Thomas M. Butynski Lists of Publications, Reports and Consultancies Published papers (many available as pdfs, some at www.wildsolutions.nl) Butynski, T. M. 1973. Life history and economic value of the springhare (Pedetes capensis Forester) in Botswana. Botswana Notes and Records 5: 209–213. von Richter, W. & Butynski, T. M. 1973. Hunting in Botswana. Botswana Notes and Records 5: 191–208. Butynski, T. M. 1974. An encounter between African wild dog and domestic dog. African Journal of Ecology 12: 243. Butynski, T. M. 1974. In Botswana most of the meat is wild. Unasylva 26: 24–29. Butynski, T. M. 1975. Ageing black-backed jackal pups in Botswana. Journal of the Southern African Wildlife Management Association 5: 39–42. Butynski, T. M. & von Richter, W. 19975. Wildlife management in Botswana. Wildlife Society Bulletin 3: 19–24. Dawson, J. L. & Butynski, T. M. 1975. Khutse Game Reserve, Botswana: preserving the Kalahari ecosystem. Biological Conservation 7: 147–153. Butynski, T. M. 1979. Body and organ growth of the springhare Acta Theriologica 24: 431–448. Butynski, T. M. 1979. Reproductive ecology of the springhaas Pedetes capensis in Botswana. Journal of Zoology, London 189: 221–232. Butynski, T. M. & Hanks, J. 1979. Reproductive activity in the male springhare Pedetes capensis in Botswana. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 9: 13–17. Butynski, T. M. & Mattingly, R. 1979. Burrow structure and fossorial ecology of the springhare Pedetes capensis in Botswana. African Journal of Ecology 17: 205– 215. Butynski, T. M. 1980. Growth and development of the foetal springhare Pedetes capensis in Botswana. Mammalia 44: 361–369. Butynski, T. M. 1982. Ecology of Physaloptera capensis (Nematoda: Spiruroidea) infecting the springhare Pedetes capensis (Mammalia) in Botswana. Journal of Zoology, London 196: 233–254. Butynski, T. M. 1982. Harem-male replacement and infanticide in the blue monkey (Cercopithecus mitis stuhlmanni) in the Kibale Forest, Uganda. American Journal of Primatology 3: 1–22. Butynski, T. M. 1982. Pelage and moult in the springhare Pedetes capensis in Botswana. African Journal of Ecology 20: 279–287. Butynski, T. M. 1982. Vertebrate predation by primates: a review of hunting patterns and prey. Journal of Human Evolution 11: 421–430. Butynski, T. M. 1982. Blue monkey (Cercopithecus mitis stuhlmanni) predation on galagos. Primates 23: 563–566. Ghiglieri, M., Butynski, T., Struhsaker, T., Leland, L., Wallis, S. & Waser, P. 1982. Bush pig (Potamochoerus porcus) polychromatism and ecology in Kibale Forest, Uganda. African Journal of Ecology 20: 231–236. Butynski, T. M. 1984. Nocturnal ecology of the springhare, Pedetes capensis, in Botswana. Africa Journal of Ecology 22: 7–22. Leland, L., Struhsaker, T. T. & Butynski, T. M. 1984. Infanticide by adult males in three primate species of the Kibale Forest, Uganda: a test of hypotheses. In: Infanticide: Comparative and Evolutionary Perspectives. G. Hausfater & S. B. Hrdy, eds. Aldine, New York. Pp. 151–172. Butynski, T. M. 1985. Primates and their conservation in the Impenetrable (Bwindi) Forest, Uganda. Primate Conservation 6: 68–72. 1 Skorupa, J. P., Kalina, J., Butynski, T. M., Tabor, G. & Kellogg, E. 1985. Notes on the breeding biology of Cassin's Hawk-eagle Hieraaetus africanus. Ibis 127:120-122. Butynski, T. M. 1988. Guenon birth seasons and correlates with rainfall and food. In: A Primate Radiation: Evolutionary Biology of the African Guenons. A. Gautier-Hion, F. Bourlière, J.