Ontanogon County Naturalization Index Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Aahaekarpi Anton V4,P158 Aalta John V12,P48 Aalto Fredrik Ivar V4,P282 Aalto John V4,P135 Aalto Sigrid V21,P699 Aarnio Eddie V5,P47 Abe Anton V5,P105 Abe Jacob V5,P273 Abfall Valentine V6,P404 Abraham George V3,P23 Abrahamson Henry V4,P149 Abramovich Frank V6,P238 Abramovich Johan V16,P79 V16,P79 Abramovich Stanko V9,P1131 Abramson Anna Moilanen B2,F1,P810 Adair Alpheus C. V11,P32 Adair Alpheus C. V3,P254 Adams Christopher V10,P143 Adams Christopher B1,F5,P4 B1,F5,P4 Adams Henry V4,P258 Aeshlinen Christ V3,P104 Agere Joseph V3,P89 Aguisti Adolo V6,P212 Ahala Alekx V6,P416 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Ontonagon County Page1 of 234 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Ahistus Jaako V16,P31 V16,P31 Ahlholm Karl August V22,P747 V22,P747 Ahlholm Vendla B2,F8,P987 Aho Aili Marie B2,F6,P930 Aho Antti V13,P68 Aho Antti V18,P4 V18,P4 Aho Antti V6,P51 Aho Charles Gust V17,P100 Aho Edward V5,P275 Aho Elias V6,P91 Aho Erik J. V4,P183 Aho Gust V5,P239 Aho Herman V6,P368 Aho Herman V19,P16 V19,P16 Aho Jacob V4,P69 Aho Jacob V13,P56 Aho Johan V5,P11 Aho John V6,P294 Aho John V13,P69 Aho Minnie Sanna B2,F7,P974 B2,F7,P974 Aho Minnie Sanna V9,P1050 Aho Nestori V15,P85 V15,P85 Aho Nistari V14,P53 Aho Oskar Jarvi V6,P74 Aho Viktori Ranto V6,P70 Ahola Alex V9,P1026 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Ontonagon County Page2 of 234 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Ahola Alexa B2,F2,P863 Ahola Matti V15,P38 V15,P38 Ahteenpaa Jaakka Emil V6,P61 Airola Paul V9,P1101 Airola Paul B2,F3,P870 Ajehi Mak V4,P152 Akonru Juke John V4,P293 Alain Michel V6,P231 Alanen Eina V5,P289 Alanen Eino V7,P49 Alanen Eino V19,P84 V19,P84 Alanen Eino V17,P84 V17,P84 Alanen Elsa Elisa Kauppinen V21,P684 Alanen Emil V19,P90 V19,P90 Alanen Frank B2,F6,P938 B2,F6,P938 Alanen Frank V9,P1057 Alanen John Arvid V6,P184 Alanen Kaisa Sorvari V23,P796 Alaperet John V7,P84 Alaperet Johs John V21,P670 V21,P670 Alaperet Kalle Kusti V22,P750 V22,P750 Alaperet Kalli Kurtis V6,P443 Alaperet Kalli Kusti V7,P102 Alaperet Sima Perttunen V21,P669 Alatala Jani V4,P222 Alein Stevens Pitt V10,P54 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Ontonagon County Page3 of 234 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Aleinicaka Wladystaw V5,P58 Alho Toivo Arthur B2,F3,P880 Alholm Andrew V4,P197 Alholm Andrew V13,P424 Allen James A. V3,P256 Allgren John V12,P2 Alm Lauri V5,P178 Almquist Fred V3,P258 Also Gusta V12,P110 Alto Gusta V4,P172 Alto Gusto V13,P113 Ammo Thomas V11,P100 Amos Amos V11,P117 Amundsen Jonas V16,P54 V16,P54 Amundsen Jonas V5,P68 Andersen John V11,P233 Andersen Solomon V11,P208 Anderson Andrew V4,P33 Anderson Carl V6,P269 Anderson Carl Gustaf B2,F7,P953 B2,F7,P953 Anderson Carl Gustaf V9,P1104 Anderson Carlo V17,P75 V17,P75 Anderson Charles V13,P98 Anderson Charles V7,P107 Anderson Charles V12,P125 Anderson Charles August V22,P747 V22,P747 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Ontonagon County Page4 of 234 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Anderson Chaus V3,P302 Anderson Christ V17,P98 Anderson Edmund V11,P285 Anderson Edwin V18,P46 V18,P46 Anderson Edwin V6,P140 