Second Session – Forty-Second Legislature of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba DEBATES and PROCEEDINGS Official Report (Hansard) Published under the authority of The Honourable Myrna Driedger Speaker Vol. LXXIV No. 17 - 1:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 4, 2020 ISSN 0542-5492 MANITOBA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Forty-Second Legislature Member Constituency Political Affiliation ADAMS, Danielle Thompson NDP ALTOMARE, Nello Transcona NDP ASAGWARA, Uzoma Union Station NDP BRAR, Diljeet Burrows NDP BUSHIE, Ian Keewatinook NDP CLARKE, Eileen, Hon. Agassiz PC COX, Cathy, Hon. Kildonan-River East PC CULLEN, Cliff, Hon. Spruce Woods PC DRIEDGER, Myrna, Hon. Roblin PC EICHLER, Ralph, Hon. Lakeside PC EWASKO, Wayne Lac du Bonnet PC FIELDING, Scott, Hon. Kirkfield Park PC FONTAINE, Nahanni St. Johns NDP FRIESEN, Cameron, Hon. Morden-Winkler PC GERRARD, Jon, Hon. River Heights Lib. GOERTZEN, Kelvin, Hon. Steinbach PC GORDON, Audrey Southdale PC GUENTER, Josh Borderland PC GUILLEMARD, Sarah, Hon. Fort Richmond PC HELWER, Reg, Hon. Brandon West PC ISLEIFSON, Len Brandon East PC JOHNSON, Derek Interlake-Gimli PC JOHNSTON, Scott Assiniboia PC KINEW, Wab Fort Rouge NDP LAGASSÉ, Bob Dawson Trail PC LAGIMODIERE, Alan Selkirk PC LAMONT, Dougald St. Boniface Lib. LAMOUREUX, Cindy Tyndall Park Lib. LATHLIN, Amanda The Pas-Kameesak NDP LINDSEY, Tom Flin Flon NDP MALOWAY, Jim Elmwood NDP MARCELINO, Malaya Notre Dame NDP MARTIN, Shannon McPhillips PC MOSES, Jamie St. Vital NDP MICHALESKI, Brad Dauphin PC MICKLEFIELD, Andrew Rossmere PC MORLEY-LECOMTE, Janice Seine River PC NAYLOR, Lisa Wolseley NDP NESBITT, Greg Riding Mountain PC PALLISTER, Brian, Hon. Fort Whyte PC PEDERSEN, Blaine, Hon. Midland PC PIWNIUK, Doyle Turtle Mountain PC REYES, Jon Waverley PC SALA, Adrien St. James NDP SANDHU, Mintu The Maples NDP SCHULER, Ron, Hon. Springfield-Ritchot PC SMITH, Andrew Lagimodière PC SMITH, Bernadette Point Douglas NDP SMOOK, Dennis La Vérendrye PC SQUIRES, Rochelle, Hon. Riel PC STEFANSON, Heather, Hon. Tuxedo PC TEITSMA, James Radisson PC WASYLIW, Mark Fort Garry NDP WHARTON, Jeff, Hon. Red River North PC WIEBE, Matt Concordia NDP WISHART, Ian Portage la Prairie PC WOWCHUK, Rick Swan River PC 471 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF MANITOBA Wednesday, March 4, 2020 The House met at 1:30 p.m. have carried this same mace and placed it on that same table you see before you now. Madam Speaker: O Eternal and Almighty God, from Whom all power and wisdom come, we are assembled Further, in the last century, 548 citizens, here before Thee to frame such laws as may tend to including only 65 women and one non-binary person, the welfare and prosperity of our province. Grant, O have served in this room as Members of the merciful God, we pray Thee, that we may desire only Legislative Assembly. Of those 548 MLAs, 17 have that which is in accordance with Thy will, that we may served as Speaker of the House and 12 as Premier. seek it with wisdom and know it with certainty and accomplish it perfectly for the glory and honour of As your Speaker I have the privilege to serve Thy name and for the welfare of all our people. Amen. members and ensure the proper functioning of the proceedings of this House. Please be seated. What happens in this Chamber matters to every Speaker's Statement citizen of this province. I would encourage all members to reflect on the solemn responsibility we all Madam Speaker: I have a statement for the House. share to serve our constituents and recall that I would like to draw members' attention to an whatever heated debates we have here are part of a important anniversary that occurred six weeks ago. long legacy of service to the citizens of this province. January 22nd, 2020, marked the 100th anniver- ROUTINE PROCEEDINGS sary of the first session of the Manitoba Legislature INTRODUCTION OF BILLS held in this Chamber. The announcement for the opening read in part as follows: A cordial invitation Bill 23–The Vehicle Technology Testing Act is extended to all citizens to take advantage of (Various Acts Amended) this opportunity to inspect the new Parliament Building and the civil service of the province are Hon. Ron Schuler (Minister of Infrastructure): especially invited to attend in the evening and Madam Speaker, I move, seconded by the Minister for bring their friends. An orchestra will attend on both Crown Services, that Bill 23, The Vehicle Technology occasions and light refreshments will be served during Testing Act (Various Acts Amended), be now read the evening. The premier and executive council are for the first time. desirous that the citizens should take advantage of the invitation issued on this occasion. Motion presented. Mr. Schuler: I'm pleased to introduce Bill 23, Copies of the Votes and Proceedings from that The Vehicle Technology Testing Act (Various Acts first sitting day in this Chamber on January 22, 1920, Amended), which honours our government's have been provided to members, allowing us all to see commitment to bring forward legislative amendments what issues members were considering in this place to allow the safe testing of automated vehicles on 100 years ago. Manitoba roads. As we reflect on the history of our province this This bill is a first step to prepare Manitoba year, I thought it would be appropriate for me to share for introduction of vehicle technology on roads with the House some interesting figures related to the while ensuring alignment with other jurisdictions history of this room and all that it signifies. and supports an investment-friendly climate for new Since January 1920, this Chamber has technology in Manitoba. experienced 121 Legislative sessions, for a total of Thank you, Madam Speaker. 