Eighth International IBPSA Conference Eindhoven, Netherlands August 11-14, 2003 THE USE OF COMPUTER SIMULATION TO ESTABLISH ENERGY EFFICIENCY PARAMETERS FOR A BUILDING CODE OF A CITY IN BRAZIL Joyce Carlo1, Enedir Ghisi2 and Roberto Lamberts3 1. [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] LabEEE – Energy Efficiency in Buildings Laboratory Federal University of Santa Catarina Florianópolis, SC, 88040-970 - Brazil 1310TWh in 20 years (2000 to 2020), while India ABSTRACT would save 1659TWh in the same period and Mexico The first energy efficiency law for Brazil was 550TWh, representing reductions of 12%, 11% and presented in 2001, which required that buildings 12% in 20 years, respectively. One year before, in should have some energy efficiency regulation. 1995, Mexico approved its first energy standard, for Salvador city building code was then submitted to a commercial buildings [COMISIÓN NACIONAL study to include energy efficiency parameters related PARA EL AHORRO DE ENERGÍA, 1995a] and for to the building envelope. artificial lighting in buildings [COMISIÓN NACIONAL PARA EL AHORRO DE ENERGÍA, The energy consumption limits were associated with 1995b]. Both were based on ASHRAE Standard 90.1 the envelope parameters using simulation and using a [1999]. Recently, a DOE press release [DOE, 2002] multi-variable regression equation developed using stated that Mexico, United States and Canada are simulation. Twelve models were defined with the moving towards unifying their energy efficiency variables that influence most on energy consumption standards. This trend is already in progress in and were combined to the envelope variables Europe, where the European directives for energy resulting in the analysis of 1616 prototype buildings. efficiency in buildings were approved in order to This paper describes the simulations that were used unify the state members standards which should to establish the limits presented in the code. present common: calculation methodologies, minimum energy efficiency requirements for buildings, certification and other proposals [EUROPEAN INTRODUCTION PARLIAMENT, 2002]. In Brazil, electrical energy production is highly based In 2001, due to an energy crisis in the country, the on hydroelectric power plants. Brazil has a Brazilian Government finally passed a law that spent hydroelectric potential of 260GW and only 23% of 10 years being analyzed in Congress, aiming to this potential have been used (61GW) so far. The promote energy efficiency of related equipment and Federal Energy Balance of 2000 [MINISTÉRIO DAS buildings, and made possible the creation of a MINAS E ENERGIA, 2001] showed that the electricity committee to develop regulations for energy consumption increased from 35% in 1985 to 41% in efficiency in buildings, such as national standards 2000. The electricity consumption in residential, and building codes. Before such a committee could be commercial and public sectors are, respectively, 64%, created to develop standards for energy efficiency in 94% and 91% of the total energy consumption of buildings, the electric utility company of Salvador each sector. [MINISTÉRIO DAS MINAS E ENERGIA, (COELBA) and its associated ESCO (IbenBrasil), 2001] 64% of the end-use in commercial and public stepped ahead and decided to propose an amendment buildings is due to lighting and cooling, and it to the Building Code of Salvador. LabEEE was reaches 86% in banks and office buildings [GELLER, responsible in analyzing parameters to be included in 1991]. Energy consumption for heating is not usual in the Building Code to promote energy efficiency in most of Brazilian states due to its mild climate. Energy local buildings. consumption for cooling is electrical. Although Brazil still has a high potential of growth with clean energy Parameters to improve thermal comfort, visual comfort production, electricity consumption is growing and energy efficiency in local buildings were included rapidly as Brazil still does not have a standard or a in the building code. This paper focuses on the code of practice for energy efficiency in buildings. energy efficiency parameters that were based on building performance simulation for the climatic DUFFY [1996] showed that codes and standards in conditions of Salvador. Brazil could promote energy savings of about - 131 - Salvador is a tropical city with 2 million inhabitants ASHRAE’s; as building designers, builders and also located on the coast, at a latitude 12o54’ South, and is the population of Salvador get used to either the capital for the state of Bahia, Northeastern Brazil. applying or requesting energy efficiency strategies, The air temperature in Salvador ranges from 21.8o to the thermal properties limits may be modified to 28.7o and the mean relative humidity is 81% promote higher energy efficiency rates. The [GOULART et al., 1997]. development of the method described in this paper intends to provide knowledge of the variables to The Building Code for Salvador was based on define acceptable parameters for all these particular parameters presented