THE OLDSMOBILE COMMITMENT "...to build one carriage in as nearly perfect a marmer as possible..." ith these words, the Oldsmobile and comfort America expects in an Olds. Motor Vehicle Company was First, the full-slze 88 and 98 in 1977, the • W founded on August 21,1897.A mid-size Cutlass in '78, Toronado in '79, and fledgling company in a fledgling industry, now Omega for 1980. committed to engineering excellence as the foundation for its existence. THE PRIDE OF OWNING AN OLOS And that has never changed. Hun- There's the name and the heritage. There's dreds of automotive nameplates have come also the integrity, quality and value you and gone in the years since then. America expect in an Olds. has seen the motor-driven "carriage" evolve o The first high-compression-"';:::::::~ But there must be more-we want into its most popular mode of transportation. V8 production engine, to give America new you to feel that the Olds you choose 50 And Oldsmobile has emerged as America's levels of automotive performance. beautifully fits your particular needs and pref- oldest automotive name-and one of the o The first contemporary American front- erences that it seems especially built for you. most renowned. wheel-drive automobile. That's why there are 50 many different That's worth considering when you More recently, the engineering chal- kinds of Oldsmobiles, and 50 many ways choose your next new car. Because what lenge has been to meet the changing needs they can be personalized, equipped and Oldsmobile stands for could be just what of a fuel-conscious America. And Oldsmo- powered. Our purpose in this catalog is to you're looking for. bile has responded with these developments help you choose the Oldsmobile that's built in the last decade: for you-the one you'll decide is one of the A HISTORYOF o New technology in developing and form- greatest cars you have ever owned or leased. ENGINEERING LEADERSHIP ing lighter-weight automotive components Seek it out. Drive it proudly. • For 82 years, our commitment has inspired to improve weight efficiency. innovation after innovation which have im- o The wortd's first passenger car diesel CONTENTS proved the American automobile-and kept V8 in 1978, combining the fuel economy INTRODUCTION . pp. 2-3 Oldsmobiles on the leading edge of technol- of a diesel" with V8 smoothness and CUTLASS. ........... pp. 4-11/14-17 ogy through the years. good performance. CUTLASS CRUISER. ....... .. pp. 12-13 In the last two generations alone, we Most recently, Olds has introduced OMEGA. pp. 18·23 were first to offer these developments: new generations of more space- and fuel- STARFIRE. pp. 24-25 o The first fully automatic transmission, to efficient* cars which offer improved gas OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES . ... p. 26 THE FULL OLDSMOBILE LlNE. .. p. Z7 make driving easier than ever before mileage without sacrificing the ride , room Some words about this catalog and these 1980 Oldsmobiles About thls catalog: We have tried to make this caralog About models lJIustrated: Same of the equipment car includes the ogtional em:!.!Rment you ordered. as comprehensive and factual as possible. However. shawn may be available anly at extra cast, and only or if there are changes, that they are acceRtable since the time of printincf' same of the information on specifk modeis. lQYau. may have been change ar updated. The right is About opdonal equlpment: Make certain you specify About assembly and components: Oldsmobiles are reserved to make changes at any time, without norlee. the equipment you want on your car when Orderin~ it assem bied at General Motors Corporation facilities in prices. colors. materiais. equipment and modeis. from your dealer. Same oRtions mav be unavailab e operared by varleus GM Dlvislons and GM of About englnes: The Oldsmabiles shawn in thls catalog when your car is built. Your dealer receives advice Canada. They incorporate thousands of different are equipped with GM-built engines produced by ~arditr current avaiJabilitv of oQtions. You may components produced by various divisions and var- varleus divisions. See the varrous power team charts as the ealer for this information. GM also reÇ)uests ious suppliers to GM. In order to meet pubJic de- or your Oldsmobile dealer for details about sourees the dealer to advise you if an oRtion you ordered mand for partienlar vehicles or equipment, to meet and availability. is unavailable. We suggest you verifY that your federally mandated requirements for emissions. safety 2 'See EPAmileage esnrnares in accompanying Engine Supplement Sheet. SOLID OLDSVALUE FORTODAY The economical1980 Omega. practical new Cutlass sedans and new diesel advancements are justa few of the reasons. he 1980 Omega is what happens QUIET DIESEL CRUISING when Oldsmobile brings out a small Diesel engines aren't traditionaJly known for T car, lr's the srnall car with Olds looks, quiet performance. For 1980, refinements room and comfort. And im~ressive fuel in the carnshaft, fuel injector nozzles, economy.