年報 Annual Report 2018-2019 香港吸煙與健康委員會 二零一八至二零一九年年報 Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health Annual Report 2018-2019 www.smokefree.hk 香港吸煙與健康委員會 Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health Annual Report 2018-2019 年報 目錄 Contents Annual Report 2018-2019 年報 3 委員會憲章 Charter of COSH 4 委員會組織架構 Organization of COSH 8 委員介紹 Members of COSH 16 秘書處 Secretariat 18 主席報告 Chairman’s Report 專題Highlights 24 運動取代吸煙 全城戒煙變強 Quit for Strength Replace Smoking by Doing Exercise 活動Events 34 活動紀要2018-2019 Highlights of Events 2018-2019 38 宣傳及社區推廣活動 Publicity and Community Involvement Projects 73 教育及青少年活動 Education and Youth Programmes 84 與傳播媒介之聯繫 Working with the Mass Media 86 會議及考察 Conferences and Visits 92 資訊及研究項目計劃 Information and Research Projects 報告Reports 102 環保工作報告 Environmental Report 104 獨立核數師報告書 Independent Auditor’s Report 附錄Appendices 126 鳴謝 Acknowledgement 158 各常務委員會之職能範圍 Terms of Reference of Standing Committees 160 第二十五號報告書 COSH Report No. 25 委員會憲章 Charter of COSH 委 員 會 成 立 於1987年,屬一法定團體。《香港吸煙與健康委員會條例》 (第389章)賦予以下職權,專責保障市民健康,以及提高公眾對煙草禍害之 認識: 1. 提高及教育市民有關吸煙與健康之知識; 2. 進行或委託專人進行與吸煙有關的研究; 3. 向政府、社區衞生組織以及社會服務團體等提供有關吸煙與健康之意見。 根據憲章,委員會就本港各項有關煙草之問題,擔當主導角色,並時刻關注 各項可影響煙草產品推廣及煙草蔓延的環境變異,於憲章賦予之職權範圍 內,因時制宜,採取適度應變措施。 COSH was first established in 1987. It is a statutory body vested with functions, as set out in the “Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health Ordinance” (Cap. 389), to protect and improve the health of the community by: 1. Informing and educating the public on the harm of smoking and its adverse effects on health; 2. Conducting and coordinating research into the cause, prevention and cure of tobacco dependence; 3. Advising the Government, community health organizations or any public body on matters relating to smoking and health. Under such a charter, COSH has taken up the role as an active player and commentator on all issues relating to tobacco control. We aim to act within our charter in response to the changing local environment as it affects the promotion of tobacco and the epidemic caused by smoking. 委員會組織架構 Organization of COSH 香港吸煙與健康委員會 秘書處 Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health Secretariat 行政委員會 Executive Committee 教育及 資訊及 社區聯絡委員會 法例委員會 宣傳委員會 研究委員會 Community Legislation Education & Information & Liaison Committee Publicity Research Committee Committee Committee 4 委員會組織架構 Organization of COSH 委員會成員 Members of COSH 主席 鄺祖盛先生MH Chairman Mr Antonio KWONG Cho-shing, MH 副主席 伍婉婷女士MH Vice-chairman Ms Yolanda NG Yuen-ting, MH 委員 何靜瑩女士 Member Ms Ada HO Ching-ying 何世賢博士 Dr Daniel HO Sai-yin 徐小曼女士 Ms HSU Siu-man 林哲玄醫生 Dr David LAM Tzit-yuen 廖偉明醫生 Dr Haston LIU Wai-ming 繆潔芝醫生 Dr Christina MAW Kit-chee 蘇潔瑩醫生 Dr Loletta SO Kit-ying 鄧振強先生MH 太平紳士 Mr Teddy TANG Chun-keung, MH, JP 湯修齊先生MH 太平紳士 Mr Henry TONG Sau-chai, MH, JP 曾立基先生 Mr Richard TSANG Lap-ki 董煜醫生太平紳士 Dr Stewart TUNG Yuk, JP 王文炳博士 Dr Kelvin WANG Man-ping 黃幸怡女士太平紳士 Ms Sandy WONG Hang-yee, JP 黃仰山教授 Prof Samuel WONG Yeung-shan 當然委員 趙佩燕醫生太平紳士 Ex-officio Member Dr Amy CHIU Pui-yin, JP 行政委員會 Executive Committee 主席 伍婉婷女士MH Chairman Ms Yolanda NG Yuen-ting, MH 副主席 鄺祖盛先生MH Vice-chairman Mr Antonio KWONG Cho-shing, MH 委員 趙佩燕醫生太平紳士 