont. SIU production of "Lear." cei ved by the Humanities Li­ Cum posers Recordings. England. He studied at the He previously played the "He's a very sensitive brary: Elgar, Sir Edward William: Royal Academy of Dramatic Duke of Kent in the play in actor, very human and very Bach, Johann Sebastian: Introduction and Allegro, Ope Ans in London and has played a Canadian Players pro­ experienced. It's this hu­ Concerto in D Minor for Vi­ 47; Serenade in E Minor, Ope Shakespeare in England, duction, which was presented manity that we're trying to olin, Oboe and Strings. Angel. 20. Angel. With Vaughan Wil­ Canada and the United States. at SIU several years ago. bring out in Lear." Leon Gossens, oboe; Yehudi liams. Ralph: Fantasia on a "Shakespeare wrore during An earlier pan was a minor Through the many years Menuhin, violin. With Vivaldi, Theme of Tallis; Fantasia on the age of the poet:' he role at Stratford-on-Avon, on the stage, Blake can speak Antonio: Concerw in B Mi­ "Greensleeves... pointed out, "and expressed England, in a production With of his roles in both tragedy nor, Handel. George Frederic: Grieg, Edvard. Hagerup: his thoughts and feelings in Michael Redgrave as Lear. and comedy. He admits to Oboe Concerti-No. 1 in Bb; Peer Gynt (incidental music). verse. It's really easier for A quiet, soft-spoken man, liking both. No. 2 in Bb, No. 3 in G Angel. Hollweg, Beecham, an actor to express himself Blake curiously is known However, he has never done Minor. Cho., Royal Philharmonic. in verse." a ro u n d the theater as anything in musical comedy. Bartok, Bela: Duos for Two Blake said there are other "Butch:' a name that doesn't "I can't sing." Violins (1931). Bartok. Ajtay, Hummel, Johann Nepomuk: dramatists who are more Kuttner. Clarinet Quartet ill Eb. Vox. difficult technically for an Coates, Eric: Three Eliza­ With Weber, Carl Maria von: actor to interpret. As ex­ beths; Four Centuries. Suite::. Clarinet Quintet in Bb. Ope 34. amples, he cited Tennessee New Browsing Room Additions London. Coates, New Kielland, Olav: Concerto Williams. Noel Coward a~ Symphony. Grosso Norvegese. Ope 18. Oscar Wilde. Copland, Aaron; Piano So­ COmp0Ser3 Recordings. Kiel­ "Each of them has a cer­ Include rWhere'd Your Money Go?' nata (1941). Violin Sonata land. Oslo Philharmonic. With tain style and the actor has (1943). Trio-Vitebsk (study Brustad: Symphony, No.2. to adapt: himself to it to play New books added to Scarlet Plume~ F. F. Browsing Room shelves at Manfred Aprenda la Cultura Morris Library: CURRENT AFFAIRS MISCELLANEOUS SNCC· The New Abolition­ No Cause for Panic, Russel De Sus Vecirws Baker (Ensayo del editorial de la re- ;:!Smo la ley resulta mas ri- biantes, a menos que se las ists, Howard Zinn Where Did YourMoneyGo? Our Faces Our Words. Lil­ vista VISION del 27 de no- giela y prohibitiva, m5s in- interprete como se esta in­ Andrew Tully lian Smith viembre de 1964) flexible, para que no se pueda terpretando en estos dl'as la HUMOR lograr el propOsito que a pri- Constituci6n de los Estados The Peace Corps in Action, V.A. Adams El fetichismo de la letra mera vista parece tener. Sin Unidos y como se ha hecho Rights for Americans, Ro­ How's Business?, Wall escrita. mucha experiencia en este evolucionar el derecho ingl~s. bert F. Kennedy Street Journal complejo legal, cualquiera En la Am~rica Latina, como dirla que no es posible es- pas6 antes en Espaila. hayque Una de las causas m<1s fre- cribir en espanol, 0 en por- esperar. la revolucion, la SCIENCE cuentes de per~urbacion insti- tugu~s una frase a derechas suspension forzada de la regia DAlLY EGYPTIAN tucional en la Am€r~ca Latina sin que signifique cinco 0 inamovible, y con mucha fre­ Published in the Oepanmem of Journalism reside en el rigor de inter- mo:is cosas diferenres. y ra- cuencia, la convocatoria a una The Fields of Noon, Sheila daily except: Sunday and Monday during fall. Light. Our Bndge to the winrer. spring:. and eight-week 9Ummerlerrn pretaci6n de la letra esc rita. dicalmente opuestas entre sf. nueva asambleaconstiruyente. excepr during University Yilcation periods. que llega habta extremos de Asaltada la ley por sus pa- Ahora, que cuando alguien ~, John Rublowsky Iluminalion '*eeks. and legal boUdays by Modern Advances in Sci­ Southern llUnols Uni..-ersiIY. Carbondale. fetchismo farisaico. particu- ralizaa.:lres, poco a poco se asume a cintarazos, el poder Illinoi:i. Published on Tuesday and Friday of larmente esa dolencia se hace paraliza. Esa extraordinaria absoluto. suelE' reinar un gran ~ James Stokley each week for [he final three weelr:s of .he ~. R. Furneaux rwelno-weet summer term. SeeotKt class mlis aguda cuando ~·e trata de flexibilidad del derecho an- silencio de cuatela y de es­ postage pajd at [he Carbondale Pttat Office la ley constitucionaJ. Entonces glosaj6n, c..lificado de casufs- c<fndalos y atropellos que se under the ac.t of March 3, 1879. FICTION PoUcles of tbe ElYJ'Ilan are rhe re ... surge el abogado que, 10 mis- tico. con desden. por el juris- cometen encuentran quien los sponsjbUlty of the edilors. Statements mo que los jueces. es un ser consulto latinoamericano, no legitime y explique a la luz published here do not nKessar11y reflect [he The Godson a Fantasy W. opinion of rbe administration or any depan­ predominantemente negativo. exillte en la ley - prin- de las mas revolucionarias ment of the UnlversUy. Su inteligencia, que es mucha, cipalmente en la consti- teorias. Asf ocurri6, tambien Ashton Edttor1al conterenc;e: Fred Bey~r. Alice / Kate and Emma M. Dickens Cutright. Ric: Cox, Joe Coot. lohn Epper· y su erudici6n que no siempre tucional - de la !,merica La- en Italia y Alemania donde hejmer. Roben Reincke, Roben Smith, Funeral in Berlin, L. es infe~~~r. se dedican•.. con. tina. ·Las .~Il~r4cturall. jurf- la lJni)(er~idad se dev;m6 109. Roland Gill. Roy Franke. Frank MesserSmith.. Deighton Edi(orial . and business offices loca[e:d in conato sutilillTJ)o •.. a. vcr que dicas demasf;Jdo rlgidas no'se sesos para encomrar la jus­ Building T -48. Phone: 453-2354. Fiscal cosas no se· pueden hacer •. acomodan a lo!> t·iempo!i cam- tificacion del nuevo· orden. 'Drive •. He Said, J. Lamer offk.er. Howard R. Long. · ,february 27, 1965 DAIL l ECYPTIAN Page 3 'Not Only a King's Tragedy - But Mankind's' By Eric Christmas of Shakespeare's marvelously SIU Artist-in-Residence eXCiting and, in the best of senses, "theatrical" works, become awe-infected dirges­ When Sir Winston Churchill than the .. message" within and the "two hours traffic died, my mind turned [0 the its pages.
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