Osage Indian Murders Part 63 of 65

Osage Indian Murders Part 63 of 65

*mdm§..92e. -. U-;..._m:.é-= '-..-"-=.,;:is»..;~z.on;-=;n._~.:~..'txl~|u_.' we 'P;'=.*.s»._.-""l* 'i'~tt1-4;»:-4;,-..Jaist* '1* »L2¬é-I:-it-'1T~'¢*?'=L'3-.1é:6§7't:";92»1F; *'-_¥..-e&.2T.'2*=.';':--@5151:-~ '=.*it~'~,='-*~t.-'-ti-at-t:;~.::*+a..:t':'~'* 3 I . ',_-.-v ' 5.. 1 . ,6,,. mint sum or*?¢VEST!GA'l% _ P ; ',3'92 . ml - -. -. £17 "3 f*" '921'~q-}..'§ '. +§~<¥_:§*g ,='~:-.7,-';?.i"i';_'$f~_-*=,£'-z-"~"_}a,"~ -5 -_. '..,.:_-i?'3.3 L. -r _,_:;L_§:;. __»_t_ , 0 - .- < J; "1 'rh ,_ ~__,;;"= 3 _ fa. ;-.,5.-. e ' 1- a-eewm ~=-1==='e s " ;.'¬.l-;_=.92,-'._._t . ._ .~.:' ;~t.s%%:v- , -<- ,- r-~,---.-1.-1-92 .. --.*-1;t; ' . g " ,1? ~. -~. wt, - _ P. 0, I. "5 .,. .. .. A. ii? -,.-.g 4 . -,_.;-!-.;=..I,__'>_¥.N;=1r;3J-'_. _. =-_" "9kleh0ma City, Oklahoma ' " .. '. -- 92..-:1: ' 1+4 t ;t- a November 2?, 1955 l < .P. ";.'f¥-ii»... tr . '-¬*-,-:-- ""~ » .-s. - -- -<-~=;~"- -:.- n- i $1»-it t , __ .. v. ' ;. ";-~.--- ._ ' -qr - . I'__$-kn»-_."1/.,- =-~34 1 . - .;...; ,-.§_;§t~., 4 ' _ . + - ':;;<F L'...I -- ~ . _ .- '1-V4,.1.: 11*,,- " AIR 531111.. - SPECIAL DELIVERY ' . '_92 J :s_.. ii; C -.-".. M -.I*¥:7.l w. - -;.~..$,-t..a:'.-. - -*4 . Director , " -- , ' J . , ._-4,.-3,? ,. '<- 4-. *':.'@.!' .- FederalBureau of Inveetigatf;n,. ,_v '1» mét».-=-_~.M;_ . ¢ -U .I' . Department 'of Justio, ' o r 1% f?Pennsy1vania Ave. at 9th.St., N. W., Ilashington,. D. C. '__ '92-t-- ,_ . "7 I .¢ LIV?'1'- . .~+§_7-..... ~;;f'l.§;_.L;§'§92__-_- "¢:. ,:.-- . -_, *,__. __._.¢__.4:_-=': '- , In Dear Sir "~e@?*- *~*f5 92 '- -"*'<'T-.»'*"' . »_ Q-.'§#_-.,~,_j, f-.*f., ... E -R=== [email protected]=.-J_I~.-aa;.T. » - . ,= 37N,-t.¢;i.?§"'.*'-1.. 1%-ft. APPLICATION FOR PALDUN. 25:? V I 1",} .. ,1,-*__. 92 ,1.-to " .t'1_' Qn November 27,1955, 1'br._C:E. Bailey, the fa -2.5.; 1" .Un1te6 States Attorney at Tulsa, Oklahoma, called me by -- ~ j"»-' -1--,. F- , W ;_, - - V", 4 n --.- . long distance telephone and stated that he has received "wt .-" '-:= 0 -from the office of the Pardon Attorney, U. 5. Department ,_ 5 .~1-I'M of Justice, Washington, D. C., a voluminous application 'ofK. w. Bill! Hale, serving life in the v. s. Peniten- . .M,-__ K,.-».. .. ._-. ,~,;_ _._:_=;.,. 'tiaryat Leavenworth, Kansas, having been convicted in .': 92- the Osage Indian murder cases, for a pardon. f Hr. Bailey states that ho desires a full and it complete discussion of this matter with Special agent F. 5., _ I Smith of_this-office who participated in the investigation,, Q , ,. - ... 92_.-4;-92-<3,.- 1.-,_-..~.---=. ,=_2f"'$;.~92 knows manyof the facts and is acquainted with the beck- Y< seat-»aat.»t ~*".-a.'?iI'R:-~,< 1+'9.-*:Et*'~E avV .5, é~: ground of Hale. Heetated that it is his desire to confer -- '". ,.. -,-..->.-.>=:~:-..t."w-92».,__." *1;= 1. ,.. H with ar. Smith in this matter on December z, less. - i- Y» - 1.?-.1-E1* . - --$1?-"% Unless the Bureau specifically directs to the . --;=.»:- --i Q"-nil . contrary, I shall have Agent Smith proceed to Tulsa for I If-u -= this conference with ielr. Bailey. _ ,.._._ _ I; '12:». ,; -A-. ;.: "'i",*-1--e:~n-~ ..;...'