DOCUMENT RESUME RD 139 16 CE 010 819 TITLE Zlementary and Secondary Education Act of 1976; Hearings before the Subcommittee on Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education of the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives, Ninety-fourth Congress, Second Session on H.R. 11023 to Authorize a Career Education Program for Elementary and Secondary Schools, and for Other Purposes. Hearings Held in Washingtbn, D.C. February 2, September 13 and 20, 1976 INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washington, D.C. House Committee on Education and Labor. PUB DATE 76 NOTE 222p.; Not available in hard copy due to marginal legibility of the original document EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 Plus Postage. HC Not Available f-om ED DESCRIPTORS Agencies; *Agency Role; *Career Education; *Educational Legislation; Educational aeeds; Educational Philosophy; Educational Planning; *Educational Policy; Educational Programs; Elementary Secondary Education; *Federal Legislation; Government Role; Program Descriptions; *Program Improvement; State Agencie State Programs; Vocational Education ABSTRACT The full text of the U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee hearings on H.R. 11023 is presented--a bill to assist States and local educational agencies in increasingjob awareness, exploration, decisionmaking, and planning activities in elementary and secondary schools. Statements to the subcommittee members, as well as prepared statements, letters, and other supplementary aterials are included, presented by such educational leaders aS Bruce Shertzer, Sydney P. Harland, Or., Jeanne Werschke, L. Sunny Hansen, Robert W. withey, Dana Whitmer, Elwood Cornett, Albert Lorente, Reginald Nilson, John W. Alden, Charles Heatherly, William Bailey, and Harlan E. Giese. Issues discussed include inservice teacher education, educational reform, educational needs, and state and local school district participation. (TA) , Documents Acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished Al materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * to,.obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless,items of marginal * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects thequality * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * via. theERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * respobsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from theoriginal. ************* _****************** -******************************** ELEMENTARY ANDSECoiDARYCAREER EDUCATION ACT OF 1976 HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON ELEMENTARY, SECONDARY, AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION OF THE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND L BOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-FOURTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION oN H.R. 11023 TO AUTHORIZE A CAREER EDUCATION PROGRAM FOR ELE- MENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES HEARINGS HELD IN WASHINGTON, D.C. FEBRUARY 2, SEPTEMBER 13 AND 20, 1970 Printed for the uuf_ e I mnitten Education and Labor C.knr. Ilij:KINN,chair/min v sDEFARTFAENT OF HEALTTT EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO DUCED EXACT4Y AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN EYING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITIoN OR POLICY s. covERNmENT Prm-7TING orvirt es-am WASHINGTON :I:1713 2 COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION A.ND LABOR CARL D. PERKINS. Kentucky, Chairman FRANK THOMPSON. Ja.. New Jersey ALBERT H. QUIE. mtrinesota JOHN H. DENT, Pennsylvania JOHN M. ASHBROOK. Ohio Douniim V. DANIELS, New Jersey ALPHONZO BELL. California JOHN BRADEMAS. Indiana JOHN N. ERLENBORN. Illinois JAMES G. O'HARA. Michigan MARVIN L. ESCIL Walton AUGUSTUS F. HAWKINS. California EDWIN D. ESHLEMAN. Pennsylvania WILLIAM D. FORD. Michigan PETER A. PEYSER New York PATSY T. MINX. Hawaii (on leave) RONALD A. SARASIN, Connecticut LLOYD IXEEDS. Nniihructon JOHN BUCHANAN. Alabt=a prumar BURTON. California JAMES M. JEFFORDS. Vermont JOSEPH M. GAYDOS, Pennaylvania LARRY PRESSLER, South Dakota WILLIAM "BILL" CLAY. MI EMUS! WILLIAM F. GOODLING. Pennsylvania SHIRLEY CHISHOLM. New York VIRGINIA SMITH, Nebraska MARIO BIAGGI. New York IKE ANDREWS, North Carolina WILLIAM LEHMAN. Florida JAIME BENITEZ. Puerto Rico MICHAEL BLourN. Iowa ROBERT CORNELL, Wisconsin PAUL SIMON.IflInoti EDWARpBEARD, Rhode Island LEO ZEFERETTI, Now York GZORGE KILLER Califoruia RONALD MOTTL, Ohio TIM HALL, Illinois MIT= ON ELEMENTARY, SECONDARY, AND VOCATIONAL ELKICALlOB CARL D. PERKINS, Kentucky, Chairman WILLIAM D. FORD. Michigan ALBERT E. OUIE, Minnesota PATSY T. MDTK, Hawaii (on leave) ALPHONZO BELL. California LLOYD WEEDS. Washington EDWIN D. ESHLEM_AN, Pennsylvania SHIRLEY CHISHOLM, New York JOHN BUCHANAN, Alabama