![I!) Oa INS1] TULE, the BONANZA DRUG STORES](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
PRO. 9.176 VOL. XXXI TRINIDAT) WEDNESDAY FEBRU ARY lb top ~ DANY OVE PENRP Se er 9cy | MERU rHBE InoUKERGE ES DM AEW 2.00 ss |N. ABDELNOR EPHENS, Kiwos tees, 3Y, Park Street,’ eiTED. GLENDINN ING (MbTUAL & CO-OPERATIVE 2 Imro tae of Dey G ois ‘ i MD : am, Onacon Metre ept. Boors & SHOES SPECIAL Dig PLAY TELEPHONE wo a CARNIVAL VALURS| wert tticane Jowollory 3 Kou Nr oegty dette be ah Ora tara nmrmsmome ee . : ry [D . - OF. wig be t ja che pan Ye Ons eve . Goods one terms of y payment ae Rl ¥ be weed e Dircoatant ’ a eck ee, © | ___ 0 Approved aSy parties es OF «THE the year arpa and Lecgeasec cad Mt .. Feperb thereon, ERM ‘ GUITAR AND MANDOLINE “genan, ATED Vg -- ' se ye Book te, Ohandon| -.-. -~ >: - FOR 7 risgeeninterore ss tte peen a! Nowy Gold and Silver Laces, Braids, Cords, dU. grtinate leet Sarta i Q To eles Agditure for the enewinp FE, ° re CG ] ce } 5 & | alsa Chose te a eaters tee ; Sear, ringes ~Ppatipl s, o1ns, Stars, c, Jearning to pinay the Gale and Maado” ’ Mae Terme Moderate. Apply at No it may, ie one TH E ¢ A R N | / Al S F ASO N 3. To Drie asortion ter the arh cash rere divider! Toten oa the | GOLD ARD SILVER AMD gRARCY, TaRLATAnS, SWARSDOWN | Savenutor tit sar ta oione Me eat to the Compenr, y Y a . c= =—— =— ae A.P. MATHINON, ' Vi i T 3 Te oiay Ht Spat Seoetarg, | {I!) Oa INS1] TULE, emi Brandes Comprises. Ptr RIBBONS, RIBBONS, RIBBONS Fancy ant Plain~all hides and Widihs abe TABLE OF CLASSES! i, 8.00 ree per Case. [LALIES wurr Bi ARTS RATIN Sh Suomi = giv Bel . livos, at ze . in— idihs SS i le . ? Mec ANTAGNE 9 Ym WHITE KID Laney ’ SHOES—with — 2 . bere ry Sit re Dome et tho Trinidad Building and ot Torm 1912, - e . DS. J acontise sre sasvans, aaa ” a a . ere] 2 RUE ' - tae 3 w . GOODS. |.2° - os BEAGA SARIN Poup Dunttriege? RBAUES” wl borat Omar ie so 1 [pan Association, HIRST SHIPMENT OF EASTER Pentti enrs = om Pet] Rua RIDE in Why : "es Bitvace tit 2 Bim, Seated He} hone? Case,, ” Gney SUEDE GB R RHOER — aj h Large Ding at lw —Tr rustnarg 5 wo, us, CHACON srrery Tawns, Fa oy and Tlain White Muslins, W hite POMMERY & " RUE TAN Ae AN OHS — with Lian 1 Gitataenie tof ovrice: ro i I ril'a t mbroweries, Tacs 16 Cases Ladi.s Mitte Spe at from gma » -CARMINGE SATIN | Ral subs art Pave Bristuant at 29 elephome: Tacha teglnnere—from 6 pars 0 a” W oITe Kip COLONIAL BHOES ~eith Gt Back ea nt 8109 and ¢ hildeen'y Hats. ” BLUE Satin oo { BAK DHUES~ wih Tiosel Ovpamests at o FOPERITSS nO FOR SALK] Newest 7. Shapes For 1912 Le 7 Rao eres aierwelite fot YJapunosd Slippors, Martiniquan —o Sees . Woes ena - Franch ttormetiate Carpot ° trom, opm to? pus Boul Recphes SMppors, Volvet Slippors, B — fron ta, 7 os . 