• MANCHESTER, CI.ASSIFICATION SLATER'S --~-~--------~---~------~--------------~-------------------------------------------- ACADEMIES, &~--conti~&tu:tl, RoliLUi CATHOLIC ScHooLs eontimu:d. UNITARUN ScHooL, Embden si;. Greenheys RAGGED ScHooLS. t:ontinuetl. Tonman at. (St. Mary's)-George Riach -Willia.m Lord, master; Mary J. Fai!'o mRBter; the Siste:rs of Mo11t Holy Cross brother, mil!tress; & K.ate Weall, mistreaa Cere 11t. Gorton-Tbos. J. Winson, master & Passion, mistresses of infants Ellor st. Salford-Jas. Sngden, sprntndnt Upper Brook st. (St . .A.ugns.tine's Convent Unwin Ann, 42 Butler st. Greenheyl! Holli!.nd st. Butler st-William Northrop, School)-Lncy Shaw, snperioress . Vannan Henry, M..A.. Britannia master; Georgina. Northrop, mistress West Gorton (St. Francis's) - Francis College, Withington road, J',Jill st. Long Millgate William Holmes, M'Cartby, master' Sarab Humphreys, 'Whalley range ' superintendent1·tr El" b th E th mls· t ress; s arah B yrne, teac h er of infts Waddington Snsannah, 5711 Lower Brougb. R lhC I o lZI\ e s et, Kew place, 75 Westminster st_ Chester road, Hulme ton road Broughton lane (C b L d t h Rigg Wm. (Greek), South bank, 179 Great orn rook o ge Conven Se ool)- Walker Helens C.l40 Hyde road, W G the Nuns, teachers Walper Mary, Earl terrace, 87 Broughton In .Cheetham Fst. Higher ~roughton Whit lane, p en dle to n (St · Char ] es• s,mue · d) Walsh Mary, 10 Bank place, Bank st. S R 1pleyh Rev. • W. li.A. Withiugton -Jnne" Wilson • m 1·stress [Wilson, mstll w ardl ey Annie & :u.artha, Valemont, MoSI is ton Mrs.-, The Elms, Queen's pnrk York st. Con M (St. Augnstine's)-Esther ·lane East tRishton John, Greenmonnt Hall Academy, R B rt'l...- R t B tb t G rto Harpurhey ose e llll, ose errace, oo a . o n Warris Emetine, Victoria place, 211 York ~~. Robinson Anna Marla, 97 Llo.,.d at. G Routledge Rev. A. L. Alexwdra College, Cheetham . ~ Range road, Moss Bide · Watson John, S Rensbaw at. Hulme R o hmRon Rose C. 11 York place, Oxford at . ..., ii<N Chorlton on Medlock .-oy&ton ·~· Adamson, Cambridge Watts Clara, 135 Bronghton lane RoliAN CATHOLIC GRA:Mli:AR Scaoo:c., 22, 23, Villa, Mayfield road, Mo&l!l Side Webb Catherine, 17 Teneriffe st. H B & 24 Crescent, Salford-Rev. Auguste Rutter Clara, 2 Beech mount, Stretford rd. H Webb Ellen, 49 Alexandra :road Josepb de Clerc, bead master ST. L'(TKE's CoLLEGE, Cheethnm Hill road- Wedge Ann, Chetwynd bank, Prestwich park Rev. George Sumner, li.A. principal White & Dyson, Ambleside, Whalley range ST. MATTHEW's MIDDLE CLASS SCHOOL, Wild Carolina, 53 Everton road, Con M ROMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOLS:- Adelphi House, Adelphi st. (girls' boarding Devonshire st. Ardwick-Rev. Frederick Wilks .Tohn .T. B.A. Broughton and day)-The Faithful Companions of A. Lallcmand, lf.A. superintendent; Thos, High School, Northumberland Jesus, teachers Gullon, head master; Adolphus Podevin, street (adjoining Broughton Barnes Green (Mount Carmel)-1\lary Ann French master; Sarah J. Howard, bead Park 1, Higher Broughton Armstrong, mistress mistress ; W. H. Pool~t, drill master Burlington st. (Holy Name) Jas. Murray, SALFORD WoRKING MEN's CoLLEGE, 6 Great Wilson Annie, 9 Lorne terrace, Lame road, master: Sisters of Lorotta Convent, George st. Salford-Cbas. Kellett, master; Fallowfleld Emma