lfyou ....~ 10 I;Of'lrob,n. '0 ful""• .-ol ~lnl<, the deadl"'ft .... 169 (SeplOct 2(04) copy deadline. 9 August, 2004 110 (NovlDec: 2004}copy deadline 11 October 2004 matrix 'l,jI1 .ill \.!llmy·"IJJ.G h14rtmrumlt.h'ttJ.•OIS Contents ,mlltrlx..... ~ Tm ..... News 3 F.....&News. Report from th... C1.,rl~ -'\\am ct"n:mOfW ;\l'I\Con o;;eeb tlC"\\ """'-4<lS:oI..."IIS<fftf, L.,nJcon. EI4(lDZ m('mbcn.. ",od much more ..- ..erilI_~ Film reviews 7 ....-+8 Sro-.ncr>""""'"Om", r.uL Sn-«t, Se AIha""•.ill2HL TII( [l,lyA//(, T(JlIlflm>lI' ~torms Inlo nncm<l~ plus H'lTry n~ltr_ .'hul:~. _ \'111 Hd'III<j. Ildlb.,!'. 11,( Puni"rcr, Kill Ild! \j>l~. t;"\I.<trkl <lnll more _.-~ 12 ...14 N..mh... R,>aJ. Cn..,..kon. SuTn"j". eRO 6JE ...n.@isWiIlII- ......IlI.ul 21 fTrth R.~. R"JlI'l'"",T\", Gooron, HJrnl"'h....:.1'01 J OXX DVD Reviews 1 3 """"""""""'"roderiO@vIodw~."-"".(O.,k .\lo1r~JII,,'Jh~'I>(r .. ~ l,llls to set the pulse ".Icing but FiIlJI!J ~cts a l"a"c WeW'!ntemelnrlW$. MartM'lSkell:Ney rcvic .. \ Plus 1\hll Ill( U".v \\'(/P ,md 1.1"11,, "li'om,rcr revit,;\\'C(1 232 Ah~hun:h R,mJ. Wor Hcarh. B,rmmjo!h3m, Bll 31'S mU:elchlr,@b1l11'f'OOder.tlI.ut A$sociateEditor TanyaBn:Mn Foundation Favourites 1 6 F\;of8.~",uryllou""Arm"uryRoaJ.L,)n<1()n.SE8"I.H Andr 5<I\\)'Cr ,!l:0<:'~ on ,1 (l"eSI lhrou:-;h f'lIldom \\11h \villi' dnd [email protected] Shd\\'~ Tilt filch/mlr" /}lll'liwr,or lRd'\'IJ",,1 C<'~T~hlS o"'lhe rropcrtyot tf>c,r..<flmh"I,," ORJ Wit",.,. V"""",<:xr~ """"R.'" ROl R«t"<:I.rtly 1""_1'(It.. BSFA ur BSFA (...,n,n"""" _mhc:n. Err",...".1 New Blood 17 ...... ,~,"'••'" .h~ ""f'O"~,h,I"lOIl"'" Ed"..".1 Team Tom Ilunlcr intl·rvil·\\'~ ,\\drtin SkdChkr dl"',.)ul 11l~ nt'\\ novel l5SN (I14379O.'1 C RSFA 2004 BSFA Officers Pro,file on ..Ion Coul"1enay ~ Si"NluCo.tle,CllE Grimwood 18 .....~ SMpIlen8a>W (I,llre \\'(o,l\'("r mlc:'r.1tW!> tillS H"\,r's 8SFA A\\dI'd-\\mmng dUthor- ....0.- PIII&B2allIII...,.. Iu-Rt_a.-...,.E.-I....... o..n..n.......m..n... ~~11 IRE Resonances 20 Stcphcn 8.l'ter llll ,\lc'u:lnder the Gn.:dt dnd "ltclT'klte historic"s 6IhyCA... Rt-.t,Il....."'.T_...... BN('iJJ Pulpitations 21 ~s.- --E5IIIa~ Chri,tl..ln SF Will Rorknck Gl.Kl\\I~h see tilt- III.:hO tuKne-p.J --....rr,Sbarp"'-'.s,..,do.w~.HuIl.Hl~!AE Ironing board 22 us..,.. -"eya.- 14!4~ W, :,~ _.I.l«n>,'. ~n +"~I I.l "'" ,\"'rtm Skdchln 1"lks to Andy Co, dbouI TI,~ ,md the nel\ /n/tTWIlt .. ~4 lK._ nlp"",(14 ... t""".-J).W.~'l"fl'll:' Fandon... a AYliI'ard nCYliI'3 l:u~'f'O l~1l ""' ,\11 the I"lt:~t lmm the \\orld ot f,lndnm Mid upr!.,tes (m the 2l\l.l !ko<,., lJ f!ilr-t.u, ~ .... ,l),.. (ur-u", .....n BSF,\A\\rlr<!!> l'S h,r $l7(<u,......, ,I)orJ.4i(a" ....,n l'''.nJE"n...... _~c''-M.bl< ..' R..rA LrJ.n-.l....-.J."E...dltR..ftffi •• rh<.t.:!,.... ..h..... ,t:Sr~pw.-.ble ..~C'O"'n'nUISFAl ThtIl.. rl\ ...,h.....-.J..J'nl!1511.nJ ... n..n·rn,''''''''',IfJI'''lti'n....'.. ''''''''''''h''.. I!<'J h, "nr."J "~\ln,,,,... ~m1 ,n E"lllonJ Lm,~ '-"'ff\llI""""". a,m..."" N" Q!l5000 ~,..rtJ.oJJ..