CENSUS OF INDIA 1971 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK PART C DELHI S_ It Gandotta of the Indian Administrative Se~ice, Director of Census Operations, Delhi CONTENTS SECTION A Page INTRODUCTION vii .Background of Distriot Census Handbook--Dilfinitions-Functional Categories__:. I Ackn?wledgemeIit I vii-ix C~TER'I-The District dur;ng:the' Decade IBounda:cy..-Physiography-Climate'1l,lld Rainfall \ : yHAPTER II-Major Events. i Social and Political Events,-Social and PoJitical events which took place in Delhi-Impor­ tant Events of Educational, and Cultural Interest-Important Events for Delhi only .. 3-5 " .' '0 Cl;rAPTER III-Civil Amenities 6 Roa.ds--:'rranspOl:t-Telephone, PQst and, Telegraph Offices-Irrigation-Electricity~ Banking Services-Life Insurance-Medical and Public Health_., Water Supply-AduJ:"e­ rati1)ll.-Edu~ation-Ehtertainment-Sports-Newspapers and Magazines-Religion- Fa4l? and Festivals , •. , •. 6--15 CHAPTER IV-Economic ij,esources, and Activities 16 hmd use Pattern-Crops and out-turn-Price Structure-Soil Type--Tools and Implements -Soil Con~ervation__:_:Animal' lIusbandry-Veterinary 1tospital--Fishmies-Forests­ Indus~ries,-MineIals and Mining-TrMe and Conunerce 16-26 CHAPTER V-Census Tables •. 27 CfIAPTER VI-Demographic Profile' , •• 28 Area, Population-La.nguage-Distribution aocording to Age-Group-Religion-Workers­ Vital Statistics-Tenure System-Rati{lnmg-Intensive Agriculture-Development Programme-Co-operatives-Family Planning-Climes and!Justice-Law and Order- Jails-Untouchability Taxes •. .. • . • . •. 28.-41 CRAPTES VII-Organs of Democmt'ic Decentralisation .. 42-43 CHAPTER VIII-The over-all view of Union Territory of DeTh.i 44 COl;lditions of life-Basio Economy-Techno-Economio Potentialities-Equalitarian Social Struoture-Conolusion • , . 44-48 A note 01). 'A Deoade of Planned Urban Growth In Delhi' 50 Testing ,0£ Hypotheses .. .. 50-55 SEOTIONB CENSUS .TABLES . A-I-Area, Houses and Population 60 A-I-Part B: Fe~ale Workers and N on-Workers according to main Activity classified by Marital Status . 61-65 B-II-Workers alid Non-Workers in Cities and Non-City Urban Area According to Main Activity clas~i:fied by Sex and Age-Groups 66-69 C-IlI Part A-Age, Sex and Education in All Areas 70 O-III Part B-Age, Sex a~d Education in Urban Area only 71-72 E-I-Distributiori of Establishments by Bruad Types .. 73 H-I-Census Houses and the uses to which they are put 74 ,~ 1~ NON-CENSUS TABLES Desoription Pago Table 1'01 Minimum and Maximum temperature , ,.., 75-77 Table 1-01 Years of ;maximum and minimum temperature 78 ( Ann.exure) Table]' 02 Rainfall statistios in milimetres ... - 79 Table 1'02 Years of normal rainfall, dra ug?t and eXi:essive rainfall 80 (Annexure) Table 2'01 l:tnportant events .. , 81-88 Table 3'101 Quinquennial position of roads 89 Table 3·102 ,The mileage of roads (by nature of materials) 89 Table 3'103 Major roads 89-90 Table S'108 Bus routes 91-95 Table 3'10~ . ~ationa1il'ed Tranl'port Service-DTC 96 Table 3'110 Circuit houses, iJ1,spection bungalows etc: maintained ,by P.W.D. Ministry of Tourism etc. 96 TaMe 3'111 Railway'Stations, amenities provided and distance from district and state headquarters 97 Table 3'112 Permanent Post Offices and telegraph I}ffices ( Delhi Circle) 98 Table 3'112 Details of Telephones (Delhi Circle) ,., 98 (Annexure) Table 3'113 No. of post-oards, letters, Newspa ~rs, Parcels handled 99 Table 3'114 No. and value of.mbney~orders and Indian ~ostal orders issued and }?ajd 99 'fable 3',201 ..' Sources.,of Irrigation I ,. .., 100 I Table S'OOS . Area by crops irrigated .'. \' .. ,.. 100 Table 3'204 Progress of electricity supply I, •• 101 Table 3'205 Consumptiou\of Electricity .. \ , . 101 Table 3'206 Towns IOmd villages oonnect,ed l)y electricity 10, , , 102 Table 3'207 Rate for supply of electrioity -. 103 Table ~'302 Implementa. tion of housin{! schemes •• 104 Table 3' (01 Particulars of banks and t,heir branches 104-109 Table 3' 403 Post office Saving ba.nk deposit and withdrawals no Table 3'404 Life insurance st!;l,tistics of 1961~70 III Table 3'405(a) Small Sav-ing Schemes III Table 3'405(b) Post Offioe Certificates issued and disch9.r~ed (Delhi Circle) 112 TABLE No. Page Ta.ble 3' 501 Medical and Publi6 Health Institutions 113 T8.ble 3' 503 Incidence of Diseases 113 Table 3'004 Public Realth Activities 114 Table 3'506 Drinking water I 114 Table 3-506(a) No. of Villages by source of drinking water 114 Table 3' 506(b) Impleme~ta~ion of protected water supply scheme; 115 Table 3' 507 Anti a.udulteration activities '115 Table 3-508 8ch001 Health ~e~vices 116 Table 3- 601 Recognised institutions with the strength of pupils 116 Table 3·001 (a) , Recognised institutions with the strength of tea,chers 117 Table 3'601~b) , Directory of Secondary and Hillher Secondary Schools •• 118-123 'lable 3-602 Collegiate and Technical institutions with strength* 124-128 Table 3-6Q3 . btudents appe11.ri~ in Higher Secondary Exam.inations 129 Teble 3-005 Historical pla.ces, ancient Monuments etc. 129-131 , , Table 3'701 Oinema tickets issued, spectators 132 Table 3'7(i4 , , Broadcasting, Receiver licences 133 Table 3'706 , Stadiunis in urban area 133 Ta.ble 3'707 . Newspapers, magazines and periodicals published •. 