...,.....,-... Very trul yours '-"fl .1. I-. ,'i ","_._...o_l..;'iH 7 ,-U ,_---~ " ~ . :;.-<5ZL ' =1 = --at 92,1. - i":&:92 -. u .,. ,.,. .._._ _ . Afh ; Jg'ts~ t,;',.. ~~ '|:.£L1»i|.r' U1J!NT.I.4;if,,r - I r*;_'..;."' -I-'-<3 § J r' - pec ial Agent H-y. z.-1it --W. m_a-.. I . V 1- .¢= Bil?-319.15 ' re:-*¢ 5* _,: _I_~ _'. I v 1.. _ _ _ . Tn __ _ _ , ea»~ J teetq'4,3 g" 5§_ ls _'?-- . .: - REGUQQ--H11 ----»-e-.' -----~ -- ".'~§'.-"'.# , "L 1. 92 .- _. _;;1'-_ --.- if '. '-"'". 'v92 Hw 1» J.» 4. fl A -~»v "L ~__---n___o._liW.~nH,,oiu.~m.-mtm,.nan~ _ _ . _ .-._otmn., - OW92'._,q-mt...-~o»~,,-t-eP_ _- , : g " __ _ _ :___ _f__ _ _ _____.,. _ ___,. ..--.- -~ -~--~»-~-----w- - .m-Am-I-w 1pn-a_92bb-In-ma-.s>: -s--an.-=-J-.-11-neon-cum , 1.»- 92.. -'r .92 ..» '- _"- ' . -. I"'.""3"92.v' . '|L,|:..|;,3iér.92.-... - . ...-_»_,. J -»......-_'k»1;.-»~1'~.92u~_~92-=. ..-:..~:...-.¢._-'Jv'..aa G0.-'92:=:|.ii92~u....ai:s:4'¢.i.;|.. 3157? 1.: .-L35!2; m:5:~'P:- .1;.1¢;.*92.-2-A-'1-'*=*.'; .:"£f.'£L'2_.' _Zi5.L=§>~'-iL*:|""w.:*.'n..."1a=' -"2-'l..12.1-si;:»'§duz-¥92='lf.1=' ,. -». ~ - W _....e .i. 21;; JOHN EDGAR HOOVER é '*- -VT *'r-;. , ""'-n DlIIC'-TDI :1 I _ % .0? ,..__. »_;_ --I-r_:_ _,, £-'I-.- _ H ' * ' __. _ 7 1- ..m§k 7.» E. 4__-6};.,j:- ' 0' "_ ,-5. .2; #2 . fr-> ' :.l:'-3; . _ ._:..._é_w¢_é;/_._.¢:.#_é%_._é. ,4; ....... _ ..xi. ~_ 1 . my .. J1 §_ nf anczté __.Q": gfégi " , qr- k . ~11 r- *1==-*2 -run/an. '""l1.9""P' I' -- . ,.'::__:-;92 . 1 -= " 1 : r: =~z'g_'.. -~ 3. e '=. December3 . 201955 ' -'<.?'.< ' '1'1,. .5,¢P.' --;--"-1- --.. -. 9-:' Q as-; . ' --a- ...-r-_. , - "- . ,- ,_ j M @...,. 3 F P Qt.,.-.=g . - . ._!-' - r A 1! 9*. i?~"_'. ".- »f~'~ * m.mmnuuronua.srm1ms 1' - 1 . 1" 1 - x _ V . u .=~;..-, - L .: , % M...L » ' I p . .. '1 - ' 92 » jaw~-.@!.-'},;.=->'i~?3_' =.-1.-.=.~,.»,;-_ _. ' 92+* ..".. ..¢.."!<-* ., u- fr.- < 9 -.N._ff: Inoomp1'.!.ume with the request of Mr. - . , ;- .~ -. '.-'.-".3 gwr-" .>".-'a~£:-. "-- -;.£. ~_.¢ __ Grimqdgll, I an tranamitthig herewith two copies 1 .. 1;=;: :5. .-._ M; Ir each Of'l.b5t1&017loi criminal records as appearing ..92 1 L . e.1» '- - i . V -W; 'an the 1'11s of the Identification Division of ..'5-{ii--"-. .'~3- '-< - :_~ =.. ,.: :- 1-' 'n Oilliazn 5,&a=1e _, ,our£110 #EBI-3§408,and John t$,..;_.-.i_q,-ééfgii-_¢.-=1-.;:~ » __'.=:-_.'wa~*I-ugh.»¢;h-kg-$1 __ H Q55,Y, I 3 .,h 1.1! . ~ 5"? 7*¢-el?:¢-"1 Remsey, o§_f"'£'1'Ie#FBI-§l|l65- 13 R. .§:.92.u -.15-',.. { --s.r. .= ~_1. I ~. - ' * . - -.;.»-»;='= -M -* :- F 5 . '- - Respectfully, - ;._e_Q. ==-.w... , =» 1 ' " 5 ;_ = i.<1-3=~=9»-»f>-92~< ; . ".-=T-¥#f=**.¢~.~1.1@ '.w_m=.- W... .-1.-..: L. c.Sehilder. @"Q1%' J e |-1.- >- : I w . +}f:...92-/~'_ 92 .0 - 7- >. '1» 1 , .1,» i~I . : . _: .;. .-3 4-, _»_,,: .=..-_r 4.=v;;"§=_ '#"t>'._ . _ mw°* _ er. t _ _ . mz-D ' . , . - ' Dab E . » '§;. E Sui Iva .-. e¬ Q .i-_>-1;--_ "j'_ '- 49 so Yauf! ~ ._,- aw; Q. .--. 5 - _ §_-1-Il...,1_:-:'.. M. -_-,___. =_ ,. - '$<§1es;- .,. _ w - - _, _ __ _.... 1 -e is-:~» ~ ~ *1.- e r.'92:§,: .:. F4-.'._-. z,'= - -- w .-"*e @:,..- 1 mi-L - {Q03 .5. Ta;Hi? 1! 1 » fl -92 {.nv . 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