Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1939-03-31 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1939). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 1679. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/1679 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. XAVIER UNIVERSITY NEWS A Student Newspaper With All Department Coverage VOLUME XXV. CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, M~CH 31, 1939 NO. 21 z 552 • Maneuvers DEADLINE TOMORROW KISSEL APPOINTED EDITOR Pian ned For The milital'y Essay Contest closes on Saturday, April 1. OF·.NEWS, THUS CONTINUING A number of essays have al­ Xavier ROTC ready been submitted, and those students who expect to enter the contest should see SOPHOMORE-EDITOR POLICY Reserve Officers And ONG to it that ·their papers reach Collaborate In Venture the military office be.fore the SOPHOMORE ~SHOWN IN OLD and NEW IS closing date. The title of CURRENT NEWS-'REEL I I ACTIVE ON the essay is: "The Value of CAMPUS The Reserve Officers Associa- the ROTC to Our National Defense." Judges are the Rev. A bit of national recognition tion of Cincinnati, collaborating Dennis A. Burns, S. J., presi- Icame to Xa. vier this week. Ir- with the Ohio National Guard, dent of Xavier University, vin F. Beumer, commerce so.ph- New Term Commences After and the Xavier University Re- Rev. John J. Benson, s. J., omore, unknowingly ipartidpa­ Easter Recess serve Officers Training Cor.ps, dean, and Major Arthur M. ted in a news-re~l, now showing' Harper, professor of Military at the Palace theater downtown. has tentatively planned a week . T·he s' hot was on' e ·made dur··ng · Appointment of Robert G. Kis­ Science and Tactics. Prizes of 1 end maneuver, in which all or- $20.00 . and $S.OO will be Americanism week, showing the sel, arts sophomore, to the posi­ ganizations will assist. It is en-I awarded the two winners. speaker's rostrum on Fountain tion of editor. of the Xavier Uni­ tirely voluntary on the part of '--------------.....:I Square. versity News hy the Rev. Urban any Xavier student to take part - • H. Killacky, S. J., moderator of in the maneuver, which is sched- Middendorf I Fox, Gruber publications, continues the policy uled to take place on J1U11e 3. pI of sophomore editors, inaugura­ Assembly for an organizations . I a Ce In Latin Contest ted by the moderator. will be at 1: 30 Saturday after- I Kissel, the fourth sophomore noon, June .3 in the Freeman Av- editor, is to succeed· William J. F. enue Armory. All groups will Thirty-Two Entries In Roll, Jr., whose term of editor­ then •be transported to a place Traditional Event shi'P started in December, 193a. yet to be selected, and will .go The editor-elect will take charge, into bivouac (camp-making) at starting with the issue immedi­ 5: 00. Mess will be at 6: 00, and Names of the three ately .following the Easter recess. then there will be recreation un­ whose papers will represent Xa­ which is to 1be !PUblished on April til 9: 00, when Taps will ·be vier' University in the 1939 Inter­ 14. sounded. · collegiate Latin Contest were re­ Kissel has occupied the posi­ ' tion ·of managing editor since last First ·call in the morning will leased yesterday ·by Rev. Albert I December, and had held the .post be at 2: 00 a. m., and after a light 1 breakfast, all will .go out on ma­ J. Camenzind, S .. J., director of of news editor ibefore that. Ac- neuvers, to select, occupy and the department of classical lan­ tive in extra-curricular work, he organize a rposiUon. At 10: 00 a. -:==== guages. They are Robert H. is a member of the Mermaid m., all will return, partake of Fcix and.·Donald. .,M. Middendorf, Tavern, the Sodality, the Dante · · a full meal, break camp, and re­ ·a.i~i:.S ··senioi-.S,. and Eiffi'er. J. Gru-' Club, the Cle'f ChiQ_and quartet, turn. ber, arts junior. the •band, and the P.hilopedian The. First Year Basic students Judging the thif.ty-two Xavier Debating Society. At the IMil­ will act as ca,nnoneers on the entries was a committee com­ itaTy Ball he was awarded the guns, while the Second Year Ba­ posed of Father Camen7ind and red fourragere, signifying his sic, and First Year Advanced three other members of the fac­ enrollment into the Xavier Or­ Course members will act ·as the ulty whom he chose to assist him. der of Military Merit. Battery Detail, operating radfos, This committee gave honorable The new editor was awarded a switchboards, and ·acting as mention to the papers of John J. Knights of Columbus scholarship Chiefs of 1Sections. Bruder, John W. Woestman, Rob­ upon ·his graduation from Roger Capt. Geor.ge E. Wrockloff, as­ ert G. Kissel, Robert S. Koch, . Moving into it is IBacon High School in 1937. While sistant 'Professor of military sci­ and Wm. J, F. Roll, Jr. J:tobert G. Kissel a senior there, he served as edi- ence and tactics, annouriced that Freshmen whose ·entries showed ---.,.