5th Fy by, Peeiae toadds TY Slippors, Alpargatas, and 13 Ounce GRAND DISPLAY, Monday, 30 Bell Eau it . —_—_— THURSDAY ~Artneed ewoik ~from 339 py JU pus Aud froin 430 pm, to Wp, ss hos thand Advan EING MIDAS PAINTS 7 luis na strcet ine od Ue, Spa: For COLOURING BHOZS, io all the different Shades, Ay ly to SE HOCE: a& CO. pivnere~ tron Spm to? on; copia Advanced — Crow 3 pias Ty Dew rity, v —_——— 12 FREDERICK STR. Er a On, aial fruany ¥ 18 Chacon sz, FRipAYs 2 Prened Briaaeco — from 6 Frieuds cfthe Poor. Oo tw 7 pia, ¢ Engin Cam poeitignes Public Benefactors and in un 07 Ube} Lees keoeplug J. LENDINNING & CO, Deginuers—trou Po. to8pim, SS = J ene 98 He, per Ib, HORNIZC Vege 1 RMT.WW4ND olVe v it Ua a OrCueTARYS CFFign SROCERIES GO" LTD, ASSURANGE Tea pb uy «192, ’ Tee De or of pa Woh. bus or LTownow, I OUSEKEEPERS, LARGE SHIPMENT ? ety hs awed He te toe « Reag A sr he ae an g jag “ibe Ceateal K tndly take ote, Established 1782, JM, FARFan, — . SLIGUTLY OF REN hep a Socretepy 80) ted tho aberd, TL ‘8tkaxcrs otfected against Loss by Fire o. avery dacpr ption of fa bende about 8 to bbe eneh — on cslhelds can be cut lowny welghe ay Vw ih WHISKIES ~ PERFECTION” Rean’ved oo Th thet neta of road including + ery ks, Suildwgs aud FDZginos DAWSON'S t roperty, Sl gouty corned Pls 1h NOU Nee nee ting ‘Miho pe “er ag trend ding «a vu tbe most Fav sitiatly terms. I Be pes | b, Aan, enmcd sm 40 gO ree as pwn, wud at Slightly Corved 0X LGU juny a Nou th E 6 erty 0 «othe, The PHOKSIX faone of the alder sre alt blest Ofices [a existence tte, Ib, CASES “TRE ton aah bide al Map bo Prove le Hy ry and.h.s brauchos and Agrocies throughou: the w oid, SALT "AUSAGEFA24 per lb, per 200 w'ece Edney «esac Zhe accumulated funds etceed £ 4.000100 sterling. * Svone Po, he wa Cletus ald £5 000,00 “ "| ‘Ta, OP Heirs Revenue ‘ . £ 3,2000,00 ” Cheica ENGLI3E HiMs, | AlLo100 Cases df the ky te rigg Prompt aud Libe, al Settlements, TERTIVS . Devi, Sous Ousk, WILSON, Superior quality ~2a¢, per th, a lenia Welte of Al wa, Suvet, Special Cale mn, Sara Yuteey dane Agent for Trinidad —aittion 5 Onacnn FRESH KEETROOT, Fresh Cabbage— Celebrated + ‘Dawson’s” oe heen for <= TH = cents per ib, FRESIE CIMA BEAN 2—at 100, per Ib, . QU Arexes, te BH NATIO SAL SOVA bISCL I15 | CONNOISSEURS DECLARE . 40 conte p-r tin, 4 bea thew Meee Pkgs, Postuas Cotesl—Snaty 18 vente, ba Large 90 ocuts. Born & Oo 388 te mas or ‘oa, Corr, Pro'ared a pubs Bs © ) eran, totem iag ” Cream Wheat - 99 cents No. ¢ GROADWaY, - tf the Mn is George Laval Hoad, Shredder Whi at—15 vente. THE BONANZA DRUG STORES Pulled tice 180, Ooinitskus Ibe. Tobage,” + Quaker Oata, 4o,. Or, Lie. Tine Utena DELRETANY'S Oyric go 18 THE NIGHT PLACE YOR 4! 18 crnis. 