CENSUS 1981 PARTS XIII A &1 B VILLAGE & TOWN D1RECTORY SERIES-~ VILLAGE & TOWNWISE GUJARAT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT RAJKOT DISTRICT DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK R. S. CHHAYA of the Indian Administrative Service, Director of Cer,sU$ Operations, Gujarat, 'Rajkot English School' which is named as '5hree Mohandas Gandhi Vidyalaya' at present, was founded on 17-10-1853 with 37 pupils and first four standards. Within a short span of 13 years, the school was raised to a full fledged High School teaching all standards from I to VII. The school considered as the Central Institution as well as ftrst and leading institution of the Kathiawar region. The students came to this school from every nook and corner of Kathiawar. The High School from the inception was supported mainly by the princes and chiefs with their donations, grants and endowments to enable the youth of the Kathiawar region to build up a career in the direction shown by Western Education. This oldest and unique institution earned a tradition at bringing forth intellectual gems in various fields of life. The school had/has following names at different stages. 1. Rajkot English School 1853-1866. 2. Rajkot High School 1866-186B. 3. r.1thiawar High School 1868-1906. 4. Alfred High School 1907-1st October 1971. 5. Shree Mohandas Gandhi Vidyalaya 2nd October, 1971. Young Mohan was admitted to this school on 1-12-1880. Mohan spent the largest period of education as a student of this school. The sight and the imposing structure of the school were quite new to him and attractive enough. The teachers were persons of attainments. The Head Master with his towering personality was parental t_owards his students All this opened up a new way of life of Mohan. It is in fitness of things that the future Mahatma had such a nice nursery in the form of his Alma mater. The school has carefully preserved the important aspect of Gandhi's education. It is not only a historical place to visit but to come here in the spirit of pilgrime to seek inspiration where the father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi studied. DISTRICT HEADQUARTE~S, KACHCHH TAlUKAI GUJARAT MAHAL HEADQUARTERS DISTRICT BOUNDARY DISTRICT RAJKOT TALUKAI MAHAL BOUNDARY HH IIA 4 ('.. 4 8 It 70 MilES NATIONAL HIGHWAY STATE HIGHWAY, t~}-~ - -~+---=+~- :~~-~i~~- _J e 12 I~ (0 24 HI ~m," OTHER IMPORTANT ROAD OF BROAD GAUGE WITH STATION :a:-~- METRE GAUGE WITH STATION --IIII IIIIIII NARROW GAUGE WITH STATiON II II II f urr;ijll" Uti f If RIVER AND STREAM VILLAGE HAVI~G 5000 AND ABOVE VOJcpor POPULATION WITH NAME • URBAN AREA WITH POPULATION SIZE CLASS 1,lI,m,N' V •••••PTa POST AND TELEGRAPH OFFICE DEGREE COLLEGE AND TECHNICAL INSTITUTION ~ L.r'J OAK BUNGALOW, REST HOUSE OB.RH (fl l? c R ...... RH r , \ • \._.'(,/ • ..J "_.i .Q,.. ELI \~ o INDICATES POCKETS OF JAM'IAGAR DISTRICT FALLING IN RAJKOT DISTRICT T A POCKETS OF M.~RELI DISTRICT, G Q A S A POCKET OF SURENDRANAGAR DISTRICT / G POCKETS OF GONDAL TAlUK .... A POCKET OF KOTDA SANGANI MAHAl C CENSUS OF INDIA 1'81 LIST OF PROPOSED PUBLICATIONS Central Government Publications-Census of India 1981, Series-S Gujarat art' beill, publi"hf"d in tb. followinK parts : Part Number Subject Covered tr-A Administration Report-Enumeration I-B Administration Report-Tabulation *II-A General Population Tablcs-A-Series ,*Il-B General Population Tables-Primary Census Abstract '. Ill-A General Economic Tables-B-Series (Table B-1 to B-lO~, III-B General Economic Tables-B-Series (Table B-Il to B-22) IV-A Social and Cultural Tables-C-Series (Table Col to C-6) IV-B Social and Cultural Tatles-C-Series (Table C-7 to ColO) V -A Migration Tables-D-Series (Table D-I to D-4) Y-B Migration Tables-D-Series (Table 0-5 to D-13) YJ-A Fertility Tables-F-Series (Table F-I to F-19) VI-B Fertility Tables-F-Series (Table F-20 to F-28) *VII- Tables on Houses and Disabled-Population VIlI-A Household Tables (Table HH-} to HH-16) VTU-B Household Tahles (Table HH-17) VIII-C Report on Households IX Special Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes X-A Town Directory X-B Survey Reports on Selected Towns X-C Survey Reports on Selected Villages XI Ethuographic Notes and Special StudieS on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes XU Census Atlas DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK XIU-A Village and Town directory Xrn-B Village and Town-wise Primary Census Ab-stract ,. Under print PubliShed Note: (1) All the maps included in tbe publication arc based upon Survey of India map with tbe permission of the Surveyor General of India. (2) The territotrial waters of India extend in to the sea to a diltaDc;:e of twelve nautical \ miles measured from the appropriate base line. (3) (c) Government of India Copy right 1986. CONTENTS Pages 1. Foreward v-vi 2. Preface vii-IX 3. Map of District Frontispircie 4. Important Statistics xi-xii 5. Analytical Notes and Tables (i) to (xxxiii) PART XID-A VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY SECTION I-VILLAGE DIRECTORY .. List of Abberviations used in Village Directory ... 