Anderson Emil V3,P295 Anderson Hans E. V3,P207 Anderson Johan A. V12,P123 Anderson Johan A. V13,P95 Anderson John V12,P36 Anderson Leander V4,P23 Anderson Magnus V15,P93 V15,P93 Anderson Mathias V4,P286 Anderson Matt V12,P94 Anderson O. E. V4,P95 Anderson Peter V4,P78 Anderson Peter O. V13,P87 Anderson Sigfred V4,P105 Anderson Sigfred V13,P75 Anderson Svan August V3,P240 Anderson Thomas V19,P83 V19,P83 Anderson Vendla B2,F8,P987 Anderson Victor V9,P1139 Anderson Victor V7,P77 Anderson Victor B2,F7,P970 Anderson Victor V6,P295 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Ontonagon County Page5 of 234 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Andersson Carl Gustaf B2,F7,P953 B2,F7,P953 Andrem John V3,P170 Andrew Francis B1,F5,P5 Andrew Nicholas V2,P419 Andriason Johan V3,P264 Andrira Antonio V12,P424 Andryziak Adryasz Andray V3,P271 Andryzock Adryasz Andray V3,P271 Angelo Picchiottino V4,P124 Angene William V2,P397 Angeve William V2,P397 Angilley William John V5,P253 Angove William V3,P62 Animo Thomas V2,P24 Anjala Wenjamin V6,P8 Annear James V2,P361 Antell Matt V4,P34 Anten Matt V4,P34 Anterson Mati V4,P119 Antila A. August V4,P117 Antila Alex V12,P421 Antila David Jalmer B2,F2,P864 B2,F2,P864 Antila David Jalmer V9,P1027 Antila Edvard V4,P58 Antila Hilda Katherine B2,F5,P920 Antila Hilda Maria B2,F3,P868 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Ontonagon County Page6 of 234 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Antila Kaarl E. V14,P26 V14,P26 Antila Kaarl E. V4,P245 Antila Pekka Heikki V5,P84 Antila Samuel B2,F2,P857 B2,F2,P857 Antila Samuel V8,P987 Antila Senja Eliina Mrs. B2,F3,P883 Antill Johan V4,P23 Antilla A. August V13,P89 Antilla Aili Ingrid B2,F8,P997 Antilla Hilda Katherine B2,F5,P920 Antilla Pekka Haikki V17,P95 V17,P95 Antilla Samelii Yli B2,F2,P857 B2,F2,P857 Antoni Jano V12,P452 Antonio Andrira V12,P424 Anttila Isaac V12,P61 Anttila Isac V4,P131 Anttila Oskar V4,P156 Anttila Petter V8,P988 Anttonen Matt V6,P355 Anttonen Oscar Juho V5,P125 Anundi Axel A. V4,P156 Aquance Leonard V11,P218 Ardlesk Niks V4,P120 Arens Peter V2,P302 Argilanteri William V14,P82 V14,P82 Ark Gust V11,P303 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Ontonagon County Page7 of 234 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Arkkelin John V17,P64 V17,P64 Arklander Amanda V19,P31 V19,P31 Arklander Amanda V7,P8 Arra John V13,P47 Arthur Richard V2,P106 Arthur Thomas V15,P15 V15,P15 Arvison William V17,P44 V17,P44 Arvison William V5,P215 Arvola Henry V7,P113 Arvola Matt V14,P40 V14,P40 Asikainen Juho V17,P66 V17,P66 Asikainen Pekka V6,P53 Asikainen Pekka V17,P66 V17,P66 Audruor Josiah V2,P8 Augilley William John V16,P99 V16,P99 Augove William V2,P9 Augustson Wilhelm V16,P35 V16,P35 Aunger John V2,P365 Auominen Erland V11,P290 Austin Frank V3,P193 Avery George V3,P168 Axzell Axel W. B1,F14,P1 Axzell Axel Wiliam V14,P90 Baavola John A. V4,P157 Baavola Matti V13,P110 Babich Petar V18,P54 V18,P54 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Ontonagon County Page8 of 234 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Back Anders Albert V5,P179 Back Anna Johanna B2,F7,P971 Back Pertti V7,P50 Back Pertti V19,P100 V19,P100 Backer John V2,P195 Badge Joseph V3,P116 Bahn