-P. Gautier & J. Kingdon, eds. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Pp. 284–322. Butynski, T. M. & Kalina, J. 1988. First rufous-chested sparrowhawk breeding record for East Africa. Gabar 3: 94–98. Struhsaker, T. T., Butynski, T. M. & Lwanga, J. S. 1988. Hybridization between redtail (Cercopithecus ascanius schmidti) and blue (C. mitis stuhlmanni) monkeys in the Kibale Forest, Uganda. In: A Primate Radiation: Evolutionary Biology of the African Guenons. A. Gautier-Hion, F. Bourlière, J. P. Gautier & J. Kingdon, eds. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Pp. 477–497. Butynski, T. M. 1989. First nest record, and other notes, for the scaly-breasted illadopsis Trichastoma albipectus. Scopus 12: 89–92. Butynski, T. M. & Kalina, J. 1989. Additions to the known avifauna of the Impenetrable (Bwindi) Forest, south-western Uganda. Scopus 12: 79–82. Butynski T. M. & Kalina J. 1989. Second nest record for Archer’s ground robin Dryocichloides archeri. Scopus 12: 88–89. Butynski, T. M. & Kalina, J. 1989. Description of the nest and eggs of the mountain illadopsis Trichastoma pyrrhopterum. Scopus 13: 131–132. Butynski, T. M. & Koster, S. H. 1989. Grey-necked picathartes Picathartes oreas found on Bioko Island (Fernando Po). Tauraco 1: 186–189. Kalina J. & Butynski T.M. 1989. First nest record for the equatorial akalat Sheppardia aequatorialis. Scopus 13: 132–133. Ashford, R. W., Reid, G. D. & Butynski, T. M. 1990. The intestinal faunas of man and mountain gorillas in a shared habitat. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 84: 337–340. Butynski, T. M. 1990. Comparative ecology of blue monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis) in high and low density subpopulations. Ecological Monographs 60: 1–26. Butynski, T. M., Werikhe, S. E. & Kalina, J. 1990. Status, distribution and conservation of the mountain gorilla in the Gorilla Game Reserve, Uganda. Primate Conservation 11: 31–41. Butynski, T. M., Chapman, C. A., Chapman, L. J. & Weary, D. M. 1992. Use of male blue monkey pyow calls for long-term individual identification. American Journal of Primatology 28: 183–189. Durette-Desset, M. C., Chabaud, A. G., Ashford, R. W., Butynski, T. M. & Reid, G. D. F. 1992. Two new species of the Trichostrongylidae (Nematoda: Tichostrongyloidea), parasitic in Gorilla gorilla beringei in Uganda. Systematic Parasitology 23: 159–166. Butynski, T. M. 1993. Nest record of the collared apalis Apalis ruwenzorii and description of a partial albino. Scopus 16: 116–118. Butynski T. M. & Kalina J. 1993. Further additions to the known avifauna of the Impenetrable (Bwindi) Forest, southwestern Uganda (1989-1991). Scopus 17: 1–7. Butynski, T. M. & Kalina, J. 1993. Three new mountain national parks of Uganda. Oryx 27: 214–224. Butynski, T. M. 1994. How small zoos can contribute to in situ conservation in Africa: the Zoo Atlanta approach. 1994 American Association of Zoos and Aquariums Annual Conference Proceedings. Pp. 61–66. Butynski, T. M. 1994. Uluguru violet-backed sunbirds Anthreptes neglectus at Tana, Kenya. Scopus 18: 62–64. Butynski T. M. 1994. The Angola swallow Hirundo angolensis nesting in the Impenetrable Forest, Uganda. Scopus 18: 124–126. Butynski T. M. 1994. Is the blue cuckoo shrike Coracina azurea in East Africa? Scopus 18: 126–128. Butynski, T. M. & Koster, S. H. 1994. Distribution and conservation status of primates in Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea. Biodiversity and Conservation 3: 893–909. Butynski, T. M. 1995. Report says dam could threaten Kenya’s endangered primates. African Primates 1: 14–17. 