«*- Clinton 24 Pages ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN 48879 15 Cents City approves senior citizen housing project ( BY JIM EDWARDS. the city's storm sewer sysjem. the minimum age limit woultl be 55. County News Editor- The same precautions will also be used in They said they had no objection to that the sanitary system, and several other stipulations asked by the ST JOHNS --Following a Vk hour public f One of the^ questions for the Fetiewas city, hearing Monday night, the St Johns" City .concerned age groups of renters. Rental in the units is to range from $$10 to Commission voted unanimously to approve John Hannah asked'the <builders if they $185 a month depending upon renters re-zoning for a propqsed 50-unit senior would rent to others if potential renters in retirementincome. citizen housing project. ' ' the senior citizen.age group were not The Fedewas said a retiree with an in­ The project is to be built by James and available. come totaling $7500 or $8500 would fall into Robert Fedewa and will be between Lansing Robert Fedewa said such a decision was a the scale of the $185 a month unit while it St and Clinton Ave across from Jeanne's management function and that apartments was thought a $3000-$4000 annual income Beans. would not be rented to those not considered would put the renter into the minimum One of the requirements of the project is senior citizens. rental scale of $110, that the development contain holding pond Commr John Arehart asked what age a TREASURER'S REPORT facilities to handle water run-off in the area' senior citizen would, be and Robert Fedewa In other action, Mayor Roy Ebert ex­ This scene at 6721 Townsend Rd, Rt 2 St Johns, was similar^ to (he clean-up many faced after almost gale force winds whipped through indicated anyone 55 or over. pressed his displeasure at criticism the Clinton County and and that cut-off valves be installed to mid-iyiichigan this past weekend. The Winds brought with them an end to recent balmy weather and chilled the air present excessive storm water being let into Fedewas were then asked if they would Commission had received about investment with temperatures in the teens. ' i object to having it specifically stated that of city money. For that reason he said/ a Monthly treasurer's report of money invested by the These should answer questions / , city would be sent to the.board of directors of Clinton'National Bank and Trust. "Evidently," Ebert said, "Brandon White (president of Clinton National Bank and Trust) isn't satisfied with the way the city invests money." Wondering about veterans bonus H?e added that White approached a city commissioner (John Hannah) in public and said CHnton National' was not receiving of the newly created Vietnam Veteran Era what else will I have to do besides filling claim. opportunities to'bid. Wondering how, where and when about check? Bonus Section. More inlormation will be A: We expect the first batch of bonus in the form? Q: Will beneficiaries be able to apply for the Ebert said he believed the monthly report your veteran's bonus-recently .approved by published as it is received from Vietnam A: In addition' to filling out the application bonus as early as ,the living veterans? Michigan voters? should.be sent to the bank directors with a Era Bonus Section. checks to be sent out by the middle of forms, the veteran must enclose a copy A: No. The beneficiary Application (Form cover letter stating the city is "continuing to Read the following questions and answers March 1975. of his Report of Discharge commonly V-2) vViU not be available for distribution be harassed by Brandon White" and that the provided by Capt Michael J. Rice, director Q: When will veterans start getting bonus Q: After I pick up my Application packet known as a DD Form 214. (Do not send untilearly spring. The Department of report "clearly indicates that Clinton, your original DD 214). After completing • Military Affairs is working closely with National Bank is being treated fairly in all Annua/ County Meet Annual county meet • your application (per the instructions on the- Attorney General Office to respects." the backside of the application packet establish adjudication procedures, , Cpmmr Gerald Wilcox said he had no residency questions, and precedence of 1 envelope), it must be notarized. v objection to sending the letter, but did object Q: How will I know that my application beneficiaries. ' ' "to.the wording 'harassment'." Wrestling tourney Saturday arrived at the Bonus Section? Q: After I receive the, postcard from the ' Other commissioners also stated their A^CIaimants^will receive a postcardtfrom feelings the wding was too strong and it \ Ticket price will be .a straight $1 for"the the* Bonus Section at the time thenSap- , Bonus