NORWICH BULLETIN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, '191 COLCHESTER v Marriage of lriswold Avery Chapped ; and Miss. Pernice AUen9ther j trTct Notes . 1' mmmmmmm A very prertv wedding took place i in coicnester- we.aneay arcernoon at 12.30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Allen, when their dausrnter. Bar. riice, became the bride . o Griswold Avery Channel!. In the. presence of the Immediate ceremony perrorm- - rramilies the was " - . - e.a ty Kev. u. u. .Kepu,ngion, ue run si ' . i Episcopal and double rins service be - : Tho bride was charmingly crowned in A Sight green crepe and carried' white carnations. Immediately after ther congratula tions a collation aj served after f which Mr. and Mrs. Chap pell left for ATTE a onaai trip. touowea oy xne best T wishes of their many friends. J Upon thear return Mr. and Mrs, j Chappelt will take tip their residency in Colchester. , Notes and Pergonals. All Employers of Stenographers or Typists. ' The funeral-- of Mrs. Josephine. Wal-fs-hi- sti .. - in J .urn i i . i mm I i.iui.i m held Wednesday morning Mini in vmLAwmjrmr'mmmmmmmmimmrmmmmmpmmmmm tin St. Andrews church. - The burial was in St. Andrew's, cemetery. : Processor A. Lazinsk was a visitor 5 In Wilfrmantic, Thursday. ; ., "Mrs. John V. Reynolds and daughter, ; Miss Martha. Reynolds, who are visit, W Oil ll)CS.SiW j lot Jng Mrs. .Reynolds' parents en' Hay-- . ward avenue were visitors in Wethers-- : gjODDllg field Thursday where Miss Reynolds ' will teach the coming' year. ' ."Harry Reid and John Griffin of Middletown. are in town this wpp'-- ; - ' -. wiring several houses for elect- -' '...V a- . lights. Fred A. Smith of New Britain v.a. calling on friends In town Friday. v. ' - Louis R. Chapman was a caller In Old Lyme Thursday. John Braclshaw of WaiUnantic was a Colchester visitor rtiday. O. H. A. MSHiant of Brooklyn. K. T., - ; is at his summer residence on 2lm wood Heights for a few days. TfiEMJiEAlD: Henry Damm of Middletown was the guest of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Damm on Lebanon avenue the ipast week. Dr. James J. Tynan returned- - to New ' London Thursday' evening after a two In the World's Shorthand Championship Contest held at Atlantic : weeks visit In town. " Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shailor , of North Westchester were callers in 'town Thursday. City, Thursday, August 27th, the STENOTYPISTS established At the Baptist church Sunday Aug. ; 30th, the morning services will be at 10.45. The pastor. Rev. is. E. Keming-- - ton will preach, taking as his sub- FOUR new world's records for Accuracy Speed. ject, "Great Salvation." In the even- and ing at 7 o'clock. Rev. Frank M. Good-Schil- d, pastor of the Central Baptist , church of New York will preach, his MISS ANNIE SCHOENFELD, 17 years old, less than two years' experience, won 150 word -- 9-1-0 subject will tie, "Is There a Devil." contest 99 perfect William Condren of Hartford was the MISS HEAD, 9--10 pnest of his brother. Town Clerk Coa-dre- n MA.GEULE 18 years old, less than two years experience, won 175 word contest 98 perfect the past week." Edward Smith of Middletown was a MISS ATtNE SCHOENFELD, 17 years old, less than 3-1- caller in town Friday. two yeas' experience, won 200 word contest 99 0 perfect. MR. CLEM SOLING, 18 years old, less than two years' experience, -- . , STAFFORD SPRINGS won 220 word contest 97 410 perfect i Funeral of Timothy Shea C. H. Mul. vanquishing each charxipioa--Garri?o- lins Has Entered Office of State Cpsly veteran Shorthanders of the old school as Behrin three times world shorthand a, Highway Department Persona!, Wsod, Kelli saam, Wendell and many othen. These last learning from seven to twenty years' experience in reporting, Miss Clara Ladish la spending! two. Cfrt weeks' acation with, relative in Philadelphia. Case H. Mullins recently in the of. fice of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad company has en A SWEEPING VICTORY FOR tered. the office of the state highway STEN0TYPY department. - ' - Mr. and Mrs.' Arthur West of Staf-fordvil- ie are visiting friends in Spring- field. Attorney Charles B. Whittlesey of BUSINESS MEN .w London was In town on business PARENTS Thursday. Would you have ills. I. B. Russell and Mies Mary the hest7 Then cs A wonderful opporfunlty Swalii your Fitzpatrie'.E have been in New York graduates for the past few days. piy of the only business boy or girl if they learn this marvelous The funeral of Timothy Shea was school in Norwich held at St. Edward's church Thurs- and vicinity where ly quick and efficient method in Short day morning nine o'clock. Rev; at Stenctypy the Up-to-da- John Coyle of New Haven officiated new, wonderful, silent, hand. te business men are and burial was in St. Edward's cfeme-ter- v. qukk-a-lightnin- gr, machine-writte- n ? demanding secretaries who knoW Miss Sara L. Sweet of Monson has gftorthand u taugnt. ' been visiting friends yi Stafford dur-in- g Stenotypy the kind graduated at the week. k Will Teach in Boston., Harold H. Comins of Stafford fcprings who taught in the commercial department of the Danbury High school last yffar will teach in a Bos- ton, Business college next year. .'NORWICH i oxanora Tffi ine Daseball nine will play WBllSS the strong East Glastonbury nine .k;.