TICKED OFF GREEN HILLS TAXING MATTERS Page Page 16 NEWS 18 VOLUME 30 FEBRUARY 15, 2018 NUMBER 7 Investigations continue into mayor's A waterways-inspired actions during extramarital affair mural unveiled on wall in 12South area Artist Mobe Onerʼs latest mural located at 2814 12th Avenue South. - photo by Anthony Cunningham The second local mural many growing pains as it L-R: Metro Police Sgt. Robert Forrest Jr. in the background, Mayor Megan Barry and press commissioned by Rivive! takes its place on the map. secretary Sean Braisted. Nashville has been complet- Water quality and flooding ed by artist Mobe Oner and issues is one of them. Fifty- by Brenda Batey to say when the relationship after she entered office the can be seen on the wall of one percent of Davidson Contributor to The News ended. previous fall. Forrest sub- Village Realty in 12South. County’s waterways that Mayor Megan Barry, 54, "We had an affair, and it mitted his retirement papers The dark brick wall, locat- have been tested by the admitted about two weeks was wrong, and we shouldn't January 17 and his final day ed at 2814 12th Ave South, state are considered im- ago that she had a two-year have done it," Barry, said in a was the day the mayor across from Burger Up, offers paired, according to Rivive! extramarital affair with her press conference. "He was admitted the affair, January the perfect canvass for Oner’s Nashville officials. Many of subordinate, Metro Police part of my security detail, 31. vibrant yellow, orange and these impairments are the Sgt. Robert Forrest Jr., 58, and as part of that responsi- A February, 2016 execu- brown palette that depicts a result of rapid growth and who provided security for bility, I should have gone to tive order issued by Barry, a flooded city. development and the collec- her during her work in the (police) chief, and I former ethics and compli- The murals are part of a tive actions of a lot of people. Nashville and on numerous should have said what was ance officer, bars city campaign to raise awareness Loss of green space and trips, both domestic and going on, and that was a mis- employees from "giving pref- about Nashville’s local water increase in pavement and abroad. take.” erential treatment to any and to encourage stream buildings causes more runoff Both Barry and Forrest Barry said the affair with person," losing "impartiali- stewardship during the city’s that carries pollutants to are married. Barry said the Forrest began in the first rapid growth. See Investigations on Page 6 affair is over, but has refused part of 2016, just months Nashville is experiencing See Mural on Page 5 4-DAY Thu. 2/15 74ºF Fri. 2/16 54ºF Sat. 2/17 48ºF Sun. 2/18 58ºF FORECAST Rain 30% 54ºF Rain 90% 48ºF Rain 40% 37ºF Rain 0% 52ºF # 338 # NASHVILLE, TN PERMIT PERMIT TN NASHVILLE, E-MAIL [email protected] FAX 615-298-1015 TICKED OFF HOT-LINE 615-298-5597 U.S. POSTAGE PAID POSTAGE U.S. PRESORTED STANDARD PRESORTED NEWS/SOCIAL NEWS/ADVERTISING 615-298-1500 www.gcanews.com TICKED OFF E-MAIL [email protected] Page 2- The News, February 15, 2018 February 15, 2018, The News- Page 3 Shotspotter technology pilot program aimed to combat Nashvilleʼs gun crime Last year, the Metro Police complement our proactive strate- made, guns seized, Department reported 422 shoot- gies, which include adding and number of Metro will present ShotSpotter pilot held at the Martha O’Bryan Center on ing incidents across Davidson extra-duty officers into the gunfire victims. project at 3 community meetings Tuesday, February 20 from 5:30 - 7 p.m. County. Looking for ways to areas to both deter crime and Following a suc- The Buena Vista Heights/ Elizabeth pinpoint the location of gunfire strengthen relationships with cessful pilot phase, Citizens are invited to attend one of Park meeting is scheduled for Wednes- incidents and report directly to neighbors.” Nashville will look three meetings hosted by Metro offi- day, February 21, at the North Precinct authorities in order to improve “Gunshot detection technol- to rollout the pro- cials who will present ShotSpotter, a Community Room from 5:30 - 7 p.m. public safety, an audio-sensing ogy that is implemented in col- gram in other pilot project aimed at helping to The third and final meeting for the detector technology program laboration with the community areas experienc- address and fight gun crime. will be held Thursday, February 22 at will be introduced in three is one tool that can help address ing high amounts The first of three meetings will be the Pruitt Library from 5:30 - 7 p.m. neighborhoods before summer. gun violence. Knowing when of gun violence. In conjunction with the and where shootings occur can Metropolitan Development and help reduce response times and Housing Agency, Metropolitan make those responses more Nashville Police Department accurate. We’re happy that and the Emergency Communi- Nashville will soon have access cations Center, Mayor Megan to this technology,” says Linda Barry announced that Nash- McFadyen-Ketchum, Volunteer ville is piloting ShotSpotter Campaign Lead for Moms technology in three neighbor- Demand Action for Gun Sense hoods to help address and fight in America. gun crime. The system helps to cover This pilot program, being gaps in the reporting of gun- funded by Metro Government’s shot incidents. 