IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT! Bobby Fischer's AFTER A TEN·YEAR WAIT, FISCHER'S SECOND PUBLISHED COLLECTION OF HIS GAMES With introdudions to the games by U.S. Champion Larry Evans Penetrating, i n~depth annotations by Fischer of his most important and representat ive games to date. Fascinat ing discussions and insights into his ploy and that of his opponents by the most exciting chess genius of our time. Whatever one thinks of Fischer's personality, attitude, and relation­ ship with others in the chess world, there is no doubt that he is the most exciting player in the world today. He has won the last five tournaments which he completed, and he has not finished lower than second in any of his fourteen events during the post six years. His exploits in interna­ t ional competition, his unprecedented record of eight straight U.S. Championships, his bri lliancies of tactical invention, and his contribu* tions to opening theory--all have won him a high place in chess history. His very presence in a tournament gene rates excitement. In this book, Bobby analyzes hi s most important and representative games, showing the strategic consideroti ons, the ta ctics--and sometimes the blunders- thot occur during the pressure of tournament play. He assesses his opponents' thinking as well. Each game has, in additi on to Fischer's awn annotations, an analytical introduction by the present U.S. Champion, Larry Evans. Index of openings, index of opponents, a nd Bobby Fischer's tournament and match record. BE AMONG THE FIRST TO OWN THIS REMARKABLE BOOK Li st Pri ce, $6.95 Members, $6.25 Mail your order, with check or money order in t he amount of yo ur purchas.e, to: 479 Broadway U. S. CHESS FEDERATION Newburgh, N.Y. 12550 N.Y. State residents: Add proper sales tax to all prices given. NOTE FOR PURCHASERS OUTSID E THE U.S. All prices in U.S. dollars! Our Canadian friends should add 10% to cover currency exchange differential. Other non·U.S. purchasers, please add 15 % to cover added handling and shipping charges. 174 CHESS LIFE 19TH ANNUAL MAY 30· JUNE 1, 1969 • lA, PA. THREE DAYS-SIX ROUNDS-AT THE WARWICK HOTEL The winner will b. ,ecognind tI5 the 1969 U.S. Amateur Ch,mplon, Open to .11 USCF members except Rated Muter,. TWO SEPARATE GROUPS FOR MORE FUN, MORE COMPETITION THAN EVER BEFORE! GROUP ONE GROUP TWO Tournament Director: Wm. Lukowiak Tournament Director: Jim Van Horn For those rated from 1800 through 2199. For aU rated below 1800, except that Class B players (1604). 1799) and Unrated players may play in Group One if they so choose. Assisting with Direction in both Groups: Edward Strehle and James Politowski If you .re I Clus B or Unnt.d player, specify Group One or Group Two when you enl.r. TROPHIES TO 1st, 2nd, lrd, 4th, 5th Top Two-Class A, B*, C, D. and Women'" Top Cla.s E, Unrated, Junior· under 21, 18, 16, 14 · Players in both Group One and Group Two eligible for Class 8 , Women, and Junior trophies. In determining trophy winners, One Bonus Point will be added to the Game Point Scores and the Tie Break Totals of those playing in Group One. The Bonus Point is to compensate for the difference In strength of Group One opponents as compared with Group Two opponents. ADVANCE ENTRY URGED. Entry fee $TO (juniors under 21, $8) if postmarked not later than May 25; $2 addition,,1 if p"id later. Final registration, 9 to 11 :30 a.m., Friday, May 30 at The Warwick Hotel. Advance entries, so identified and with your complete name and address, should be sent with check or money order payable to "UsCf" to this addrass: U.S. Chen Federltion (Am"teur), 479 Broadway, Newburgh, N.Y. 12550. Time Control: 50 move. in 2 hours. PLEASE BRING YOUR CHESS CLOCK, IF YOU HAVE ONE . SCHEDULE FORMER CHAMPIONS Round 1-12:30 p.m., Friday, May 30 U.S. Amateur Women's Amateur 2- 1:00 p.m., Friday, May 30 1942 e. s. Jackson, Jr. 3-11:30 a.m., Sa1urday, May 31 1943 Dr. Ariel Menqarini 1944 e. S. Jackson, Jr. 4- 6:00 p.m .• Saturday. May 31 1945 Paul Ellis 5- 9:00 a.m .. Sunday, lune 1 1955 Clinton L. Parmelee Kathryn Slater 6- 3:30 p.m., Sunday, lune 1 1956 lohn A. Hudson Kathryn Slater 1957 Harry Lyman Rosalie De Serrano praua maka room reservltions In adYinca by writing directly 1958 Dr. Erich W. Marchand Grela Fuchs to: 1959 Russell Chauvene' Lisa Lane 1960 Raoul L. Benedicta Greta Fuchs THE WARWICK 1961 edqar T. McCormick Greta Fuchs 1962 Dr. Malt Cohen Adele Goddard Locust at 17th Ben Greenwald We' Philadelphia, Po. 19103 1963 Kenneth Claylon Cecilia Rode J964 Michael Hailparn Zenaida H. Wagner Ec1esia Cestone Tell them you are coming for the U.S. Am.teur Chess Cham· 1965 Frank Slreet 1966 Thomas Lult Zenaida H. Wagner pionship and wish to taka advantage of thase special room 1967 Ronald Lohrman Rachel Guinan rate$: $12 for ona in a room, $17 for two in a room, $20 for 1968 Stephen lanes Greta Olsson thr.e in a room, and $23 for four in a room. Michael Shahade (lie' MAY, 1969 175 l:< UNITED STATES Volume XXIV Number S EDITOR: Burt HOl:hbarg CONTENTS PRESIDENT Marshall Rohland Before the Match, by Dimitrije Bjelico ..................................... ........... 