12 The Rolling Road Too Much History for Such a Small Place 12 Tremendous The Signature Trifles of Man 2 29 2 Art and the Bible 29 SPECIAL ISSUE GKC and the Bible “The Greatest of Texts” VOL . NO. . . 21 06 $ 00 7 JULY/AUGUST 2018 THE COMPLETE CHRISTIAN VIEW OF HUMAN EXISTENCE ✦ TWO WINGS ✦ CHANCE OR THE DANCE? ✦ AFTER THE NATURAL LAW Integrating Faith & Reason A Critique of Modern Secularism John Lawrence Hill Brian Clayton & Douglas Kries omas Howard his work traces the natural law ased on the e orts of two college his new edition of a modern classic Ttradition from Plato and Aristotle Bprofessors to explain to their new Tcontrasts the Christian and secular to Thomas Aquinas in the thirteenth students how believing and reasoning worldviews, refreshing our minds with century. It describes how modern phi- are integrated to form a complete Chris- the illuminated view of Christianity as it losophers such as Descartes and Locke tian view of our existence, this work imbued the world in times past—show- began to chip away at this foundation. shows how the human spirit rises on ing that we cannot live meaningful lives This tradition holds that the world the two wings of faith and reason without this Christian understanding is ordered, intelligible and good, that to stretch toward truth. It addresses of things.Howard explains in clear and there are objective moral truths which arguments supporting and opposing its beautiful prose the way materialism robs we can know and that human beings can own viewpoint, and abounds in analo- us of beauty, depth, and truth. With la- achieve true happiness only by follow- gies designed to speak to non-special- ser precision and lyrical ponderings he ing our inborn nature, which draws ists. Today all Christians need to be takes us through the dismal reduction- us toward our own perfection. i s familiar with such clear philosophical ist view of the world to the shimmering work argues that natural law is a neces- and theological arguments. significance of the world as sign and sary foundation for our most important TWWP . Sewn So cover, $18.95 sacrament. is is an inspiring apology moral and political values—freedom, “A powerful, wide-ranging response to the view for Christianity, and a stirring critique human rights, equality, responsibility that faith and reason are mere opposites—and not of secularism. and human dignity, among others. both vital powers of a well-formed heart, mind, COD2P . Sewn So cover, $15.95 Without a theory of natural law, these an d s ou l .” values lose their coherence — we liter- — Robert Royal, President, Faith & Reason “Simply among the very best books of the latter half Institute; Author, A Deeper Vision of the 20th century.” ally cannot make sense of them given — Eric Metaxas, NY Times Best-Selling, Author, the assumptions of modern philosophy. “ is thoughtful introduction to the integration Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy ANLP . Sewn So cover, $22.95 of Christian faith with human reason is illuminat- ing without being dogmatic, exploratory without “If I could have everyone read just ten books, this “A stimulating and erudite book.” being indecisive, simple without being simplistic.” would be one of them!” — J. Budziszewski, Ph.D., — Michael Augros, Ph.D., — Peter Kree , Ph.D., Boston College; Author, What We Can’t Not Know Author, Who Designed the Designer? Author, I Burned for Your Peace www.ignatius.com P.O. Box 1339, Ft. Collins, CO 80522 (800) 651-1531 TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume 21 • Number 6, July/August 2018 TREMENDOUS TRIFLES ..................2 THE DISTRIBUTIST ....................30 THE FLYING INN .......................22 THE COMPLETE Spiritual Over-Production Chesterton and the Bible, and BY G. K. CHESTERTON the Novel Manalive “The Greatest of Texts” . 3 BY DAVID BERESFORD CHRISTIAN VIEW OF BY DALE AHLQUIST ROLLING ROAD ........................12 Too Much History for VARIED TYPES .........................23 LETTERS FROM OUR READERS ..........4 HUMAN EXISTENCE Such a Small Place Rabbit Holes, Rabbit BY DALE AHLQUIST Trails, and Drinklings FEATURES BY VICTORIA DARKEY CHESTERTON’S MAIL BAG ............31 STRAWS IN THE WIND ..................5 The Bible CHESTERTON’S GREAT The Great Translation BY G. K. CHESTERTON CHARACTERS. .24 BY G.K. CHESTERTON Kalon LETTER TO AMERICA ..................32 BY CHRIS CHAN NEWS WITH VIEWS .....................8 The New Pharisee Compiled by Mark Pilon BY G. K. CHESTERTON ALL I SURVEY ..........................25 Words Are Not Enough BALLADE OF GILBERT ...................8 CHESTERTON’S SKETCHBOOK .........32 BY DAVID W. FAGERBERG Ecclesiastes BY G.K. CHESTERTON THE GOLDEN KEY CHAIN ..............16 CHESTERTON UNIVERSITY ............26 GKC on Scripture First Hand Accounts TRUTH IN THE STATE OF CONDUCTED BY PETER FLORIANI TRANSMISSION .......................10 REVIEWS The Soul of the Story ALL IS GRIST ✦ TWO WINGS ✦ CHANCE OR THE DANCE? ✦ AFTER THE NATURAL LAW BY SOPHIA FAVORITE The New War of Gods and BOOK REVIEW .........................28 John Lawrence Hill Integrating Faith & Reason A Critique of Modern Secularism Demons . 