Etn1959 Vol05 12

Etn1959 Vol05 12

1 Vol • 5 , No • 12 f J....'" l • 21 , 1~5('\., .J ~._..., ·1111· -- "n. =011..,ltly £L'T v Y""•·ly..,....,._ by first class mail NE'., !J SJ.INT SYLVE~'LU:.nuunight rw1 1 ~oo ~';·ulu , Drazil, Dec, 31--Suarcz, /,rgcntina, 21: ~O. 3; Faria, Poi::ugcl (two time winner), :::..;:22 . G; 3, J.moros, Sp~, 22: 23. ,~; ~. Molina, Spain, 22:3~•:, ; 5,S0J1, U. S., 22: 3<x;6 . Lccn~c::::.-t, Bdgium, 22:37; '/ , /, lonso, Spain, 22:38. 11; -----=-~~- 8. Strilof. Yugo • • ::;2:,.rn. G; 9., Cclixto. Brazil, zr.:.:~O.JliJl0,L cmos,t.xg . 2~:-:7. l~ 18,Clark,G D Jan. 3 1\moros, 10,000m in 30:30.2; Dcrnm:d,Prancl: , (dn! longrW1) 1 1500 in 3:53,2; Su.trcz 500Cm in 1•1:2:> . 2, SOUTI I J.FRICJ. Stellenbosch, Dec . 20: 1,-;ccoy •18. 6; on<.l1: 53. 9; Kimberley, 12/20, Harold Clerk-~: O·~. 5; Paarl, 12/26, Clo.rk -~: O..l:. !l; Molon 1•1. •~y; McDonald 1-~. •l; Molen also 24. 1 and 55. 8; VIll CENTi~LL i.MERIC/,N GliMES, Car.:cus, Venezuela, Jan . 7-12: Ovidio de Jesus, Puerto Rico, 53, ,.J:for •l00mh, 1/8; Rolcllld Cruz , PR, g'5i" 1/~, Central ~d South ,\merican record; Other results: Rivera, PR, 10. 9, 21. 7; de Jesus, PR, ,;,,o. C; PR 132, Mexico 126. AUSTRl.Lii. Jan. 3--Bursill 9.7, •18, 5; Gosper -~9. -111;l,lmond •~:07, 5, PR, from J°il 1 Thomas ~09.:; , Murray-1 :10. 9; Primrose l•~.5w; Bclo<lis, SP, 51 -~~", PR; l00m,Dromhcod, 10. 6w; Jan . •~--O'Co1m...;ll 1: 5 ~. 6; H_tchcr 1: 5• .:.,. 6; Thornton 1: 5.:. 7; ~ miles-Thomas 13: 5G, 8; Murr~y 111::::0• .i:.; Parker, 4·10yh, 53. 8; HT, •.4orris 186 1 11}", Leffler 183' 4\'; ll0mh, Chittick H.5w; PcnfolJ,SP, 52'J", Jen. 10--Dlue 1:51.1 PR; Baloclis, 156'1 2 ",/,ustrcl.ia record, & 50'1½"; Morris 192' HT; Birks 230'11"; Tomlinson 52'·~" HSJ with win; U.S . OUTDOORS \'.inwr 1,11-Comers meets: Los/ np,;:lcs, Jan. 18: Connolly 217'4·}", Paffani 191 12 "; 0 113i:icn GO' (leather Slot), Gkn Johnsou 53 1ST, Humphrey 53'·~½"; Babka 180'10½", O'Oricn 175', Humplu:(.!y 155'!>"; [;t~Io.1:<l Jon. 17, Bcll, Stanford frosh, 155'4". Time trials: C~lson , Colo, -~7. 6; Curtis, !::unJose.: Fr., •18, 5. UT L'-JDOOr..s UCTC OpBn Ch.ic:-.go, Jan. 3: Mih.!, Ryr.p, Y. est Ill, <c15. 9; 60, Jacobs, UC, G. ~; Oo:CCBR:7G'O <.EL/. YC, Chica:;o , Jnn. 10: Jacobs & Johnson, Wisc, G. ·,£; 2-mile, Vandcr flcuvcl, 9:211. 5; 70 HH, LoomoG, UCTC, 8, 9; 70LH, Loomos 8. 0; i.i·,u 1-I/~NDIC/ .P , N. Y., Jun. 3: Bertrand, NYU .fl:osh, 10, l; 2-mikLJ, L.tris, D~tmouch~., --~--1 9: 13. t!; 60HH, Pr~tt, 7. 6. (cll from scr<1tch). BOSTON, JQil. 10, John Thomas, Boston U frosh, n-.:w world indoor record, G'll. ALL E/ 1STERN, Baltimore, Jnn. 10: 60, Sph.:gcl 6. j; 600, Dow~ns, \,'inston-Salcm , 1:13. 2; Ellis, Morgan; r.oo--..,', illiruns,G<..:org.:town, 1:GD. 7; -Clos<..:, St . Johns, <;;:15. 