CA T ALOGUS PROVINCIAE Marylandiae-Neo Eboracensis Societatis Jesu INEUNTE ANNO 191 O NEO-EBORACI THE MEANY PRINTING COMPANY -· " 5 R. P. JOSEPHUS F. HANSELMAN PRAEPOSITUS PROVINCIALIS A DIE 25 MAR. 1906. (30 We1t 16th St., New York, N. Y.-United States of America) Cable Address-Tyvagoni, New York P. Josephus H. Rockwell-Socius a die 14 Oct. 1907-Cons. Prov.-Adm. Josephus H. Ramspacher-Socius Coadj. CONSULTORES PROVINCIAE P. RECTOR CoLL. SS. CoRDIS MAx. a die 8 Jan. 1907 P. RECTOR CoLL. BosToN. a die 1 Oct. 1907 P. RECTOR CoLL. GEORGIOPOL. a die 27 Jan. 1908 P. Socws R. P. PRovrncIALIS a die 14 Oct. 1907 IN ST ATU NEO-EBORACENSI • COLLEGIUM S. FRANCISCI XAVERII (30 WEST 16TH ST., NEW YORK, N. Y.) P. Thomas J. McCiuskey-Rect. a die 15 Sept. 1907-Mod. sod. vet. alumn.-Conc. in T. P. Franciscus J. Lamb-Min.-Pr<rf. val.-Mod. fced. SS. Cord.-Red. CHURCH BuLLETIN-Conf. alumn. et in T. Conc. in T.-Cons. an. 3 P. Abraham J. Emerick-(Jn Ins. Blackwell)-Oper. in nosoc., xenod. et carc. P. Carolus B. Macksey-Lect. metaph. spec., eth. et hist. phil. -Cat. alumn.-Conf. alumn. et in T.-Conc. in T. P. Eduardus W. Raymond-Oper.-Mod. sod. B. V. M. matron. et schol. paroch.-Conf. alumn. et in T.-Conc. in T. P. Franciscus Barnum-Pr<rf. eccl.-Oper.-Mod. schol. domin.-Instr. conv.-Conf. alumn. et in T.-Submin. P. Franciscus J. McNiff-Pr<rf. stud. et schol.-Lect. psychol. in schol. p<rdagog.-Pr<rf. lect. ad mens.-Ca_t. alumn. -Doc. ling. gall.-Conf. et conc. in T.-Cons. an. 3 P. Franciscus R. Donovan-Proc.-Mod. sod. B. V. M. virg. -Pr<rf. bibl. paroch.-Conf. alumn. et in T.-Conc. in T.-Cons. an. 3 P. Franciscus T. McCarthy-Oper.-Mod. sod. B. V. M. vir., soc. S. V. P., confr. SS. Rosarii et soc. sanc.-Pr<Es. coll. cas. consc.-Conf. NN., alumn. et in T.-Conc. in T. P. Gulielmus J. Brooks-Pr<rf. disc.-Conf. ·in T. .. 7 P. Joannes ]utz-(In !ns. Blackwell)-Oper. in nosoc. et carc. P. Joannes Scully-Oper.-Mod. sod. B. V.M. juv., f<Ed. vir., confr. bon. mort., soc. prop. fid. et c<Et. Xav.-Conf. alumn. et in T.-Conc. in T.-Cons. an. 1 P. Joannes A. Jansen-(In !ns. Randall)-Oper. P. Joannes B. Archambault-Conf. NN. et gd jan. P. Joannes B. Jungck-Oper.-Mod. music.-Doc. ling. gall. et germ.-Conf. NN., alumn. et in T. P. Joannes W. Casey-(/n !ns. Blackwell)-Oper. in nosoc. P. Josephus P. Carney-Adj. prcef. stud. et disc. in curs. gram. -Mod. sod. S. loan Berch.-Mag. ccer.-Conf. et conc. in T. P. Michael Hogan-Lect. log., metaph. gen. et evid. rel.­ Mod. fO?d. SS. Cord. et 1 sod. B. V. M. alumn.-Conf. alumn.-Conc. in T. P. Michael P. Hill-Prcef. spir.-Adm.-Doc. hist.-Pr<Ef. bibl. dom.-Coll. pp. litt. an. et script. hist. dom.-Conf. NN., alumn. et in T.-Expl. pp. et cat. FF. P. Rufus C. Duff-(In !ns. Ward)-Oper. P. Orville D. Brady-Lect. phys., mech., astron. et math.