8 4 Heb uery, Big. ue Chalrwan of 2 ' » STBWING PRUNES - aie. and Reliablio Hair Dyos, 2 lis Bottion est URUNEB i, STorvnmctr Local Hood Dushd bes RAH es ares: Good Meas = of the fhowiug Kemula don €or “es . OC LU OTS meetloy of the aa rel Ruad ohn Hair ur Beard that can be used | 1 ile Tine ee ~ie, Be Or SWeM AI] QUALEYDYE a pet MARK REID S HAIR DYE —A Dye ter ave. { Boad, pithout Jetting the world know)~Price } Saltling | cose Kerail he ae a? 7 “ That the Tamtuns Crowa Trade » Bi Dlack—Price 2 6, OLD DUTCH CLE (Nw FR 19g tin, SCHINS Yh 3! Ree 2a. RO OUA POLIStimee, Te ! (OIY TAP) “whieh beyine onthe Kang ‘ HEWES Ee Pe eee Lk Blo Poudre) wNote pack * Koad Thaning Wes thtough the rice One Dott; $1.90 from 1 COLORINE Blak, Dak Lrowu, Mediu * Reliable and Good Brava Polighea, Can be had in Kegs of 3 imperial gallons at i Kenge pertiewene aod tore SCHEFFLER S STANTANEOU'S “mlaatleg on Cove boundary, TOwn—Vrice On @ Dollar, Sa distance of R1U fe by 12 bg been well ted in thls fuarket and an Coy i destaed a Patho Veal Ro ud fastautansous anc Trinidad Bre wing aud be fi ereace fo other makes on account of thelr Walters “frou Jat Agul JOR, Produce any fnjorious elfeets SBT. Rept, 17,- Im ‘ keown as the Tiuwuss Local bermanent action sthey do not staln the skio nor M. W.G OODING. “2 62 Reng one providing the directions be adhered to, ** Iuad,” Bb Mredowtek “¢, aM PA RFAN, 2g co. TELEPHONE aa, SMITr BROTHERS ——__ Reeretary, Us tral Nuad Board, of Spain, Sangre Grands & Arinua, - Z UE RONANZA DRUG STORE I=Port Rovcation Trantwens, re DE SILVA's ene WORD” THE Nas baa Triuuted, « “MUM'S Voreof ss, SSS UDLETTE COCOA, a all January ia . - Sstabhehmont EALED TENDE es are in geesDanttE .onocenate ~ eo = {Funeral (he taplog and . ~ AND TH + 1 q FINEST COCOA. Hat t of id hee Partioulare r Livery Stables tay be obtained fron the] Repecter of g po! 1 Belial. Topders tnuet by fot wanied 10 the Columia! y CRY ar og before i 63 Abercromby Street Satur dey thse Bin Fete unry, inte, = SOUBLETTE Champagne, ’ & WOKEN 1GGe, Choice Gass ts ereca —_——. vena er PURKAT CHOOOLATH. 3 i, ye cue o Notice F GH. MUMM & CO,’s CORPSES CHOCOLATE ~ SOUBLETTE focoa FY RtorPricy VAULT Fon 1Rarrio RETA tionn, 8 sor BLETTE rs — AW ING SHIPMENT. Rouge,” ey tatneean Nov. 4, 01h, “Cordon MOH tau Ur nuves See “ Gout Americain, Out rox JANL amy, rin, AND MILK abv MARCH, ipia YOU ARE LOSING MONEY FOR HIRE, Blanche.” ore Uming “ Carte tek, He Rvewy Qay you Pat aN mest 2 | The « Flanders 20° Meter Car, J sehiclee whig jaw. R 8TOCK FEED! 2 GREAT FRENCH APPETIZLB, "Chale ai ibe 3 Tearing itis ot D OBONNET, THR bl) wih on ae MAC Ang . AS SRNPARED WITH OTHER JPok oy, Commerc 1 das ary, NS trea 6 4s bm te Otay PY y carne ey Feloumry Mage oe Odi Weedld,« cau Urata ge at ap céal oa bis . — STOCK FOUD, Earlebes and —— . Mik et a te Bees " LY ub i SWAIN seus Apyly to \ Grude Droteta SUARANTEED a rt te wo vel at . jou Y. De LIMA & Co, Wossels Bros. & Von fontard, Terpert we ' < OF abe wag Fitee aa wid oy \ Cr atmbar Ha, paray, West, Prous, Cotton Seed Teiapaone phy: Ht Feet ' Mt Ri atn, Made trom “Narate "Pirest Prada tee, SZ nk December tu 70, SOUUTE QUA M AMEN fo MIRE cD Jeaauy ~la.
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