2 Butynski, T. M. & Mwangi, G. 1995. Census of Kenya’s endangered red colobus and crested mangabey. African Primates 1: 8–10. Butynski, T. M. & Sarmiento, E. E. 1995. Gorilla census on Mt. Tshiaberimu: preliminary report. Gorilla Journal 1: 11. Butynski, T. M. & Sarmiento, E. E. 1995. On the brink: the gorillas of Mount Tshiaberimu, Zaire. Kenya Past and Present 27: 17–20. Sarmiento, E. E., Butynski, T. M. & Kalina, J. 1995. Taxonomic status of the gorillas of the Bwindi-Impenetrable Forest, Uganda. Primate Conservation 16: 40–43. Ashford, R. W., Lawson, H., Butynski, T. M. & Reid, G. D. F. 1996. Patterns of intestinal parasitism in the mountain gorilla Gorilla gorilla in the Bwindi-Impenetrable Forest, Uganda. Journal of Zoology (London): 239: 507–514. Butynski, T. M. 1996. International trade in CITES Appendix II African primates. African Primates 2: 5–9. Butynski, T. M. 1996. Marine turtles on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea. Oryx 30: 143–149. Butynski, T. M. 1996. The Itombwe Mountains, eastern Zaire. Gorilla Journal 12: 14. Butynski, T. M., Hart, J. A. & Omari, I. 1996. Preliminary report on a survey of the southern Itombwe Massif. Gorilla Journal 13: 13–17. Butynski, T. M. & Sarmiento, E. E. 1996. The gorillas of Mt. Tshiaberimu, Zaire. Gorilla Conservation News 10: 14–15. Butynski, T. M., Sarmiento, E. E. & Kalina, J. 1996. More on the Bwindi gorillas. African Wildife Update April: 6. Butynski, T. M., Schaaf, C. D. & Hearn, G. W. 1996. The grey-necked picathartes Picathartes oreas on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea. Ostrich 67: 90–93. Kalina, J. & Butynski, T. M. 1996. Check-list of the Birds of the Bwindi-Impenetrable Forest, Uganda. East Africa Natural History Society, Nairobi. 26 pp. Sarmiento, E. E. & Butynski, T. M. 1996. Present problems in gorilla taxonomy. Gorilla Journal 12: 5–7. Sarmiento, E. E., Butynski, T. M. & Kalina, J. 1996. Gorillas of Bwindi-Impenetrable Forest and the Virunga Volcanoes: taxonomic implications of morphological and ecological differences. American Journal of Primatology 40: 1–21. Butynski, T. M., Agenong, U., Ndera, B. & Hart, J. F. 1997. Rediscovery of the Congo bay (Itombwe) owl Phodilus prigoginei. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 4: 32–35. Butynski, T. M., Schaaf, C. D. & Hearn, G. W. 1997. African buffalo Syncerus caffer extirpated on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea. Journal of African Zoology 111: 57–61. Mugambi, K. G., Butynski, T. M., Suleman, M. A. & Ottichilo, W. 1997. The vanishing De Braza’s monkey (Cercopithecus neglectus Schlegel) in Kenya. International Journal of Primatology 18: 995–1004. Butynski, T. M. 1998. African primate conservation—the species and the IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group Network. Primate Conservation 17: 87–100. Butynski, T. M. & Kalina, J. 1998. Is gorilla tourism sustainable? Gorilla Journal 16: 15–19. Butynski, T. M. & Kalina, J. 1998. Gorilla tourism: a critical look. In: Conservation of Biological Resources. E. J. Milner-Gulland & R. Mace, eds. Blackwell Science, Oxford. Pp. 294–313. Butynski, T. M., Ehardt, C. L. & Struhsaker, T. T. 1998. Notes on the dwarf galagos (Galagoides udzungwensis and Galagoides orinus) in the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania.
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