List of Entries a acidity African Humid Period aa acidity record of volcanic eruptions Afro-alpine zone abduction Acrisols after present (AP) abiotic acrotelm aftershock ablation activation function age ablation zone active continental margin age calibration above-ground productivity active layer age-depth models abrasion active volcano aggradation abrupt climatic change actualism aggregate stability abscissa adaptation aggregation absolute counting adaptation of people aggressive water absolute sea level adaptionist approach agrarian civilisation absolute temperature adaptive capacity agricultural abandonment absorption adaptive cycle agricultural history absorption spectrum adaptive management agricultural impact on climate abstraction adaptive radiation agricultural impact on abyssal adhesion geomorphology accelerator mass spectrometry adiabatic processes agricultural impact on soils (AMS) dating adjacency agricultural intensification accessory mineral adsorption agricultural origins acclimatisation advection agricultural revolution accommodation space aeolation agricultural waste accordant summits aeolian agriculture accretion aeolian sediments agrochemicals/agrichemicals accretionary complex aeolian zone agroclimatology/agrometeorology acculturation aeolianite agrodiversity accumulated temperature aerial photography agro-ecological zone accumulation area ratio (AAR) aerobic agro-ecology accumulation rate aerobiology agro-ecosystem accumulation zone aerology/aeronomy agroforestry accuracy aerosols agronomy acid aesthetic degradation AIDS acid deposition aesthetics air capture (AC) acid mine drainage aestivation air mass acid precipitation afforestation air pollution acid rain afforestation: ecological impacts air quality acid soils afforestation: impacts on air subsidence acid sulfate soils hydrology and air temperature acidification geomorphology airborne remote sensing viii LIST OF ENTRIES airfall ancient woodland applied science airflow types Andosols appropriate technology airshed angiosperms aquaculture alas angle of repose aqualithic albedo anhysteretic remanent aquatic ape theory Albeluvisols magnetisation (ARM) aquatic environment algae/algal analysis animal diseases aqueduct algal bloom animal remains aquiclude algorithm annotation aquifer alien species annual aquitard Alisols annual mean air temperature arboreal alkali annual moraines arboreal pollen (AP) alkaline soils annual variability arborescent alkalinity annually laminated sediment arboriculture alkalisation annually resolved record arc alkenones annular mode Archaea allele anomalies Archaean allelopathy anoxia/anoxic archaeobiology allergen antagonism archaeoglaciology Allerød Interstadial Antarctic archaeological chemistry allochthonous Antarctic convergence archaeological geology allocyclic change Antarctic cooling and warming archaeological prospection allogenic change Antarctic environmental archaeological timescale alluvial architecture change archaeology alluvial deposits Antarctic Front archaeomagnetic dating alluvial fan Antarctic Oscillation (AAO) archaeomagnetism alluvial fill antecedent drainage archaeometry alluvial soils antecedent soil moisture archaic humans alluvial stratigraphy anthracology architectural element alluviation anthrobleme analysis alluvium anthrome archive along-track direction anthropedogenic processes Arctic alp Anthropocene Arctic environmental change alpine zone anthropocentrism Arctic Front alternative energy anthropochore Arctic haze alternative stable states anthropogene Arctic Oscillation (AO) alternative technology anthropogenic Arctic warming altimetry anthropogenic hazards ard marks altitudinal zonation anthropogenic indicators area generalisation aluminium (Al) anthropogenic soil horizons area labels amber anthropogeomorphology area patch generalisation amendments anthropology arenaceous amensalism anthroposphere arenite americium-241 dating Anthrosols Arenosols amino acid dating antibiotic areography amorphous anticyclone argillaceous amplitude antitrades argillite anabranching ants argon-argon (Ar-40/Ar-39) anaerobic aphelion dating analogue method aphotic zone aridity analogue model apophyte aridland analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) apparent age aridland: past environmental analysis of variance (ANOVA) apparent mean residence change anatomically modern time (AMRT) aridland vegetation humans (AMH) apparent polar wander (APW) arkose LIST OF ENTRIES ix armouring autotrophic organism below-ground productivity arroyo autovariation bench terrace arsenic (As) avalanche benthic artefact/artifact avulsion benthos artesian axiom bias artificial azimuth bidirectional reflectance artificial ground Azolla interval distribution function (BRDF) artificial shoreline azonal soil big bang asbestos binge-purge model ash content b2k bio-accumulation ash fall back-arc bio-archaeology ash flow background level biochar aspect background rate biochemical oxygen assemblage backscattering demand (BOD) assemblage zone bacteria bioclimatology association badlands biodegradability asteroids bajada biodegradation asthenosphere balance of nature biodiversity astrobiology balanced cross section biodiversity loss astrobleme Banded Iron Formation (BIF) biodiversity offsets astrochronology bank erosion bio-energy astrogeology bankfull discharge biofacies asymmetrical valley bar (coastal and river) biogasification Atlantic barchans biogenic carbonate Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation barrier beach biogenic sediment (AMO) barrier island biogeocenosis/biogeocoenosis atmosphere barrier reefs biogeochemical cycles atmosphere-ocean interaction basalt biogeochemistry atmospheric composition base biogeography atmospheric correction base level biogeomorphology atmospheric dust base saturation bioherm atmospheric loading baseflow bio-indicators atmospheric sciences basement biokarst atmospheric tides basin analysis biological control atoll bathyal biological half-life atom bathymetry biological invasion atomic absorption bauxite biological magnification spectrophotometry (AAS) Bayesian statistics biological oceanography Atterberg limits beach deposits biological pollution attractor beach mining biological sciences attribute beach nourishment biological species attribution beach ridges biological weathering auger beach scraping biomagnetics autecology beachrock biomantle authigenic beamwidth biomarker autochthonous Beaufort scale biomass autocompaction bed biomass burning autocorrelation bedding biome autocyclic change bedform bionomenclature autogenic change bedform stability diagram biopiracy automatic weather bedload bioplastics station (AWS) bedrock bioprospecting autoregressive (AR) modelling bedrock channel bioregional management autoregressive moving average beetle analysis bioregionalism (ARMA) modelling before present (BP) bioremediation x LIST OF ENTRIES biosecurity brousse tigrée carbon dioxide biosphere Brown Earth carbon dioxide fertilisation biosphere reserves brown field sites carbon dioxide variations biostasy Brückner cycle carbon emissions trading (CET) biostratigraphy Bruun rule carbon footprint biotechnology bryophyte analysis carbon isotopes biotic buffer zone carbon monoxide bioturbation buffer zone in GIS carbon negative birth rate buffering carbon offsets black shale building decay carbon sequestration black smoker built environment carbon sink/source blackbody radiation .
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