Seek Probe of S ’CM K C O . SANITATION RACKETS Following The LEADER’S expose of condU lions in the Sanitation Department^ the Stat^ Legislature has been asked to urge ISetv York lot 2. No. 24 New York. February 25, 1941 Price Five Cents City officials to investigate. Below is the resolution. **Whereas, Unanswered charges made by many citizens of the City of New York, pub­ lished in the Civil Service I^eader, a newspaper for government employees, and in daily news­ papers of wide circulation, have persistently asserted that tJKe morale and efficiency of the nrE -coPT isT Department of Sanitation of the City of New York are seriously impaired by the activities ELIGIBLE LIST READY of the leaders of four employee groups; and **Whereas, These charges allege, among other activities, that these four leaders have been able to obtain special and unusual privi­ leges for themselves and their associates; have received exorbitant sums for ‘expenses’ for many days each year for alleged trips to Albany to influence legislation; have been ac­ cused by a Grand Jury of organizing and promoting racketeering in the Department of Sanitation; have given ‘protection’ to some em­ first Exact Details ployees and have caused reprisals and punish­ ment upon others; have made no accounting of moneys collected into the treasuries of the organizations that they head; have, in con­ tradiction to the regulations of the Department FIR^Miil EkAii of Sanitation, wined and dined superior officers, presumably for favors received or to be re­ S e e P a g e $ ceived; have evidenced that they do insufficient work in return for the salaries they collect from the City of New York; signed a monopoly contract for the sale of uniforms to employees; and **Whereas, Various employee organizations u l l Requirements charge that there exist in the Department of Sanitation widespread intimidation, vindictive­ ness, terrorization, and corruption emanating from these leaders; and OURT ATTENDANT **Whereas, The four organizations are the Manhattan, Bronx and Richmond Sweepers Protective Association, Inc.; Chauffeurs and IWYERS, LAW CLERKS, ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS Auto Drivers Protective Association, Inc.; Brooklyn Sweepers Protective Association, MAY TAKE THIS TEST Inc.; Queens Drivers and Sweepers Associa­ See Page 4 tion, Inc., organized into the Joint Council of Drivers and Sweepers, affiliated with the Civil Service Forum; therefore be it **Resolved, That the legislature of the State of New York respectfully requests the Mayor of the City of New York, the Commissioner AINTAINER'S HELPER, B of Investigation, the Sanitation Commissioner, the District Attorneys of New York, Kings Queens, Bronx, and Richmond counties, and 20 Other City, State ELIGIBLE LISTS all other appropriate officials of the City of New York, to properly investigate the activi­ See Page 10 ties of these organizations and their leaders so that any and all wrongdoing may be exposed and ended; and be it further “Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Mayor of the City of New ITY TO OPEN NEW TESTS York, the Commissioner of Investigation, the Sanitation Commissioner, the District At­ torneys of New York, Kings, Queens, Bronx, and Richmond counties, and all other appro­ Electrician, Labor Jobs See Page 2 priate officials of the City of New York.” ^^^i^A N tSg^deners, Laborers, CUmber-Prunerss<u Pag* 3 FAGE I’WO aVlL SERVICE LEADER Tuesday, February 25, Type Copyist List 300 On Helper Sanitation T raining Course Practical Test Next List (B) To Get All Details Finished; Begins Next Month Offlcials of the Sanitation De­ tion, and so forth. Lectures k. The Municipal Civil Service Com­ Candidates must furnish their own Appointments partment, the Municipal Civil next month. It is one of th mission, vi^hich released 14 new typewriters and they will receive no Service Commission and Hunter courses of its kind in thp ^ eligible lists early this week, has an­ allowances If the machines are not Three hundred men from the eli­ College are this week working out United States, and is consider?^* nounced that the new Type-Copyist in good order. gible list for Maintainer's Helper, valuable that universities throu 2 final details for obtaining the the country have asked for con^ * list, containing 5,700 names, will be Last week the Commission of­ Group B, which is published in this auditorium of Hunter College lor the lectures which will be gi\-en*'^ ready next week. ficially changed the title of the Jobs issue of the L e a d e r, will be appoint­ The delay in publishing the list from Type-Copyist to Typist. ed within two weeks. This number the Sanitation in-service train­ The course provides credit •was caused by the flood of other lists The huge filing on the test re­ of Jobs will be filled from the top eli­ ing courses. The auditorium promotion, and will be a “mus?'