4% Fund that was approved by Scholarly studies using the Metro Council last week, ShotSpotter in Washington and will be installed in the Cayce, Oakland have shown that only Napier/Sudekum, and Buena 12 percent of gunshots result in Vista Heights/Elizabeth Park calls to police, and only 2 per- neighborhoods before this sum- cent to 7 percent of gunshots mer. These three neighbor- result in charges of Assault hoods have historically had the with a Deadly Weapon (AWDW). highest reported illegal gunfire. In 2017, 458 calls reporting ShotSpotter is the leading gunfire were made to 911 in from technology solution for detect- Davidson County, according to Break Free ing the frequency and location data compiled by the police of gunfire and provides real- department. Using the informa- time alerts to law enforcement tion provided in these studies, High Interest Rates so they can respond faster and an estimated 3,300 incidents of to more precise locations than gunfire went unreported in 2017 ® traditional gunfire reporting alone. with TTCU’s Visa Balance Transfer Offer. typically allows. This technolo- Plans are that by using this gy aims to reduce overall gun technology, an environment can violence and improve commu- be created that improves police on Balance nity safety and has been de- response time and ultimately ployed in more than 90 U.S. reduces gun-related crime. Transfers for the cities, including Oakland, Calif., The ShotSpotter system is Get New York, and Washington, a series of audio sensors % LIFE OF THE D.C. installed on top of light posts 5.99APR* “My administration is dedi- and buildings throughout spe- TRANSFER cated to reducing gun violence cific areas. When a gun is fired, in Nashville,” said Barry. “Last the sensors triangulate the year, we had 422 reported shoot- sound of the gunshot and pin- ing incidents, and that’s 422 too point the location of the shots, many. ShotSpotter will help us as well as recording the number to better track gunfire and of shots fired. No Balance Transfer Fee | No Annual Fee allow our officers to respond ShotSpotter-trained acoustic faster and more safely, recover experts review and classify all evidence such as shell casings gunfire incidents and alert law $33/<72'$<DW77&8RUJ or guns, interview witnesses, enforcement within a minute — and ensure timely medical and usually within 30 seconds RUYLVLWXVLQ1DVKYLOOHDW attention for any gunshot vic- — of the gunshot occurring. tims. We are confident that this ShotSpotter delivers real-time :KLWH%ULGJH5RDGRU technology will help us better data to dispatch centers, patrol understand and address gun cars and smartphones, alerting WK$YHQXH6RXWK violence in Nashville.” police officers of gunshot “The men and women of the crimes in progress. police department and our fed- Officials said that this pre- TTCU.ORG]800-622-2535 eral partners are committed to cise information allows officers 'FEFSBMMZJOTVSFECZUIF/$6" the safety of families in our and first responders to make public housing communities more informed decisions and &RVBM0QQPSUVOJUZ-FOEFS and, as we saw in the Sudekum provide a better and faster neighborhood Wednesday, are emergency response. *7KH SURPRWLRQDO $QQXDO 3HUFHQWDJH 5DWH $35 RI DSSOLHV WR EDODQFH WUDQVIHUV PDGH EHWZHHQ DQG IRU TXDOLILHG continuing to work to hold Throughout the pilot, DSSOLFDQWV EDVHG RQ FUHGLWZRUWKLQHVV7KH $35 ZLOO UHPDLQLQ HIIHFW IRUWKH OLIH RI EDODQFHV WUDQVIHUUHG IURP QRQ77&8 FUHGLW FDUGV 7KLV violent criminals accountable Nashville will be measuring the RIIHU DSSOLHV WR QHZ DQGH[LVWLQJ FUHGLW FDUG DFFRXQWV DW 77&8 %DODQFH WUDQVIHUV PDGH DIWHU GR QRW TXDOLI\ IRU WKH $35 WKH QRUPDO YDULDEOH UDWH DSSOLHV ZKLFK ZLOOUDQJH IURP WR $35EDVHGRQWKH3ULPHUDWHDVGLVFORVHGLQ7KH:DOO6WUHHW-RXUQDOSOXVRU for their actions,” Chief Steve success of the installation by PLQXVDPDUJLQEDVHGRQ\RXUFUHGLWKLVWRU\7KHWRWDO WUDQVIHUUHG PD\ QRW H[FHHG DYDLODEOH FUHGLW FDUG OLPLW 1R PLQLPXP EDODQFH WUDQVIHU DPRXQW Anderson said. “I expect that tracking: ShotSpotter alerts LVUHTXLUHG 7KH SURPRWLRQDO UDWH GRHV QRW DSSO\ WR SXUFKDVHV RU FDVK DGYDQFHV DQG PD\ QRW EH XVHG WRSD\ RII RU SD\ GRZQEDODQFHV RQ DQ\ 77&8DFFRXQW7KLVRIIHULVVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHRUPD\EHZLWKGUDZQDWDQ\WLPHZLWKRXWQRWLFH0HPEHUVKLSZLWK77&8LVUHTXLUHGWRREWDLQDFUHGLWFDUG ShotSpotter technology will compared to 911 calls, arrests -RLQ7RGD\ Page 4- The News, February 15, 2018 Larryʼs Home Page By Lawrence M. Lipman Benefits of Being a Homeowner During Tax Season From building equity to cre- 4.
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