1 ■ ■ , . ■y 'C - i’ . r ’>v ' ‘ f V ':- ; ■;/ : . r . / THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1966. ■ rAiSB TWEltTY-FOUR Average IMily Net Preas Rap The Weather ? . ror tha Week Ended iH ttnrt;F^ r lEtrrnftig m ra lli Fair and mild tonight, 'low , Angiutrd,.lMd - In 60s; mostly sunny and con- i The handieraft g i^ p o f the Friendship Lodge of Masons tlnued hot tomorrow, high near will begin its fall season tonight About Town Junior 'Owtury Club" TwUl make ’sK itchen 1 3 , « 7 1 90. ' , , j ' ’ wall plaques tonight at s < ^ at. at 7:30 at the Masonic Temple. From After a business meeting, a film Manehester^A City of Village C h a r m '■ * ' Oh^nMO Court, Order of the home ot Mrs. Rtmald Prllna- By D O ^ raUMNO Amonunth, will meet tomorrow vera, W6 Ointon Dr., Wapping. ab<l narration on- "Downtown ■t 7:46 p.m. at the Maaohio Maiibhester ' Redevelopment’’ The culinary skills of Edwin VOL. LXXXV, NO. 284 (EIGHTEEN iPAGBS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1966 ..(ClaMlfled Advertising on Page 15) PRICE SEVEN CENTB Temple. Refreshmente will be will b*;.. presented by ,a repre­ Lavitt of U|^r Butcher Rd., Scandla Lodge, Order of Va* sentative bf the Manchester Re­ ElUngton, a Rockvllls attorney, Mired. Officfira are reminded sa, w ill. meet tonight at g at .to wear street dreeaefl. development-.Agency. lend credence to the often re­ Odd Felkwa Hall. Preening peated statement, , "the the meeting, there will be a chefs are men.’’ He >ect Arrested School Pages Swedish conversation class at cook and is not afraid 7. There will be Swwlish folk GOP Comn^ittee ,\V'- tempt the most co a n d Set Tuesday VIOLA JARVIS ainging and dancing after the , Drafts Platfdrin dishes. A speoial^^of his THURS. meeting. Refreshments' will be Braclole (Rolled^B^^ed SteU). A special six-page section served. The Mahehester Republicw^ "M arl of n ie Herald Tuesday will PIANO T e a c h e r BpaiBloIe / / >or< Town • Comniittee will release NITES be devoted- to neWs about ■ ■ i (RoIM Staffe^Steak) WHI Now Rosume Named to the dean’s list for its platform for the local and . 1 ton. found atetik the opening of school in the first seinester at Wheaton state .elections on Wednesday, / ' B ln o e TILL 9 Manchester and surrounding when it meets at 8 p.m. at towns. Fall Schedule College, Norton, Mass, are Miss pound dooked ham 1 888 l e s L c r Constance Barrett, daughter of party headquarters, 80d Main pound lean- pork It will contain Information For Appointment Dr, and Mrs. Harold Barrett of St. 1 pound veal MAIN STREET—MANCHESTEB about school bus routes, 120 Lakewood Circle; and Miss 4 The platforms are now being 3 tablespoons parsley, chop- MARLBOROUGH (AP)— A nightgown-clad girl was"^ i^ool calen^lars, staff and Tel. 643-5692 Paula Rosen, daughter of Dr. drafted by a subcommittee P«d abducted from' her home early today and escaped from curi^toulum 'changes and re- and Mrs. Theodore Rosen of headed by GOP Chairman 1 cup bread crumbs or 3 the kidnaper by jumping from his car, state police latedluhjects, 100 Waranoke Rd. Francis DellaFera. cups stole bread said. Representatives o f the Man­ FBI Blocked 1 hard boiled eg^, chopped ' Crying hysterically, the 21- She was hysterical but not in / chester Redevelopment Agency , t salt year-old girl wto found by State serious condition, he said. and o t PROD, a committee pepper Police Sgt. Paul Harrington ly- Charged with kidnaping and T rain s B id ; No O formed to "Promote Redevelop­ 1 clove garlic Nng on the New Lbndon Turn­ burglary was Dwight Robertson, ment of Downtown,’’ will be on monosodium glutamate pike in Marlborough about two 23, of Lakewood Road, East for Rie hand Wednesday to explain the Have the butOher butterfly a hours after the kidnaping. Hampton. M inns Men lation proposed $16.6 million project large top roihld steak, and also About 10 minutes ilater, police He was arraigned in Circuit and to ask for endorsement. have him grind together the aiTested a man on the Glaston­ Court at Glastonbury, advised'of In C an ad a \^«HltNGTON (AP)— best ham, pork and veal. Season the bury'. Ebepressway and _ charged his rights and held in bond of The State Department an- steak to taste with garlic salt, him with kidnaping. - ‘ $10,000. His case was continued 1 pounced today iMcpulsion r OTTAWA (A Pf—Cana^ salt, pepper and monosodium The girl was taken to Mount until Sept. 16. trains started running ov< of a member of the Boyiet FAIRW AYi CORRECTION glutamate. Sinai Hospital in , Hartford,^ "The kidnaper was a complete selection ty rails today but soraC'^rkers E m b a ssy s t a ff pn g rou n d s Mix the ground meat with .where she was identified as stranger to her,'-’-L t. Bellefleur ignored a back-to^rk call or- t^at he tried to buy secret bread crumbs, chopped parsley, Rosalyn Joan Pollack. ■■ said. of back to U.S. Choice chopped egg chopped gar­ The Hartford Times said the He said the intruder forced h i s dered------- by Pariisiment to end a data fr o m an A m erica n rike of about 118,000 “for-lafge .sums of money.’ RIB R O A ST BEEF lic dove. (Atty. Lavitt says he girl was a blonde undergraduate way into the house, in a rural week-long.-atr prefers using stale bread, at the University of Hartford section of Marlborough, through wori^j’ST- T h e Russian Was identified sdwol tuM^fot ~ ifs whole 35 lb. soaked - in water and squeezed h ' who was staying with her a window. '^ ^ r ly rail traffic consisted »» Valentin A. Kevin, a third roost cut to order, dry, to the bread crumbs.) mother, Mrs. Ida' Pollack, at The only ones home, he .said,Tnalniy of freight trains and a secretary who ds listed as a sci­ ence officer. both fairway stores for— or 5th thru 7th rit Place the steak out flat and their, aummer home at Lake were the girl and her m ^her,’ few commuter trains. The rail- spread the ground meat 'mix­ Terramuggus In ’ Marlborough'. both asleep. ways hoped to have intercity He came here three years ture over it evenly. Roll up the The Pollacks live at 728 Windtor He said the' girito mother passenger trains moving by to- .u ' , Imoh boxes . • pons. - paper steak as you would a jelly roll. Ave., Windsor. struggled with to e ^ a n but was night. , * V Tie with clean cotton string or Lt. Wilfred J. Bellefleur, com­ not able too stopStop him from taktak- A rail official said the refusal 34, to get close with skewers, and Atty. mander of the Colchester state ing t h e ^ fl.iri He--spedHfr sped off in a of some workers in scattered classified information from a ihoof bags • note b ^ s 1 ^ H U R S T Lavitt toys he prefers the string police barracks, said an exami­ car. municipalities across the coun- U.S. citizen, State Department ....... ................. ............. - ............. i„ e mother called state police try to return to work immedl- press officer Robert J. McClus- • bofh stoves opea M a n . *a fri. nttea tW 6 • ^ method.- ---------- nation would determine wheth GROCERY Simmer' the steak about two er the girl had been molestto^'and the area was sealed off By ately would have some effect "®y announcing the ex- hours in a favorite spicy spa­ a force of 30 to 40 troopers and but that it was expected nearly Pujsion. this, the State De­ ATTY. EDWIN LAVITT ghetti sauo\ Remove from Marlborough police. normal operations would be re- Beyond partment spokesman was silent saiKe and cut as you would a McGrath Trooper John Della Vecchia, sumed. on details. , jelly roll. Serve hot covered with driving from Hartford to join Resistance' to the back-to- This official W crecy con- sauce and wit£ lAvitt says, Was Mfember of irt the search for the. kidnaper, work call, made by union lead- official •«crecy Dayton police and national guardsman, stopped all to continue-gfter officials checked^hem and th#^ “ plenty of spaghetti, salad, and d '’ U * ♦ spotted a car traveling north to- srs after Parliament ordered it. with the public- cars tney considered suspicious last night in riot- car for weapoit5.and none were found. (AP Photo­ Something perky for your next ooohtall, birthday, hen or PTA a favoiitef Italian wine:** rttman Gabinet Hartford on the Glaston-' was reported in Montreal. Wind- l^y to the latest spy case fax) , ' . here—an attempt by Czecho­ torn- Dayton, Ohio. These five men were allowed Toddy a a a ers always leaders m fine meat party . DAISIES . Bugles . WMatlea S9o S for $1,00 A former farmer, Atty. Lavitt bury Expressway. He swung sor, Ont., Belleville, Ont, Cal- slovak diplomats to plant elec­ received a degree in agri^ture NARRAGANSETT, R.I. (AP) across the divider and stopped gary And Vancouver. 7— *-■ tronic eavesdropping devices in ■ / in IM l from the - University. of The m ost • — Former U.S. Atty. Gen. J. the car. In some of these areas; the tjie State Department head- Massachusetts. Besides being a Howard McGrath, lyho resigned Robertson, at the wheel, sur­ return to jobs was delayed natural look fo r faH^»m from the Truman Cabinet under pending a vote by local inem- quarteni. Restored in Dqyton practiclqg lawyer he is an ac­ rendered without resistance.
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