in ASHRAE Standard 90.1 conditions. [1999], which was referred in the International Energy Conservation Code [LUCAS & MEYERS, 2000] and Two tools were used to estimate the thermal used in other developing countries such as Mexico; properties limits to be included in the Building Code: and also in Australia, which has a climate similar to a multi-variable regression equation for commercial Brazil’s. Standard 90.1 [ASHRAE, 1999] limits were building energy consumption calculation [SIGNOR et modified to better represent the local conditions. It al., 2001] and simulation using DOE 2.1–E. The classifies the climate of several U.S. cities and some regression equation was used to define the limits of international cities. The climates are classified by their WWR (Window to Wall Ratio), SC (shading degree-days for cooling and heating and related to coefficient) and PF (projection factor) for vertical one of the 26 building envelope requirements tables. windows oriented to north, east and south. Cities not analyzed in the Standard 90.1 [ASHRAE, Simulation was used to estimate the limits of thermal 1999] can have their degree-days for heating and transmittance for walls, to investigate the influence of cooling calculated in order to use one of the building the building orientation on the energy consumption envelope requirements table. Salvador city climate is and to estimate the limits of WWR, SC and PF for classified by Standard 90.1 [ASHRAE, 1999] vertical west-oriented windows. exempting the calculation of degree-days. In the table with the requirements in which Salvador is included, OBJECTIVE U-factor for non-residential above grade walls is The main objective of this paper is to describe the divided in mass walls, metal buildings, steel framed methodology used to define thermal properties limits and wood framed walls. The maximum U-factor for for the building envelope in the city of Salvador. It mass walls is 3.352W/m2K and for wood framed light presents the differences of the limits defined in this walls is 0.513W/m2K. Roofs with insulation entirely study and the limits recommended by Standard 90.1 above deck have a maximum U-factor of 0.366W/m2K [ASHRAE, 1999] for Salvador. and roofs with attics have maximum U-factor of 0.196W/m2K. The maximum solar heat gain coefficient (SGHC) ranges from 0.19 to 0.25, and higher METHODOLOGY coefficients for windows oriented to south were Energy consumption on lighting, equipment and recommended, reaching 0.61 for low Window to Wall cooling for commercial buildings was simulated using Ratios [ASHRAE, 1999]. DOE 2.1-E and a multi-variable regression equation developed also from parametric simulation. These thermal properties limits are quite severe for Brazilian needs. The construction components used Salvador is a cooling dominated climate, external in Brazil are different from the American components. temperature often varies near the comfort conditions Brazilian walls for commercial buildings are built with and solar radiation is very high, which requires the clay bricks or cement blocks, while American walls are use of hourly dynamic simulation to gather better composed of bricks and framed panels. Brazilian roofs results on energy consumption estimation. The are generally composed of clay tiles or corrugated energy consumption simulations were performed to asbestos cement sheets, and some commercial obtain site electricity end energy only, which is the buildings have metal roofs. Asphalt or stones are not main energy use in the Brazilian commercial sector. widely used in Brazilian roofs. Components used in Brazil are related to economic and social issues, such The simulations boundary conditions are listed in Table 1. Two values for internal loads density were as use of untrained labour, material costs and 2 2 customers preferences, that must be considered to used, 15W/m and 30W/m . Schedules were adjusted establish the limits for the Building Code, the first to Brazilian offices occupancies (eight hours) and the energy efficiency regulation for buildings in Brazil. heating system was turned off on heating schedules. The designing of energy efficient buildings is a new concept in this country whose construction industry has not faced the energy efficiency concept yet. The limits must initially account for lower efficiencies than - 132 - 2 Table 1: Boundary conditions for the energy Afaçade= Area of façade (m ) consumption simulations. WWR= Window to Wall Ratio (%) Cooling set-point 25.6 oC Internal Lighting 9.5 & 19.0 W/m2 PF= projection factor (non-dimensional) 2 loads Equipment 3.7 & 7.5 W/m SC= shading coefficient (non-dimensional) density Occupancy 75.4 & 37.7 m2/person 2 Ventilation rate 11.7 m3/person Uroof= roof thermal transmittance (W/m K) Infiltration 0.2 ACH a roof= roof absorptance (non-dimensional) Coil energy efficiency 2.93 ILD= internal load density (W/m2) ratio Type of HVAC Packaged multi-zone Aroof/Atotal corresponds to the number of floors while system Afaçade/Atotal corresponds to the building shape.
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