a. DocpmENT OsonE . , b151. 271 SO 010.721 'TITLE Twentieth Century Artand Architecture: Instructional' Guide andResourde, , INSTITOTIOi Montgomery County Public'Schoqls,.Rockville, Md. VI . / PUB'DATE 77 - NOTE. 68p.; For a.related docuient, see SO. 010 722 EDRS.PRth EF-$0.1.HC-$3.50 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Aesthet c Education; *Arc4Itectural'EduCation; Architecture; Art;.-Art Activities; Art Appreciation; c *Art Education; Art Frxpression; Comparative Analysis; *Course Oblectives; Course Organization; Cultural- ,_ Enrichment; Curriculum Guides; *Educational . Resources': Fine*,,Arts; Humanities; Instructio al ' . Materials; Learning Activities; .-Secondary Ed ation; Teaching Guides; Teaching Methods; *Unit Plan; Visual Literacy 'ABSTRACT,. , 'The cerriculm guide is desigiod tole1Ntighschool art teachers develop a. course of instruction to enhance .student understanding and knowledge Of,20th'vcentury-art and architecture. A .major :objective of'the course is to de'velo'p student ability to recognize,-compare, and analyze style, form, and expressive content as 'a m'eans of,aehieving greater insight into the meanings of 20th century art and architecture; The suggested.cderse'is divided intq three,parts::_chronological overview; comparative analysisrof movements, styles,-and'technigues; and independent student research. t Three major sections of theguiae,preseht sample teaching units based oh concepts.ih\each,of the three course- areas. Each unit identifies' its basic conaept, a, learning objective, instructional suggestions, . assessment measures, bibliographic resources, and an activity t6 'correlate the unit, with the overall plgram of'instruction',IThequide can serve as the basis fora mini-course, a one-semester Coarse, or'a .yearts course. It -can, also be used in. developing instructional objebtives pertaining to art history which are included In most studio art courses. A briefly annotated bibliography cites 90 teacher , and studbnt resources. Appendices present a, sample chronological , Overview .of 20th century art and archittectS In chart form.; and short ; '. descriptions of specific movements4nd styles in 20th 'century., art and architecture. (Authr/AV)-d . .. $ O O . , . -********************************************** ****************i*****, * ReprOductions supplied by EDRS are the 1pest that can be made * * from the original document. * *****************************************#***************************** O 1. .* A U S DEPARTMENT OFHEALTH,' EDUCATION& WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENTHAt BEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVEDFROM PERSON OR ORGANIZATIONORIGIN ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OROPINIONS STATED DO NOT NEC'ESSARILYREPRE INSTITUTE OF . SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL EDUCATION POSITION OR'POLICY - s "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MA I ERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY TO THE EDUCATIONALRESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER' (ERIC) AND USERS OF THE ERIC SYSTEM " 14 TWENTIETWCEOVRY ART & ARCHITECTURE Instru4tional Guide and Resource elk' -/ V I` t .Montgomery County Publk Schbols. Ro4ville; Maryland 2 o 0 . 4, Copyright 1977' . by the.. Board, of Education of Montgomery' County = Rockville, Maryland , I 4 ,;4414+. Ira I' ti ;('' -_ 0 rr 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page' I Acknowledgments sr- tIntroduction 1,Overmiew. ix. r , Pdint of View x Part One:. Chronoldgical Overview' I Sample Units 3 4 Dart, Two .-- .ornparatie Analysis of Artand Architecture, Movements, Ryles, and `techniques 11 Sample Units 13 Part Three: 0. IP Independent Student-Research and St 25 Bibliography 27 Re.sourees 35 Appendix A. Chronological Overview of 20th Century Art and Architects 36 Related toHitoric Events , X a Appendix B Movements and Styles in 20th Century Art N 39 Appendix C Movements and Style's in 20th Century Architecture 5.3 N . 4. 0, 4 ACKNOWLEDGMENTM The presparatioti of this guide acknowledges tose important components of art education which rel.vo the past accomplishments of:artists, archite ,and craftsmen and to the fiirther deNelopment o .the student's sense of aesthetics. The value of related studio art experiences and of an interdisciplinary ap roach to art education is also recognized. Appreciation is expressed to those who served as readers and 'to others who offered iugg- tions'which contributed to the final work. 4 Various portions of the content of this instructional guide wereprepared.by: Lee Klopp. At Teacher, Montgomery Blair High School Robert Tucker, Art Teacher., Springbrook High School with .contributions by: Esau Motovich, Art Teacher, Bthesda-Chevy Chase High Sch The plalining, coordination, and final draft were prepared^by: Emil Hrebenach, Cdordinator of Secorlddry Art, Liiision of Aesthetic EducationDepartment o