3;, BOC, •.t:18; 2-milc,S~wyer, BOC, 9:04.6; Stieglitz, USN> 9:13; Kopil, Quontico, 9:21; W'illcR-St, Johns 3:29; 2-mile il, Georgetown 7:56 . 7; HJ-Dennis G'9: Gm-dncr,Quantico, 6'6". /1 /1RMY 63t MhNHLTT /,N -15½, \.\ est Point, Jan. 10: GOO,, U, 1: 11. 9; 1000, Hrume, 1 2:1 1i . l; Mile, Grccnc,/,, ,;:18; 2-m.ilc, Bcycr,i¼, 9:27,3; 60HlJ,Roeslcr, I. , 7.6; Mile R , M 3:21; 2mile R, M, 7:58; Shot, Mnrchiony, M, 56'31"; Nonce, /,, 51'6"; 351b \',T, Bag­ donas,/ :.., 59'0; Frosh: shot, Korn, M, 5G'·.!:t. UofCHICl.GO COLLEGI/.TE REL/1YS, J~ . 17; Tom, Mic hian, 220 in 21. 7, recordl BOSTON KJ~IGHTS OF COLUMBUS, ]M , 17: 50 \',indcr, Morgan, 5. 1~ ; Gardner, Nebr ., ; Ira Davis; La.kcw~y; GOO-Collymore, Vill, 1:11 . 1; Smith, Batt... s; Dave ?\ftlls; Tom Murphy, NYi,C; 1000-Scurlock,°l'.JC, 2: 12. 2; V.illiruns, Georgetown, (1 "); Soprano, NY/,C; Leps, Mich . Mile Delany ~:oo. 3 (30 straight); Dellinger, UG/.F; Colemcri, UCTC; Close, Sc. Johns; 2-mile Lew Stieglitz, USN, 8:58 . 6; 2, Scwycr, 130C; Loris, Dartmouth Fr; Jones, Iowa, 1.15HH Calhoun, NCJJ. 5. G; Prell, Phil .; Gardner; Landau, Hcrvc.rd. lIJThomas, OU frosh, 6'llf', world indoor i·ccord; Dennis 6':>~·"; S~coo, Vill, G'S"; Gru:<h1cr,"{fuantico, 6'6". fil_-Herman, NYU, 2·~'1~"; Fowler 23'3~; Douglll.3,0at<..:s, 23'5}"; Mo:cgnn,BU, 22'10i". PY- Bragg 15' 4"; Schwarz, Q..!ar1tico, H'6"; 3, L:nu.lsu-om , ivHch, 14'; 4, Gutowski,Quantico , 14'· Shot-Thomson, NY AC, 52'~"; Abbot, Harvard, Gl '6"; Cafardla, IlU, 50'4½"; Beasley, Tufts:-S0'2"; 35\','T Thomson, NYAC, 63'11"; I3ockus, NYAC, G2'51"; Lawlor, BU, 59'8"; Keerd,BU, SO'a'";TJall, NYAC, 53'7½"'. BULLETIN 1301.RD Next ~ewslctters Feb. 11, 25; Mar 11, ~5; .Ap 1!.>, 2!>; ~v1ayl :S; Jw1c 0, 17; July 1, 15, 29. Relay All Time List bcbrins in this issue an~ is another Tracl~ Newsletter exclusive . To our laiowletlge it is the first to appear anywhere. As with any initial statistical effort, there are gaps to be filled and we will appreciate your help on correctjons, .:uditions , etc . The list is believed to be reasonably complete for U.S . marks, may be lacking a few non-U , S. marks, and c~rtainly is lacking some in the 4 _•mile refay. Please help with such thin!JS as first names, etc, List is tlu.-ougb Dec . 31, lDGS and will continue until complet<..>d, Annual Poll response has been light . If intcrcstetl, please get your vote in right away . Corrections, High school relay rankings of Dec . 10: Arizona should be 5G. 3 in high hurdles; Ohio is third in broatl jump (Owens 24'1Ll, Hairston 24'8t Thomas 23'10", Y/alker 23'8¾"), total distance 97 '2". For Sale Still have one stop watch at $162. 