Sample file CREDITS Lead Designers: Justice Arman, M.T. Black, Cordell, Bruce R., Ed Greenwood, and Chris Sims. Anthony Joyce Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide. 2008. Designers: Celeste Conowitch, Jeremy Forbing, Donovan, Dale. Villains’ Lorebook. 1998. Sadie Lowry, Noah Grand, Ed Greenwood, Greenwood, Ed. Ed Greenwood Presents Elminster’s Brittney Hay, Gabriel Hicks, Amber Litke, Forgotten Realms. 2012. Jessica Marcrum, Kienna Shaw Greenwood, Ed. Volo’s Guide to the Sword Editor: Laura Hirsbrunner Coast. 1994. Greenwood, Ed, Deborah Christian, Michael Stack- Art Direction & Graphic Design: Gordon McAlpin pole, Jennell Jacquays, Steve Perrin, Vince Garcia, Cover Art: Jack Kaiser and Jean Rabe. Lords of Darkness. 1988. Interior Art: DMs Guild Creator Resources, Greenwood, Ed, and Jeff Grubb. Forgotten Realms Matt Forsyth, Wren Hunter (Freehand Campaign Set. 1987. Transmute), Forrest Imel, Dusan Kostic, Greenwood, Ed, Rob Heinsoo, Sean K. Reynolds, Tithi Luadthong (grandfailure), Robson and Skip Williams. Forgotten Realms Campaign Michel, Quico Vicens Picatto, Ernanda Souza, Setting. 2001. Dean Spencer Krashos, George. “Volo’s Guide: Renegades of Cartography: Marco Bernardini Darkhold.” Dragon 357. 20 07. Creative Consultant: Ed Greenwood Melka, Kevin, and John Terra. Ruins of Zhentil Sensitivity Reader: J. Tyler Palermo Keep. 1995. Special Thanks to: Ed Greenwood, Bryan Holmes, Samantha Cubbage, DreadClericWesley, Hiten The following Dungeon Masters Guild Community Dave, David Solon Phillips Content provided material and inspiration: Black, M.T. Mordenkainen’s Tome of Marvelous Playtesters: Andrew Welker, Chris Reynolds, Magic. 2019. Samantha Cubbage, Troy Sandlin, Rami Black, M.T., and Celeste Conowitch, Mordenkain- Lyytikäinen, Jillian Zaski en’s Tome of Marvelous Magic II. 2020. Doyle, Will, and Lysa Penrose. Rats of Water- The following D&D books and articles provided deep. 2018. material and inspiration: Forbing, Jeremy, Scott Bean, M.T. Black, and Heath Boyd, Eric L., Shawn K. Reynolds, and Steven Harris. Elminster’s Guide to Magic. 2017. E. Schend. Cloak and Dagger. 2000. Forbing, Jeremy. Heroes of the Realms. 2020. Carl, Jason, and Sean K. Reynolds. Lords of Darkness. 2001. On the Cover Cook, David, Jeff Grubb, and Bruce Nesmith. Illustrator Jack Kaiser depicts Darkhold coming Castles. 1990. under magical attack. The Pereghost defends the Cook, Monte, and Bruce R. Cordell. Book of Vile mighty stronghold, supported by Manshoon and Darkness. 2002. several wyverns. Disclaimer: The Zhentarim take no responsibility for any larceny, extortion, bribery, espionage, smuggling, fraud, arson, kidnapping, or assassinations that might occur in your region. We don’t do that sort of stuff anymore. Honest. Some artwork © 2015–2020 Dean Spencer, used with permission. All rights reserved. DungeonsSample & Dragons, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnicafile and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agree- ment for Dungeon Masters Guild. All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Justice Arman, M.T. Black, and Anthony Joyce and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. 2 Sample file FOREWORD ome secrets are worth guarding with your life. As you’d expect from its name, Darkhold: Secrets of the Zhentarim spills precious secrets about Sthe Black Network and its leaders, verified by the creator of the Forgotten Realms himself, Ed Greenwood. Take a look under the chalk-white helm of the mysterious Pereg- host and his tragic backstory. Learn the whereabouts of Manshoon the Manyfaced and his seemingly endless roster of sleeping clones. Explore the history of an organi- zation founded on stealth, manipulation, and betrayal—the personification of cloak and dagger. In this supplement, we’ve taken the opportunity to cor- rect a few historical issues, most notably in the portrayal of one of the Zhentarim’s female leaders, Ashemmi. It became clear during our research that Ashemmi embod- ied several harmful tropes. One of our talented designers, Sadie Lowry, has done a fantastic job of rewriting Ash- emmi’s story, granting her the agency and authority she deserves. Similarly, while the Zhentarim is an evil orga- nization which participates in illegal activities, you won’t find any representations of slavery or substance abuse in this product. We hope you will approach these changes with an open mind as we seek to tell stories that welcome everyone to the table. Just as we did with Elminster’s Candlekeep Companion, we’ve packed this book with useful information, options, and tools to enhance your game, such as an entire chapter devoted to playing