DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD,CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 2021, NEW DELHI, LATE CITY, 16 PAGES SINCE 1932 `6.00 (`8 BIHAR &RAIPUR, `12 SRINAGAR) WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM Day after, Haryana KEY SIGNAL IN VIDEO MESSAGE Ceasefireissuccessful Dy CM: SDM who Indiaimportant,wanttomaintain due to India’sstrength; said break farmers’ newdynamism against headswill face action ties:TalibanleadershipinQatar enemies, says Rajnath Taliban deputy head in Doha mentions SUKHBIRSIWACH trade withIndiathrough Pakistan EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE CHANDIGARH,AUGUST29 NEWDELHI,AUGUST29 KarnalSub- ADAY afterKarnal sub-divisional Divisional SHUBHAJITROY DEFENCE MINISTER Rajnath magistrateAyush Sinha was Magistrate NEWDELHI,AUGUST29 Singh on Sundaysaid the cease- caught on camera instructing po- Ayush Sinha Sher fire with Pakistanhas held be- lice to beat farmer protesters and IN WHATisbeing seen as asignal Mohammad cause of India’s “strength”. to notlet anyone breachthe se- to India, amember of the Taliban Abbas Without naming Pakistanor curitycordonwithout a“broken BUSINESSASUSUAL leadershipinQatar has said that Stanekzai China, he said that India wasfac- head”,Haryana Deputy Chief India is “veryimportant forthis ing itsadversaries with anew MinisterDushyant Chautala said BY UNNY subcontinent” and that his group The US said it conducted an airstrikeonavehicle carrying dynamism. Says ‘changing equations’ in ED the government would take ac- wantstocontinueAfghanistan's Tracking “multiple” Islamic State“suicide bombers” heading towards “If aceasefire is successful to- Afghanistana‘challenge’. PTI tion againstthe officer. “cultural”, “economic”, “politi- actions the Kabul airportonSunday. AP REPORT.PAGE 12 day, it is because of our strength. “I am pained at yesterday’s cal”and “trade ties” with India PLAIN E In 2016,cross-border strikes ● onground incident...that statementsthat “likeinthe past”. EX changed our reactionarymind- Singh said the neighbourthat do notmeetthe ethical stan- This overturewas made by To evacuate,Delhi dialled setintoaproactivemindset, had losttoIndia in 1965 and dards of an IAS officer,were Sher Mohammad Abbas Stane- THIS IS the Taliban’s first whichwas further strengthened 1971 cannotwagea“frontwar” givenbyanIAS officer.Action kzai,deputy head of Taliban’s of- outreachtoIndia since the by theBalakot airstrikein2019,” because it does nothavethe ca- will be initiated againsthim...,” fice in Doha, in acarefully group captured power Karzai, Abdullah, Moscow Singh said at the Defence pacity —and forthatreason,it Chautala said at apress confer- scriptedstatement that he read twoweeksago.Awary Services StaffCollege in resortsto“proxywar,and terror- ence in Chandigarh on Sunday. out in Pashtoina46-minute Delhi will, however, wait atensetwo days afterthe fall of Wellington. ism has become an integral part “Fromthe waythe statement video messagebroadcast and watchfor demonstra- NIRUPAMA Kabul on August15, among “Thebelief that India would of their statepolicy”. is being made in the video, Ifeel Saturdayonthe group's social ble behaviour on the SUBRAMANIAN those critical to the negotiations notonlyend terrorism on its “Ever since our countrybe- that he does notfulfill theoath media platforms and Afghanis- ground in Afghanistan MUMBAI,AUGUST29 forsafepassage forthe Indian ownland but also nothesitateto came independent, it has been that an officer takestomaintain tan's Milli Television. that shows good faith by convoy from the Embassy to the conduct counter-terrorism op- the effort of the opposing forces ethical standards. Uske oopar jo the officer's statement that “we The signal is significant given the Taliban, includingits AS INDIA madefrantic effortsto airport—besides the Americans erations on their land if needed is to create an atmosphereofinsta- karyawahi hogi wohsarkarzaroor have notsleptfor the entire that Pakistanholdsthe levers to treatment of Afghans who evacuatediplomatic and other —weretwo high-profile Afghan graduallybecoming stronger,” bility within the country karegi (The government will cer- night”, Chautala said: “He (the the Taliban,and Islamabad and have worked with India. personnel at itsEmbassy,and politicians who arecurrentlyin he said, and commendedthe through one or the other means. tainlytakesuitable action officer) probablydoes notknow CONTINUEDONPAGE2 other Indians and Afghans over CONTINUEDONPAGE2 armedforces fordefeating the If we look at the history of the againsthim),” Chautala said. that the farmer also can’t sleep neighbour “whichhas been tar- last75years, it seems that we In an apparent referenceto CONTINUEDONPAGE2 geting our nation”. CONTINUEDONPAGE2 2yrs of Assam NRC: Lakhs make EXPRESS NETWORK JD(U) turns up heat on BJP, wants NDA it to list, but struggle