Jacob V2,P159 Baien Simon V3,P108 Bailey John V2,P203 Bailey John V11,P90 Bain James V3,P100 Baker Richard V2,P343 Baker Walter B2,F8,P993 B2,F8,P993 Baker Walter V9,P1053 Baks Charlis V4,P56 Balacic Mato V9,P1058 Ball Fred S. V11,P247 Ball Thomas V3,P36 Balma John V6,P197 Balma Peter V12,P427 Bangs Erik V12,P27 Bankari Antti V4,P118 Bankavi Antti V12,P51 Banths John V4,P70 Bardy Louis V2,P452 Baretinni Gorn John V12,P438 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Ontonagon County Page9 of 234 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Bari Anna Bohjala V21,P705 Bari Mat Matti V11,P258 Bari Matt V21,P683 V21,P683 Bari Matt V6,P499 Barnes George V4,P167 Barnett Samuel V2,P186 Barney James V2,P179 Baron Peter V3,P226 Barrett William V2,P439 Barry Albert Jefferson V8,P939 Barry Albert Jefferson V6,P264 Barryman James V3,P45 Barsheam Edward V3,P179 Barsheam Edward V11,P30 Barss George James V3,P163 Barta Wenzel V4,P65 Bartanen John Ihner V6,P291 Bartanen Kaalepi John V17,P50 V17P50 Bartanen Kaalepi John V6,P127 Bartle Henry V2,P379 Bartle William V2,P451 Barweinski Josef V6,P96 Bateman James E. V11,P190 Bateman William V12,P23 Bathtone William Walter V5,P93 Batiman James E. V11,P190 Thursday, August 05, 2004Ontonagon County Page10 of 234 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Batten John V3,P220 Battison Thomas V3,P127 Battstone William Walter V15,P20 V15,P20 Battstone William Walter V15,P8 V15,P8 Baudrenyhien Joseph V2,P80 Baudringhien Joseph V2,P80 Baumgaehmer Joseph V10,P271 Baumgartner Johan Fredilin V2,P431 Baumgartner Lorenz V2,P254 Baunin Joseph V2,P185 Bauths John V4,P70 Bawden Edward V2,P219 Bawden John V2,P2 Bawden Joseph V2,P449 Bawden Samuel V2,P359 Bawden William V2,P357 Bayhin James V10,P121 Bayhin James B1,F11,P7 Baylin James B1,F6,P1 Baylin James B1,F11,P7 Bayville Julius V4,P6 Bblaser John V2,P409 Beahan Thomas V2,P220 Bealer Joseph B1,F6,P2 B1,F6,P2 Beales Joseph V10,P128 Bearchemen Edward V6,P413 Thursday, August 05, 2004Ontonagon County Page11 of 234 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Beardly Henry V3,P228 Beaten Angus V4,P200 Beaton August V13,P430 Beaucheniun Alfred V3,P177 Beaudier Peter V11,P234 Beccaro Paul V6,P274 Beck Charles V4,P33 Beck James V3,P338 Beck John V14,P135 V14,P135 Beck John V4,P43 Beck John V5,P61 Beck Joseph V14,P129 V14,P129 Beck Joseph V5,P60 Beck Thristian Frederick V3,P1 Beek John V2,P26 Belisle Leo Joseph B2,F6,P948 Bellville Oliver V2,P139 Belt Thomas V3,P88 Benchinor John V4,P110 Benchmen Edward V6,P413 Bengs Erick V4,P67 Bengton Alfrid V3,P234 Bennetts Henry V4,P96 Bennetts William V3,P158 Bennetts William V2,P455 Benney William James V16,P21 V16,P21 Thursday, August 05, 2004Ontonagon County Page12 of 234 Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Benney William James V5,P255 Bensak Joseph V9,P1092 Benshina John V4,P110 Berg Charles V5,P161 Berg Charles V16,P15 V16,P15 Berg Elias V16,P14 V16,P14 Berg Ellias V5,P162 Berg John V6,P478 Berg John V19,P20 V19,P20 Berghefer Konrad V2,P118 Bergland Olof Asksen V14,P39 Bergland Olof Aslakson V14,P98 V14,P98 Bergman Paul V11,P213 Bergstrom Gust V14,P50 V14,P50 Berlin Wilhelm V14,P106 V14,P106 Berlin Wilhelm V4,P233
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