­ M od. soc. scient. Paulus V. Rouke-Lect. chim. et geol.-Doc. math. et hist.­ Adj. prcef. alumn.-An. 5 MAGISTRI P. Patritius J. Cormican-Doc. ling. lat., gr<Ec. et angl. in schol. phi!. et hist. an. 19 mag.-Conf. alumn. et in T. -Conc. in T. 8 P. Jacobus A. Taaffe-Doc. rhet. an. 8 mag.-Mod. soc. dram. scn.-Red. XAVIER-Conf. et conc. in T. Joannes M. Fox-Doc. hum.-Lect. a:con. polit.-Mod. 2 sod. B. V.M. alumn. et soc. disp. sen.-Adj. pr<ef. bibl. dom. -An. 2 • P. Eduardus J. Sweeney-Doc. sup. gram. et ling. gal!. an. 6 mag.-Mod. soc. disp. jun.-Cat. alumn.-Conc. in T. Gulielmus E. Murphy-Doc. sup. gram. et ling. hisp.-Mod. soc. dram. jun.-Adj. pr<ef. alumn.-Bid.-An. 5 Josephus A. Canning-Doc. med. gram. et ling. gall.-Pr<Ef. bibl. alumn.-Adj. pr<Ef. alumn.-An. 3 Eugenius T. Kenedy-Doc. med. gram. et ling. hisp.-Adj. pr<Ef. alumn.-An. 4 Joannes A. Mattimore-Doc. inf. gram. ord. super. et alg.­ Mod. 3 sod. B. V. A1. alumn.-Adj. pr<Ef. alumn.-An. 2 Michael A. Clark-Doc. inf. gram. ord. super., alg. et ling. germ.-An. 1 P. Fridericus Grewen-Doc. inf. gram. ord. infer. et ling. germ. an. 5 mag.-Excurr. ad House of Refuge. P. Joannes C. Keveney-Doc. schol. spec. an. 28 mag. Josephus J. Mereto-Doc. math. et ling. hisp.-Adj. prcef. alumn.-An. 1 COADJUTORES Dionysius Hogan-Fab. lign. Eduardus E. Ponholzer-Cust. vest., ccll. vin. et sacell. dom. -Vis. med. et exam. Joannes Ditman-Cust. tricl.-Excit. Joannes Pedri-Empt.-Cust. cul. Josephus B. Glynn-Aedit.-Vis. noct. Mauritius Roach-lnfirm.-Adj. proc. • Patritius Donlon-Ad dom. Sac. 26-Schol. 8-Coadj. 7-Univ. 41 • 9 COLLEGIUM S. JOANNIS ET CONVICTUS (FüRDHAM UNIVERSITY, FORDHAM, NEW YORK, N. Y.) P. Daniel J. Quinn-Rect. a die 5 Jan. 1907 P. Thomas I. Cryan-Min.-Prcef. val. NN.-Conf. et conc. alumn.-Cons. an. 1 P. Aloisius Pfeil-Cur. val. (In St. Francis' Hospital, East 142nd St., New York.) P. Gulielmus F. Cunningbam-Lect. metaph. spec., eth. et evid. relig. sen.-Prcef. lect. ad mens.-Conf. et conc. alumn.-Cons. an. 1 P. Gulielmus J. O'Gorman-Lect. log. et metaph. gen.-Doc. ling. angl. in schol. phil. an. 2 et evid. relig. jun.-M od. sod. B. V. M.-Conc. alumn. P. Henricus A. Judge-Adj. prcef. stud. in curs. angl.-Lect. pcedagog.-Doc. ling. hisp.-Vis. carc. in !ns. Hart. P. Henricus J. Lyons-Prcef. disc. et val alumn.-Cons. an. 2 P. Joannes B. Kreidler-Oper. in nosoc. (In St. Joseph's Hos­ pital, East 143rd St., N ew York.) P. Joannes G. Linnehan-Cur. val. (In St. Joseph's Hospital, East 143rd St., New York.) P. Josephus Busam-Prcef. spir.-Adm.-Conf. NN. et alumn. P. Michael R. McCartby-Proc. et ratioc.-Oper. in Inst. S. Jos.-Cat. FF. P. Patritius J. Dooley-Lect. hist. phi!. et hist.-Prcef. col!. cas. canse.- Conf. NN. et alimin.-Conc. in sac. P. Patritius O'Reilly-Prcef. bibl. dom.-Conf. NN. P. Patritius J. Sullivan-Lect. polit. rEcon.