2 1. Rajkot Taluka (i) Taluka Map .. Facing Page ' 3 (ii) Alphabetical List of Villages 5 (iii) Village Directory 6-17 2. Kotda Sangani Mahal (i) Taluka Map .. Facing Page 19 (ii) Alphabetical List of Villages 21 (iii) Village Directory 22-27 3. Gondal Taluka (i) Taluka Map .. Facing Page 29 (ii) Alphabetical List of Villages 31 (iii) Village Directory 32-41 4. Jetpur Taluka (i) Taluka Map .. Facing Page 43 (ii) Alphabetical List of Villages 45 (iii) Village Directory 46-51 5. Dhoraji Taluka (i) Taluka Map . , , Facing Page 53 (ii) Alphabetical List of Villages 55 (iii) Village Directory 56-61 6. Upleta Taluka (0 Taluka Map " Facing Page 63 (ii) Alphabetical List of Villages 65 (iii) Village Directory 66-73 '7. Jamkandorna Taluka (i) Taluka Map .. Facing Page 75 (ii) Alphabetical List of Villages 77 (iii) Village Directory 78-83 (BkJ H·3t~) Page ~,-Lodhika l'v[ahal (i) Taluka Map .. Facing p"ge-85 (ii) Alphabetical List of Villages 87 (iii) Village Directory 88-91 r 9. Paddhari Taluka (i) Taluka Map .. F~!cing Page-93 (ii) Alphabetical List of Villages 95 (iii) Village Directory 96-103 10. Morvi Tafuka (i) Taluka Map .. Facing P.1ge-105 (ii) Alphabetical List of Villages 106-107 (iii) Village Directory 108-121 11. Maliya Taluka (i) Taluka Map Facing Page-123 (ii) Alphabetical List of Villages 125 (iii) Village Directory 126-131 12. Wankaner Taluka (i) Taluka Map F<lcing Page-133 (ij) Alphabetical List of Villages 135 (ii) Village Directory 136-147 13. Jasdafl Taluka (i) Taluka Map Facing Page-149 (ii) Alphabetical List of Villages 151 (iii) Village Directory 152-163 Appendix I Talukawise Abstract of Educational, Medical and other Amenities 166-169 Appendix II Land Utilisation Data in Respect of Non-Municipal Towns 170 Appendix III Talukawise List of Villages where No Amenities are available 170 Appendix IV List of Villages according to the Proportion of Scheduled Castes and 171-179 Scheduled Tribes to Total Population by Ranges SECTION-II-TOWN DIRECTORY 181 List of Abbreviations used in Town Directory 183 Sttaement I Status and Growth History - - - 184-185 Statement II Physical Aspects and Locations of Towns, 1979 186-187 Statement III Municipal Finance, 1979 •.• 188-189 Statement IV Civic and Other Amenities, 1979 190-191 Statement IV-A Civic and Other Amenities in Notified Slums, 1979 192-193 Statement V Medical, Educational,. Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 1979 194-195 Statement VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and ~anking, 1979 ._ 196-197 Appendix Towns showing their Outgrowths with Population 198 it PART XIII B-PRIMARY C:INSUS ABSTRACT Pages DISTRICT PRIMARY CENS US ABSTRACT (1) General Primary CenSuS Abstract 3-8 (2) Scheduled Caste Primary Census Abstract 9-13 (3) Scheduled Tribe Primary Census Abstract 15-19 Talukawise Primary Census Abstract (Villagewise-Townwise ) 21 1. Rajkot Taluka 23-31 2. Kotda Sangani Mahal 33-37 3. Gonda! Taluka 39-45 4. Jetpur Taluka 47-53 5. Dhoraji Taluka 55-59 6. Upleta Taluka 61-65 7. lamkandorna Taluka 67-71 8. Lodhika Mahal 73-77 9. Paddhari Taluka 79-85 10. Morvi Taluka 87-97 11. Maliya Taluka 99-103 12. Wankaner Taluka 105-1l3 1 3. Jasdan Taluka 115-123 ~ A Appendix -'Total, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes-Population Urban-Blockwise 125-145 Iii FOREWORD The ~istrict census handbook (DCH). compiled by planning but regulating the proviSion of gOQd<; the Censu'\ Organisation on behalf of the State anJ services a<; well so a5 to minimi<;e the re;ion'l.l Goverpments, is one of the most valuable product imbalances in the process of development. Afew of the Census. The DCH is constantly referred to by new items of information have also been introduced planners, administrators, academicians and resear­ to meet some of t11e requirements of the Revised chers. It is inter alia used for delimitation of COI1- Minimum Needs Programme. Such new items of stituenCles, f0rm~llati0'1. '}f joC?.l level and r~3io\!1al infor'il'ltion as ad-uIt !iter~(;y '::eat,c>. primary hea!til plans and as an aid to District administration. The subc;eatrcs, and community health workers i·n the district census handbook is the only publication which village have been introduced in the village djre~tory provides Primary Census Abstract (PCA) data upto with this objective in mind. The new item on village level for the rural areas and wardwise for each approach to the village is to have an idea about city or town.
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