October 11, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S11311 SENATE RESOLUTION 467—EX- SENATE RESOLUTION 468—DESIG- chairman of the Senate Committee on TENDING BIRTHDAY GREETINGS NATING NOVEMBER 7, 2004, AS Indian Affairs and Senator INOUYE, the TO JOSEPH BARBERA ON THE ‘‘NATIONAL NATIVE AMERICAN distinguished vice chairman of the OCCASION OF HIS 100TH BIRTH- VETERANS DAY’’ TO HONOR THE committee, and others of my col- DAY AND DESIGNATING MARCH SERVICE OF NATIVE AMERICANS leagues in cosponsoring that resolu- 2005 AS ‘‘ANIMATED FAMILY EN- IN THE UNITED STATES ARMED tion. As the events of conflict in Iraq TERTAINMENT MONTH’’ FORCES AND THE CONTRIBUTION continue we all hope and pray for the OF NATIVE AMERICANS TO THE safe return of the men and women who Mr. HATCH (for himself and Mrs. DEFENSE OF THE UNITED are overseas, far from home protecting FEINSTEIN) submitted the following res- STATES our Nation and others. olution; which was considered and We continue to honor the memory of agreed to: Ms. MURKOWSKI (for herself, Mr. Army Private First Class Lori CAMPBELL, and Mr. INOUYE) submitted Piestewa, a Hopi woman, who fought S. RES. 467 the following resolution; which was re- valiantly and bravely to protect her Whereas Joseph Barbera is one of the pio- ferred to the Committee on the Judici- fellow soldiers during the invasion of neers of animated entertainment, having ary: created, with his partner, William Hanna, Iraq. This year we also remember other some of the world’s most recognizable and S. RES. 468 Native people who lost their lives in beloved characters, including Tom and Whereas Native Americans have served Iraq over the past year. Army Sergeant Jerry, Huckleberry Hound, The Flintstones, with honor and distinction in the United Lee Duane Todacheene, Marine Lance The Jetsons, Scooby-Doo, and Yogi Bear, States Armed Forces and defended the Corporal Quinn A. Keith, Army Private among many others; United States of America for more than 200 First Class Harry Shondee, Jr, mem- Whereas Joseph Barbera is also one of the years; bers of the Navajo Nation, and Army most honored figures in animated entertain- Whereas Native Americans have served in Private First Class Sheldon Hawk ment, his creations Tom and Jerry having wars involving the United States from Val- Eagle, Cheyenne River Sioux, whose In- received 7 Academy Awards for their antics, ley Forge to the hostilities in Afghanistan dian name was Wanbli Ohitika, or including their groundbreaking dancing ap- and Iraq; pearances with Gene Kelly and Esther Wil- Whereas Native Americans have served in Brave Eagle. I apologize if I have failed liams in live action films, and having won the United States Armed Forces with the to acknowledge a brave Native person multiple Emmy Awards, and Joseph Barbera highest record of military service of any who lost his or her life in Iraq. himself having been elected to the Television group in the United States; Native people, and especially the Na- Academy Hall of Fame; Whereas the courage, determination, and tive people of my State of Alaska, re- Whereas in 1960, the team of Joseph fighting spirit of Native Americans have vere, admire, and respect our veterans Barbera and William Hanna created tele- strengthened and continue to strengthen the and those who continue to serve. They vision’s first animated family sitcom, ‘‘The United States, including the United States pray for ones still in battle, alongside Flintstones’’, a series marked by a number of Armed Forces; their fellow Americans, so that they other firsts—the first animated series to air Whereas Native Americans have made the can have a safe journey back to their in primetime, the first animated series to go ultimate sacrifice in defense of the United loving homes and families. They pray beyond the 6- or 7-minute cartoon format, States, even in times when Native Ameri- and the first animated series to feature cans were not citizens of the United States; for the ones who have fought, and now, human characters; Whereas the establishment of a National continue their journey through life’s Whereas ‘‘The Flintstones’’ ran for 6 years Native American Veterans Day will honor struggles. and became the top-ranking animated pro- the continuing service and sacrifice of Na- I urge my colleagues to join me in gram in syndication history, with all origi- tive Americans in the United States Armed supporting this resolution. nal 166 episodes currently seen in more than Forces; and 80 countries worldwide; Whereas November 7th, a date that falls SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- Whereas Joseph Barbera cocreated a cow- within the traditional observance of Native TION 144—TO CORRECT THE EN- ardly Great Dane named Scooby-Doo, who American Indian Heritage Month, would be ROLLMENT OF H.R. 4837 eventually made his own place in television an appropriate day to establish a National history, for the popular series ‘‘Scooby-Doo, Native American