--------'·------ tor of the Baconian, student lit­ the MiJitary Department .would ability, according to Father Cam.: held among Jesuit colleges and· erary publication, and was on like to know the feelings of the enzind, were Edward Burke .and universities in this region, met in j the ~ditorial staff of the Trouba­ students in the military dasses Robert Kaske. .. the Mary G. Lodge Reading· dor, student annual. regarding ihe matter. He as­ The eight juniors and seniors, Room last Thursday. '!'he con-1 The editor-elect is the son 00: sures all who volunteer for the eight sophomores, and sixteen test consisted in translating a Mr. and (Mrs. George L. Kissel, maneU:ver that a gMd time will freshmen who competed in this Latin passage into English, and 4!253 Leonard Ave., St. Bernard, ·be had, practkal ex;perience will •. and Elmer J, Gruber. recurrence of the annual contest an English one into Latin. Ohio. be gained. There was no further appoint­ JUDGES, CHAIRMAN NAMED Fo R ments, at least temporarily, ex­ ARCHBISHOP CURLEY IS cept that the managing editor's TQ N I GHT I place is dro?Ped ll'om the mpst- PATRON OF CONGRESS· VERKAMP DEBATE FINALS j head. LoUJs B. Jurgens, sopho- Imore news editor, and James L. His Excellency Michael J. Mr. Joseph Topmoeller, vacated position .by Rev. Paul J. i Centner, freshman feature editQr, Mr. Edwin Heilker, and Sweeney, S. J., fac.ulty adviser j will continue in their editorial Curley, D. D., Archbishop of 1 Baltimore will act as honorary Dr. Alfred Berger will act for the Verkamp Debate. , places. patron for the 18th annual cin­ as judges for the annual Jones will join Robert S. Koch,., gress of Pax Romana, interna­ Verkamp Debate, Rev. and Brian l!"lanagan of the affinrt- 1 A p RI L 12 tional federation of Catholic John J. iBenson, S. J., dean,. ative team in upholding the sub- IS students and alumni, which will announced Wednesday. Mr. ject: "Resolved: that the United ALU MN I meet in Washington and New Heilker won the debate as States Government should cease MEET York from August 27 to Septem­ an undergraduate student to use pubHc funds for the pur- ber 9. Catholic students from in 1931. Both he and M:. Two important functions of every corner of the world are to Topmoeller are prominent See pictures of to11ig/1t's debate the Alumni Association are , assemble at this congress, native Cincinnati attorneys, and co11testa11ts on Page 5. Ische,duled to take place in April, costumes lending color to the Dr. Berger is president of . according to an announcement occa.sion. The theme of the the Massaoit Chemical Co. pose o~ stimulatmg !business." from the Alumni Office this They will .be opposed by the neg- week. Congress, "The Role of the Uni­ All three judges are Xa­ ative team of William J. Rielly, The versity in National Catholfo Ac­ vier alumni. Melvin J. Tepe, and Aloysius J. April Quarterly meeting tion" will be studied at Catholic Fr. Benson further an­ which was postponed from Holy 'I M;enke. University. The scene of the nounced that William A. Week is tentatively set for Wed- Congress proper will be Ford­ Blum, winner. of last yeaT's In an announcement early in nesday, April 12. Judge Clar­ ham University. oratorical contest at St. the week the dean urged all the ence E. Sprau!, chairman of the In a letter accepting the invi­ Xavier High School and students to attend the debate House Committee, will have tation to serve as honorary pa­ present arts freshman, will and reward the participants with charge of the meeting. tron, Archbishop Curley ex­ assume the duties of chair- ~his . is the Medal they're after. a capacity attendanc.-e. The annual Spring Dinner is pressed belief that this annual man of the debate. Last year, Albert A. Stephan set for Tuesday, April 18. Ap­ Irvin F. Beumer was foreed to his •being given the lead in the of the class of 1938, wo~.. the Jo- pointment of committees to han­ Congress will go far in estab­ 1 lishing the God of Justice, resign his position on the affirm­ coming Masque Society produc- seph B.
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