Thunder Alumni Updated as of: August 21, 2018 Alumni Updates Needed Please send any missing/incorrect information to Thunder Data Base Please report any broken links or errors to Thunder Total Alumni Players 529 Players Name League Team Last Played For Years With Thunder A Abt, Jordan ACAC NAIT Ooks 2011-2012 Adam, Philippe MHL Yarmouth Mariners 2009-2010 Alain, Marc ACAC NAIT Ooks 2002-2003 Alarie, Francis LHJAAAQ Pantheres de St Jerome 2011-2013 Allard, Hugo MJHL Swan Valley Stampeders 2010-2011 Allen, Devin CJHL Beaumont Chiefs 2014-2015 Allin,Daniel AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2017-2018 Amoytte, Charles AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 1998-1999 Anderson, Zach AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2015-2016 Anquist, Trevor AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 1998-1999 Antonsen, Scott AJHL Olds Grizzlys 2011-2012 Anzai, Sam AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2016-2017 Aston, Jake AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2018-2018 Aston, Zach AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2018-2019 Atkinson, Derrick UHL Flint Generals 2001-2002 Awa, Patrice QJAHL Joliette Traffic 2010-2011 Aylward, Andrew CJHL Edmonton Royals 2009-2010 Ayotte, Zach AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2015- 2016 (BACK TO TOP) B Babcook, Eric NCHA University of Wisconsin River Falls 2006-2008 Falcons Babey, Joe ACAC SAIT Trojans 2009-2010 Baillie, Jordan CJHL Fort Saskatchewan Hawks 2010-2013 Baird, John AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2011-2012 Baker, Bill ACAC NAIT Ooks 1998-1999 Baker, Ryan SPHL Florida Seals 1998-2001 Ballas, BJ NCHL Drayton Valley Wildcats 1998-2002 Bamber, Brett AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2017-2019 Bannister, Zach AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2015-2016 Barner, Aaron CIS University of Lethbridge 1998-2000 Batovanja, Mike NCHL Hinton Heat 1998-2003 Beaudry, Vincent AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2017-2018 Bell, Brandon AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2002-2005 Bell, Gordon CHL Tulsa Oilers 1998-2000 Benko, Matt AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2014-2017 Benko, Tyler AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2013-2017 Benson, Caden AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2017-2018 Bentz, Andrew AJHL Sherwood Park Crusaders 2005-2007 Berlin, Matt WHL Seattle Thunderbirds 2015-2016 Berra, Hayden-James MJHL Winkler Flyers 2013-2014 Berthold, Breydon AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2017-2018 Bettac, Ty AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2012-2015 Bilodeau, Gilbert ACAC Grant MacEwan Griffins 2007-2008 Blacklock, Justin NCHL Assiniboine Senior Rebels 2000-2002 Blain, Zach NWJHL Whitecourt Wolverines 2009-2010 Blair, Aaron ACAC Grant MacEwan Griffins 2000-2004 Boilard, Mario LNAH Cool FM St. Georges 2009-2011 Boire, Evan NPHL Spirit River Rangers 2003-2006 Bokenfohr, Zach AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2016-2019 Bouchard, Jason AJHL Whitecourt Wolverine Scout 2001-2005 Boudreau, Morgan AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2016-2017 Bourassa, Corey CJHL Leduc Riggers 2005-2006 Boutoussov, Michael AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2017-2018 Boyde, Darren AJHL Lloydminster Blazers 2002-2004 Braaten, Paul ECHL Long Beach Ice Dogs 1998-1999 Bredahl, Dylan MJHL Dauphin Kings 2013-2014 Breese, Chris AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2016-2017 Breland, Kyler AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2016-2018 Brewer, Alex SJHL Laronge Ice Wolves 2014-2015 Brkich, Scott CIS UBC Thunderbirds 