* In fact, based on EPA estimated pre-ehamber configuration and pump mileage figures. Omega is the most fuel- design have now hushed the V8 diesel to efficient gasoline-powered Olds. How a point where you may scarcely realize could a car be more right for the times? you're cruising along in a diesel at all. With front-wheel drive for tracrion, While diesel cars were not traditionaJly rack-and-pinion steering for agility and known for their response or smoothness, the spunky transverse engines for spirit - Olds 5.7-liter diesel-powered Oldsmobiles are Omega is one srnall car you gorta drive. impressive on both counrs, Merging into 'roure gonna love it. expressway trafflc-you'll find you can NEW ADVANCES THOSE GREAT NEW CUTLASS SEDANS accelerare easily. IN DIESEL PERFORMANCE You'lI be going a long way between fuel Classic formal coupe styling and solid prae- Two years ago, Oldsmobile startled the stops, too. Because you can expect sub- ticality at affordable prices helped make automotive world by introducing the stantially better fuel economy than with the Cutlass the most popular and best-selling wortd's first diesel V8 engine for pas- sarne Olds with a gasoline engine" mid-size car in America - for the last five years! senger cars. Now rhat sarne kind of styling and 21 DIESEL MODELS Today, Oldsmobile is America's number value are available in th ree great new Olds Only Olds offers diesel V8 power in 21 dif- one seller of diesel cars. Cutlass sedans for 1980. ferent models-more than anyone else in e Now Olds has incorporated significant Each is beautifully designed to be America Demand for diesel Oldsmobiles improvements in diesel performance. efficient, inside and out. for the kind of room has been overwhelming. We are increasing and comfort you want - and the kind of fuel FASTSTARTS IN COLD WEATHER our rare of production for 1980, and are economy you need" First, a remarkable glow-plug sysrern making every effort to meet consumer demand. Like the Omega and all other Cutlass dramatically reduces the cold start time- 50 pick out the Olds rbar's right for modeis, the new Cutlass sedans .1150receive from 60 seconds or more at 0° F for earlier you, and order it with diesel V8 power. You'll exrensive anti-corrosion trearrnent to help diesels to about 8 seconds for all diesel- enjoy a grear Olds all the more with diesel proteet them and keep them looking good. powered Oldsmobiles. economy.* or fuel economy, or for orher reasens. it may be defrosters. washers and dual-speed wipers 0 Wide- buzzer) and right front passenger 0 Energy-absorblng necessary to produce Oldsmobiles vvith different corn- view inside mirror (vinyl edged, sbarrer-resisrart steering column 0 Passenger guard door loeks 0 Safety ponems or sou rees than initially scheduled. All such gtass and deHecring support} 0 Outside rearview door latehes end srarnped steel hinges 0 Folding seat- components have been approved for use in mirror 0 Dual master cylinder brake system with back latehes 0 Energy-absorbing padded instrument Oldsmobile products and wil! provide the quality per- warning light 0 Starter safety switch 0 Dual-action panel and front seat-back tops 0 Lamirtare windshield formance associated with the Oldsmobile name. safety hood latehes 0 Front disc brakes with audible o Safety armtests. Your Oldsmoblle has these acddent-a.votdance wear indicators 0 Self-adjusting brakes. Your Olds provIdes these built-In and-theft features! fea.tures: Side marker lights and reflectors 0 Parking Your Olds hu these occupant-protecdon features: Anti-theft ignition key reminder buzzer 0 Ann-rheft lam ps rhar illurnlnare with headlarnps 0 Four-way Seat beits with pushbutton buckles for all passenger steering column lock 0 Anti-thefr key system (one key hazard warning Hasher 0 Backup lights 0 Lane-change positions 0 Two front combination sear and merria for ignition only, ether key for glove cornpartment. feature in direction signal control 0 Windshield reel shoulder beits for driver (with reminder light and doors. trunk and railgare), ee A mi eage esnmates In accoenpenymg nglne upp em t. t. Cutlass Supreme: lts classic styling starred Amerlca Cut\ass watching. lts practicality and value starred America Cutlass buying - in record numbers! If you like a car thar's roomy and agile -and as beautifully practical as it is stylish- rhls could be the Olds rnar's built for you! Those classle Cutlass Supreme Cutlass Supreme. Every Curlass provide for real riding comfort. Cutlass Supreme Brougham: The coupes! What America wants in a wareher knows rhar Suprernes looks Cutlass Supreme is fuel-efficienr. luxurieus Supreme. Slip inside and mid-size car, Over the past five make it a conremporary classic.
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