of tho boarders enter the door 1 am capital city by winning the interna¬ blinded by tho Imaginary words 'ln- tional tournament last year. Tho telegraphic league will hokl another volunSary polltion' and 'bankruptcy tournament will continue until Decem¬ touruament Tho llkoly. entries arc court'' Dtretcheff" athwart the horizon. with Tuesdays and Port Seward.'Skagway, TreadwolT and \ SPORTS I ber -7, bowling WASHINGTON, Deo. 1. That "Many of tho meats, vegetablOB and 1 Fridays. on tablo are now cost¬ horrors as delicacies my Jitnmic Barragar. who won the prl2e j>eaco£ul history has Its t t; tho as war le shown In tho casualty ing from 25 to 35 per cont moro than at tho Elks last month for tho Canadian aide. Did ever a youth pass by spot woll Bowling League to. Start. «itey» love, mado tho prlco domandod for them a few Your' fragrance, dear, months and the 'lncreaso In tho rjAIN back, INfEW ht tho lot A telegraphic bowling tournament;' team. The balanco of tho team will Mann Turn* Down Foda. Without a hcart-loap necessities used In \a&sss between teams from the Juneau and That drow hie fancy near? Statos bureau of minoa. This list cost of cooking bo drawn from tho following: New¬ Leslie Mann, outfielder of the cham¬ their prepartlon has been even Skagway lodges oi Elks will start ark L. Burton, who tamo within pion Eraves, has turned down an otter jffero the moot richly furnished is a of fairy stuff Tho number of men injured was not greater," tonight, and great interest being to sign a contract with a Fodoral Was over maid and thoroughly heated rooms at y» manifested around tho Elks Club hero. Liko In days of old. tabulated, but it Is estimated that it At this juncturo tho boarding-heuso cord of 26S last month. Sim Freiman, League club. He was asckd to namo tills, to enter? the tournament in an roao flue enough reached 100,000. mlntrcBS excused horsclf and wont Juneau Walter J. H. his own terms. Mann Is spending the A already to win back from Skagway Earlo Kuntcr, Batho. King a heart of gold! Altogether In tho coal mines, metal tho kitchen to supervlBO tho greasing attempt hW home in Lincoln, Neb. Without " winter at men of a She returned after a I what tho Northerners took from tho' snd L. Henscl. Ho will with Boston again next .Sonnets nnd SongB by Arthur Upson. mines lind quarries 1,047,010 broadpan. Special play and tho death rate lapse of a few minutes. year. were employed Dr. Mary Crawford, who Is a mom- for each 1,000" mon ongaged was 39.4 "I've got to watch tho cook con¬ Winter bor of tho Duchcas of Talloyrand's or nearly 'three and one-half inon. stantly," she amllod by way of offoring Sitka Indiana at Football. scotlou and resident phy. Dr. A. Holmes', director ofi an cxcuso of her uuddon departure, Rates had a football game on Thanks¬ Hod Cross Joseph GIVE USEFUL PRESENTS Sitka slclan of tho American Military Hos¬ tho bureau of mines, comes forward "One cook will put a woman In tho giving Day when two toaras. of hativo3 from thoi quicker tl<an a whole, Large well lighted rooms. La¬ from tho Sheldon Jack¬ pital at Paris, was graduated with tho statement that, taking poorhouso were selected Cornell In 1904. Dr. Crawford was hazardB of tho Industry Into consid-i houaofull of stylishly dressed girls.try¬ dles' parlor; Free Library. Com¬ son school. Tho team captatnod by You cannot give anything useful than a Portable Elec¬ tho first woman ambuhmco surgeon eratlon, this Hat of death and injury ing to keep abreast of Dame Fashion mercial cample rooms. Edward Peol won tho gamo, six to in her restless march toward the goal tric Reading tho touch¬ in Brooklyn, NT. Y.. which gavo hor in excessive and unnecessary, and a Five story reinforced concrete Lamp. nothing, Johns making only, Over flvo and tho coun¬ of social recognition. at Cost. of tho contest. much newspaper notoriety. discredit to tho Industry blulding. We are selling them down hundred wounded soldiers have boon try. "My cook is bo extravagant with Among those who playod were in tho use Beautiful view down the chan¬ given attention in tho hospital and Commenting on tho deaths in tho everything, particularly of Wolch Jones. Frank WIllamB, Julius lard. Why, If I didn't koop my eye nel and over the Fred Koltchoff, discharged since Dr. Crawford took mines, Dr. Holmes said: city. Frank, George Fulton, tho sho holds. "We stand at the ulaughtor on her she would make doughnuts John Cameron, Lawrence WIdmark, position aghast for In Europo as reports reach us con¬ of what was lntonded biscuits. Alaska Electric Light and Power