-1L."'JlRoo!CJ<"c.E"'nJ,"'.l~n.'),NNlllElE Rage••• & Crossword 28 BSFA Services Fr'lnk 1.1Idlo\\ h,\~ d)<:U"t th .. fXopk 11I1l) ~lJbmlt ~tones to fiction wa. www.blflcoUr. m,\\;.ll.mc~ I'l.L'SI \"in fllf/!y on D\ 'D ~ Tanp8roMl FIa, 8. em",') H"""". A"",,,,,, R..-..J. WnJ....... Sal 4lH Welcome -~ Mt 1$ ,I llllnl"? Two months .lg0 wc dsked ourseln~s 11-. ..........~... Rt.J.c....'" ~,CR<';HA Illdt questlon dnd Stdl1l.."{! comlllg up '\1th an ,Ills\\'cr d harder t,lsk t/Mn "ou'd thmK. even dfter W --nAJJ,"lI""'Rt......... ~Rl.;I~rr ,I ,-- wcckcnd spent brOWSing stdch of b.ICk Issues o.-r'M*'8~ -~RtdIt \\1'llc d c1i'·crse range of people h.wc worked on ,\Idlm. _ it's .,I\\'.\}'S IMd the S<lme godl to be d bl-monthly mdg<lzine """"'_, Nrn_ t-.a.a- ~.1."'4 'V.8 thdt brings nel\'S 'lIld medi.l rc\;c,,·s to the "idesl P'I.ttca:n...... 1liIIr~ posslblc subscnption of f"ns A magazine thdt reflccts d deep "ffectlon tor SF dS d genre - "hdte,·er the medium Ii"\;b." Other BSFA Publications-- - witholll sliding to\\drds the d.lrkcr sldc 01 fundom Fresh 0plnlons A do\\n-to-e.. rth outlook Somethmg you'd "dllt ...... n.CO'-JIU'!IIvI..8Sf... torl',lc! ""'-It> 1l'-..• w e-lm. LanoJ.-.n. NW1('XE So \\,th 1l\"O nel\ editors on tht' te,llll. wholt h.'ppens to - ..,..lIIIooo@6o. .. illa/rrr no\\? \\1'lle thcrc's no str.lightlonl<lfd dnswer. we·rc .........,~ ~kJ Ix'glllning to underst.. nd the question \\'C\l· plt'nty of IlC\\ O'p:u......nr ....... A,... l.n...rt-u.,. Ch".. Ch...m l"nn«..'fVc..u....I"".. hH.~m .. Rt..J.Co.n.~rt-u".CTllQl lde,,~ for ,\lrllnr but dlso <Ill lImkrst'lIldlllg of \\"11<11'5 made It \\ork for ~o lon~ ......... \\'C·d lIke to th<l~,k ,111 ,lhe Jwople II'ho'\'e support<:d liS ...- I L.<fl~ R...,Ck..... E",,,.~,n. o-n.". N""""n... NN11 Jilt: so fM; our I·cgul,lr contnbutors for their 0ngolllg er/arts; ~,-~- FIlCVIThe ........'lffllIIIiZl'l'I-­ofIheBSf... ,111 those ne\\" people \\'ho\'c been In touch with ide,ls; Ed4Dr Smont.4Drden ;~~'~r~)t~~iil~~\ h~':~:;:~i~ \~~r:~ln;~~\:'I,~n~t'I~~~~71 \~n~~k lIE.o:mn<""Drn".~ ...."'ftH,t1.u..<:</tn..I.~EQSSE "'~lIt," forwolrd to working with you all Tom Hunter & Claire Weaver matrix:168 hdhcr il WlIs1hc this )Tar, and are alll'ady looking the ceremony iudf,but was happy published in October this )Tu.- funding trials or the forward to next year's ceremony.~ to tdl Mdlm how chuffed he was to Elaborating on the judges W shodof finding itself A large and well-turned oul receive the award: decision in his speech Paul Kincaid homeless, you'd be forgiven for audience, including nominees -I couldn't be moll' pleast'<! to said:-After a two-and-a-half hour thinking that 2004 S«fficd Ii~ a Slephen Baxler and Gwynrth fones be the r«ipie:nt ofthis honour. Its judging meeting. the consensus blcilk fur for the Clarkcs. and past winners Christopher most encouraging to r«eive such among the judges was that Would the UK's prtmicr ~nre Priest, Paul McAuley and Pat a vote ofconfidence from the lim