Veterans Day: Now, there- Mr. HARKIN submitted the following Where Are You?’’ remained in production for fore, be it concurrent resolution; which was con- 17 years, still maintains the title of tele- Resolved, That the Senate— sidered and agreed to: vision’s longest-running animated series, and (1) honors the service of Native Americans S. CON. RES. 144 serves as the inspiration for a series of cur- in the United States Armed Forces and the Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- rent live-action films; contribution of Native Americans to the de- resentatives concurring), That in the enroll- Whereas in 1981, Hanna-Barbera developed fense of the United States; ment of H.R. 4837, an Act making appropria- the phenomenally successful ‘‘The Smurfs’’, (2) designates November 7, 2004, as ‘‘Na- tions for military construction, family hous- which won 2 Daytime Emmy Awards in 1982 tional Native American Veterans Day’’; ing, and base realignment and closure for the and in 1983 for Outstanding Children’s Enter- (3) encourages all people in the United Department of Defense for the fiscal year tainment Series and a Humanitas Award (an States to learn about the history of the serv- ending September 30, 2005, and for other pur- award given to shows that best affirm the ice of Native Americans in the United States poses, the Clerk of the House is hereby au- dignity of the human person) in 1987; Armed Forces; and thorized and directed to strike subsections Whereas at the age of 99, Joseph Barbera (4) requests that the President issue a (e) and (f) of section 101 of division B and in- continues to work actively in the field, re- proclamation calling on the people of the sert the following new subsection: porting to his office daily and continuing to United States to observe the day with appro- (e) The amounts provided or made avail- develop new animated entertainment for the priate programs, ceremonies, and activities able by this section are designated as an people of the United States and the world to to demonstrate support for Native American emergency requirement pursuant to section enjoy; veterans. 402 of S. Con. Res. 95 (108th Congress), as Whereas March 24, 2005, will be Joseph Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I made applicable to the House of Representa- Barbera’s 100th birthday; and am pleased to be joined by Senators tives by H. Res. 649 (108th Congress) and ap- Whereas the lives of families across the plicable to the Senate by section 14007 of United States and throughout the world have CAMPBELL and INOUYE in submitting a Public Law 108–287. been enriched by the shared enjoyment of resolution to honor American Indian, f the work of creators like Joseph Barbera: Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Now, therefore, be it veterans for their service in the Armed AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND Resolved, That the Senate— Forces of the United States and to des- PROPOSED (1) on behalf of the American people, ex- ignate November 7, 2004 as ‘‘National SA 4058. Mr. SESSIONS (for Mrs. FEIN- tends its birthday greetings and best wishes Native American Veterans Day’’. STEIN) proposed an amendment to the bill S. to Joseph Barbera on the occasion of his This is the second consecutive year 1129, to provide for the protection of unac- 100th birthday; and that such a resolution has been intro- companied alien children, and for other pur- (2) designates March 2005 as ‘‘Animated duced. November 7, 2003 was designated poses. Family Entertainment Month’’ and encour- SA 4059. Mr. SESSIONS (for Mr. ROBERTS as National Native American Veterans ages the families of the United States to (for himself and Mr. ROCKEFELLER)) proposed take time to enjoy together the family en- Day in accordance with Senate Resolu- an amendment to the bill S. 2386, to author- tertainment created by the Nation’s ani- tion 239. I was proud to join with Sen- ize appropriations for fiscal year 2005 for in- mated storytellers. ator CAMPBELL, our distinguished telligence and intelligence-related activities VerDate Aug 04 2004 05:57 Oct 12, 2004 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00121 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11OC6.150 S11PT1 S11312 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 11, 2004 of the United States Government, the Intel- Sec. 202. Counsel. ‘‘(C) with respect to whom— ligence Community Management Account, Sec. 203. Effective date; applicability. ‘‘(i) there is no parent or legal guardian in and the Central Intelligence Agency Retire- TITLE III—STRENGTHENING POLICIES the United States; or ment and Disability System, and for other FOR PERMANENT PROTECTION OF ‘‘(ii) no parent or legal guardian in the purposes. ALIEN CHILDREN United States is able to provide care and SA 4060. Mr. SESSIONS (for Mr. ROBERTS physical custody. Sec. 301. Special immigrant juvenile visa.
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