Section, acknowledging receipt of The 5th Annual Clinton County In­ field. Returning are Ovid-Elsie, Bath and the application, hoWlong will It be before • Was agreed to send the letter, but including vitational Wrestling Tournament will get Pewamo-'Westphalia. Ionia and Cqrunna are day-long tourney. plications, are received. The postcard only an explanation tha,t it.was to advise the 1 I can expek to receive my check? \ underway at 1 pm Saturday in.the St Johns the newcomers; DeWitt, is unable tg par­ pedals-will,be. awarded, the top -3 »> will also indicate, tile applicant's batik djreotor-s how the money was being High gymnasium. St Johns is one of the pre-. ticipate Hue to a schedule conflict, \ dividual^ Mn each weight class, with the assigned claim number for future. A: jt depends, primarily oh the number Of invested and "With whom it is invested. r applications ahaflitof yours that are Journey favorites to win the team title, but Weigh-in will 'begin at about 9 am, outstanding wrestler of the meet receiving a -fn. ^-reference, if needed. ' APPROVE! SElARLES FINAL PLAT Redwing coach Bob Ballafd promises "This trophy. „ . t$; 1 was a resident dt Michigan befprel- awaiting processing., Ohce.the Initial followed by H seeding hieeting, Wrestling backlog of applications have Ibeen The qomm(ssfon, ia-other action, ap-* will be the toughest county meet yet." will be held on 2 mats'for continuous action. RedwiHg wrestling boosters will run 'a entered jthe service.- After I was proved Searjes Estate Final Plat. They also v concession stand throughout the tour­ discharged I established legal'residence processed, it will take four to five weeks Preliminaries are set for, 1 pm, with to receive a check oitceyou receive your • a,pprqye,d a. holding pond agreement. The' Two-time champions of the event, the wrestling id continue without a break until nament, featuring hamburgers, soft drinks., in another state. Do I still qualify for the motion to approve the final plat passed Redwings hope to retire the traveling trophy pies and light refreshments. bonus? postcard. Our research indicates, that it , the tourney is completed. Tourney director may be several months before the Bonus ^unanimously. 1 r * donated by the Clinton County News. John Furry estimates the affair to wind up As for the competition, Ballard sees it as a A: Ves, If you>were a resident of Michigan Vying with the Wings will be 5 teams, tough tournament. for at least six months prior to entering Section can process the huge quantity of at between 5:30 and 6 pm. Fans who wish to applications expected to arrive during including a pajr of new entries to the tourney seet finals may wish to arrive at about 4 pm. 'This will be the closest and most com­ active military service, you meet the Wrong name , petitive County Invitational ever," he said residency ^requirement. the first weeks of operation, this week.'"Everyone's wrestling program Q: I'm an eligible veteran and have since Q; When and where will I be able to pick 'up Oops, We put the wrong man in office 1? f is getting better and things are evening out. moved away from Michigan. Hqw should my application packet? 1 think this year will be quite a. surprise to I apply for my bonus? week. Letter explains time A: Applications are expected to be .Last week's County News identified a new some people when they see some of the A: The best way for an out of state claimant . available (or wide distribution teams coming along so well." like yourself to apply would be to have a commissioner to the Clinton County Board throughout Michigan at the end of of Commissioners as Paul Nob'fs. Dual meet records go out the window in ' relative or friend who lives in Michigan January 1975. It would be premature at such a tournament, where several out­ pick up an application and send it to you. It isn't-he is actually Walt Nobis. ' length before new this time to announce points of Our apologies. standing wrestlers can carry an entire team The alternative would be to request an distribution due to the high probability of a long way. ' •application jacket by writing the premature claimant inquiry, foot traffic, So Ionia, which recently lost to St J^ohns Vietnam Veteran Era Bonus Section, and disappointed Veterans at the for a 46-9 count, is a team to be reckoned P.O. Box 1500, Lansing, Michigan 48904. distribution points prior to the actuaj Announce 2nd US-27 construction with in the tournament. Q: What's to keep another veteran who arrival of the applications. When the "Ionia has at least 3 really good applied after I did from getting his bonus applications are on site at the » Annual EDITOR'S NOTE: The, following letter funding for the improvement of these wrestlers," said Bailard.
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