177 VICE·PRESIDENT Isa ac: Kashdan O' Ke ll y on the Match, by A. O'Kelly .. .... ...................... .. ... .... ... .... .. ...... 179 • SECRETARY By Larsen .... ...................... .. ... .. .... .... ... ... .. ................ .. .. ..... .. ... .. ............. 180 Dr. Leroy Dubeck Some Recent Nua nces in Opening Theory, by Robert By rne .. ............ .. .... 182 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR E. B. Edmondson Knights in the Gardens of Spa in , by Anthony Soidy ... .. .. .. .. ........ .. .. .. ....... 184 The Art of Pos it ionol Ploy, by Sammy Reshevsk.y .................................... 186 REGIONAL VICE·PRESIDENTS HEW ENGLAND Jam es Bolton Observation Point, by Mira Rodoje;e .................................................... 188 Steven J. FrYlller Benjantln ~ n de y Chess life, Here a nd There .... 190, 192, 203, 204, 20 5, 208,209, 2 11, 21 4 EA STERN Allen Kaufman Michael Raimo WlliJ;om Golchbera From the Olympiad, by Pa l Benko ..... ... ... .. .. ....................... ..... .. .... ....... 191 MID.ATLANTIC Steve Caruthers Letters ...... ........ .... .......... .. .... ..... .. .. ... .. ........ .. ................ ... .. .. ... ... .. .. ....... .. 193 Dr. Fred A. Sorense n uwls Hucks A New Chess Primer, Revi ewed by Fred Wren .. ....................... .. .. .. .. .... ... 195 SOUTHERN PhHlp L amb Robert Cole Donald Schulb Re port From FIDE , by Fred Cramer ... .... ... .... ...... .. ....... .. ............... ... ... .. 199 GREAT LAKeS Robert By r ne Lorry Evans on Chess ................................................................. ... ........ 200 V. E. Vandenburl I Theodore Pehnel' The little Town W ith the Big Pri ze Fund, by Jerry La rk in .................. 206 NORTH CENTRA L Dr. Geur ge TIen Peter Wolf Alek ..... nder Llepn lekl Growth Continues, by E. B. Edmondson ........................... .. ..... .. .... .. ..... 207 SOUTHWUT5RN JQhn A. Howell Industrial Chess, by Matt Pavitt ........................................... .. .... .. .. ....... 212 Robert S , Brle,er Dr . Alfred Sor ensen Be nk.o's Bafflers, by Pa l Benko .. ......... .. ............................ .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. 21 2 PACIFIC A . M. Gardner Burrard Eddy Col. Charles Daly Ra ti ng Re ports Received .. ... ... .. ... ..... ... ........................... .... ... .... .... ... .. .. 2 14 NATIONAL CHAIRMEN and OFFICERS Tournament Life .. ................................. ................................. ...... ... .. ..... 2 16 JOIN THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION USCF ls a non·proflt democratic or.canizatlon, the official .covernln a: body and FIDE (World Cheu F ederatlon) unit for chell In the USA. ,\lIyone Interested In advanCi ng American chess II I I for m embership, with benefits which InclUde a CHESS LIFE subscription and e ll .c lb I Ut ~ for tat~ . Regul,r Membership: I yu r , ' 10.00; 2 }"C.'Jrs. $19. 00; 3 year s. $27.00. Junior Memberdllp (Under 21 at expir ation date): 1 year, 55.00; 2 )' urs, 59.50; 3 years, $13 .50. S""tIlnln. Member. sh ip (becomu Life after 10 consecutive a"nual paymcntu: S2O.00. Once ~ SU$talnln, Member. Women'. ..... Sla ter ship h al belUn, each l ucen.lve yu t's d ues must be pa io;l bdore t he expiration date. Other· wise, tbe mutalnln, cycle , tarll o"er allain at year onc a n o;l at whatever ra tes a re then in .rfeet. Llf. ~mbenh l p : S2OO.oo. WORLD CHESS FEDERATION CHESS LIFE 'I publl$hed mont hly by USCF and enter ed u seeond·class m atter a t En t IF.I.D.E.) Dubu'!.ue, IWnols. Non.mem btr 1.y •. subscr iption: 56.50 ($7.50 ouUlo;le USA); sln, le copy: , 5tI t75t1 oulslde USA). Change of addre ss: Allo'" si x ",eeks notice; please , Ive us both tbe neW a ddt"'s Fred Cramer and t be old addre$l, Inciud lnl t he number s and dales on th. top line of your stencil. Vice·President, Zone:) (U,S.A.) Addren . 11 communic ations. and ma ke all cbc-e kl payable to : UNITED STAT(S CHESS FEDERATION, 419 Broadw. y, N.wburlh, N.Y. 12550 CHESS LIFE 176 BEFORE THE MATCH Petrosian: Nerves Will Decide Spassky: Victories Will Decide Exclusive Interviews by Dimitrije Bjelica . On April 14, Moscow will again be the center of the Spassky: I do not notice the audience during the games, chess world. Petrosian and Spassky will once more meet to the people do not disturb me. decide who will be World Champion. Since the tournament in Q: How did it happen that Korchnoi was first in Mallorca Palma de Mallorca, neither of them played any chess, having without any apparent strain, while you two are officially the only one thing to do: prepare for the match. While so doing, best players in the world? Petrosiao delivered his dissertation on Logic in Chess, becom­ Petrosian: All the time in Mallorea it seemed to me as ing a "Doctor of Chess." Spassky thus has a doubly difficult though I was driving an old car trying to catcb Korehnoi, who task-to defeat not only the World Champion, but a "Doetor was driving a space rocket.
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