-M ad . .sod. B. V. M. P. Thomas J. Barrett-Prcef. stud. et schol.-Conf. et conr. in sar.-Co11s. an. 1 10 Daniel J. Lyncb-Lect. phys., mech. et astron.-Lect. phys. in schol. M ed.-Adj. prcef. alumn.-An. 2 • Eduardus P. Tivnan-Lect. chim. in schol. M ed., chim. organ. et anal. et geol.-Prcef. odei.-Mod. sod. B. V. M.­ Prcef. cub.-An. 4 Franciscus A. Breen-Lect. chim. gen.-Doc. trig., geom. anal. et plan.-Mod. sod. B. V. M.-Adj. prcef. alumn.­ An. 3 MAGISTRI P. Joannes J. Regan-Doc. ling. lat. et grcec. in schol. phil. an. 9 mag.-E:rpl. pp. FF.-Conf. alumn. P. Joannes X. Pyne-Doc. rhet. an. 7 mag.-Mod. sod. disp. sen. et jun.-Red. FoRDHAM MoNTHLY. P. Matthaeus J. McCabe-Doc. hum. an. 10 mag.-Cat. alumn. -Mod. soc. S. V. P.-Mod. fcrd. SS. Cord.-Conc. alumn. P. Petrus A. Oates-Doc. sup. gram., geom. sol. et alg. sHbl. an. 6 tnag.-Mod. athlet.-Conc. in sac.-Prcef. cub. Jacobus L. McGovern-Doc. sup. gram.-Mod. sod. B. V. M. -Mod. soc. dram.-Prcef. cub.-An. 2 Ignatius L. Hargadon-Doc. med. grani. et geom. plan.-Prcef. bibl. alumn.-Prcef. cub.-An. 3 Josephus F. Ford-Doc. med. gram., geom. sol. et alg. subl. Adj. prcef. alumn.-An. 4 Attilius H. Raines-Doc. inf. gram. ord. super. et alg.-Prcef. cub.-An. 2 Chester A. Spies-Doc. inf. gram. ord. super. et alg.-Mod. soc. S. loan. Berch.-Adj. prcef. alumn.-An. 1 Fridericus M. Lupi-Doc. inf. gram. ord. infer. et hist.­ Prcef. cub.-An. 3 • -~----·------------- 11 Joannes A. O'Connor-Doc. inf. gram. ord. infer.-Adj. pr<Ef. alumn.-An. 2 Josephus A. Huefner-Doc. inf. gram. ord. infer. et ling. germ.-Adj. pr<Ef. alumn.-An. 1 P. Josephus I. Fink-Doc. ling. germ. et alg. an. 4 mag.­ Conc. alumn.-Pr<Ef. cub. Joannes G. Mahoney-Doc. ling. germ.-Adj. pr<Ef. alumn.­ An. 4 Thomas J. Reilly-Mod. St. John's Hall-Adj. pr<Ef. stud. et disc. in curs. gram.-Mod. sod. B. V. M.-An. 5 COADJUTORES Antonius Dooher-Ad dom. Daniel McCarthy-Cust. cell. vin.-Ad dom. Daniel F. Sullivan-Cust. tricl. NN. Frider:icus W. A. Freeman-Aedit. Gordon Tunstead-Coq. Jacobus Mallen-Ad dom. Jacobus S. Reilly-Cust. tricl. alumn.-Excit.-Vis. noct. Joannes O'Neill-Pict.-Ad dom. Joannes N. Spiess-Ad dom.-Vis. mat. Julius V. Alekszunas-Vis. med. et exam.-Ad dom. Patritius Quinn-Cur. val. Sac. 20-Schol. 13-Coadj. 11-Univ. 44 12 COLLEGIUM BROOKLYNIENSE INCHO A TUM • (NOSTRAND AVENUE AND CARROLL ST., BROOKLYN, N. Y.) P. Joannes F. X. O'Conor-Vice-Rect. a die 31 Jul. 1908- Proc.-Prcef. eccl.-Mod. sod. alumn. vet.-Conf. et conc. in T. P. Josephus H. Smith-Min.-Prcef. val.-Adj. proc.-Mod. fa!d. SS. Cord.-Conf. alumn. et in T.-Conc. in T.­ Cons. an. 1 P. Jacobus A. Gillespie-Adj. prcef. stud. et disc. in curs. gram.-Mod. sod. B. V. M. virg.-Conf. et conc. in T. P. J. Carolus Davey-Prcef. stud.-Conc. in T.-Prcef.
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