Constantin(e)/Constantín, Constantin(i)us, Κωνσταντίνος/Konstantios, Custen(n)in/Custennyn, Constant(i)us, Constans/Κῶνστας, Causantín/Còiseam, Kusten(n)in/Kustenhin/Kustenan/Mustennin, Կոստանդին/Gosdantin/Kostantine By Name: < > - average peak of floruit Constantine - <313.166> I the Great (Caesar Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantin(i)us Augustus); son of Constantius I Chlorus and Helena; b 27 Feb 265/272, or after 280 (Naissus, Moesia Superior) (Gaius Flavius Valerius Constantinus); r 25 Jul 306 to 22 May 337 (Roman Emperor Flavius Valerius Constantinus Caesar Heculius); d 22 May 337 (Anyrona, Bithynia) (Imperator Constantinus Maximus Augustus) <328.375> II (Caesar Flavius (Claudius/Julius) Constantinus Augustus); son of Constantine I the Great and Flavia Maxima Fausta; b 7 Feb/Aug 316/317 (Arles/Arelate, Viennensis) (Flavius Claudius Constantinus); r 1/9/22 May/Sep 317 to early Apr 340 (Roman Emperor Flavius Claudius Constantinus Augustus); d 340 <395> the Blessed/Great (Custennin Fendigaid/Fawr)/(Custennyn map Macsen), son of Flavius Clemens Magnus Maxianus/Maxim(us)/Maxen/Macsen Augustus (II) Wledig and Elen/Helena ferch Lwyddog/(of the Host) ab Einudd, b 360, fl/r c <395> (King of North-West Wales), father of Owain and Eiludd <400.375> (III/II) (Flavius Claudius Constantinus)/(Constantius III)/Custennin; b c 370/375, son of Selyf(an)/Salomon/Solomon I; father of Constans II and Julianus; grandfather of Arth; r 407(/409) to Aug/Sep (409/)411 (Western Roman Emperor); d by/before 18 Sep 411 (Arelate, Viennensis) <429.25> (Biduz, Custennin, Constantin, Constantinus I), son of Selyf(an)/Salomon/Solomon I, b 375/435 <405>, r c <433> (Prince of the Cornouaille), father of Uther/Uibar/Iubur/Iubar/I(o)bhar/Ambros(ius)/Emrys/Embreis, grandfather of Art(h)ur, d 421/471 <446> <433> Gorneu/Corneu (Constantine (II)/(Custennin/Custenin Cerniw/or Cernyw)/ /Constantinus/Kustenhin/Kustenan); son of Conomor/Conomar/Kynor/Kynuawr/Cynfa(w)r ap Tutwal/Tudwal; b c 411; father of Erbin, Merion, and Uther; r c 435 to 443 (King of Cornwall/or Gywyssing); d 443 <498.25> Mor mac Erc (Constantius I, Constantinus I); son of Erc; b c 473/513 <462>; r c 457 to 479, or 506 <497 to 517> (King of Scots Dalriada); d 479/506 <517> (Constantine) <545.833> III/Corneu ((Custennin III)/Constantinus); son of Cado/Cador/Cadwy mab Geraint; b c 520/525; r c 530 to 560, or 530 to 540, or 537 to 538 <539.166> (King of Dumnonia, or Damnonii of (Hen Ogledd)/(Old North)); d 9 Mar 576/589 <580> (Tiberius II Constantine, Flavius Tiberius Constantinus), b c 535, r 5 Oct 578 to 14 August 582 (Eastern Roman Emperor) <608> (I, Custennin/Constantinus), son of Riderch Hael, b c 570, r 612 to shortly after (King of Strathclyde), d shortly after 636 <633.75> III (Κωνσταντίνος Γʹ, Ἡράκλειος νέος Κωνσταντῖνος) (Heraclius New Constantine)/(Heraclius Novus Constantinus Augustus), son of Heraclius and Fabia Eudokia, b 3 May 612, r 11 Feb to 6/20/24/26 Apr/May 641 (Eastern Roman Emperor), father of Constans II (Constantus II), d 20/24/26 Apr/May 641 <636.875> Heraclius (Flavius Constantinus Heracli(an)us Augustus) (Ἡρακλωνᾶς, Heraklonas, Herclianus), son of Heraclius and Martina, b 626, r 11 Feb 638/641 to Sep/Oct 641 (Eastern