* \ w o r t ! ) p o in Dealer FIFTY-NINTH YEAR CHATSWORTH. ILLINOIS. THURSDAY. APRIL 27. 1933 NO. 32 W H O C A R ES? DEPOSITORS IN H O T SLUGS BODY OF WING Some men's Idea of a Many a man who is a big hoarder is someone who holds noise down town Isn't even a CITIZENS B U O out more than he does. squeak around home. G1IRL FOUND 1N; j Wonder what congress will Many a man who says he find to do when the last tax­ was framed probably means MEET TONIGHT payer’s last dollar Is gone? he was Just cornered. ILLINOIS RIVER ____ Another good way to save Among other things that money Is to be broke when have come down since the de­ Results of Autopsy Awaited > Now Waiver Plan to be Sub­ strangers offer you a share pression were a lot of elevat­ In a good thing. ed noses. As Experts Seek Cause 5 mitted for Opening I f : It isn't so much the drinks / There may be plenty of of D eath. f j Closed Bank. people take that hurts them easy ways to make a living * as la the drinks they take without working, but most of between the drinks. them won’t work. The body of a young womal A meeting of all depositors of found floating in the Illinois river the Cltlsens bank has been called Yet, when good times come, It Isn't what the farmer we'll go on denying ourselves doesn’t get for his products ! near Clillllcothe on Tuesday of for this evening at 7:30 o’clock In | last week proved to be that of the high school auditorium for the In order to save money for that Is keeping him poor; It’s slicker men to spend. bis buy-products. j Miss Lola Wells, missing student purpose of considering a new plan ] nurse whose home was near Wing. for the reopening of the bank. It begins to look as though i Middle-age la that period Disappeared February 27 Officers of the Cltlsens bank in a man’s life when he no It will soon be easier to go had a conference at Springfield a longer thinks It’s smart to go out and earn a dollar than I Miss Wells disappeared from St. few days ago with the chief ex- stay up after bedtime. it is to borrow it. Joseph's hospital in Bloomington amlner of the state auditor's of- _________________ February 27th. She had been a flee, at which time the examiner ^ QF 1. SCHOLARSHIPS BIG CHOIR PLEASES student nurse at St. Joseph’s hos­ disapproved of the form of waiver, a m i m AXirshI« nINF 1 pital for about a year and a half, signed by many depositors of the, fcAAIWIHAIICnsa JU Ist o WITH SACRED MUSIC i following her graduation from the bank and which was dated Pebru-; Saunemin high school. Up to When Uvlugston county candi­ A number of Chatsworth and ary 23, 1933, and suggested an­ 1 the present time no trace of her dates for the University of Illinois Charlotte people journeyed to other and more equitable form of 'movements have been found after four-year scholarship write the Cheuoa Tuesday evening to listen waiver to be submitted to the de­ she left the hospital for a walk competitive examination at Pon­ to a sacred concert given by the positors at tonight’s meeting. on the afternoon of February 27. tiac Saturday, June 3, they will be Chapel Choir of the Capital Lu­ I Local interest ln the case was HUMe Banka Must Be Unrestricted examined on a materially differ­ theran university, Columbus, Since the original form of ent basis than in the past. County .Intensified by the fact that Miss Ohio. : Wells was one of the nurses who waiver was approved by the chief superintendent of Schools H. W. The choir’s repertoire consists cared for William Turner during examiner in February. "MW McCulloch announces. The win- entirely of sacred compositions. changes in waiver forms have nec- ner 0f the examination, provld- bis long confinement to the hos- The director is Ellis Emmanuel i pltal the past winter. James eesarily occurred due to the recent j |ng a passing Is made. Is awarded Snyder, head of the voice depart­ national holiday for all banks. the scholarship. Mauritzen, of Forrest, a former ment at the Capital University Chatsworth resident, read the ac­ Among these changes Is that by This year the examination will Conservatory of Music. He or­ the state auditor, requiring that! ^ given In two parts. All candi- count of the finding of the body ganized the choir in 1927-1928. in the river and called the atten­ all state banks In Illinois being dates must write an English corn- The choir toured the east In granted permits to resume bust- position