Karate: Art of Tlie Orient Unifies Body and Spirit

Karate: Art of Tlie Orient Unifies Body and Spirit

S.A. Not Yet Famed NIT Overlooks Composer International Conducts Roadrunners at UTSA Page 3 Page 9 ^ Page 12 ents Pay Tribute To Prof greatest asset." said Dr B S. Thyagara­ lege should be It's a unique opportunity The $ 100 donation by Rick Rodrlgu*< "In addition to his teaching r**pon- Activ* in prof***ional organizations, lan, prolassor of chemistry lor students to immerse themselves in and John Smaidek Is on* concrete ex­ ilbilitl**, Thy*g*r«|an is deeply In­ Thyagarajan alto davot** hi* *nergy to Recently, two ot his lormer students an atmosphere of learning I try lo in­ ample of Thyagaralan* ability to in­ volved in Important r*ie*rch,"' univariity committ*** and (erve* •• paid tribute to Thyagarajans sue- spire them to take advantage of it — to spire and motlvat* his students Rodriguez noted, "We think •lumnl end faculty advit*r to th* UTSA chaptar of caai in taachlng by donating S100 to explore new ideas, to learn to think th* bu*in*** community *hould b* mor* th* Am*rlc*n Ch*mi*try Society. hia research efforts creatively and innovatively. These are "i-ie has taught us many things, t>oth «ctiv*iy lupportlv* of univ*rilty •fforts I tpprecitt* Rick *nd John'* oon- precious, valuable years whan students" inside and outside the art* of In th*«* *r***.'" tribullon." Thytgirajan (aid "Being able A profeuor at UTSA since its incep­ minda are fresh and dynamic They re In chamlstry.' said Sm«|d*k. Thy(g*r*j«n'8 main r****rch lnt*re*ts to encourag* my •tud*nt* to l**rn and tion in 1974. Thyagaralan uses an in­ a center of learning, surrounded by the Rodriguez agreed: "His teaching* ar* currently focus on developing sulphur to think hat, b**n my gr**t*(t r*ward, I teresting analogy to describe his educa­ best level of thinking, the best level of not limited to chemistry but alao encom­ Insecticides less toxic than those now In would liH * to think I **rv* a* a continuing tional philosophy teaching and incredible resources I tell pass how we as individuals can Interact use and in «*archlng for drugs to cur* conduit to th*m for th* unlv*r*lty'" "Many students enter college with them to capitalize on II "" hyp*rten*ion and high blood prassur* wfiat I call a gold band" or "trading with society We thought this gift would Thyagaraian's enthusiasm for teaching "In tha futur*. w* hop* to b* able lo stamp approach to higher education be a small way lo show our gratitude " IS as bright and vital as it was when he Th* prof*S8&r r*c*lv*d his doctoral* increase our support of the university,"" They enroll in courses to obtain their Or. B.S. Thyagarajan racalvas grant started teaching 3U years ago His The two are recent graduates who in 19Se from th* Unlv*rsity of Madras Smad|*ck said, "'and w*'d lik* to *** in­ "stamp" lor three hours credit, and after for raaaarch. philosophy and devotion has inspired have started their own business involv­ In addition to his teaching and research creased support from ir*« busin***** they collect enough stamps," they turn hundreds of students — many pi whom as well As Thyagarajan showed us, a Teaching is the most satisfying thing I in the book in excliange for a degree duties, he has written numerous artlciaa keep in touch with him years after ing recovery of precious metals from and books and is currently editor of two university is an Important community do and my students have been my "I tell my students thats not what col- graduation scrap materials international scientific journals resource TUESDAY M,in •• I • 1 <n.l PAi^AIIO Volume 4, Number 5 Serving the UTSA cof't^nnnily V Problems Plague Computer Lab by Pat Driacoll placed on diaclpllnary probation last fall After re-enrolling for the fall semester, clearance from the police department The second student volunteered a During the last year, there fiave been 8eme*t*r fof changing the computer the student was arrested In The student waa booked into Bexar statement during an Inveatlgatlon by the some changes and problems concern­ •ystem partition for a job priority September, and trespassing charges County Jail and waa later released The campua police in which he admitted to ing UTSAs computer lab were again filed when the atudent charges were dropped. "booting up" his job priority In one controversial Incident Tre*pa*8ing charga* w*re filed by entered the Science Building after The student was again arre*t*d In Oc­ The atudent said a curloually about Nat Quadagnino, former director of com­ the univereity polic* agalnat th* first in­ regular operating hours tober, this time by th* Sh*riff'8 D*p*rt- th* computer syst*m l*d him/her to puting