Established October 1895 Sunday June 7, 2020 $2 VAT Inclusive The song has ended, COMMITTEE but the melody CONCERNED ALTHOUGH giving concerns about the Barbados Workers’ Union, Economic Recovery and Government high impact COVID-19 can gave its review on the per- Transformation (BERT) lingers on… marks for some of the have on the pro- formance of the pro- plan, expenditure was on targets reached in its gramme going for- gramme for the period to target allowing a primary THE group of media companies owned by Sir ongoing programme ward. March 31, 2020. Members balance of $631 million to Anthony Bryan has lost its founder and leading with the International The Committee, which said in a statement that be achieved. The commit- light, but his legacy will live on at its radio sta- Monetary Fund (IMF), is co-chaired by Edward while revenue collection tee has found that overall tions, BBS 90.7 FM and FAITH 102.1 FM and the BERT Monitoring Clarke of Sagicor and fell short of the target flagship The Barbados Advocate newspaper. Committee is raising Senator Toni Moore of the under the Barbados TARGET on Page 4 The Boards and management team of the Companies, while deeply saddened by Sir Anthony Bryan’s passing on June 5th, 2020, wish to assure advertisers, listeners and readers that Sir Anthony had long created a management structure that would be able to take the group forward into the future in his absence. Our radio stations BBS and FAITH and The Barbados Advocate newspaper will continue to operate, seamlessly,with the same commitment to excel- lence, quality music and with our renowned pen- chant for seeking truth, balance and fairness in reporting on issues facing Barbados. Sir Anthony Bryan’s indomitable spirit, thirst for getting the facts right, and preference for the avoidance of sensationalism – hallmarks of a progressive media house – are well ingrained in our professional staff, and we look forward to serving you in this new era of our companies’ evo- lution, as we seek to increase our subscriber and listenership base and provide expanded and en- hanced advertising opportunities for our clients. For the cause that lacks assistance, the wrong that needs resistance, for the future in the distance, and the good that we can do – The legacy continues. Mark Boyce of the Barbados Emergency Ambulance Service recently received a token of appreciation from KEFA Executive Director Katrina Alleyne. KEFA presents donation THE Katrina healthcare sector,but who bers of the association led Elizabeth Hospital. Endometriosis Fund perform an invaluable role by Executive Director The association adopted Association (KEFA) con- particularly to those af- Katrina Alleyne, recently the ward last year follow- tinued to show its appreci- fected by gynaecological made a quarterly dona- ing its Endodrive Project ation to those who are at conditions. tion to the Gynaecological times unrecognised in the Earlier this week, mem- Ward at the Queen DONATE on Page 3 2 • Sunday June 7, 2020 The Barbados Advocate The Barbados Advocate Sunday June 7, 2020 • 3 Sir Anthony a leader, innovator (Statement from the such as “Homemakers” product, that being the from his legacy. Minister of Information and “Caribbean Traveller.” Weekend Investigator. Apart from these trail- Broadcasting and Public These too, were trend- This publication did not blazing trajectories in Affairs, Senator the Hon. setting achievements in conform to Sir Anthony’s publishing and journal- Lucille Moe, on the pass- the regional publishing values and ethic to uplift ism, Sir Anthony is also ing of Sir Anthony Bryan, market. Crown Caribbean society. In this way, his known in the broadcast- K.A.) also produced several commitment to corporate ing community as having books, including textbooks social responsibility been the first private I WISH to express my which were used by the whilst reversing the finan- owner of an FM station in sadness at the passing University of the West cial decline of the Barbados, 90.7 FM. This of Sir Anthony Bryan, a Indies, Advocate showed that it station as well as Faith known stalwart and pi- However,it is in journal- was possible to maintain 102.1FM were both estab- oneer in publishing ism that Sir Anthony standards in journalism lished by Sir Anthony’s and broadcasting. earned a most special pro- on the path to creating a company Barbados In reviewing Sir file when in 2000, he be- profit-making media Broadcasting Service. Anthony’s record of busi- came the first black house. They have been providing ness ventures in the Barbadian to own The In addition, Sir easy listening of familiar 1970’s, there is a range of Barbados Advocate, the Anthony’s achievements tracks and religious music initiatives that affirm his country’s oldest newspa- in newspaper publishing and are yet another exam- penchant to lead and in- per. extended beyond ple of Sir Anthony’s entre- novate. Sir Anthony will be re- Barbados as he took his preneurial spirit. Apart from having pro- membered for various drive and business lead- The staff of the Ministry vided the first in-flight accomplishments and suc- ership into Grenada of Information, magazine on Caribbean