Member Dr Amy CHIU Pui-yin, JP 曾立基先生 Mr Richard TSANG Lap-ki 5 委員會組織架構 Organization of COSH 教育及宣傳委員會 Education & Publicity Committee 主席 曾立基先生 Chairman Mr Richard TSANG Lap-ki 委員 鄺祖盛先生MH Member Mr Antonio KWONG Cho-shing, MH 何靜瑩女士 Ms Ada HO Ching-ying 何世賢博士 Dr Daniel HO Sai-yin 徐小曼女士 Ms HSU Siu-man 廖偉明醫生 Dr Haston LIU Wai-ming 伍婉婷女士MH Ms Yolanda NG Yuen-ting, MH 蘇潔瑩醫生 Dr Loletta SO Kit-ying 鄧振強先生MH太平紳士 Mr Teddy TANG Chun-keung, MH, JP 湯修齊先生MH太平紳士 Mr Henry TONG Sau-chai, MH, JP 董煜醫生太平紳士 Dr Stewart TUNG Yuk, JP 黃幸怡女士太平紳士 Ms Sandy WONG Hang-yee, JP 增選委員 陳玉玲女士 Co-opted member Ms Kelly CHAN Yuk-ling 周海傑先生 Mr CHAU Hoi-kit 譚家強博士 Dr Andy TAM Ka-keung 社區聯絡委員會 Community Liaison Committee 主席 伍婉婷女士MH Chairman Ms Yolanda NG Yuen-ting, MH 委員 鄺祖盛先生MH Member Mr Antonio KWONG Cho-shing, MH 何世賢博士 Dr Daniel HO Sai-yin 林哲玄醫生 Dr David LAM Tzit-yuen 繆潔芝醫生 Dr Christina MAW Kit-chee 增選委員 陳志球教授BBS太平紳士 Co-opted member Prof Johnnie CHAN Chi-kau, BBS, JP 張勇邦先生MH Mr Langton CHEUNG Yung-pong, MH 周奕希先生BBS太平紳士 Mr CHOW Yick-hay, BBS, JP 李鋈發先生 MH Mr Herman LEE Yuk-fat, MH 6 委員會組織架構 Organization of COSH 資訊及研究委員會 Information & Research Committee 主席 鄺祖盛先生MH Chairman Mr Antonio KWONG Cho-shing, MH 委員 何世賢博士 Member Dr Daniel HO Sai-yin 伍婉婷女士MH Ms Yolanda NG Yuen-ting, MH 蘇潔瑩醫生 Dr Loletta SO Kit-ying 湯修齊先生MH太平紳士 Mr Henry TONG Sau-chai, MH, JP 王文炳博士 Dr Kelvin WANG Man-ping 黃仰山教授 Prof Samuel WONG Yeung-shan 增選委員 林大慶教授BBS太平紳士 Co-opted member Prof LAM Tai-hing, BBS, JP 巫潔嫻教授 Prof Phoenix MO Kit-han 吳文達醫生 Dr Alexander NG Man-tat 法例委員會 Legislation Committee 主席 鄺祖盛先生MH Chairman Mr Antonio KWONG Cho-shing, MH 委員 何世賢博士 Member Dr Daniel HO Sai-yin 伍婉婷女士MH Ms Yolanda NG Yuen-ting, MH 黃幸怡女士太平紳士 Ms Sandy WONG Hang-yee, JP 增選委員 封螢醫生 Co-opted member Dr FUNG Ying 林大慶教授BBS太平紳士 Prof LAM Tai-hing, BBS, JP 劉文文女士BBS, MH太平紳士 Ms Lisa LAU Man-man, BBS, MH, JP 李詠梅教授 Prof Anne LEE Wing-mui 麥龍詩迪教授OBE, SBS太平紳士 Prof Judith MACKAY, OBE, SBS, JP 左偉國醫生SBS, BBS太平紳士 Dr Homer TSO Wei-kwok, SBS, BBS, JP 7 委員介紹 Members of COSH 主席 Chairman 副主席 Vice-chairman 鄺祖盛律師MH 伍婉婷女士MH Mr Antonio KWONG Cho-shing, MH Ms Yolanda NG Yuen-ting, MH 鄺祖盛律師現職商人,於2009年加入委員會,並 伍婉婷女士是灣仔區區議員,亦擔任多項公職, 於2014年獲委任為委員會主席。鄺律師現為資訊及 於2008年獲委任為委員。伍女士現為行政委員會和 研 究 委 員 會 和 法 例 委 員 會 主 席、 行 政 委 員 會 社區聯絡委員會主席、教育及宣傳委員會、資訊及 副主席、社區聯絡委員會和教育及宣傳委員會委員。 研究委員會和法例委員會委員。 Mr Antonio KWONG, a qualified solicitor, is a Ms Yolanda NG is a Councilor of Wan Chai District and businessman. He joined COSH in 2009 and was actively involved in public services. She joined COSH in appointed as COSH Chairman in 2014. He is the 2008 and is the Chairman of the Executive Committee Chairman of the Information & Research Committee and and Community Liaison Committee and also a member Legislation Committee, Vice-chairman of the Executive of the Education & Publicity Committee, Information & Committee and also a member of the Community Research Committee and Legislation Committee. Liaison Committee and Education & Publicity Committee. 8 委員介紹 Members of COSH 委員 Member 委員 Member 委員 Member 趙佩燕醫生太平紳士 何靜瑩女士 何世賢博士 Dr Amy CHIU Pui-yin, JP Ms Ada HO Ching-ying Dr Daniel HO Sai-yin 趙佩燕醫生於年度內為衞生署 何靜瑩女士現職科網企業行政 何世賢博士為香港大學公共 副署長,於2018年加入委員會, 總裁,曾創辦社會企業及非牟利 衞生學院副教授,於2017年加入 為行政委員會委員。 機構。