Co. Albert Nelson, Victor Zuboff, Newton hack to the relation BARNEY M'GEE SOARS Raising celery on a truck farm near cerning tho terrible war that is raging "Now, getting Kasko, Welsh Jones, George Hanson, of war to tho expense of a boarding IN NEW YORK SOCIETY Thomas Philadelphia haB netted Miss Eliza¬ and we pride hurselves on our free¬ Leo Bunard, Edward Peel, this ox- house.It-v seems men eat more in Archlo Oscor Davis, beth Bogner $2,000 year. She dom from war through tho adaption Jones, Jackson, to into the business on a of Ideals and standards. Yot times of great international conflict. WHITEHORSE, Dec. 11..Bernard Louie Slmpsou, Thomas Scott, Androw pects go higher Is based left bore six weeks or much scalo next year. to mo this on tho death in ono At least, that my deduction, McGeo who Jones, Robert Ken¬ larger report In a letter Johnson, Hoaley Tho Countess Aruim and hor chil¬ mon In a peace¬ upon tho costly experience of recent more ago for New York, David Howard, year of 3,651 engaged n nedy. Jimmy George, dren aro in England. Tho recent is discreditable. weeks. to the editor of the Star, encloses wero: Johns, reforco; living ful industry quite of ball Officials husband haB withdrawn wo that this rec¬ "For Instanco, Sam Jones, who dnnco program the charity Reed, linesman; doath of her And whon consider is No. of Now Garey, umpire; the author of "Elizabeth and her Gor¬ ord Is repoated year aftor year, formerly consumed nlnu biscuits, given by Elks Lodge, 1, Stocks, timekeeper. being and eleven of tho wafers eve, Novombor iA hen ordering BEERj man Gardon;" "The Pastor's Wifo" tho very thought of It becomes ap¬ putting ten York, Thanksgiving 24 num¬ and other delightful books from tho In tho last three years, as under his belt at every meal now, 25. The program contained On. palling. never submerged tho "Hesitation" no Big Conference Row work which so much pleasure tar back as tho records of tho bureau and Jake Schultz bers, appearing gives this war different times. Tho Ed. R. Hughes la the Seattlo Tlmos to many readers. certain branches of the In- his beans In catsup before less than sovon the of covorlng broke out, dances on program not danc¬ insist on RAINIER says: "Because University duatry go, the mines and! quarries on only the. PALE! and It Is bard to believe the ed In Whitchorso are "Fox Trot" and Idaho, Washington Stato Collego Miss Elalo Burr, of Boston, a so¬ States havo swallowed "Of courso, the United up! to do with the "Lulu Fadn." Tho former appeared Oregon Agricultural Collogo demand¬ ciety girl, has gone abroad to bocomo human lives and have incapacl-; war baa anything Arthur 10,487 of borders, but this Is a on the Now York program three times. ed Cradhato Manager Younger a nurso in a Paris hospital. Sho is tatod temporarily probably a quarter! voracity my friend of the U. of W. sign a two-year con¬ General Thock- saddest coincident which cannot bo over¬ according to the program our the guest of Consul of a. million men. And tho did not miss one of tho tract calling for a heavy guarantee Is that a of this looked. "Barney" uray. part of It great part boarders cream In number, there not being a blank loft from Washington and a light ono from and a still part of "All of my put death roll greator and he on it. The names Morgan, Drcxol, themselves, only two conference foot¬ of Mary Wilson, wife of tho arte not necessary. I their coffco except one, puts Speaking Injuries In his cream. And sugar; my A8lor, Vanderbilt, Gould and Schlff ball toams appear on the U. of W. Wilson, the doan of Labor I am conservative when 1 say coffeo Douglas bellovo Some of them, men, and frequently on "Barney's" pro¬ Co., Inc. football program for noxt fall. Whit¬ editors and editor of tho "Machinist,-" that half of the 3.G51 men killed In goodness; appear Heidelberg Liqour feet but tho absence of such names man will play here Oct 30, and Wash¬ Robert of the American Maga¬ havo been saved women, too, who shove their gram, Hunt, tho year 1913 might times a as and O'Rouke is ington will moot Oregon wherover zine of tho 100,000 under my table three day Mulkahey, Clancy Best Brands of says: and three-fourths monj into their coffee with an notlcablo. Evidently tho Kohoo sis¬ Largest Stock they Bay Nov. 6. A tentative agree¬ "Sho sees for htm, types and reads in tho same year might have funnel sugar Domestic tor a injured insouciance that makes me shiver at ters, Mary Ann and Peggy, wore not Imported and Liquors ment was reached with W.
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