for Aadhaar panel, saysNitish has‘allqualitiesofPM’ sues we differon”. SANTOSHSINGH Maynot be The party alsopassedareso- TORAAGARWALA PATNA,AUGUST29 in race for lution at itsnational council GUWAHATI,AUGUST29 PM, says meeting that Bihar Chief WITHOUT RAM, AFTERPUTTINGthe BJPinaspot party MinisterNitish Kumar has “all FOR18months now, Bhanu by seeking an inquiryinthe resolution the qualities” that aPrime Upadhyay, apostdoctoral fellow AYODHYAISNOT Pegasus spywareissue and Ministershould have. at IIT Bombay, has been running AYODHYA, SAYS teaming up with rivalRJD to de- Speaking to reporters afterthe around foranAadhaar card. PRESIDENT mandacaste census, keyally ing foranNDA coordination council meeting, JD(U) principal Aftermanycallstotoll-free PAGE 6 JD(U) turnedupthe heat on its committee at thestate and cen- general secretaryand national numbers, e-mails, and visitsto alliance partner Sundaybyask- tral levels to “discuss severalis- CONTINUEDONPAGE2 ‘Wedid something application centres, the Aadhaar bigger than winning application of the 33-year-old amedal, we createda Nepali-origin resident of Assam is “still under process”. legacy.Will be Upadhyay, who hails from connected to India Abhongpathar, aremote village About 8lakh who gave biometrics waiting forAadhaar. File my whole life’ in Golaghat district, managed to SJOERD MARIJNE work around the needfor the FORMER COACH, INDIAN unique identification number. Around eight lakh people who In all, 27 lakh people had regis- WOMEN’S HOCKEY TEAM “But it’s giving me sleepless providedtheir biometrics, and teredtheirbiometrics,but 19 PAGE 14 nightsnow since Iwill be apply- also made it to theNational lakh of these did notfind their ing forjobs at central institutions RegisterofCitizens (NRC) pub- names in the NRC. whichwon’t acceptmyapplica- lishedonAugust31, 2019,are Stategovernmentofficials tion without Aadhaar,” he says. struggling to getAadhaar, and reckon it is a“unique problem” In new JNU Upadhyayisnot alone. worryabout benefitslinked to it. CONTINUEDONPAGE2 course,‘jihadi violence’ is onlyformof ‘fundamentalist religious terror’ ARANYASHANKAR NEWDELHI,AUGUST29 “JIHADI TERRORISM” is the only form of “fundamentalist-religious terrorism”, and Communist regimes in the erstwhile Soviet Union and China were the “pre- dominant state-sponsors of ter- rorism”that influenced“radical Islamic states”. These aresome of the keyas- sertions in anew course on counter-terrorism forengineer- ing students pursuing adual de- gree programmeatJawaharlal Nehru University (JNU). The optional course, titled ‘Counter Terrorism, Asymmetric Conflictsand Strategies for Cooperation among Major Powers’, wasclearedduring a meeting on August17ofthe uni- versity's Academic Council. The course will be offeredto studentspursuing an MS with specialisation in International Relationsafter aBTech in Engineering —online classes for the monsoon semesterstart on September 20. The Council is the university's highestdecision-making body foracademic programmes. Its clearance forthe course will have to be endorsed by the Executive Council, whichde- cides on management and ad- ministrative issues, as partof procedure. One of the newcourse's modules, titled‘Fundamentalist- religious Terrorism and its Impact’, states: “Fundamentalist -religiousinspired terrorism has playedaverycriticaland domi- nant role in the spawning of CONTINUEDONPAGE2 New Delhi WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM 2 THE SECOND PAGE THEINDIANEXPRESS,MONDAY,AUGUST30,2021 DOWNLOADAPP WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM ■ VISUALSTORIES ■ DAILY BRIEFING ■ PODCASTS VIBRANTMURALINKOLKATA’SNEWTOWNCAPTURESTHECITYINALLITSGLORY ■ CUSTOMIZABLE LedbyartistSayanMukherjee,agroupof10paintersandillustratorshaveconjuredupthecaptivating What does the return NEWS EXPERIENCE artworkinjusttendays WEB of the Taliban mean for Indian Express EXCLUSIVE ★★★★★■4.6 sports in Afghanistan? TECH ENTERTAINMENT With the Taliban returning to powerafter LENOVO ASIA PACIFIC ‘YOU WEAR IT AS YOUR 20 years, justlikeeverything else in GAMING LEAD OWN SKIN’ Afghanistan, the futureofsports in the countryremains highlyuncertain. In the Ian Tantalked about We take alook at how pastthe Taliban has promotedmen’s SCANTHISQRCODETO theuptakeofbudget stufffromMoneyHeist DOWNLOADTHEAPP cricket, but will it do so this time as well? gaming PCs were found in protests Mandaviya FROMPAGEONE releases first Rajnath Singh Karnal SDM between the West and the Soviet commercial Union and China. The Soviet have inherited thechallenges,” for200outof 365nights...Theuse Unionand China have been pre- batchofCovaxin the Ministersaid. of suchlanguage by anIASofficer dominant state-sponsors of ter- Taliban leadershipinQatar: But India’s paradigm forna- forthem (farmers) is con- rorism and theyhavebeen
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