PAGE TWELVE - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Mon., Feb, 2, 1976 M A C C NEW S_________________ The weather Cops and robbers Clergy Week was that Did you know that the whatever our faith/ we Sunny and cold today with high in 20p . Robbers have never beep recognize the many per­ WRh this coupon and a $5 puichasa. with this coupon and a $6 ^rchasa. I this coupon and a $5 purchase. Fair, cold tonight, low in teens. beaten? Wounded? — yes! sons, men and women, who Variable cloudiness Wednesday, not so have dedicated their lives iKanrIfpatFr fEnrttittfl Hrrali Beaten? — No! Members Chicken of the Sea cold. Highs in 30s. National weather of our illustrious holy and to the ministering of God’s forecast map on page 11. sometimes less than agile Word. Manche$ter—A City of Village Charm clergy, have hobbled The week of Feb. 1 Chunk light provides us with an oppor­ around in casts and on MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1976- VOL. XCV, No. 105 canes for months after this tunity to show our clergy T n n a ' » SSUlCe 2 flf FORTEEN PAGES PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS bruising encounter with our deep and sincere A in oil S | Ass’t. Flavors-I8V2OZ. pkg. S | 15V2 ounce jar “Manchester's finest.” I gratitude for the giving of Asst FIdvors ■ I recall meeting Father Joe themselves which has so ' Feh- 7. Limit one |ar per customer. 242!42gj| Vuys at a meeting in enriched both our personal Waterbury months after he lives and the lives of our News " / ' Natural gas community. had been transferred from With this coupon and a $5 purchase. St. James to St. Mary’s in The Manchester Area with this coupon and a $5 purchase. New Britain. He was still Conference of Churches summary wearing a cast in memory joins the Civitan Club of SoStweve Personal Size Manchester in honoring deregulation of the grand and glorious Compiled from Cops and Robbers Game of our local clergy. A thank United Press International 1974. you to the Civitans for iBathroom I V I ir y 4bar9 Q f You may choose on your providing this opportunity favorite cop or robber or for public recognition of i n ssu e S o ^ p both Sunday at 8 p.m. at the life of brotherhood and I 2 roll package State showdown near Manchester High School. love the clergy strive to Good Mon., Fob, 2-Sat.. Feb. 7. Limit 3 pkgs. per customer, 243 ■ Good Mon., Feb. 2-Sat., Feb. 7. Limit or>e pkg. per customer. HARTFORD - Hartford’s Carrying the banner for the live among usi WASHINGTON (UPI) - Ac­ _<h L tax-exempt institutions such as ygrounds higher prices will bring Robbers will be the Rev. cusations and criticisms, millions of j a s j m j a n k J hospitals and colleges may higher supply. Steve Jacobson of St. Sweel hour words and thousands of charts were have to start paying for With the help of Speaker Carl Mary’s, the Rev. Burton Church Women United of coming to an emotional showdown Albert, Krueger got the House Rules Strand and the Rev. David Manchester has purchased municipal services. The City today when the House takes up a Council is to act next week on Committee to permit debating his Rinas of Concordia 10 Christian hymnals for multi-billion dollar proposal to ^ g - te r m idea along with the short- Lutheran, the Rev. Bob the use of the MACC Divi­ proposed legislation which deregulate the price of natural gas. would bring the city an es­ (^erm bill, by-passing usual Eldridge of South United sion of Special Ministries parliamentary procedures. The Methodist, the Rev. Ernie in its ministry to convales­ When we get a good deal we timated $4 to $5 million in Rep. Robert Krueger, D-Tex., revenue annually by having an wanted the House to agree to a long­ House will decide whether to approve Harris, chaplain at cent homes. that shortcut. Manchester Memorial These ecumenical hym­ institution except private, term, permanent removal of federal elementary and secondary controls on natural gas prices. Rep. That vote will be a big test of the Hospital, the Rev. Earle nals are printed in large pricing issue itself. Custer of North United block letters for easier use schools and churches pay a John Dingell, D-Mich., wanted the ••• sum roughly equal to one-third Bus rider shelters erected House to deal only with short-term The Senate already has passed a Methodist, the Rev. Ron by the elderly and partially pasape savings on to you bill similar to Krueger’s, and the ad­ of the property tax it would pay emergency needs for gas and delay Fournier and Intern Mike blind. Included in the con­ ministration favors it. Clark of Emanuel tents are hymns, orders