THE NINETY-NINES, Inc. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF WOMEN PILOTS News Letter 68* FIFTH AVENUE,. NEW YORK 11, NEW YORK • CHELSEA 2-5069 M AY 1955 EXEC. BOARD DISCUSSES NEW HEADQUARTERS SITE more fitting than to have them dis­ played at your Ninety-Nines Head­ quarters? A headquarters that is indicative of the growth of our organization...one that can prop­ erly portray the dignity and calibre of the Ninety-Nines. 1 However, we are not going to rush blindly into a permanent headquar­ ters site until we have had ample time to thoroughly check all possibilities. The Executive Board has decided to present to the members, for your approval, a change in the Consti­ tution which will enable us to raise the present dues to $10 annually. (To be voted on by Chapter delegates at the Inter­ national Convention in July) This increase should more than enable us to (l) establish a permanent Ninety- Nines Headquarters, (2 ) to furnish and maintain such an office in the proper manner, (3 ) to publish our 12 page Newsletter, (4) to in­ crease the amount of expense money allotted to International Officers and Committee Chairmen, .which, in turn, will enable them to do an International Executive Board, at the home of Broneta Dav^s, even better job, (5 ) to increase M1nco, Oklahoma. Top: Barbara London, Geraldine Mlckelsen, the amount of money refunded to Eugenia Heise, Edna Gardner Whyte; Bottom: Donna Myers, the Chapters from members* dues, Broneta Davis• (6 ) and to make possible a fund to support Ninety-Nines developmental snouid nave their own permanent projects. From time to time, the headquarters - one preferably, DIRECT FROM THE EXECUTIVE MEETING, Ninety-Nines are called upon to that would be centrally located MINCO, OKLAHOMA contribute funds to other aviation geographically. Such a site would organizations for activities that make our headquarters more accessi­ Your Executive Board has just con­ we, as an Executive Board feel we ble to members and make easier the cluded its pre-convention meeting should support in the interest of handling of business matters. The aviation. Such participation in this colorful Mid-Western sett­ proposed headquarters should also ing, where the entire board has would most certainly be good-public afford ample space to display the relations, and good publicity for been the guests of your Interna­ many historical trophies and tional treasurer, Broneta Davis. the Ninety-Nines as an Internation­ mementos accumulated by members al aviation organization. Our This added a most enjoyable and 1 during the last 25 years. Many devious note to the occasion. present budget, however, will not 1 times we were forced to refuse I allow us to do this. Executive representation was ex- ' gifts of importance to the Ninety- ceedly gratifying. However, due Nines only because space to display Ninety-Nines sponsored events should to pressing business matters, them properly was lacking. At Kaddy Landry was unable to attend. have more financial support from present writing, your Ninety-Nines Much of the Executive. Board*s the International Organization. archives consists of many price­ This increase in dues will ymke such time was spent discussing the pos­ less mementos - among them many support possible. In the beginning, sibilities of new headquarters personal effects of Amelia Earhart- the major portion of this fund would sites, since the resignation of whlch the board feels should be be allocated to the relocating and Alice Klutas has been accepted. displayed where all may see them. Miss Klutas has handled our head­ refurnishing of your permanent Unfortunately, most of these items Ninety-Nines headquarters. However, quarters work since 1951. are scattered far and wide across let us be ever mindful, all of the the country. Now is the time for It was the unanimous opinion of aforementioned can only become a us to gather them together at one reality if we vote to raise our dues. the board that the Ninety-Nines central point. And what would be PRESIDENT'S COLUMN K M ) INTERNATIONAL Dear Ninety-Nine, URGENT I knew it..We had beautiful spring MEMBERS ■ weather here in Calif, (until spring FUNDS FDR '56 TAR vacation arrived) Took off in the The beautiful, modern, gleaming city Bellanca toward Oklahoma for the of Sao Paulo Is very proud Executive Board meeting. Know how ARE LAGGING BEHIND Ninety-Nine ADA ROGATO. She won the far I flew? Long Beach--Wind so "Paul Tlssandler Award" for 1954 for strong that I had to have help LAST YEAR AT THIS her three Americas flights. (This getting from the runway to the was created In honor of Mr. Tlssan­ parking lot. Wasn*t only the Bel­ dler who served as Treasurer-Gener­ lanca this time-but every ship that DATE. DEADLINE al of the FAI from Its