Drive Carefully! -'PRICE 5 CENTS 2 Women Killed as R e d C h i n a H i t s Ike Accused of I Cars Collide liear E x i s t e n c e P l a n Mishandling U2 Q f Russ Leader TOKYO, .June 25 (/I’j— R f.i 'binii todiiy s , nounc&i-cortimumal coin radt^, -Ijy implii'iitii Spy-Plane Case Rupert; 3 In j ur ed r Nikita Khriislii'licv — v lin aiivoi’ate RUPERT, .luiie 25— Mrs. Gorlruilc Socwell, nbont 50. RcildiiiK. ‘ ‘alif.. ami Hi'l- [iJoctrinu. Il -iiid the.y xv.-ro s-. ai'i'uid of iitii' thatl WASllLN'GTON, .Time 2r> i,1>)— The .■sen.'ite forcipn rclationn I'ommittee tonipht ac- In Wither.'<|H>on, 75, Ru|>orl, \^•erc'killed Saturcia'v in u two-car collision at m i intorscc-jthoy "beK^joii'imiicrialisi.'j foi ■ |H'aa“ at aii\' cini." Htit (.used the Ki.-<enho\vi.T administnition of inishandlinK the U2 spy (ilano ease. It .said tion for hishway 30N nnO ii foiinU ronil one niile ca.st of Rupi‘i'1. The fa tiilitiu s arc Khrnshohev, in a brief .^iicecli i!i Hucharo-st at thi' clo.^iiip u,;it. at least Ihe a ffitir bad given Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev n hanity e.xcu.sc for ' Maple Viilley's 18th at»i lOth Iraffit- falalitids tbi.s year. Thir» bi-inRs the lOSO total'of the third Romanian ecmu umi.^l parly i-i'n-ro.->s dv- wrcckinj: the Pari.^ s u m m it conforenue. The committee siiKKCsted that tlio «p y .flig h t for Mapie Valley to one more than tiiis lime last year. The Iwo wimen were M iniilokulchireil ho wiudd not relrcat iiiple iiu'li fi'itiii liis ]>..liov „fM a v 1. which w e n t «lown deep inside the Soviet Union, probalily shinild never have county’s tl^ird niul fouK h fa- reaeoful cdoxisteiu'e withi- ....... nnili'rtakeii. It _ sairt talities for the year. The ■i'pilalist slato.i ami rli.mi-; that when the failui'c did oc­ ]Ml trarrie d«.i(h In Mlnldok:i ScouTa Practicing fo r Jamboree Kitlriii nf tlip coUl wnr. Tlip Itli'-' cur. the KovcrnniPMfs linndllns county oceunctl June 11 when le- ii>l-fqiiabl)le lU'lwcrii pcipllm' Demos Vote Tuesday Keems to liavr ninde bnd matter jswc-om Jose ruenlcj of the Ru­ 1..I Moscow np'priitcrl M .shnrjinil pert Icilwr camp was killed In a viiM ilil.t r-ulunr.c. I Tlic J8-pnRC r<'iHirt lo the sen­ one-cnr ncclclcni in Rupert. • Ilccj- iiltnclt labclprt ate wns based on i xlciislvc com- Tlie lAst MiiRlc Vnlley tninllly "miKli'fn rcviMonM.-.' iiio<.c On Solon^ Candidate mltlce quesiioiilnc n( .top ndmin- oceurrcd June 15 when Wnync. ' i.ui_ili;iik I.ciiln'.'* (Ilciiim of in- litrntlon olflclAb. Thorwon. 57. BJArt/ool, riled from, •viiubic \vor betwcin ctiinmiinlsni Tn-jji I'oijjil V .'moeral.i w ill biillot Tucsilay in,Ihe iMUCd on (lie .m of Pre.<-, Injuries •received In a oiic-cnr rc-; r.iplliillsm no lon.cr ni'p:ic.'.stn\(.wi<lV'uiinoff................................ c'h jtio n between Grejip Potvin and R. F. Ideiit Elscntiower's rL-iiini from n cldcnt. • . lllf c (Hub) M c L a u p b lii/fo r their party’s nomination for U. S. EMlcrn goodwill irtp marred Mr*. Bocwell was killed liuunlly ] •iiatiu-. Tlu! wii/ncr will ojipose ini'umbent Republican by c.incellation of his projected ,, al 4:30 p.m. when ihc tu'o-cm' lor ihosi’ wlio sirny Ironi •,slt to Jopaii, ' ■ collided. Mrs. Witherspoon died Sen. Ileiirv Ijf o r s h a k in the November Renerul elec- Fourteen of the n foreign re- epprtnclmntely six hour* Inter at “I'n" Coinin' olcc io n officials......... siiy poils’• --------111 open nt- noon- Intlon* committee member* sl?ned . Ihe Minidoka County hospital. An cump tor ViiBosinv TrcMiicnt Mar-1«"*' clo.sc a l 8 p.ml Tuesday. Polla will be the flivme ns thc the report on the U2 Incident. One : .unldenttried IB-month-old girl U phnl Tito. I,lane 7 primary Aleclion, with one exception. In Twin *'.cpubllcanl dissented. ^ In "very critical" condition at, the ■ The chlnwe atwck ...............In the--- =---------- \---------[Falls precinct No. G. the One R ^bllcan and one Demo< ' Ik hospital at mldnltht, accordlns to 1 form oI nn article by Gni. LI Chih- ^ Btli-ndanU. oKlclnl rcipiiiB IpoUinp place will be in the Dally, It was brondc.i.M Tcxas -Lasiied ! i.snbled Amcrlcnn Vcter.ini.' build- rnclio. liiR nt the cnrncr of Shaup ave­ atone. Driver of the otlier nue nnd Harrison *trcet. car, ]aentl(led from papers on hi' LI. a Rcnio; qlflccr ol the Chi- Ike Returns, ( penon, was EnrI Randale Socv,ell nt.M- cummunKt ••voUimccr!." win ByTorrential In the Jiiiic 7 prlmnrlM, the 6J, Reddlnij. Cnllf. Hldcra In Sot- foiighl In llif Korciiii wnr. de. b.ticmem'of tlic Church of Ood ;!nrcd that llRlitlnR |i wn-s scheduled lo be used as vol- Must Answer Rains, Storms Ini? hendriuaricrs for the sixth prccliict. The basement was flood- Traffic Death KnlcKuaril world . By The Associated Press cd prior to the election nnd n Demo Critics TorrciUlnl r.