Curriculum and lnstruetion > -de a V o 7it t, e A INTRODUCTION ... This curriculum guide is designed t))assist teachers, Grades 9through 12, in\e% eloping asoutse of .instruction that will change student perceptians of 20th century art andarchitecture. Coursecontent will focus on the haracteristics and,trsends in art and architecture of this period v. ith consideration for derivative . sources ds!ir potential ftiture directions. ,.... \ This guide provides one means of organizing. the content and activities of an art hi§tory course.'Other means, better suited to partichlar class groupings, are encouraged providedthey accot for the}kffering teaming modes of students. The activities suggested allow for siudent differences gre intended to c7 pro fidede a aried approach to the content. Teachers are encouraged to be engaged in a coniin'uous process of assessing student interests and developing new activities designed to meet the goals and objectives of the course. The Art Conc'epts arld Activ ities'Bank w ill serve as a valualale resource foraddilignalactivities and ,topics for discussion. ." The suggestpd course 'is divided into three parts: ... , 1. Chronological overview : techniqueA d,,, --2. Comparative analysis of art and architecture, movements, styles, and s . 3. Independent student research and study . I - . ' This giiide may effectively serve as the bais for a mini -cou se, a one-semesteuur'se, or a whole year's work. It will also serve as a resource for thedeyeiopment of instructi2nal objectivespectaining to arthistory which are included in most studio art courses. It is recommetideU that preliminary planning for an art history :unit provide a variety of resource materials including slides and reproductions eferenue bobks, art and architectUre periodicals, and a textbook. ..,, , GOALS A major- objective of this course deals with the developmentof student ability to recognize, compare, and analyze style, form, and expressive content as a means of der Vopinga greaterinsight into the purposes and meanings of art and architecture of the 20th century. Activ itiel are' designed to provide a broado\etviev.' of theses art forms 'while allowing for indepth Studies of individual/ artists and arehitects.This course should provide a cornprehensive v iew ...of the Subject and help, the Student formulate some basic conceptsand understandings which will increase his, her appreciation of art and architectuji. Acontinuing study of the field will stimulate,a greker awareness of odr reed to change the environment and make visual statements . - 4 The major goals of a course in T entieth Century Art and Architect* are to derrionstrate an awareness of the significant movements in ttia t and architecture...A;'the 20th centy; to study 'the relationships ot q0th century art and architecture to the social, economic, andcultural nes'of society to develop an increasing sensitiiity to creative and aesthetic values within one's environment, and to recognize the need for citizen concern for en.vironmerital planning. - (1 ,... ? Bibliography, the . NOTE: The teacher iziay find in the Resukes section of each unit, and in the general titles of books no !Plger included in Buuk.s in Print. They are nevertheless listed because they areconsidered .outstandinerefereftces,.and some. teachers may still'have access to them. It ; ) ; . es 9 e , OVERVIEW.. z . A cause in twentieth century art and architecture May be offered toany higlischool student in Grades 9, 10: 117am-41/412 as an elective for onsemester or one year. Students may earnone-hhlf or one full elective credit - . 'which may be applied toward graduatibn requirements.' 5 . The instructional Objectives identified forthe course Twentieth Century Art andArchitecture are listed in .the,:erogratn,bf Studies, Vol. 2, as f llows: , 1 By the end of the course; the student sh ild be.able to: identify selected exampled of 20th century art and architecture in terms of thecharacteristi9 of the . Movements they represent e, .describe a favorite work of this century in tms of the effectiveness with which it utilizes materials; its expressive qualities; its compositional struct re; and its derivative sources compare selected works of art and architecture 'nterms of the artist's and architeQt's treatment of form and.space name several artists and or architects who are repesentatiNie of the major movements diiring the 20th century identify several majoichitecturat features that co _only cribe a structure dr dwelling describe the conceptuaand intuiti.Ne modes of ihNes igation'commonly employed by artists 20th.-dentury art and. architecture j demonstrate the mastey of a basic Ne oca b ula ry for describe the functionsf art and architecture museurris and galleries identify, the megia anbrocesses employed in significant works of art name an art or archecture,historian a critic, or a museum director
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