134-136 Table 3'709 ReligioUB facilities 137 Table h'710 Fairs and festivals by size of congregation 137 Table 3'711 Fairs and festivals by nature of occasion 140 • f, (" ," Table 4'101 Land use pa ttern 140 Table 4'102 Single and double cropped area 141 Table 4'103 Area and out-turn of principal crops 141 Table.4 '104 Crop 8,nd Irrigation 142 Tt10ble 4'105(80) Wholesale prices of agricultural commodities .. 142-143 T3 ble 4 '105(b) Producers prices of agricultural oommodities .~. 144 Table 1:, 106 Retail prices of agricultural oommodities .. 144 Table 4'107 Consumer Price Index for industrial workers .~. .. ' 145 Ta.ble 4'108 , Total rural and urban po-pulation p,er 100 acres of area under foodgrains 146 Table 4'109 'Density of CultivMors and" Agricultural Labourexs .. .. 146 TlLbIe 4'110 , Rainfa.ll, area s:own a.nd Irrigated, density •• 146 Table 4'IH ~L()3.n distributed .. .. 147 Table 4'11,2 Soil type, local name, suitahility lor different types of 'Rse, inoidenoe of revenue •• •• 14'1 Table 4'113 Statistics of wages paid ... .. 147 tv 'fABLE No. Page Table 4'1J4 Agricult~al tools .and imt>lements 148 Table 4'115 Adoption of improved agrioultural practices 148 Table 4-'116 Soil conservation and land, improvement 149 Table 4.'117 Experimental demonRtration by Government and other agencies ,,_ 149 Table 4'201 LivestooM i' nd poultry 149 Table 4'202 Animal husbandry and poultry Farms 150 Table 4'203 , 'Activities for pro'motion of'gntm~l husbn.ndry and poultry rearing 150 Table 4'204 Veterinro.ry Institutions 151 Table 4'205 Anima Is treated and castrated 153 Table 4' 206 Animals treated tlnd oastrated by veterinary assistants on tour .. .. ' 153 Tp,ble 4'207 · 'Liyestock morbiditvlmorta1itv l)v diseases .. I ,,'" 154 'Table 4·MI · 'Fisheri activities-1970 154: 'I'a ble 4' 302 , 'Fishing~entres, ianding pIeces and number of fishing bOI ts 155 Table 4'303 J.JicencM fishermen and fish catoh .. 155 Ta hl~ 4' 4fil ,Forest area by category of control 155 Table 4'406 & 4'407 Out-turn and N-alue of major and minor forest products 156 Table 4:,501 Mines 156 , Tabfe 4·502 , Quarries .. 157-158 Table 4'601 · Industri~s by c[).t~gories and daily a~erage employment 159-162 Tl\ble 4'602 , Workers" capita} and vaille of production of industfies 163 , Table 4'603 Factories acoordin~ to ]!roducts and working streng~};8 164-168 T8ble 4·604 , Distribution of factories 169 '." Table 4: ·605 "Aver!lge monthly earning of workers 174 , , Table 4'606 No. of industrial disputes .. 175 Table 4·607 Causes of disputes and m9.nner of disposal 175 TabJe 4'IlQ8 ,. ,~a ture of labour trouble 176 Table 4''ro2 Joint-Stock Compe.nies 176 Table 4· 703 , 'Ware-houses and' cold storages 177 Table 4'704 Hats and markets .. 177 Table 4'705 No. of shop-cum-residenoe, bllSiness houser;! n,nd offices •• 178 I , ' "'_ v TABLE NQ. Page . fl'able 4'7Q6 ,Arrival of agrioult~al produce for sale 178 ~a.ble 6'101 Land RevenuefRent Demand and colleotion 178 - II Table 6'162 Land tenure! system and reform 179-180 I Table 6.103 Consolida:tiQ~ Oflloldings . 181 ±9ble 6'105 Ceiling on Holdings 18) Table 6'106 Gramdan and Bhoodah 181 Table 6·108 Distribution of holdings by size group 182 Table 6'201 . Food Control and Rationing Measures 182 Table 6'301 Community Development Projeots •• .. 184 Table 6'303 Co-operative Societies, members, share capital, working capital, loans advanoed and loans recovered by co-operative societies 185-186 Table 6'401 Family Planning Centre 187-188 Tv,bIe 6'501 Crimes in Delhi .• 189 Table 6'5(;)2 ,Criminal justice oeta.ils 189-200 • Table 6·503 Partioulars of convicts by nature of crime, age-group] •• 201 Table 6'504 Punishment inflicted in criminal cases 202 Table 6'601 Civil Justice 202 Table 6' 701 Machinery for maintenanoe of law and order 202-203 Table 6'702 Strength of police force in districts 204 Table 6·703 Particulars of Jails 205 T8hle 6·704 Working of untouchability act 205 'Table 6' 901 Excise snd motor-spirit tax 206 Table 6.902 Receipt of sales-tax, entertJ3inment tax, swmps and land revenue 207 Table 6'903 Registered documents and value of properties transferred 207 Table 7'101 No.
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