何女士於2014年加入委員 委員會,現為教育及宣傳委員會、 會,現為教育及宣傳委員會委員。 社 區 聯 絡 委 員 會、 資 訊 及 研 究 Dr Amy CHIU is the Deputy Director 委員會及法例委員會委員。 of Department of Health from 2018. Ms Ada HO is an entrepreneur, she She joined COSH as an ex-officio founded a social enterprise and non- Dr Daniel HO is an Associate member in 2018 and is a member of profit organization. She joined COSH Professor in the School of Public the Executive Committee. in 2014 and is a member of the Health, The University of Hong Education & Publicity Committee. Kong. He joined COSH in 2017 and is a member of the Education & Publicity Committee, Community Liaison Committee, Information & Research Committee and Legislation Committee. 9 委員介紹 Members of COSH 委員 Member 委員 Member 委員 Member 徐小曼女士 林哲玄醫生 廖偉明醫生 Ms HSU Siu-man Dr David LAM Tzit-yuen Dr Haston LIU Wai-ming 徐小曼女士為一位青年服務機構 林哲玄醫生為香港醫學會副會 廖偉明醫生為牙科醫生,並擔任 註冊社工,於2014年加入委員會, 長,於2018年加入委員會,現為 香港牙醫學會會長,於2018年加 現為教育及宣傳委員會委員。 社區聯絡委員會委員。 入委員會,現為教育及宣傳委員會 委員。 Ms HSU Siu-man is a registered Dr David LAM is the Vice President of social worker in youth organization. The Hong Kong Medical Association. Dr Haston LIU is a dentist and also She joined COSH in 2014 and is a He joined COSH in 2018 and is a the President of Hong Kong Dental member of the Education & Publicity member of the Community Liaison Association. He joined COSH in 2018 Committee. Committee. and is a member of the Education & Publicity Committee. 10 委員介紹 Members of COSH 委員 Member 委員 Member 委員 Member 繆潔芝醫生 蘇潔瑩醫生 鄧振強先生MH 太平紳士 Dr Christina MAW Kit-chee Dr Loletta SO Kit-ying Mr Teddy TANG Chun-keung, MH, JP 繆潔芝醫生現為醫院管理局葛量 蘇潔瑩醫生現為東區尤德夫人 洪 醫 院 及 東 華 醫 院 行 政 總 監, 那打素醫院顧問醫生,於2018年 鄧振強先生現職中學校長,同時 於2015年加入委員會,現為社區 加入委員會,現為教育及宣傳委 擔 任 香 港 中 學 校 長 會 主 席, 於 聯絡委員會委員。 員會和資訊及研究委員會委員。 2018年加入委員會,現為教育及 宣傳委員會委員。 Dr Christina MAW is the Hospital Dr Loletta SO is a Consultant in Chief Executive of Grantham Hospital Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Mr Teddy TANG is a secondary school and Tung Wah Hospital, Hospital Hospital. She joined COSH in 2018 principal and the Chairman of The Authority. She joined COSH in 2015 and is a member of the Education & Hong Kong Association of the Heads and is a member of the Community Publicity Committee and Information of Secondary Schools. He joined Liaison Committee. & Research Committee. COSH in 2018 and is a member of the Education & Publicity Committee. 11 委員介紹 Members of COSH 委員 Member 委員 Member 委員 Member 湯修齊先生MH 太平紳士 曾立基先生 董煜醫生太平紳士 Mr Henry TONG Mr Richard TSANG Lap-ki Dr Stewart TUNG Yuk, JP Sau-chai, MH, JP 曾立基先生現為公共關係顧問 董煜醫生現為屯門醫院顧問醫生, 湯修齊先生現職為企業董事總經 集團主席,於2016年加入委員會, 於2018年加入委員會,現為教育及 理,亦為家庭與學校合作事宜委 現為教育及宣傳委員會主席和 宣傳委員會委員。 行政委員會委員。 員會主席,於2018年加入委員會, 現為教育及宣傳委員會和資訊及 Dr Stewart TUNG is a Consultant in 研究委員會委員。 Mr Richard TSANG is the Chairman of Tuen Mun Hospital. He joined COSH a public relations consultancy group. in 2018 and is a member of the Mr Henry TONG is the Managing He joined COSH in 2016 and is the Education & Publicity Committee. Director of an enterprise and the Chairman of the Education & Publicity Chairman of Committee on Home- Committee and also a member of the School Co-operation.
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