6,709 sitting days; six Clerks of the House, along with many deputy clerks and clerk assistants, expertly Madam Speaker: Is it the pleasure of the House to managed each of these session; 17 Sergeants-at-Arms adopt the motion? [Agreed] 472 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF MANITOBA March 4, 2020 COMMITTEE REPORTS Committee membership for the January 20, 2020 meeting: Standing Committee on Legislative Affairs Second Report • Mr. BRAR • Ms. GORDON Mr. James Teitsma (Chairperson): Madam • Speaker, I wish to present the second report of the Ms. LATHLIN Standing Committee on Legislative Affairs. • Ms. MARCELINO • Mr. MICKLEFIELD Clerk (Ms. Patricia Chaychuk): Your Standing • Ms. MORLEY-LECOMTE Committee on Legislative Affairs– • Mr. REYES Some Honourable Members: Dispense. • Mrs. SMITH (Point Douglas) • Hon. Ms. SQUIRES Madam Speaker: Dispense. • Hon. Mrs. STEFANSON Your Standing Committee on Legislative Affairs • Mr. TEITSMA (Chairperson) presents the following as its Second Report. Your Committee elected Mr. MICKLEFIELD as the Vice-Chairperson at the January 20, 2020 meeting Meetings Your Committee met on the following occasions in the Substitutions received during committee proceedings Legislative Building: on January 20, 2020: • • January 16, 2019 (4th Session – 41st Legislature) Hon. Mr. HELWER for Hon. Ms. SQUIRES • January 20, 2020 (2nd Session – 42nd Legislature) • Hon. Mr. WHARTON for Hon. Mr. HELWER Matters under Consideration Official speaking on the record at the January 16, 2019 meeting: • Annual Report of the Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth for the fiscal year ending • Ms. Daphne Penrose, Manitoba Advocate for March 31, 2018 Children and Youth • Annual Report of the Manitoba Advocate for Official speaking on the record at the January 20, Children and Youth for the fiscal year ending 2020 meeting: March 31, 2019, including the summary of the 2018-2019 Child Death Review Roll-up • Ms. Daphne Penrose, Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth Committee Membership Committee membership for the January 16, 2019 Non-Committee Members Speaking on Record at the meeting: January 20, 2020 meeting: • Mr. ALLUM • Mr. LAMONT • Hon. Mrs. COX • Hon. Mr. GERRARD • Mrs. GUILLEMARD (Chairperson) Reports Considered and Passed • Mr. JOHNSTON (St. James) • Mr. LAMONT Your Committee considered and passed the following • Mr. MICKLEFIELD reports as presented: • Ms. MORLEY-LECOMTE • Annual Report of the Manitoba Advocate for • Mr. REYES Children and Youth for the fiscal year ending • Hon. Mrs. STEFANSON March 31, 2018 • Mr. SWAN • Annual Report of the Manitoba Advocate for • Mr. WIEBE Children and Youth for the fiscal year ending Your Committee elected Mr. MICKLEFIELD as the March 31, 2019, including the summary of the Vice-Chairperson at the January 16, 2019 meeting. 2018-2019 Child Death Review Roll-up March 4, 2020 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF MANITOBA 473 Mr. Teitsma: Madam Speaker, I move, seconded People across the health-care system, from by the honourable member for Seine River public health and from our health-care facilities, are (Ms. Morley-Lecomte), that the report of the connecting with other organizations to find the best committee be received. ways to safeguard the public. These public health and health-care professionals are working closely together Motion agreed to. on how to protect Manitobans. Madam Speaker: Tabling of reports? We are working with the Winnipeg Airports MINISTERIAL STATEMENTS Authority, with Shared Health, with the regional health authorities, with the Public Health Agency Madam Speaker: The honourable Minister of of Canada to share information and best practices. Health, Seniors and Active Living, and I would We are looking to the needs of our hospitals, of our indicate that the required 90 minutes notice prior to health-care providers and our workforce to ensure that routine proceedings was provided in accordance with we have the space, the equipment, the resources that our rule 26(2). we need to ensure that we could provide quality care Would the honourable minister please proceed in a safe place. And we are, of course, continuing to with his statement. provide advice and to test for COVID-19 as required in our jurisdiction. COVID-19 Virus Update Suspected and confirmed cases of COVID-19 are Hon. Cameron Friesen (Minister of Health, required to be reported to Manitoba's Chief Provincial Seniors and Active Living): Thank you, Public Health Officer.
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