of if it were not exempt. state workers put the finishing touches to a bus shelter on the north side of E. Center St., on the long-term matter for full com­ mittee consideration. “No one is content with present Lutheran. worship, prayers and other the parklet at Parker St. Other shelters are located at Hartford Rd. and House Dr. Hartford policy,” Krueger said. "The fact is, S HARTFORD - Gov. Ella T. Joining the fun will be worship aids — psalter thafs the wiqr we do tilings around here! Rd. and Palm St. and at Manchester Green (Woodbridge St., E. Center St. and E. Middle Behind them are congressmen deregulation will save the people a 3 Grasso may asked the Dave Moyer from readings, unison readings Tpke.). The shelters are being constructed in towns serviced by the Connecticut Co., grouped pretty much as they were in great deal of money.” By generating The coupons give you the benefit of some very good deals. They'll ^ legislature, which convenes Crossroads acting as the and a special reading list utilizing manpower and funds made available to the state under the federal Manpower Act. the oil pricing debate of last fall: new supplies, deregulation will scrupulously honest from the New Testament. save you *1.47 to start with. And we’re giving you your Stop & Wednesday, to approve a The town’s only responsibilities are for cleanup and landscaping around the shelters and for Conservative and oil state members forestall switches to more expensive scorekeeper, and Bob The hymns will delight Shopsworth with all these other great specials, too. So read our ad g proposal under which Connec- pushing for deregulation, liberals and fuels, he said. « ticuts towns and cities would minor maintenance. (Herald photo by Pinto) Digan, who has taken on the hearts of many of our members for consuming states op­ Dingell called the deregulation bill carefully. Don’t miss a single value. Everything in it is designed to 8 receive increased aid, the difficult task of master convalescent home posing it. “one of the purest pieces of special give you the most good food for your money. I of ceremonies, or do I patients. There are such interest legislation.” He said he is The House Commerce Committee mean announcer. Still old-time favorites as "The not convinced there is a real shortage being sought are several Strife Is O’er,” "Sweet Regional School board to ask $100,000 approved a short-term bill late last I year. It would open up the un­ or that the additional money will lead stalwart referees who can Hour of Prayer,” "When I to new gas supplies. iresh U.S. Grade “A” Whole regulated intrastate market (gas fend off threats of hell or Surveyed the Wondrous BOSTON — Authorities in- Krueger accused Dingell of being sold in the same state as produced) jail with equal courage in Cross,” ”My Faith Looks i vestigate the possibility of ar- to solve hazard at Bennet both "player and referee” in the the interests of fair play. Up To Thee” and many Big savings <m % son in the $1 million fire which to certain interstate pipelines that are short of gas. They could bid at House subcommittee by attempting A fast-paced program others. Those who wish to D i ^ 3 9 g left 150 persons homeless Mon- By DOUG BEVINS on suggestions made about a year bridges, and the proposal hasn’t to block consideration of long-term will be provided by our donate some large print ago, called for construction of two received much favorable public com­ whatever price they needed to get the U F Z M V w 12 q t. size. Avocado health & beauty I <1^7' Herald Reporter gas, but only for this winter and next. deregulation. Dingell accused cooperative Rec Depart­ hymnals for use in con­ • • • • or Harvest Gold. crosswalk bridges across Main St. at ment, so school officials are Krueger of working for the interests ment. Manchester’s Board of Education Krueger’s bill has emergency valescent homes may send •With a $7.50 purchase, limit one per family. CONCORD, N. H. - Peter the Bennet complex. Proponents of changing the capital improvement of a “ruthless and monopolistic” in­ Tickets may be $1.50 to Christian Hymnals, a i d s * Slop i strap can save has agreed informally to seek up to the bridges said they are needed to request to ask for $100,000 to solve provisions, but it would lift federal Limit 4 broilers per customer. you money on the top national brand Wilson, mayor of San Diego, $100,000 to solve the crosswalk dustry, gas producers. purchased at the door the Box 773, Manchester. If BEither whole, revierscut-up or split, please.
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