and DMing evil campaigns. Looking back on the product now, we could not be more excited by what this supplement has to offer.Darkhold: Secrets of the Zhentarim is a great companion to any adventure featuring thieves’ guilds and crime syndicates, and it’s an indispensable resource for campaigns that feature the Black Network. Justice Arman M.T. Black SampleAnthony Joyce file TABLE OF CONTENTS Map of Sunset Vale ...............................6 Introduction .....................................7 Using This Book ...................................7 Five Things to Know about the Zhentarim .............7 Chapter 1: Character Options ....................9 Criminal Contacts ..................................9 Subclasses .......................................11 Feats. 15 Chapter 2: The Zhentarim ........................17 History of the Zhentarim ...........................17 Hierarchy .........................................22 Operations ........................................31 Thieves’ Cant .....................................34 Chapter 3: Sunset Vale ..........................40 Climate ..........................................40 Settlements .......................................40 Commerce ........................................40 Factions ..........................................40 Places. .41 Map of Darkhold Castle .........................50 Chapter 4: Darkhold ............................51 History of Darkhold. .51 Darkhold Vale .....................................53 Darkhold Operations ...............................55 Darkhold Castle ...................................56 Chapter 5: Evil Characters and Campaigns .......64 Consent and Safety at Your Table ....................64 Playing an Evil Character ..........................65 Running Evil Campaigns ...........................69 Chapter 6: Magic Items and Spells ...............73 Magic Items ......................................73 Spells ............................................80 Chapter 7: Rogue’s Gallery ......................86 Zhentarim Dossier ................................86 Denizens of Darkhold .............................102 SampleZhentarim Techniques ............................ 112 file Sample file 6 Map of Sunset Vale INTRODUCTION loose affiliation of merchants, mer- Chapter 4 details the infamous fortress of cenaries, and malefactors” is how Darkhold itself, delving into its history and A one scholar described the Zhen- examining its present-day operations. tarim, while another more bluntly called them Chapter 5 discusses running evil campaigns “a cadre of thieves, assassins, and evil wizards.” and playing evil characters. This guide provides For over two centuries, this unscrupulous net- information to enhance character motivation, work has been expanding its influence through- group cohesion, use evil archetypes, and imple- out Faerûn. Known as “the Black Network” to ment redeeming characteristics. outsiders, those within consider themselves Chapter 6 includes new magic items and part of an extended family that affords them spells inspired by the Black Network. immense opportunities and generously rewards Chapter 7 presents new monsters and NPCs ability and ambition. The great stronghold of associated with the Zhentarim. the Zhentarim is called Darkhold, a high-spired keep of black stone built to gigantic proportions. Zhentarim Naming Conventions There are few places in Faerûn with a more This supplement uses several iterations of infamous reputation. Zhent-themed words. “Zhentarim” can either The Zhentarim have a seemingly endless refer to the organization or its members col- appetite for adventurers. While many serve as lectively. “Zhentish” refers to natives of Zhentil mercenaries, guards, and treasure hunters, oth- Keep and their descendants (now mainly refu- ers undertake more nefarious activities, such gees living in Mulmaster, Ylraphon, and other as theft, espionage, and assassination. Success settlements in the Moonsea region), while the can lead to remarkable wealth and access to term “Zhent” can be used interchangeably to the Black Network’s staggering resources, refer to Zhentarim members and persons of while the consequences of failure are best not Zhentish heritage. dwelt upon. Welcome to the family… Using This Book Five Things to Know This book, when used with the Player’s Hand- about the Zhentarim book, contains everything you need to run your Here are five quick things everyone needs to own D&D campaign based around the Zhen- know about the Zhentarim. tarim and Darkhold. Three Tenets Chapter 1 contains player options for Zhen- tarim-affiliated
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