Hulme, mistress! [port rd. A Wilson Annie, 61 Parkfteld st. Moss lane East teachers Scholes Rev. Abrabam, s Rose grove, Stook- Wilson Emma, 611 Oldham road, N H Church st. Pendleton (St. James's)-Saml. Woodcock Margaret, 4 Oxford terrace, Stre~ Chapman, master; Mary Taylor, mis­ ford road tress; Lncy O'Malley, mistress of infants ScHooL BoARD ScHooLs:- Abbott st. Rochdale rca·t-Annie Williams, Woolfe Mary, Greenhill, Webster st, G Clarence st. Salford (Mount Carmel)­ Worsley Mary, 65 Halston st. Hulme Daniel Buckley, master mistress; Hannah Pickford & E. Sin· clair, mistresses of infants Wrigley Mary, Osborne road, Rushford p&!"k. Cleminson st. Salford (St. John's)-Sarah Levenshulme Con way, mistress; C. Callagbur, mis­ Armitage st. Hyde road-Samuel Meech, tress of infants master; Emma Davies, mistress; M. A. (;liburn st. Salford (St. Ann's) -Carollne Booth, mistress of infants ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURERS. Hart, mistress Ashley lane John Jones, master; Ellen See Bookbi71fun t!: Account Book Mabrr. Collier st. S&lford (St. Peter's)-1\lichael Weall, mistress O'N eill, master; the Faithful Compan­ Ben~al st. Oldham road (St. Peter's) Jane ions of Jesus, teachers; Elizab£.th Hill, mistress; Mary A. Bertensbaw, ACCOUNTANTS. Feams, mistress of infants · m;stress of infants Craven st. Salford (St. Joseph's)-.A.nn Burgess st. Harpurhey-ClarR Race, mis­ Marked thrJs t are also Auditors. O'Malley, mistre!lB; Waltrnde Woodroffe, tress; - Brookes, mistress of infan­ tAdamson Ebenezer, 25 Booth st. Mosley 1t mistress of infants Byrom st. (St. Matthew's)-William Henry tAdamson John, Son & Co. 5 Norfolk st Oemrge Leigh llt (Bt. Michael's)-John J. Hoyle, master; Mary Scotson, mistress tAfileck Joseph, 64 Fountain st Hnghes, master; Elizabeth Hughes, Carter st. Greenbeys (Christ Church)­ Air~y James F. 55 Market st mistress; Kate Taylor, mistress of infts George Hutton, master; Jane Bell, t Aitchison & Co. 2B Barton House, Deansgate Grnnby row (St. Augnstino's)-Xaverian mistress Alderson J. W. 51 Corporation st Fathers, masters; Fu.ithfnl Comp&.nions, Chester st.Ardwick-Edward Rose, maeter; t Aldred Thomas, 1 ChancerJ' mistresses Annie Gaskell, mistress; Sa.rah Davies, place, Booth street mistress of infants Hatter's lane (St. Joseph's)-Wm. Mahony, tAldred "Williain &. Others and master; Mrs. l<'rank Brett, mistress Every st-Chnrles Powell, master; Cathe­ lohn st. AncoHts (St. Alban's) John Con­ rine Grnndy, mistres~; Angelina Watson arbitrators), 27 Dickinson at ray, master; Kate Maher & Elizabeth and Elizabeth Hughes, mistresses of Andrew Edward, ;Aldine chambers, 61 Prin­ Mnlkerns, mistresses infants · cess st .Junction st. Pollard st (St. Ann's)-Nor­ Joynson st. Bury New road (Salem)­ Andrew Thomas, 15 Cooper st bert MRC60nwell, master; Sisters of Thomas Percy, master; Alice Teggin, Aspden & Marsball, 87 to 42 & 68 & 59, Notre Dame, mistresseB mistress ; Elizabeth M. Gruntly, mistresa­ Barton arcade, Deansgate Levenshulme (St. Mary's)-Sisters of St. of infants Aspinwall Robert W. 93 Piccadilly Clare, teachers Lloyd st. Hulme-William Rogers, master; Bagshaw D. C. 28 Brown st Llvesey st. (St. Patrick's), Presentl>tion Mary M. Hannay, mistress tBarber .Toseph,•!l:l. .TohnDalton •t Convent & St. Bridget'sl<'emale Orphan­ Major st. (St. James's)-Annie M. Staf­ Barge Thomas, 1 Victoria terrace, Victoria at age the Nuns, mistresses ford, mistress Barker John. SB Hopwood avenue Livesey st. (St. Patrick's), Presentation­ Mulberry st. Hulme John W. Atkinson, Baron E.H.l4 Arcade chambers, 65 Market at the Christian Brothers, masters master; Fanny Fairbrother, mistress ; Barton John T. 64 Lower King st Lower Ormond st. Chorlton upon Medlock l'llartha Kenworthy, mistress of infants Bickley Alfred, Queen's chambers, SO DeaJLio (Middle Class School of St. Bede's Man­ Oldbam road (St. George's)-M. E. Crellin, gate, and 157 Stratford road, Hulme chester College)- Xaverian Brothers, mistress; Martha Morton, mistress..,oJ Burne John R. jun. Essex chambers,B Esselt teachers infants ...._ st. King st Lupton st. Sallord- Xaverian Brothers, Sharp st. Rocbdale road-John Bradbury, Brldgford .T. R.. &. Sons r fir. valuers) 1 -teachers master; Annie Willia.ms, mistress 30 Cross at. Market st lielville st. Salford (St. John's) Joseph Vine st. Hulme-Annie Melloy, mistress; Brittain Thomas & Co. York st. chambers, 8 Kerchoff, master; Lizzie M'Veigh, mis­ Eliza Patterson, mistress of infants York st tress of infants Senior Matthew Henry, Fairfield tBroderick Lom;dale, 64 Fountain st lllonsall st. Queen's road {St. Edmund's)­ Mary Quinn, mistreiiB Sharp E. Hamilton, Springfiold House, Sey- Brookes Edwio, 260 Bank par- Moss lane Upper, Loretto Convent School moor grove, Old Trafford ade, Chapel st. Sa.lford -Ladies of the Convent, teachers Sbarrocks Frances M aria, Moss Side view, Broom & Lamb, Argyle chambers, 45 Hanginn Ogden st. Ardwick (St. Aloysius's)-Thos. 137 Moss lane Ea11t ditch D Walsh, master; Sarah O'Hara, mistress Sheldon Charles, M.A. Laurel Broome, Murray & Co. 104 King st Bank School, 15 Northnmber- Brown Vincent & Co. Marsden chambel"ll, Oldham road, Fails worth (St. Mary's)­ 10 Marsden st Margaret Ha.dfteld, mistress land street, Higher Broughton Browning Thomas.166 Stretford rd. Hulme Rochda.le road, Bames Green (Monnt Car­ Simpson Sarah E. Fern Lea., Mayfleld road, Browning Thomas, 18 and 20 Booth st mel)-Mary A. Armstrong, mistress Alexandra road Rutland st.Hnlme (St. Wilfrid's)-Terence Smeeth Elizabeth S. Johnson st. Smedleylne tB~~~: stoseph, Town Hall buildings, 31 Corri~an, master; Sisteill of Our Lady Smith Eliza, 38 Union st. Ardwick Butcher William, 73 Princess 8 t of Loretto, mistresses Smith Hannah, Rrnuswick House, Straw- St. Bede's Manchester College, Alexa.ndra berry :road, Pendleton Chad. wick .Tohn M. L. ; A.S.A..B, Park & Grosvenor square-Rev. Charles Smith Sarah J ane, Lucy et. Stratford road and financial agent and secre- W. Wood, rector; Rev. James Moyes, tSnowden Ann Jane, 6 Fernacre, Cheetbam tary to the ~ochdale Chamber vice-rector; ReT. L. Casartelll, prefect of Hill :road · [H B of' Commerce, and to the Cotton atudies Tamvaco C. N. (Greek), 195 Bury New road, Spinners' fir. Manufacturers' Aa- Blmpson st. Angel st (St. William's)-Nnns Tebbutt Esthe:r, 26 Camp st. L B 1 of Notre Dame, teachers Thorp Elizabeth, 16 Ch\yton et. Hulme soc atton, aud secretary to Stocks st. Cheetham (St. Chad's)-Xave­ Thorp Harriet, :Srookfleld House, 56 Nelson Building- Societies\, CouDtJ" rian Brothers & Siste111 of Notre Dame, st. Chorlton on Medlock chamber&, Lord Bt.
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