50; .:tlso special back issues and out of print guides . For all hems, see last Bulletin Board. Personal Use of Bulletin Doan.I is available to all :~utslcttcr subscribers . Use it ot meet other nuts at meets, to find pen pols, buy or trauc, etc . SO THEY TELL US TN JOE GALLI , J.ustralia: Oe.m Thackeray (Olympic mar~thoner) wife Toni (l\.icl­ b:>urnc born) an<l D months old son, arrived in i\tclbournl.! . Dean, a Dochclor of Music from 13oston U hopes to obtain a position as music teacher, but will also study physical education . He plans to trcin undt;r Percy Cerutty. "Herb Elliott is cramming Latin which he needs co master to enter Cambridge Univ­ ersit y late in l!>GO, if he gets the Shell scholarship . It cakes a lot of his tim e and training is difficult. He is to wed Niay 2 in Perth and he Mel /,nm.: will live in Melbourne , Herb leaves ...---.. for the; U. S. F cb . 4 lo accept ru.i ~ward ns athh.:t<.: .of thG year . Ile pl..ins to honor his race engagements, but we connot expcc~ much in the way of tim<.;s. \, ill race :i mile at Brisbane Jan 26, 880 Jan , ~1 in the Victorian ch~mpionships; in a four-mile rcky with Lincoln, Tbomas and one other on Feb . 1; and the NS',1 mik. on.Fd.>. 14, two days .:utcr his return. He docs not foel too happy about racing . I think he will miss th-:! Australinn titles in Hobart Feb . 28 and March 2. lfo probcl)ly will do first y0or of sciuncc ~L Mc.lhournc univo:rsity this year . Lincoln is to be marri<..'Clwcuk of Jnn. 12, so maybe he won't b.; too fast this swnmer . Per­ haps we must wait until 19GO to sec our stars in peak form again . "Laurie Elliolt, 18, is working in Melbourne , nnd trniHinr; ct Porsea weekends . The senior Elliotts will be here in :i day or two to !iv<:. There is n big tc:im of youngsters down at Portsca now that Ccrutty is back. They arc coming from all over j.ustralia . " TN TOM I Little Rock,.Ar k. : "Sjncc my .I(.;C\:Ilt return to-Arkansas I h.:ivc an observation co moke , Segregation notwithstcnding, the biggest factor holding track c!lld field behind in the sunny sout h is football , I hncl forgotten just how consuming the southern football aunosphcre is. It monopolizes the sports pcgcs 12 months of lhc.. year . The ultimate for a high school athlete is to b\! a college football star. Prl.!stigc earned on the gridiron can put mon1.:y in his pocket as a business man in future years . The m~jor:ty of pot~ntial s1)riuters and wcightmen never truce our beloved sport s0riously for it interferes with spring training and off-season clinics . I hope to do my small pm-tin rem edying the situation now th at I am back on the scene," TN COilDNER NELSON : "Fritz and Dim, the t.L.,y tot distnncc :runners, have contin­ ued to improve, both in rwming performances and in health . 'f heir father has started con­ struction of a 220 ycrd grass track, but until i~s completion next spring the only distances we can go by arc the 108 yard laps of thd r present grass track .

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