->liiii lashed T , nearby home wns used for tile vol- The writer grudBUmly.UUK...KI, conccdcd,i«„LcuL-u, for day ^ .... ..... spot hn.-s been HONOLULU, June 25 Ifl-Pres- Scoreboard .............. tlie United State.s,<<‘'5'' s'vclUiis Mrcnm.i nnd raJs ns jjmnBcd Ident Elsenhower, ti heavy red car- Here Is a comparison of trof- nntlon lei draped around his neck, flc ralalitlex tor 1959 and ISCO TilRlit be worn doivn iq n point; ninjor floodlnK but, j ,j p^|, cpuf,tv commls- .'hcre -world wnr would be ‘po3t-;«‘' ' " “'8 r.mcl.crs lnliJ„"„.rd"ldcd lo headed for home today to answer . for MbkIc Valley and for the _______________ tirouRhl-pnrched mngcs entire sUt<: checked." |ihc tirouRhl-pnrched mngcs o',of six Juaces and four clerks at Democratic critics who claimed his The criticism obviously wns south Texas. • precinct, after receiving the Far East trip was a fiasco. Mafflc VaJIey. 1B59____ 18 limed at Khrushchev, who dcclnr-1 The two-d.ny delUEe Jnca.wrcd Elsenhower, rested and niddy. ■■ :1c Valley, IBGO___ ID opinion of Edword Babcock, pros­ cd In a lout spccch In Bucharest up to 13 inches In ^oinc nrtas. ecuting attorney, thnt reducing Bill report to the nation on his Idaho 1B3D . Tuesday thit Soviet policy wiiil At ica.st three Monn-connrctcd 23,000-mllc tour Monday night In Idaho, 1000 ___ the number of election officials Mntinue to be based on coexistence deaths were reported In ttie state would be a violation of Id^ho law, nntlonu'ldc television and radio m Uie theory that war is nc ' other pci-sQna address, well's c r were his wife, the baby ivltnble. mK'lnir, lind the commls-slon not reversed Elsenhower, drtsscd In a trim .........unidentified woman be- Lenin's theories, he said, Tr.elve Inche.^ of ralii vn 1 earlier decision to cut down navy blue single-brcsted suit and leved to be Uie baby'* motlier, ivrlticn teiu of years sro when corded In the Corpus Chrlstt the number of election offlclnls, matching blue tie, boarded his Jet Uic cxlitence of. a strong com- iiouslon had G.23 Inchcs and Ean r.stlmatcd ^3,BOO would have alrhner at 4:55 pjn. <9;6S p.m, The unldentllled woman and cnuulat camp of-nntloas was not Socwell are lilted as “Mrlous." Mnrcos, nortli of San Anionlo. £ST) ending his six-day Hawaii 'orcsccn. Todoy's leaders, he said, had 750 Inches. The'Colorado rlv. T. W. Stivers, countyvderk and rtientlon. They were unconscious, attendoms ind to consider tho (acts of the <ald, and officers were unable to ex-offlcIo auditor-of the county. The plane took off nt S;03 pjn. cvorld situation. He bi due at-Andrews air force questim them abcmt Uie accident. His speech today was even more .Columbuijordered 2.72S ballots printed for . Detinis of the wrcclc have not been duriiiR tonight. jthe ruiioti, Olllclnl returns Jrom base outside -Washington Sunday, determined. .............Btirm............. a bles.5ln|[ to, the June 1 primary showed a total morning about 8 a.m. EST, A'- formers and ranchers who report-iof 2,003 balloU^east lor the fire nlBhtUme refueling slop will be- MlnldokA county Sheriff Tlieo ed slock tanks nnd rcser\'olrs full|bemocratlc candidates for U-8. made at Trevts air f6rce base near Johnson InvesUgaUrf the accident, i single S*n Franclico,____________ . ■ assisted, by Rupert eity^fOllM and e of for the first time since 1054. Cnttlelsenator, state police. - - ^ states with different social sys- had been sold olf In , f ;cms, the ntnlltlon of the cold wnr, numbers'In rcccnt weeks because and the easing of Intcmatlonnl [ the parched, grossloss rnn:tes. pension—these are what we strug­ Rain nnd thunderstorms moved I $25,000 Blaze Hits Probe Blast gle for.” Into southeastern -states and at RUPERT. June 25 — Rupert Warner Robins, ca.rtwo men were city police are InvestlsaUns an killed ond 20 others Injured whenl alleged d>-namlte blast in the lightning struck a shelter packedl Buildings in Buhl northwest part of town. The Mika Daiis, left, asscablei a barbecue grUI, and Carl Harris, right, has drirea a lUke Into the Red Marchers with golfers ^ rln g a thunder- blast occurred Saturday night.
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