IKE ANDREWS. North Carolina LARRY PRESSLER. South Dakota WILLIAM LEHMAN. Florida WILLIAM F. GOODLING. Pennsylva ia PAUL SIMON. Illinois JAMES M. JEFFORDS. Vermont RONALD MOTTL, Ohio TIM HALI., Illinois MICHAEL BLOUIN, Iowa JAMES O. O'HARA, Michigan LEO ZEFEREA-xf, New York GEORGE MILLER, California Pugs Hearings held in Washington, D.C.: Februazy 2, 1976_ I September 13, 1976 IS i September 20, 1976 203 Text of H.R. 11023 1 Statement of : Alden, Dr. John W., executie director, The National School Volunteer Programs, Inc 191 Baley, Dr. William AI. associate superintendent, Area Schools and Career Education, Iowa Department of Public Instruction 206 Bonner, Loretta, counselor, Russellville, Ark 151 Caudill, James, superintendent, Hazard City Independent Schools, Kentucky _ 130 Clark, Dorothy, teacher, North Little Rock, Ark 136 Collins, Owen, director, Career Education Project, Kentucky Valley Education Cooperative 125 Cornett Elwood, executive director, KentuckY Valley Education Cooperative 125 Gime, Harlan E., exceutil..e director, Iowa Career Education Advisory Council 210 Gormly, Terrill, teacher, Krheaton, Aid_ 142 Gushee, Theresa, teacher, Upper Marlboro, Md 146 Hansen, L. Sunny, American Personnel and Guidance Association 74 Heatherly, Charles director, Education Department, National Fed- eration of Independent Businesses 203 Kincaid, Lily, teacher, Lee County, Ky 126 Laramore, Darryl, supervisor of guidance, Montgomery County Public Schools, Rockville, Md_ 162 Lorente, Albert, United Auto Workers 172 Marland, Sidney P., Jr., Career Education Conceptualizers 40 Shertiser, Bruce, chairperson, National Advisory Council for Career Education Smith, Rosalyn, teacher, Wtsshington, D C 133. Voight, David .K., National Federation of Independent Businesses_ 203 Wersehke, Jeanne, State coordinators of career education _ _ 52 Whitrner, Dana, American Association of School Administrators 92 Wilson, Dr. Reginald, president Wayne Ct. unty Community College and chairman, Career Education Committee, National Urban Coalition, Wihington, D C 185 Withey, Robert W., Vermont Commissioner of Education 83 Prepared statements, letters, supplemental material, etc.: Alden, Dr. John W., executive director, the National School Volunteer Program, Inc, prepared statement of 187 Aslanian, Carol B.assistant director fm- career educationPolicy Studies in Education, New York, N.Y., letter to Chairmanerkins, dated Sentember 28, 1976, enclosing testimony 197 Barber, Anita, State coordinator for career education, Alabama, "Career Education in Alabama," an article 62 Benson, Rodney F., executive 1.ice president, Boulder Chamber of Commerce, letter to Chairman Perkins, dated August 17, 19M 201 Benton, Robert D., Ed. D. Iowa State superintendent of public instruction, Des Moines, iprepared statement of 206- 4 IV Prered statements, 1cttir, suppliant. I material-. c Ie. 'onzinued ner, Iurttttirtitirof e3reer u icluiols. Russel le, Ark.: Prepared statement 1:13 Letters b-ont institutions of higher learning reffire nisei+ /I" training_ I 'Replication Process liiI min Indust( y-1.-thie:toint-E:ilnie In- volvement and Collaboration." an article, 157 Jaincs, superint( ndent, Ilazard City Indepanivin Schools, Kentucky, prepared statement of Clark, Dorothy, teacher, North Little Rork, Ark., attneffinents statement _ Cohn, Claus II., Vcrinont Nntional Bank. Fair 11aiin, Vt., letter to ,Chairman Perkins, dated October 6. 1976, Cornett,E!..vood, executive director. Kentucky Valley cl Cooperative, prei,ared statement of_ 125 Davis, Hilton, Operral Manager, Legislative Action. Chamber of Commerce of the Cnited Chnirn1011 INTkinS, dated April 2, 1976_ CiiILirlanE., executive director.IowtiVoc(itional Advisory Council, prepared statement of__ G((rmly, MN Terrill, teaeher, Wheaton, Md., prepared statement of_ '11'.-171';': Gusher, Tlwres4 teach. r. -Upper Marlliero, Md., prepared statermait and attachments_ I IT Hansen,/r. 1.orraine, University of Alinnesiita, Nlinneapolis, Letter to Cong. Quit.. dated February 17, 1976 ___________ 124 Prepared statement of Kincaid, Lily, te:icher, Lee County. Et .. prepared statenwut F 126 L itgasse, Robert F., personnel director, the Rutland Bo,Apital. Inc, Rutland, Vt., ktter to Clelirman Perkins, dated, October $ ,1976;_ L aramore,Darryl, supervisor of guidanee,Mont!,onwry County Public Schools, Rockville, Md.: "Effectiveness of the Implementathm of the Policy on Cal-V(1- Counseling by the Advisory Committer on Career Education." a report_ 164 "Career Centers: more choice than chance." an article 167 "What Keeps Me Going in CareeT Education," comments from counsellora TA.rentr, Dr. Albert, United Auto Workers, prepared statement -Marshall, Howard E., manager, employee and community relations, McCormick & Co., Inc., prepar..d statement of_ 176 Perkins, Bon.
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