and literature test. This tion of •'Buck'’ Wells, another 1931 and was asked to sing at the former Chatsworth boy and a cou- ness must do so on an unrestricted t„ an objective type of examlna- White House before former Presi­ basls as to that portion of all de- ■ tlon covering the usual high sln of the dead girl, to the possi­ dent and Mrs. Hoover. The group bility of the body at Chtlllcothe posits remaining unwalved. school course In English. This also sang at the Cleveland con­ Under the old form of waiver, part of the test begins at 9 a. m., being that of the Wing girl. vention of the Music Supervisors' I "Buck" communicated with the that portion of deposits not walv-!Jun6 3t in u ,e office of the county National conference In April 1932 ed was to be placed on a re­ superintendent of sch^.s. and tw ^ D E L C. HUMMEL GEORGE STRAWN DIES parents of the girl and accom­ and has filled many other concert panied a brother to Chlllicothe on stricted basis. This regulation hours will be allowed to finish It. FUNERAL FRIDAY SUDDENLY IN MORRIS engagements In New York, West was cancelled by the auditor up­ It will count as.60 per cent In the j FORREST COPS Wednesday. The body was so Virginia. Ohio, Michigan. Pennsyl­ ;badly decomposed that identifica­ on the Issuance of permits to total examination result. Funeral services for the late j C. B. Strawn received word vania, Maryland and other states. banks to reopen. Another satis­ In the afternoon from 1:16 to j Fidel C. Hummel, of Strawn, were I W'ednesday afternoon that his tion was difficult but a fountain They are now on a tour of the pen and a cigarette case found on factory result of this recent oon- 4.16 p. __m., the candidates may held In the Germanvllle church FIRST IN TRACK i brother. George, had died sud- larger cities and had an open date the body were positively recogniz­ ference with the chief examiner I* choose any one of the following Friday afternoon and Interment I denly at his home in Morris that which was filled in at Chenoa to that, due to adjustment of the as-1 tour fields on which to write: was made In Germanvllle cerne- afternoon at 2 o'clock. Death ed as being property of Miss a large and well pleased audi­ Wells. eets of the Cltlxens bank propos- 1 mathematics, foreign language, {tery. The services were conduct­ was apparently due to a heart at­ ence. They came from a Wiscon­ ed to be segregated, the waived (aclence or social studies. ed by Hev. A. Kalkwarf and the EVENT FRIDAY tack. He bad suffered with the sin town to Chenoa and will fill | Coroner's Verdict-, Drowning ! flu about two weeks ago but ap- percentage has been reduced from j The examination Is open to all! singing was by the Chatsworth engagements this week In Strea- A coroner's jury of Peoria coun­ i parently had recovered. His 60% to 46% No restrictions will; pUpiu graduating this year from Lutheran choir, tor, Peoria and other cities. ty decided death was due to Placet Chatsworth brother had a letter be placed on the other 60 per cent accredited high schools In this, Mr. Hummel died suddenly at Chatsworth High There were sixty voices In the drowning but when the embalm- from him just a few days ago in of the deposits. This will be county, and to graduates of earl- his home In Strawn at about 4:30 choir. They travel in two large ers and doctors examined the Second With Saunemin which he planned to make Chats­ much better set-up for the depos­ ler years who have not continued . Wednesday afternoon. He was buses, one of which came to body they found no water ln the itors than the waiver secured aft­ worth a visit soon. He was born their education beyond the sec-'aged 74 years, 9 months and 8 in Third Place. Chatsworth after the concert and lungs, which led to the belief the er the bank closed and which per­ on a farm southwest of Chats­ ondary schools. The scholarship | days. about half the choir were enter­ girl may have been murdered and mitted only five per cent of the worth about 58 years ago. which one may win, exempts the j Mr. Hummel had appeared to tained for the night nt Lutheran her body thrown Into the river. money being withdrawn. He was married In Denver. Col­ holder from the payment of fill be in tjis usual good health when homes here, going on to Streator The body was taken to the home Chatsworth township high orado.
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