cesses but perhaps for where he founded the Broadcasting and Public Airways flights to Europe, many, one of the most in- Grenada Advocate. Affairs join me in extend- Sir Anthony’s publishing structive of these was his Media owners and oper- ing condolences to the company, Crown closure of what he himself ators in Barbados and in- family and friends of Sir Caribbean Publications, would have acknowledged deed the Caribbean will Anthony. May he Rest in Minister of Information, Broadcasting and Public created other magazines to be a lucrative media no doubt draw inspiration Peace. Affairs, Senator the Hon. Lucille Moe. Sweet treats for nurses, paramedics at hospital DONATE from Page 1 to the nursing office. back in 2018. Alleyne Acknowledging the nurses stressed that the associa- on Ward B4 were long tion focuses not only on overdue. Huge thanks women affected by en- goes out to Brydens dometriosis but any gy- Stationery, the Miato naecological complication. Foundation, Aniya the Nurses were treated to Cake Princess and to all chocolates and cupcakes, those who made it possi- which featured uplifting ble,” she said. Yesterday messages and the KEFA the association also paid a logo. visit to the paramedics “We extended it to the who were also presented Endo-warrior Katrina Alleyne thanked the many nurses who give critical assistance to those facing gy- antenatal section and also with delectable treats. naecological complications at the QEH. ‘Build resilience across regional economies’ WITH tourism contribut- the Sagicor Cave School of being. In fact, wellbeing is household balanced ery, it is his belief that the silience - and that means ing between 3.7 and 73.1 Business, on the topic likely to go down in the sheets”. recovery will look a lot like we need to reorient our percent of gross domestic ‘Perspectives on Economic Caribbean because of “...With covid-19 we the ‘Nike’ trademark, ex- economies, look at our product (GDP) across the Growth’, he said there are these many linkages with have both of these attrib- plaining that recovery will macroeconomic and com- Caribbean region, and significant multiplier ef- the tourism industry in utes within this one crisis likely be slow. He made petitiveness and produc- countries now reeling fects associated with the the Caribbean,” he added. – there is a fear of flying the point while noting that tivity. That also means from the impact of covid- tourism industry.His com- Ram, reflecting on 9/11 because of the health con- external shocks usually looking at our human de- 19, there is a need to build ments came as he noted and the impact that had cerns and also we have hit the Caribbean region velopment and environ- resilience across our that covid-19 has signifi- on tourism, he said it took damaged balance sheets. hard. Noting that the fre- mental resilience,”he economies. cantly impacted both sup- almost three years for the So it is our guess as to quency of the shocks and stated. So say economist Dr. ply and demand in economy to recover be- what the recovery part is the costliness of the The economist made the Justin Ram, Co-Founder tourism dependent coun- cause people were afraid likely to be for tourism,” shocks are increasing, he point while adding that and Chief Executive tries. to fly. He noted that after he stated. contended there is a need there is a need to diversify Officer of GSec and Justin “If arrivals are down, we the financial crisis be- He went on to say that to build resilience. our economies and he is Ram Advisory Services. are likely to have a signif- tween 2007 and 2009, the while many commenta- “I think the mantra here adamant that this must Speaking on Friday dur- icant negative impact on recovery period was also tors have been suggesting going forward is to say re- be done in a “green” and ing a webinar hosted by the improvement in well- long because of “damaged it will be U shaped recov- silience, resilience, re- inclusive way. (JRT) 4• Sunday June 7, 2020 The Barbados Advocate Govt entities pay out millions in legal fees AUDITOR GENERAL, to external attorneys over Services Authority. the SSA and what was the to account for any result- avoids the possibility of Leigh Trotman has the past 11 years. 37 re- “The Authority paid $1.5 exact involvement of the ing loss to Government.” the agency being over- raised a red flag re- sponses were received million to an attorney re- Authority in this project.” NPHL identified nine charged or having to ne- garding government and, based on the value of lating to a claim for $5.8 He also reported, attorneys/firms whose gotiate fees with the en- entities who have been legal fees paid, eight enti- million for work purport- “According to a letter services were employed to gaged party after work has paying considerable ties were selected for fur- edly conducted during the dated 19th June, 2014 deal with legal issues that been completed.” amounts of money for ther review – the negotiation process for a from the Ministry of arose during the period re- Trotman concluded that the acquisition of legal Financial Services Waste to Energy Project.
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