1 Minutes of a meeting of Yeovilton Parish Council held on Tuesday November l4th2lfi held at St. Bartholomew's Church, Yeovilton at 7.30pm. Present: Mrs. R.S. Jones, Chair,Ivh. P. Browncey, Mr. D. Board, wIr. B. Barlow, Mr. A. Elliott, Mr. M. Lewis, County Councillor, Mr. A.Capozzoli, District Councillor, Mr. Robert Graydon, CRO RNAS, Rev. B. Faulkner & Mr. P. Horsington, Clerk. Four members of the public attended. 75. Apologies Apologies were received *om PCSO J. Winfield. 76. Minutes The Minutes of the previous meeting, having been circulated, were signed as correct. 77. Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of Interests. 78. Open Session Mr. David informed the meeti4g that there had been another accident on t}re 8.3151. 79. RNAS mattersrPolice & Community issues & Church matters Mrs. Jones welcomed Mr. Robert Graydon, CRO the newly appointed RNAS Community Relations Officer, to the meeting. Mrs. Jones informed the meeting that she & Mr. Browncey had met with Commodore Nick Tindal on Tuesday October 17th and it had been a very useful discussion. It was noted that there are to be enhanced checks on those leaving the Base. Rev. B. Faulkner stated that there is more education being carried out by the Navy on the problems associated with drink / driving, with an emphasis on peer pressure. It was noted that ihe Commodore had met with Mr. P. White at Podimore. Mr. Robert Graydon introduced himself, stating that he is hoping to stay for the long term, and intends to attend most Council meetings. Mr. Graydon stated that all the drainage on the Base is being reviewed and it was agreed to send him the detailed Emails, reference the drainage issues at the Stockwich / Bridgehampton area adjacentto RNAS yeovilton. The Council noted the Emails received from the Police via Farm Watch. Rev. B. Faulkner stated that there had been no shooting during the Service of Remembrance held at St. Peter's, Podimore on Sunday November lzth. ltwas agreed to send an Email of thanks to Mr. D. Brunt, Podimore Shooting School. 80. Planning matters The Council noted the SSDC Local plan consultation dates & venues, with Mr. M. Lewis, County Councillor informing the Council that the SSDC targets for housing have not been achieved, and there is an urgent need to get sufficient housing built to get to the required five year land supply. The Council noted that there was no decision by SCC to date, reference SCC application 17fill66/CpO at RNAS for the construction of a 360 sq.m. Waste Transfer Station to replace existing Reiycling & Waste Management Centre. The Council noted that application 17/033348IJL for Mr. Conoannon on land at Lower Farm, podimore for the erection of 3 No. dwellings, alterations, extension and conversion of barn to form garagelcarport and creation ofnew access had been granted. Mt. Capozzalireported that application l7/03605/Ftll for Mr. & Mrs. Helesflay at Keepers, pyle Lane, Yeovilton for the erection of a detached dwelling had been refused. The Council noted that there was no decision to report on applicati ot 17103792/FUL for Mr. & Mrs. N. Hardy at weir cottage, weir Lane Yeovilton forthe erection of a dwelling. The Council discussed and supported application l7/04l26EUL for Mrs. C. Hickman on land rear of the Rectory, Fyle Lane, Yeovilton for change of use of land and formation of riding arena and erection of 2 no. field shelters. The Council noted that there were no applications received from Mr. Mark Stevens, Stockrvich Farm, Stockwich to erect agricultural storage building or from Mr. M. Edwards for Manor Farm, yeovilton. 2 81. Financial matters f,4,114.91p The Council noted that the balances at3ll10l1'lw-ere Current a/c f35.53p & Business a/c Payments received - nil Payments t4ltlltT 100353 f.21.26p P. Horsington expenses The Council approved the payment & the cheque was signed' 82. Highway matters "Mrs. Museum Jones reported that she had attended the Highways England meeting held at Haynes Motor one, being to show the detailed proposals of the agreed route of the a303. It has been agreed to go with option that the the proposed option making use of the existing carriageway inpart. Mr. Board stated his concem that he has p.opouut, will Lave an advJrse impact on Podi-more by incieasing the risk of flooding. Mr. Lewis stated Board stated that raised these concerns at a meeting earlier in the day, of the Intemal Drainage Board, and MI. fnsurance companies are now refusing to insure his property against flooding. of the After consideration, ttre couricil agreed to trighlight these concerns, as well as the need to have sight from the A.303 design details for the Wayne's Bistro u"p"sl & Howell Hill junctions, asking that the access onto & p".riit, traffic to exit leff towards Exeter & by bridge or underpass to exit to London. This is needed to allow proposals MOD movements & local traffic to be separaied Aom ttre main flow on the A.303" It was noted that the at Sparkford with two roundabouts need careful thought. It was agreed that a formal letter is to be sent to Highways. England putting forward the Parish Council's views' - the The Councif instructed the Clerk to ask for an update on the request for a 40 MPH speed limit on 8.3151 RNAS Yeovilton to Ilchester. Mr. Browncey reported that there is a blocked gully by a field entrance over the river Cam bridge in Bridgehampton. It was agreed to contact County Highways' 83. Flooding issues There were no issues of flooding reported. Mr. Browncey reported that there are more car parts in the river CatnatBridgehampton. It was agreed to again notiS the relevant river authority - the IDB. 84. County and District Councillors' reports Mr. Lewis, County Councillor emphasised the need to use the County Library service, else it will not be maintained, this includes all libraries. Mr. Capozzoli, District Councillor reported that Mr. Ian Clarke, SSDC Chief Legal Officer had passed away suddenly on November 11th' Mr. Capozzoliinformed the Council that the Firm operating at West Bnd, Mudford had lost their appeal. This was noted. School The Council noted the demise of the Nippy bus service. Mr. Elliott stated that the proposed cuts to Bus transport will have a huge impact on the service. Mr. Lewis expressed the County Council's thanks for the companies who covered th" S.hools'transport following the overnight closure of the Nippy bus company' 85. Tree matters Mr. Elliott stated that there were no issues to report. 86. Rights of Way Mrs. Jones reported that there has been a closure of the Right of Way due to an unsafe bridge, and another being looked at. The Council noted these. 87. Correspondence The Council noted the Somerset Waste Parfirership - circulated & Clerks Direct. 88. Items for report, or for the agenda of the next meeting Mrs. Jones stated that she witt Ue collecting the de-icing salt bags from SCC Highways' After some discussion, the Council confirmed the date of the next Parish Council meeting for Tuesday December tZthZ1IT to be held at St. Peter's. Podimore at 7.30pm, as St. Bartholomew's Church, Yeovilton is not available. The Clerk is to put up aNotice on eachNotice board showing the change of venue. There being no fuither business, the Chairman thanked all for attending, and closed the meeting at8.42pm. Signed: Date:.
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