** which were completed this week. sulted from the simple requirements, gibles to replace provisionals now seats 2,500, and is one of the few all men planning to take the L*® which called for only a high school More than 28,000 candidates took working in the city’s transit system. places in the city large enough to ing promotion examination.s. the Type-Copyist exam which was education. On the written exam, The L e a d e r will keep Sanitar Qualifying practical exams begin accommodate the number of held in August, 1939. candidates were tested on their Tuesday, February 25, at the Com­ men fully informed about this cour Sanitation employees who wish After publication of the list, suc­ knowledge of English, spelling, mission’s office for several hundred and about all coming exams of i** cessful candidates will face practical grammar, ability to follow direc­ of the top men on the Group B list. to attend these courses. terest to them. tests which will consist of typing 40 tions, vocabulary, and other related These tests will be finished by March Besides the lectures which will be subJects. ■words a ininute for five minutes. 3, when a total of 960 eligibles from held once a week for ten weeks, TO EVERYBODY IN thp the four groups will have been ex­ there will be special question and amined. answer sessions once a week for five SANITATTIONDEPT.! The Group B list contains the weeks in high school auditoriums in For a limited time only names of 1,415 men. the five boroughs. The in-service you can gel The Leader ai City to OpenNewExams The practical tests are not diffi­ courses, designed to train career men half price, $1 a year, ,1^, cult, according to an official of the in the Sanitation department are Municipal Civil Service Commission. being prepared under the direction livered to your home. Barber, Electrician, Labor Jobs They are designed merely to test a of Harry R. Langdon, Chief of the coming months, The Leader candidate’s skill with the various Division of Finance and Supply of will give you complete ncwi his O.K., it may be included in next The Municipal Civil Service tools he will use on the Job. The the Department of Sanitation. Aid­ about your department. Commission will receive applica­ week’s series. tests are qualifying, and no percent­ ing him are William J. Powell, as­ The full list of city exams in the Take advantage this offer tions early next week for a series age score is given. A candidate is sistant to the Commissioner, Edward March series follows: marked either “passed” or “failed.” • C. Nugent, assistant to the Commis­ and subscribe NOW — hy of 12 new examinations, Includ­ Competitive sioner and City Superintendent ing labor class, licensing, promo­ enclosing a $1 bill in an en- Electrician. Gabarini. velope addressed to the tion and competitive tes'ts. Director of Medical Social Service, Over 3,000 sanitation men have Diserio Clarifies 97 Among those included are Elec- J Grade 6. signed up for the course, which cov­ Civil Service Leader. trician, Barber, Hospital Helper Barber. Stand on Kasoff Case ers everything about sanitation Duane Street, New York work—street-cleaning, incineration, City. and Laundry Worker. Promotion An article which appeared in engines, supplies, department opera^ Full official requirements, salary Electrician (city-wide). last Friday’s issue of The Chief ranges and other details on all these Resident Buildings Superintendent, did not correctly present his exams will be published in full in N.Y.C. Housing Authority, Grade 2. views and was misleading, ac­ The Leader next week. The list of Inspector of Dock and Pier Con­ cording to a statement by Mat­ new tests wliich the Commission an­ struction, Grade 3. thew Diserio, Trial Commis­ D etails A bout L abor Jobs nounced is still somewhat tentative, Jr. Administrative Assistant (Real sioner of the Sanitation De­ but it is expected that they will all K' tate Research). partment. The Chief story was be open next week. Occasionally the Inspector of Plastering, Grade 3. headlined: Diserio Sustains Kas­ Last Time "First Come, First Served" Budget Director’s Office holds up aii- off in Contention Over Widow’s nouncemrmt of a test at the last min­ Labor Claim. The story referred to The application period for two replaced as soon as an eligible list li Hospital Helper. ute. an article in last Tuesday’s ready. Candidates for the test will Laundry Worker. large city labor tests—Hospital A promotion exam open to all em­ Leadeii, about the widow Junius Helper and Laundry Worker— be given a medical exam and a liter, ployees in the city making less than Licensing Bolling, who was paid a $200 acy test.
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