2007-2009 Brolly, Shane AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2011-2013 Brown, Derek AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2014-2015 Brown, Ethan AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2017-2018 Brown, Layne AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2006-2007 Brown, Tristan AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2014-2015 Bruyer, Blayze AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2008-2010 Bullock, James NCHL Drayton Valley Wildcats 1999-2001 Bunting, Mike MJHL Neepawa Natives 2006-2007 Burton, Dan CIS Dalhousie University 2001-2002 Butt, Josh ACAC NAIT Ooks 2003-2004 Butterfield, Cole CCAA SAIT Trojans 2003-2004 2006-2007 (BACK TO TOP) C Cain, Brad AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 1998-1999 Cain, Robert AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2013-2015 Cameron, Jordan NCHL Drayton Valley Wildcats 1998-2000, 2002-2003 Campbell, Bryce AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2002-2003 Caouette, Cory NCHL Onoway Ice Dogs 1998-2002 Cardinal, Michael NEA Frog Lake 2013-2015 Carli, Jared CFDHL Calgary Firefighters Hockey 1998-1999 Caron, Jean William CJHL Wetaskiwin Ice Men 2010-2011 Carre, Marc-Andre SPHL Louisianna Ice Gators 2009-2010 Cassidy, Colton AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2011-2013 Catolino, Vincent AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2005-2006 Cathers, Shawn ACAC SAIT Trojans 2004-2006 Chabot, Korbyn AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2017-2019 Chalmers, Clint CHL Tulsa Oilers 2001-2003 Chandler, Chris ACAC NAIT Ooks 2002-2003 Chapman, Allistair AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2008-2009 Charrois, Darcy AJHL Whitecourt Wolverines Assist. Coach 2007-2008 Cherniwchan, Andrew AHL Providence Bruins 2005-2008 Cheveldave, Alex SHJL Yorkton Terriers 2014-2015 Ciolfi, Robbie SJHL Humboldt Broncos 2008-2009 Claffey, Mark CJHL Leduc Riggers 2008-2009 Clark, Chance BRML Big Valley Oil Kings 2003-2004 2006-2007 Clarkson, Tanner CIS University of Alberta Golden Bears 2013-2014 Clowes, Brodie AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2013-2016 Cobb, Daniel MASCAC Umass-Darmouth 2009-2010 Coburn, Greg ECAC Union College 2005-2006 Cole, Martin HJHL Airdrie Thunder 2008-2009 Colliton, Nick SJHL Estevan Bruins 2007-2008 Conrad, Luke AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 1998-1999 Cooper, Leon OUAA Lakehead University 1998-2000 Cossey, Lee NCHL Lamont Bruins 2001-2003 Cote, Foster NWHJL Whitecourt Wolverines 2008-2009 Cox, Clayton AJHL Brooks Bandits 2002-2003 Cox, Zach AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2016-2017 Crisanti, Nickolas AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2013-2014 Croft, Justin AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2008-2009 Cromarty, Craig SJHL Kindersley Klippers 2002-2004 Cunningham, Zac AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2017-2019 Cusack, Derek AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 1998-1999 (BACK TO TOP) D Dahlen, Carl NWJHL Dawson Creek Jr. Canucks 2008-2009 Daigle, Marc Olivier ACAC Grant MacEwan Griffins 2012-2015 Davenport, Taylor ECAC Cornell University 2003-2005 Dawes, Hayden ECAC-W Utica College 2014-2015 Dawes, Nolan AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2016-2017 DeMone, James ECHL Victoria Salmon Kings 2002-2003 DeSmit, Kyle AJHL Lloydminster Bobcats 2004-2005 Dewan, Wyatt AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2012-2013 Dewar, Mike AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 1998-2000 Deyell, Nathan BCJHL Surrey Eagles 2013-2015 Doneff, Michael AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2015-2016 Drott, Kris AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2013-2014 Duke, Kyle SIJHL Thunder Bay Golden Hawks 2003-2004 Dumelie, Rory AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2017-2019 Dunham, Cullyn CJHL Leduc Riggers 2007-2008 Dunphy, Cole AJHL Okotoks Oilers 2011-2014 Dworschak, Craig SJHL Kindersley Klippers 2010-2011 Dyck, Nolan AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2014-2015 (BACK TO TOP) E Earle, Patrick NWJHL Peace River Navigators 2011-2012 Edney, Duncan AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2011-2012 Edwards, Jacob AJHL Calgary Royals 2011-2012 Effert, Scott ACAC NAIT Ooks 2006-2007 Ekroth, Robert ACAC Concordia Thunder 1998-1999 Elias, Trevor CCHA Western Michigan University 2005-2006 Elliot, John AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2017-2018 Epp, Brett MJHL OCN Blizzards 2015-2016 Eshenko, Preston MJHL OCN Blizzards 2013-2014 Eskesen, Tyler ACAC Mount Royal Cougars 2006-2007 2008-2010 (BACK TO TOP) F Fauchoux, Taylor BCJHL Westside Warriors 2010-2011 Faux, Justin MJHL Winkler Flyers 2010-2012 Filewich, Jeff ACAC Grant MacEwan Griffins 1998-1999 Filiatraultt-Velleux, OUAA RMC Paladins 2008-2009 Pascal Fontaine, Stuart AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2009-2010 Foote, Jordan SPHL Huntsville Havoc 2002-2003 Foster, Tanner AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2018-2019 Fraser, Eric BCJHL Albernie Valley Bulldogs 2005-2006 Fraser, Kyle AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2002-2003 Fraser, Lee AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2007-2008 Friesen, Austin AMJHL Dauphin Kings 2016-2017 French, Cam CIS University of Alberta 2004-2006 Friedel, James CWUAA University of Regina 2009-2011 (BACK TO TOP) G Gailey, Kyle CIS St. Thomas University 2004-2006 Galavan, Branden NCHL Drayton Valley Wildcats 2009-2010 Galbraith, Jade CHL Bentley Generals 1998-2003 Gamracy, Jason AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 1998-1999 Garneau, Josh CHL Stony Plain Eagles 2008-2009 Gatza, Wayne CHL Morinville Kings 2009-2010 Gay, Branden CHL Okotoks Drillers 2006-2007 Geib, Shane NCHL Drayton Valley Wildcats 2007-2008 Gethers, Eric ECAC-NE Western New England University 2009-2010 Giacobbo, DJ NCHL Morinville Kings 2007-2008 Giacomin, Josh AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2013-2014 Gialet, Adam NCHL Legal Vipers 2007-2008 Gibson, Cole CHL Stony Plain Eagles 2008-2009 Gladu, Zac SJHL Kindersley Klippers 2015-2016 2018-2019 Goodall, Jacksyn AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2015-2016 Goodrunning, Dallas NCHL Rocky Mountain House Rams 2008-2009 Goodship, Jason AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2005-2006 Goosen, Ryan AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2002-2003 Grab, Barrett AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2003-2004 Graham, Shamus NCHL Morinville Kings 2009-2010 Granley, Lonnie NCHL Onoway Ice Dogs 1998-1999 Gregor, Liam CJHL Beaumont Chiefs 2014-2016 Grenier, Blake CWUAA U of A Golden Bears 2000-2001 Grinevitch, Jason BRHL Bonnyville Sr. Pontiacs 1998-2001 Gruntman, Chad Chinook Innisfail Eagles 2001-2003 Gudmandson, Scott WCHA University of Wisconsin 2004-2006 Gummer, Adam AJHL Sherwood Park Crusaders 2007-2009 (BACK TO TOP) H Haimour, Theyab AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2003-2004 Haines, Dawson AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 2016-2017 Hall, Dallen ACAC NAIT Ooks 2013-2014 Halloway, Danny AJHL Drayton Valley Thunder 1998-2000 Hampton, Brady MJHL Winkler, Manitoba 2004-2005 Hankinson, Richard ACAC NAIT Ooks 2006-2007 Hansen, Codey NAHL Topeka Roadrunners 2010-2011 Harden, Levi AJHL
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