resources, reaignsd laat January dividual, * former UTSA (tudent, on UnlverBlty Police Chief Manuel ment for the April 19 treepiMing review evallable file*. Th* III* nim*, UN­ amid disagreements on departmental April 19, 1983 for u*ing th* computer Chavez explained that the student charges The studant was booked Into FOLD EXEC, gave acceas to an procedures. *y*t*m mor* than once without being entered through a door that was left Bexar County Jail and later released op*r*tor'* minl-dl*k which had program* Gary Hammon, vice preaident of enrolled at the university unlocked without receiving the usual These charges were also dropped. and filas ef which at leaat one waa business affairs and current acting restricted director of computing resource*, was Quadagnino's supervisor Hammon The operatora disk gave access to could only speculate about the reaaon* programs for changing the system parti­ for the resignation, aInce a letter of tion to Increase priority, student grades, realgnation was not •ubmittad to him. and IDCAMS System Services Alto, As tar as I know, he's going to start acceaaibliity to a file for Directory of OS hia own company That's what I heard Disks Included UTSA tfudent matter through the grapevine " recorda and a payroll for the workttudy Quadagnino submitted his resignation program to President Wagener on December 1S, Th* studant said, "I was able to up Nat Quadagnino, former computer 1983. effective January 31 of thia year. priority because i saw an operator per­ lab director. Upon Hammons recommendation, Wagener placed Quadagnino on ad­ form the function for a Inend m the com­ ministrative leave for the month of puter lah, In the Science Building immadiataly contact the appropriate per­ January Dr Dora Hauser, dean of students. son and report It Quadagnino said that ha waa not happy concluded trom the investigative report Dr Charles Hathaway, daan of th* with the way things were being run. that there was no intent to misuse or ollege of tciencet and mathamafict, "The department waan't under my abuse the privilege of Ihe computers commented about other minor problemt control." he aald. "What the student said could have hap­ in the computer lah. auch at tome One specific complaint concerned pened, and we believe it did happen student* g*tting into oth*r *tudent*' purchases "Money couU have been Hauser went on to say. "It is possible files The department la currantiy for­ spent differently and, in my opinion, that a student, without intention can ac- mulating a policy to initiate ethical and wouW have produced more for the ridently get into filet" The remedy It to procedural standards lor computer ute university Purchrse* were made without consulting me "" Quadagnino decided lor hi* own best interest to resign and star) his own con­ sulting tirm called Anacom Incorporated According to UTSA personnel direc­ lomputer Equipment tor, John Maaaey, there are no im­ mediate plaia to fin the vacant poaitk>n. In unrelated incidents coi cerning the itolen From Lab computer lab last year, one student was Students continue to iwork on program* daiplte problem* in the computer lab. arrested lor trespassing and another Valued at $11,844 by Pat Driacoll UT Med Involved In Nuke Waste Comput*r *guipm*nt valuad al A lab •*titt*nt found th* door* Si 1,844 waa *tol*n from tha eytfemt unlocked at 1 20 a m , March S There by Read Paablaa deiign laboratory two w*ak*ndt ago ware no (ignt of forced entry According the Univertlty Police Chief The Item* mitting ar* four IBM per Radioactive watte hat been Manuel Chavez, th* laboratory tocated *onal computar unit*, fiv* keyboard*, generating a tot of heat around here letel- poted low-level radioactive waste Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority County 80 miles south of here, might on the third ftoor of the Science one monitor, on* printer end * dl*k y. Controversy haa raged over a pro- disposal facility The Texas Low-Level (RWDA) has suggested thai Dimmil make a suitable site for such a facility Bulkting. waa tockad up at 6 15 p m on operating *y»t*m Mvcli 4 Of course, very few people living in Dimmil County agree The Dimmit coun­ ty residents are suffering trom what An between tow and high-level wHSte Tom radioactive watt* it hard to change thony Benedetto, an engineer with the Blackburn, a spokesman lor the RWDA According fo Blackburn. Dimmit it only UTHSC Dept of Nuclear Medicine, suggests that only spent reactor fuel one of teveral cQunti** und*r con­ refers lo as The NIMBY syndrome In and fluid that hat come m direct contact sideration by the RWDA He point* to other words, bury it anywhere buf *Not with that luel.

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