Quklcsil,~ris a book that opens up award slide away into the starry Cadigan gathered under a ceiling ofthe BSFA and the SFF. And I'm a radical new approach to science night? lit by scenes ofouter especiallyde:lighted fict ion, and establishes a new Word of mouth spread. pms space. The talk by the link between perspecti\'e on how science fiction I'C'lcases were issued and an appeill was of the fantastic the: OarkC' Award describes our world- for help went oul at Novacon 03. commitment shown and the Science Despite short notice on the date. The result wa,$ an outpouring by the organisers and. Museum. It would the event was still well attended of support and offers ofaid that ofcoufS(',acertain havebten nearly and the response extremely proved that not only was the Clarkc shortliSI. impossible to favourable. LizWilliamspraised award a vital feature of the sf world, With as strong a produceQllicbilloef the efforts of the organisers,"Kudos it was also om: of the best-loved. line-upastheClarkC's ifl hadn'tsptnl to Paul Kincaid and the learn With a new management have ever seen, intense many hours in the for making sure Ihat Ihis reM'S committu - the Sercndip discussion from the place!" awards happened at aU. The award Foundation-in place, and judging panel was His publishing ceremony itselfwas admirably swift bolstered by cash donations from guaranteed. The difeClorWilliam and efficient, and congratulations to theSdence Fiction Foundation shortlist included Heinemannadded: NeaISlephenson.- and the BSFA, preparations were Coalesctnl by Stephen MWeareimlllenscly Past winner China Mihille made to ensure the 2004 awards Baxter,Darwin:S pleased that enjoyed himself thoroughly: MJ ceremony took place and to $.ei:ure Chi/dUll by Grtg Bear, Patlem Quicbil"tr has won this award had a blast. Especially given what the Clarkc's long-term future. Recognition by William Gibson, and are confident that theolher the Clarkes have been through Roll on the presentation MidnighllAmp by Gwyneth lones books in the Baroque Cycle will in the last year, I'm mightiiy ceremony. and ifyou didn't know and Mllul by Tricia SuJlivan, but be rC'Ceivedjust as enthusiastically. impressed with their organisation, the background story aJready you'd it was Neal Stephenson's alternate This well respected and high profile professionalism and seriousness.- never have figured it out from the history Quicksill'tr, part one of his award will attract a new legion of And Ion Courtenay Grimwood smoothness of the event on show, Baroque Cycle trilogy, that won. Nul Stephenson readers when found the company and the wine Emerging into the limelight, the Stephenson was unable to attend the paperback ofQuiduilvv is to his tasle.MI still get a kick out newly re-houst'<! Arthur C CJarkC' ofbt-ing in a room full ofwritefS Award 2004 p~d conclusively whose work I'd happily buy in thal it still packs a genre-busting hardback and that the Clarke punch.
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