20 MISCELLANY OF MEN .................11 A Chestertonian’s Vade Mecum . Brian Clayton & Douglas Kries omas Howard his work traces the natural law BY JACK BARUZZINI Constantly Increasing REVIEWED BY CHUCK CHALBERG ased on the e orts of two college his new edition of a modern classic tradition from Plato and Aristotle T Gusto and Excitement The Wonder of Mail . 20 professors to explain to their new contrasts the Christian and secular to Thomas Aquinas in the thirteenth CHARLOTTE OSTERMANN B T BY DAVID P. DEAVEL COVER PHOTOGRAPHY: students how believing and reasoning worldviews, refreshing our minds with century. It describes how modern phi- DALE AHLQUIST are integrated to form a complete Chris- the illuminated view of Christianity as it losophers such as Descartes and Locke THE SIGNATURE OF MAN ..............29 COLUMNS tian view of our existence, this work imbued the world in times past—show- began to chip away at this foundation. shows how the human spirit rises on This tradition holds that the world Art and the Bible ing that we cannot live meaningful lives BY G.K. CHESTERTON SCHALL ON CHESTERTON . .6 the two wings of faith and reason without this Christian understanding is ordered, intelligible and good, that “The Jesus Of The New Testament” to stretch toward truth. It addresses of things.Howard explains in clear and there are objective moral truths which JAMES V. SCHALL, S. J. arguments supporting and opposing its beautiful prose the way materialism robs we can know and that human beings can own viewpoint, and abounds in analo- us of beauty, depth, and truth. With la- achieve true happiness only by follow- gies designed to speak to non-special- ser precision and lyrical ponderings he ing our inborn nature, which draws ists. Today all Christians need to be takes us through the dismal reduction- us toward our own perfection. i s familiar with such clear philosophical ist view of the world to the shimmering work argues that natural law is a neces- PHOTO CREDITS: p. 2 Eighth Day Books, Vatican News Agency; p. 10 Sophia Favorite; p. 12-14 Dale Ahlquist; p. 23 Matthew Elam and theological arguments. significance of the world as sign and sary foundation for our most important Illustration: p 13: TWWP . Sewn So cover, $18.95 sacrament. is is an inspiring apology moral and political values—freedom, Virginia de la Lastra “A powerful, wide-ranging response to the view for Christianity, and a stirring critique human rights, equality, responsibility All other images to the best of our knowledge are in the public domain. that faith and reason are mere opposites—and not of secularism. and human dignity, among others. both vital powers of a well-formed heart, mind, PUBLISHER and EDITOR: Dale Ahlquist, President, ACS ART DIRECTOR: Ted Schluenderfritz MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR: Linda Phillips SENIOR WRITER: Art COD2P . Sewn So cover, $15.95 Without a theory of natural law, these an d s ou l .” values lose their coherence — we liter- Livingston CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: David Beresford, Joe Campbell, John C. Chalberg, Christopher Chan, Victoria Darkey, David Paul Deavel, David — Robert Royal, President, Faith & Reason “Simply among the very best books of the latter half SUBSCRIPTIONS & RENEWALS: CREDIT CARD ORDERS: ally cannot make sense of them given W. Fagerberg, Mark Pilon, James V. Schall SJ (See form p. 29) call 1-800-343-2425 or fax 1-952-831- Institute; Author, A Deeper Vision of the 20th century.” 0387 E-MAIL: [email protected] LETTERS AND ARTICLES: [email protected]; Letters to the editor may be edited for length or clarity. — Eric Metaxas, NY Times Best-Selling, Author, the assumptions of modern philosophy. “ is thoughtful introduction to the integration Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy ANLP . Sewn So cover, $22.95 Gilbert! Magazine is published every eight weeks by The American Chesterton Society, a non-profit corporation established under Paragraph 501(c)(3) of the of Christian faith with human reason is illuminat- U.S. Tax Code. Donations to the American Chesterton Society are tax-deductible in the United States. Your contributions help support the publication of Gilbert ing without being dogmatic, exploratory without “If I could have everyone read just ten books, this “A stimulating and erudite book.” being indecisive, simple without being simplistic.” would be one of them!” — J. Budziszewski, Ph.D., Magazine. Please send your donations to: The American Chesterton Society, 4117 Pebblebrook Circle, Minneapolis, MN 55437. The views expressed by Gilbert — Michael Augros, Ph.D., — Peter Kree , Ph.D., Boston College; Author, What We Can’t Not Know Magazine contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher, the editors, or the American Chesterton Society. Author, Who Designed the Designer? Author, I Burned for Your Peace Copyright ©2018 by The American Chesterton Society. www.ignatius.com Donate to the American Chesterton Society • www.chesterton.org P.O.
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