inception in landed had to be walked in. Bar­ 1905 until about 1946. This Is bara and I waited all Saturday awarded annually by FAI to out­ trying to "wish the weather" better. FOR. '56 FUNDS IS standing pilots' In each country who Finally decided we had better go have greatly contributed to the ad­ via Airline...so made our reser­ JU LY 31 ST, I3 S 5 vancement of aviation, especially in vations. Sunday dawned bright and the sporting field. Our NAA U.S. clear and calm--in Long Beach. representative of FAI, advises that Looking down from 21,000 ft. over the award may go to press, model Arizona we kicked ourselves for aeronautics people, gliding people, not flying the Bellanca, until etc.) I believe nominations must over Texas we couldn't see the be submitted before the middle of ground--Dust and wind! We were IMPORTANT DATES April each year. Let's have a U.S.A. much happier from then on, riding recipient soon. the airline. April 30 - May 1. 1955 Kay Brick We had a most interesting meeting MiSs Geraldine Mickelsen at the home of Broneta. It gave South West Sectional Meeting THE NINETY-NINES, INC. the board members a chance to visit Salinas, Calif. and hash over the many problems. Hostess - Santa Clara Valley Chapter Dear 1 resident: It was a most satisfactory way to conduct the business meeting, May 13-H-V5. 1955 As one of the 99's I am pleased to without deadlines to meet. inform you that I received the North West Sectional Meeting annual 11 PAUL TISSANDIER" award for Mary Francis and the Oklahoma Boise, Idaho 1954. This award, instituted by the F.A.I. for outstanding aero­ City Chapter entertained the Hostess - Idaho Chapter. nautical actions, was given to me Executive Board with cocktails for the trip (Solo-Flight) around "and all the fixings", Monday June 6-9. 1955 evening. It was good to visit the three Americas in 1951, using a 90 HP Cessna, crossing the Andes International Air Race. with the Oklahoma City Ninety- (Chile and Argentina) at 16400 Nines again. We all wished we Washington, D. C. to Cuba feet, then to Fort Yukon in Alaska, could be around when Mary opened ,Sponsors-Wash.D.C. & Florida Chapters visiting countries, flying her brand new swimming pool. Our 29 miles, including a visit to Board meeting was one week too July 4-6. 1955 2 5,000 La Paz (Bolivia) w ith their 12000 early. Thanks Mary for an enjoy­ feet high airport. From the Presi­ able evening. All Woman Transcontinental Air Race Long Beach, Calif, to Springfield, dent of Bolivia, I received, as only woman in the world, the con- Mass. It seems that many of our 99*s decoration "Condor de Los Andes." have the wanderlust. Ruby Hays July 7-10. 1955 and Belle Hetzel have left for a My plane is actually being exhibi­ trip around the world. Ninety-Nine Convention, Springfield, ted at the International Trade Fair of the Fourth Centenary of the city Plans are shaping up nicely for the Mass. Convention entertainment. The Executive Board Meeting and of Sao Paulo. For the time being, time is really almost upon us — Governors meeting - July 7th, due to the acute dollar shortage it is impossible for me to visit three months to be exact..Not any 10:00 A. M. too early to make plans to attend. your beautiful country again, but I hope that this difficult situa­ July 8-9:00 A.M. Chapters don't forget to send in tion for Brazil changes in the near your BIDS for the 1956 Convention. ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING future. If you are considering asking for the Convention, the bids should be Attached a collection of Post Cards, mailed to me or to Deedo Heise, showing the city of Sao Paulo, secretary, by June 15th. where I was born, live and work. Sorry I couldn't attend all the Always pleased to hear from you, Sectional Meetings this last with my best regards. month. Your plans sounded interest­ ing and fun. I find my job does Ada Rogato get in the way occasionally. Am planning on attending the Northwest EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Sectional Meeting in Boise, Idaho May 13, 14, 15th, as I have not INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS DONNA TRACY MYERS as yet attended a sectional in the 3310 Milwaukee Street, Denver 5, Colo. Northwest. Keep your fingers GERALDINE MICKELSEN PRESIDENT crossed on the weather--Would like to utilize the Bellanca, once 1809 Wentworth Ave., Sacramento, California BARBARA LONDON again. Will get to the Southwest 624 Armando Drive, Long Beach 7, Calif Sectional if I have to drive. EDNA GARDNER WHYTE VICE-PRESIDENT Salinas is close enough. Dalton Airport, 6367 Pierson Rd, Flushing, Mich KATHERINE LANDRY I am looking forward to seeing Box 94, Eagle Lake, Florida each one of you at Convention, so EUGENIA R.
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