;paleöttne #a?ette No. 1565 THURSDAY, 20TH MARCH, 1947 299 V CONTENTS Page GOVERNMENT NOTICES ־ - - Despatch of Powers of Attorney to Germany 301 Department of Veterinary Services—Creation of - - - 301 Appointment of a President of a District Court to exercise Functions of a British Puisne Judge - _ • . _ - - - 301 ־ ־ Appointments, etc. - - - - 302 Grant of Medical Licences - - - - - 302 ־ Grant of Dentist's Licence - - - - 303 Grant of Dental Practitioners' Permits - - - - 303 Grant of Pharmacist's Licence - - - - - 304 ־ - - Grant of Midwives' Licences - - 304 Loss of Palestine Post Office Savings Bank Deposit Books - - 305 Claims for Mutilated Currency Notes - - - - 305 ־ - - Tender - - - 305 ־ - Intended Destruction of Courts Records - - 305 Citation Orders - - - - - - 306 RETURNS Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary - - 309 ׳ - Sale of Unclaimed Goods - - - - 310 ־ NOTICES REGARDING BANKRUPTCIES AND INCORPORATION OF COMPANIES - 310 SUPPLEMENT No. 2. The following subsidiary legislation is published in Supplement No. 2 which forms part of this Gazette:— Bankruptcy (Amendment) Rules, 1947, under the Bankruptcy Ordinance, 1936 439 Appointment of an Officer as Marshal of the Supreme Court of Palestine sitting in Admiralty, under the Palestine Admiralty Jurisdiction Order, 1937 - 439 Declaration of a Camp to be a Prison, under the Prisons Ordinance, 1946 - 440 Supplies and Services (Transitional Powers) (Amendment) Order, 1947, under the Supplies and Services (Transitional Powers) Act, 1945 - - 440 Animal Diseases (Swine Fever Vaccination) (Amendment) Rules, 1947, under the ־ - ־ Animal Diseases Ordinance, 1945 - 441 Antiquities (Amendment) Rules, 1947, under the Antiquities Ordinance - 441 Immigration (Exemption) (Revocation) Order, 1947, under the Immigration Ordinance, 1941 - - - - 442 Notice under the Land (Acquisition for Public Purposes) Ordinance, 1943, regard­ ing Acquisition of certain Lands in Et Tira Village for Public Purposes - 443 ־ Patents (Amendment) Rules, 1947, under the Patents and Designs Ordinance 444 Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules, 1947, under the Trade Marks Ordinance, 1938 444 Notices under the Press Ordinance, granting a Permit, and cancelling a Permit, for Publication of Newspapers - 445 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, regarding the Deposit of De­ tailed Schemes, and Modification of a Detailed Scheme, within the Jerusalem Town Planning Area - - - _ _ 445 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, granting Authority to put into Force Detailed Schemes within the Jerusalem Town Planning Area - 447 (Continued) PRICE: 75 MILS. CONTENTS (Continued) a(Je'־: •.;־•.." •. ,׳ . 1 Notices of Posting of Valuation Lists in respect of the Urban Areas of Haifa, Hadera, Shafa 'Amr and Beisan, respectively, under the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, 1940 - - - - - 450 Notice under the Jaffa (Construction of Streets) By-laws, 1945, declaring specified ־ ••־ - Streets as Public Streets - - ..:..452 Notice under the Land Registers Ordinance, 1944, regarding Destruction of Entries in Land: Registers in respect of certain Lands - - -' 453 Notice regarding Intended Proclamation of certain Lands to be Forest Reserves under the Control and Management of the Government, under the Forests Ordinance - - - - - - 455 Mujeidil Village, under־Notice, of:Posting of Schedules of Partition of Land in El the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance - - - 456 Notice of Posting of Schedules of Rights to Land in Er-Reina, Ez-Zib and Buwei- ziya (Meis) Villages, under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance - 457 Notification of Intended Settlement in respect of Lands of Jatt and Yanuh Vil­ lages, under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance - - 457 Municipal Corporations (Nomination of Municipal Commission) (Jerusalem) (Amendment) Order, 1947, under the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934 458 Weights and Measures (Metric Weights) Order, 1947, under the Weights and ־ - - - - Measures Ordinance, 1947 458 Notice under the Weights and Measures Ordinance, 1947, appointing certain Officers to be Controller and Deputy Controller of Weights and Measures, respectively - - - - - - 459 Notice under the Weights and Measures Ordinance, 1947, regarding the Manner of Authentication of Secondary Standards of Weights and Measures - 459 Notice under the Weights and Measures Ordinance, 1947, authorising certain Per­ sons to have Powers of Inspectors of Weights and Measures - '-460 Defence (Benzine and Kerosene) (Maximum Prices) (Amendment) Order, 1947, under the Defence Regulations, 1939 - 460 Defence (Miscellaneous Maximum Prices) (Amendment No. 2) Order, 1947, .under the' Defence Regulations, 1939 - - - - 461 Food Control (Cheese) (Manufacture and Maximum Prices) (Amendment) Order,• 1947, •under the Food Control Ordinance, '1942 - - - 464 Food Control (Maximum- Prices for Certain Alcoholic Drinks) (Amendment) Order, 1947, under the Food Control Ordinance, 1942 - - 464 Food Control (Miscellaneous Maximum Prices) (Amendment No. 3) Order, 1947, under the Food Control Ordinance, 1942 - - - - - 465 Defence (Statutory Martial Law) (Revocation) Order, 1947, under the Defence (Emergency) Regulations, 1945 - - - ., - 467 20th March, 1947 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1565. 