Roman Emperor), d 641 <651.75> the Bearded (Constantus II, Κῶνστας Βʹ, Constans II, Pogonatus) (Κωνσταντίνος ὁ Πωγωνάτος) (Heraclius/Flavius Constantinus Augustus) <672.5> IV the Bearded (Κωνσταντίνος Δʹ ὁ Πωγωνάτος) (Flavius Constantinus Augustus), son of Constans II (Constantus II) and Fausta, b c 652 (Constantinople), r 15 Sep 668 to 14 Sep 685 (Eastern Roman Emperor), d 14 Sep 685 (Constantinople) <749.625> V the Dung-named (Κωνσταντίνος Εʹ ὁ Κοπρώνυμος), son of Leo III the Isaurian and Maria, b Jul 718 (Constantinople), r 18 Jun 720/741 to 14 Sep 775 (Byzantine Emperor), d 14 Sep 775 <787.5> VI (Κωνσταντίνος ΣΤʹ), son of Leo IV and Irene, b 771, r 8 Sep 776/780 to Aug 797 (Byzantine Emperor), d before 805 <796.75> ap Judon (and a daughter of Meriadoc); b c 750/800 (Cornouaille(s), Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne); fl/r c <780/790/792/825> (King/Roi of/de Brittany/Bretagne) (Prince/Count/Comte of/de Co(u)rnouaille); father of Argant/Arastagne/Aregstan/Arecstan/(d')Argent(ael); d 790/830 (Cornouaille, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne/Brittany) <802.5> Causantín/Constantín mac Fergusa, son of Fergus; b before 775; r 781/789 to 820 (King of the Picts - Kingdom of Fortriu, Dal Riada from 811); father of Domnall/Donald; d 820 <858.5> (II), r until 859 (King of ((Al(lt )Clud/Clut)/Strathclyde)), father of Wthyr/U(i)thyr/Uthir/Uthar/Uth(e)r Pendraeg/Pen-Draig/ /Pendragon/Ben(dragon) <870> I (Causantín/Constantín/Còiseam mac Cináeda/Choinnich/Kenneth), r 862/863 to 877 (King of the Picts - King of Alba), father of Domnall/Dòmhnall/Donald, d 877 (Atholl) <907.5> III of Abkhazia, r 898/899 to 916/917 (King of Abkhazia) <921.25> II (Constantín/Còiseam mac Áed(a)/Aoidh), r 900 to 942/943 (King of Alba), father of Indulf/Indulph, d 952 (St Andrews) (Constantine) <932.375> VII the Purple-born (Κωνσταντίνος Ζʹ ὁ Πορφυρογέννητος), son of Leo VI and Zoe Karbonopsina, b 17/18 May 905 (Constantinople), r 15/17/18 May 905/908 to 9 Nov 959 (Byzantine Emperor), d 9 Nov 959 (Constantinople) <994.5> VIII the Purple-born (Κωνσταντίνος Ηʹ ὁ Πορφυρογέννητος), son of Romanos II, b 960, r Mar 962 to 15 Nov 1028 (Byzantine Emperor), d 11 Nov 1028 <996> III (Constantinus Calvus/(the Bald))/(Causantín/Còiseam mac Cuiléin/Chailein), b 970, r 995 to 997 (King of the Scots - King of Alba), d 997 (Rathinveramond near Perth) <1038> IX Monomachos (Κωνσταντίνος Θʹ Μονομάχος), b 1000 of noble birth (Constantinople), r 11 Jun 1042 to 7/8/11 Jan 1055 (Byzantine Emperor), d 11 Jan 1055 <1049.75> X Doukas (Κωνσταντίνος Ιʹ Δούκας), b 1006, r 24 Nov 1059 to 22 May 1067 (Byzantine Emperor), father of Konstantios Doukas (Constantius Ducas), d 22 May 1067 <1061> III Leichoudes (Κωνσταντῖνος Λειχούδης), b (Constantinople), r 2 Feb 1059 to 9 Aug 1063 (Eumenical Patriarch of Constantinople), d 9 August 1063 <1298.5> I (III/Կոստանդին/Gosdantin/Kostantine), son of Leo II and Kyranna de Lampron, b 1278, r 1298 to 1299 (King of Armenian Cilicia), d 1310 <1324.5> III of Lampron, r 1323 to 1326 (Catholicos of the Holy See of Cilicia), <1440> XI Palaiologos (Κωνσταντίνος ΙΑʹ Παλαιολόγος), son of Manuel II, b 8 February 1405, r 6 Jan 1449 to 29 May 1453 (Byzantine Emperor), d 29 May 1453 Constantin - <429.25> (Biduz, Custennin, Constantine, Constantinus I) Constantín - <802.5> Constantine/(Causantín mac Fergusa) <870> (Constantine I)/(Causantín/Còiseam mac Cináeda/Choinnich/Kenneth) <921.25> (Constantine II)/(Còiseam mac Áed(a)/Aoidh) Constantinus -<257> (Valerius Constantinus Dardanus), son of Flavius Titus Eutropius and Claudia Crispina, b 235, d 279 <314.125> Caesar Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus (Constantine I the Great) <330.875> Flavius Claudius/Julius Constantinus (Constantine II) <400.375> (Flavius Claudius Constantinus)/(Constantine III/II) <429.25> I (Biduz, Custennin, Constantin(e)) <433> (Constantine Gorneu/Corneu)/Constantine/ /(Custennin/Custenin Cerniw/or Cernyw)/Kustenhin/Kustenan <498.25> I (Constantius I, Constantine Mor mac Erc) <545.833> ((Custennin III)/(Constantine III/Corneu)) <580> Flavius Tiberius Constantinus (Tiberius II Constantine) <608> (Constantine (I)/Custennin) (Constantinus)<633.75> Heraclius Novus Constantinus Augustus (Ἡράκλειος νέος Κωνσταντῖνος, Heraclius New Constantine) (Constantine III, Κωνσταντίνος Γʹ) <636.875> Heraclius (Κωνσταντίνος Ἡράκλειος)/ /(Flavius Constantinus Heracli(an)us Augustus) (Constantine Heraclius, Ἡρακλωνᾶς, Heraklonas, Herclianus) <651.75> Heraclius/Flavius Constantinus Augustus (Constans II, Κῶνστας Βʹ, Constantus II, Pogonatus) (Κωνσταντίνος ὁ Πωγωνάτος, Constantine the Bearded) <676.5> Flavius Constantinus Augustus (Constantine IV the Bearded, Κωνσταντίνος Δʹ ὁ Πωγωνάτος) <996> Calvus/(the Bald) (Constantine III)/(Causantín/Còiseam mac Cuiléin/Chailein) Constantinius <314.125> Constantine I the Great (Caesar Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus) Constantius - <288.75> I Chlorus/(the Pale) (Caesar Gaius Flavius Valerius Constantius Augustus); son of Flavius Titus Eutropius and Claudia Crispina; b 31 Mar 250 (Illyrian; Dardania, Moesia Superior) (Julius Constantius); r 1 May 293 to 25 Jul 306 (Roman Emperor Flavius Valerius Constantius Casesar Herculius); father of Constantine I the Great; d 25 Jul 306 (Eboracum, Britain) <340.625> II (Caesar Flavius Julius/Valerius Constantius Augustus); son of Constantine I the Great and Flavia Maxima Fausta; b 7 Aug 317 (Flavius Julius Constantius) (Sirmium/(Sremska Mitrovica), Savia/Sebia, Pannonia Inferior); r 8/13 Nov 323/324 to 3 Nov 361 (Roman Emperor Flavius Julius Constantius Caesar); d 3 Nov 361 (Tarsus, Mopsucrenae/Mopsuestia, Honorias, Cilicia) <400.375> III (Flavius Claudius Constantinus)/(Constantine (III/II))/Custennin <407> III (Flavius Constantius Augustus); son of Malvius; b 360/370 (Dalmatia; Naissus, Dacia, Moesia Superior); father of Aurelius Ambrosius the Elder (Duce of Caer Gloui) and Valentinian III (Western Roman Emperor); r 8 Feb to 2 Sep 421 (Western Roman Emperor); d 2 Sep 421 (Ravenna, Italia Annonaria) <498.25> I (Constantine Mor mac Erc, Constantinus I) <636.875> Flavius Constantinus Heracli(an)us Augustus (Constantine Heraclius, Ἡρακλωνᾶς, Heraklonas, Herclianus) <672.5> Flavius Constantinus Augustus (Constantine IV the Bearded, Κωνσταντίνος Δʹ ὁ Πωγωνάτος) <1070> Ducas (Konstantios Doukas), son of Constantine X Doukas and Eudokia Makrembolitissa, b 1060, r 1060 to
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