-- . on .... .Tn..l.mi mta BULtii IIUOI1. Rev. John Winthrop Ballantlne has TEACHERS returned from Peterborough N. H, CEpIFIED PF STENOTYPY TOE ONLY STENOTYFY SCHOOL, IN NORWICH where in company with his classmate, , Rev. Benjamin Franklin Brown he at- EXPtANATOKY FOR THE ASKING tended the fifth annual meeting of the F0U?ER Edward MacDowell association. WRITE, PHONE . W. E. CANFIELD, Jirs. Clara and Mrs. Esther Lord Ptoprieloi! or Jewouryport are guests of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Lord in the Hollow. Mrs. Eva M. Bug-be- e is spending a lew days in Westerly, R. L plainfield" Fell Topib dpens riohday August Hsfi . 3 Several New Houses in Process of Construction Other Live New About the Village. Miss Margerite Inglis- - spent Sat- urday in Norwich. Miss Blanch Starkweather has re- turned from a visit with her grand- mother in Willimantic . Mrs. Pearl Lewis visited relatives in Lisbon last week. Jerry Sullivan spent Sunday at Rocky. Point. - Miss Mary Sullivan has returned ,a V'Sit "WUh York. relativ.es ln New New age of 18 and Houses". has been ln the steady Stonlngton fairs, to b held next Tta rea4vs4 (tumUI v Teresa, New Several new houses employ of the company ever since. Mr. roouuv are blading' tor Westerly - atto of London, were guests are being built OASES CONTINUED IN WESTERLY IMcGowan tots it- Haven and then returned to his home Thursdar at Pine Tree Cottage. here at present. with wife and two of ronags. u x uim im earner acci- Mrs. Coffey their daughters reside In 6tillxnaa av- it. intra Clark of Lebanon was a re- James has returned . to bis i Mrs Eugene F. Btillman will sail dent since he comt&extced railroading. cent guest of here. outies mill enue and it is quite probable that ln Itondon Bos- friends at the office after a two the near future the family remove from next Tuesday for Mr. and Mrs. C. Henry Frink were will ton, and expects to be la Westerly local people who registered at . James Ridings visited to Brooklyn, N. where a son. Dr. aays. YANTIC the in Lawrence Champlin Case to Be Tried Next Week Lieut. J. A, Doher-t- y Andrew J. McGowan Is located with a wiuun tea Moosup House at the WiUixnantlu large Phophet Corop Ground. Mrs. Albert Kennoflv h9. vywu t;ij - and lucrative practice. There Andrew Jones, of New York. Bit Broke and Started Horse Ronnfna tertaimng her sister and Offered was a piace lor Air. ffllcOowan at the will preach In the Union Baptist Fixed Electric Signal. Villas-- children from Winner of Trophy Rifle Contest Andrew. Cottrell plant lonar church, William Robinson Threwn to Central tha lust as as he cared Sunday evening, wfesa "four GreunaV-Sig- An employee of the Central Ver- -' Mrs. Pearl Peterson to remain and he retires with the best deacons will be ordained. - ns Removed from Nigh, mont railroad company town has returned of ways. was in from a visit with friends in Center. Mcuowan Retires. wishes, his employers and the large The Norwich Bulletin brings the Friday, fixing the electric signal at ville. R. T ioroe o& ibuow woricmen. the gravery crossing. It was put out latest war news to Westerly earlier AS W HI was Lucien Burleigh of Try. N. Y. man any or lorty-on- e dally lam Robinson driving of commission bv the electrical storm has . jUaoonlea, otaer tne .grieti iS. i . Judg Oliver H. Wllliaros prealdea tone was notified and, assist- Loosl newyperern gway H, of August IStb. The were struck wn visiuxis Allen. - with the on sale ln the town. from 3. Olbbs'. Thursday wires Miss Agnes Allen has been enter at the regular session of the Third dis- ance cfRalph- Briggg Champlin was The extensive dahlia gardens here night after delivering some ducks, and the eells rang from 5 a. m. until trict Crturt in PV1(iu v and arrested and brought to the Westerly and hereabouts are now In full bloom. Rev. Clayton A. Burdick. of the the i ue rouowing msnrinr. when ue nmacport. Mass., the past Jthere was continuanceWriv oi all eases Police statjpn. Seventh-da- y Baptist church, will oc- bit broke throwing the bridle off tot crosaUtr disconnected tiwun.
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