301 NOTICE. DESPATCH OF POWERS OF ATTORNEY TO."GERMANY. Special arrangements have now been made • to enable persons in Palestine to despatch powers of attorney to Germany, but not vice versa,, through official chan• / nels.- These facilities only extend at present to powers of attorney issued to donees Y h in the British Zone of Germany or the British Sector of Berlin. Such powers •'•of/ \j attorney must not refer to any unauthorised trade or money transaction nor author- C\ ise transfers of property within Germany. 2. Powers of attorney despatched to Germany cannot be acted upon without the prior approval of the appropriate Division of the Allied Control Commission (British Element). 3. The procedure which residents in Palestine anxious to despatch a power of attorney to Germany should adopt is as follows :— ' ". ' (a) After execution before a notary public the power of-attorney should be sub• mitted in duplicate to the Controller of Foreign Exchange to ensure compli• ׳ .ance with the Defence (Finance) Regulations (b) The original should then be submitted for legalisation to,the Chief Secre­ tary, together with a formal request for transmission to the donee whose address must be given. (c) This request must be accompanied by a postal order in the amount of 7s. 6d\ payable to the Foreign Office. ; (d) The Foreign Office will despatch powers of attorney through official channels to.the Allied Control Commission (British Element) for approval under Milit­ ary Government Law and subsequent transmission, if approved, to the donee. 4. It should be noted that powrers of attorney despatched in any other manner than that described above will not be exercisable within Germany in view of the various Military Government Laws concerning property control, exchange regul­ ations, etc. 13th March, 1947. NOTICE REGARDING THE CREATION'OF A DEPARTMENT OF . VETEEINAEY SERVICES. IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED for general information that the Veterinary Service, which has hitherto formed part of the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, will be constituted, with the approval of the Secretary of State, as a separate De• partment with effect from 1st April, 1947. The telephone number of the Department of Veterinary Services is Jerusalem 4427. The postal address is P.O.B. 874, Jerusalem. (A/22/45). NOTICE. IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED for general information that His Honour the Chief Justice, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by section 14(2) of the Courts Ordinance, 1940, has appointed His Honour Judge P. 0. HUBBARD, Pre• sident of a District Court, to exercise all the functions of a British Puisne Judge generally, as from Monday, the 10th day of March, 1947, for the purpose of hear• ing appeals and other matters listed in the Supreme Court, up to and including the 13th day of April, 1947. M. COTRÀN 8th March, 1947. for Acting Chief Registrar.: THE. PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1565. 20th March, 1947 302.׳ APPOINTMENTS, ETC. MR. J. F. SPRY, Assistant Director, Depart­ ment of Land Registration, to act as Director of Land Registration, with effect from the 13th ־ .APPOINTMENTS March, 1947, until further order. The High Commissioner has appointed:•— ME. J. MCWILLIAMS, Maintenance Engineer Mil. B. FISHMAN, Senior Inspector, Depart­ (Jerusalem Water Supply), Department of ment of Land Registration, to act as Assistant Public Works, to• be Well Drilling Superinten­ Director, with effect from the 13th March, dent, with effect from the 17th• February, 1947. 1947, until further order. MR. T. RYLANCE to be Collector of Customs, MR. Y. ATTALLAH, Senior Inspector, Depart­ Department of Customs and Excise, with ment of Land Registration, to act as Chief effect from the 12th January, 1947. Inspector, with effect from the 13th March, 1947, until further order. MR. S. B. YESHAYA, District Inspector, De­ partment of Education, to be Senior Educa­ tion Cfficer, with effect from the 1st April, TERMINATION OF ' ACTING APPOINTMENTS. 1946. The acting appointment of MR. A. G. DAL- ISAM EFF. SHAWA, Clerk, Grade III, Judicial GLEISH, Deputy District Commissioner, Dis­ Department, to be Cadet District Officer, Dis­ trict Administ! ation, Galilee District, as Prin­ trict Administration, Samaria District, with ' cipal Assistant Secretary,, Secretariat, pub­ : ״ ,effect, from the 6th February, '1947 lished in Palestine Gazette
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