COLORADO SPRING S MILITARY NEW S PAPER GROUP Thursday, September 24, 2009 www.csmng.com Vol. 3 No. 38 Base Briefs 50 SW commander holds first CC call Academy tailgate party By 50th Space Wing The 50th and 21st Space Wings will Public Affairs host a tailgate party prior to kickoff of Col. Wayne Monteith, 50th Space Wing the Air Force Academy football game commander, held his first commander’s call Sept. 26. Beginning at 10 a.m., the tail- in the Main Fitness Center here, Sept. 17. gate party will provide free food (ham- Senior Airmen Timothy Benifield, 50th burgers, hotdogs, sodas, etc.). Location Mission Support Group; Karl Teichmann, for all “Spacegaters” tailgate parties is 50th Network Operations Group; Airmen the NW corner of parking area #4 at 1st Class Melissa Dower, 50th Operations Falcons Stadium. Group, and Janice Noell, 50th Space Wing The Falcons will host the San Diego staff, led the audience with the Airmen’s State Aztecs with kickoff scheduled for Creed to kickoff the event. noon. Colonel Monteith opened the CC call, ex- For more information, contact pressing his concern for the safety of person- Master Sgt. John Wininger at 567- nel assigned to the base. He then introduced 3392 or Master Sgt. Robert Campbell Tech. Sgt. Steven Briggs, 50th Space Wing at 567-4724. ground safety manager, who shared some winter driving safety tips. CFC kicks off this week Sergeant Briggs reminded everyone how Schriever began its Combined quickly winter can set in and how beneficial Federal Campaign Sept. 21, with a goal it can be to prepare a vehicle for a season of of $250,000. winter driving. Project officers are: He also listed numerous items to place in a U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Stacy Foster - Master Sgt. Billie Hampton, 50th winter safety kit, including a flashlight with Col. Wayne Monteith, 50th Space Wing commander, holds his first commander’s call in the Main Fitness Center Force Support Squadron, at 567-5156 batteries, jug of water, first aid kit, candles, Sept. 17. Topics discussed were safety, base housing, Chief’s comments, morale and team-building events and - Tech. Sgt Johnathon Johnson, 50th matches, and more. Colonel Monteith’s expectations and vision for the wing. Space Wing Inspector General’s Office, Sergeant Briggs then turned things over at 567-3417 to Bob Mathis, Actus Lend Lease Air Force first year. Space Wing command chief master sergeant, - Master Sgt. Ellis Jennings, Space Portfolio Management vice president, who He also provided details on future proj- then took the floor to remind everyone to Innovation and Development Center, provided an update to the audience on the ects and expansions to enhance Schriever’s look after each other as the holiday season at 567-6765 Schriever Base Housing project. community, including an 8,000 square feet approaches. Mr. Mathis said the first home was community center with a pool and splash occupied Aug. 26, with 24 homes each park, currently under construction. Building Wealth class to be See Call page 6 held Sept. 22 month scheduled to be occupied in the Chief Master Sgt. Patrick Sheehan, 50th Learn the habits of millionaires, focus your priorities, and avoid the Son of Airman MIA expresses gratitude on day of remembrance “earn to spend” mentality. Develop a portfolio that mirrors your goals, By Scott Prater to live by. But for Apodaca, those missing in action. Jr., an F-4C Phantom pilot, had objectives, and timeframe. The next Schriever Sentinel words transcend mere language. Apodaca spoke about his expe- been shot down while perform- class is scheduled for Sept. 22, from 2 As a former Air Force officer They represent action. rience Sept. 18 during his keynote ing an armed reconnaissance to 3:30 p.m. at the Airman & Family Robert Apodaca is keenly aware Unlike most Americans, he speech at Schriever’s POW/MIA mission over North Vietnam Readiness Center, Bldg. T-65. of the Airman’s Creed. What it holds fond memories of the recognition ceremony. on June 8, 1967. To sign up, contact the A&FRC at says and what it means. week of Sept. 11, 2001. That is His story begins 42 years ago. For years, Apodaca held out 567-3920. The words, “I will never leave the week the United States Air He was just three years old hope that his father had survived an Airman behind,” sound hon- Force provided a reminder as when his family learned the most the crash and would one day re- Take the 50 FSS Survey — orable, and they represent an ide- to what lengths it would take to horrific news imaginable. join his family. seeking 400 responses al that every Airman is supposed honor its prisoners of war and His father, Maj. Victor Apodaca “While I was growing up Visit http://www.usafservue.com/ there were numerous reports of se.ashx?s=3D6717A32533F23E to Americans still alive in captivity take the online Awards, Engraving in North Vietnam,” he said. “The and Custom Picture Framing survey. government would approach my family saying there was possible Results will be published in a future intelligence indicating my fa- issue of the “Happenings” monthly ther was still alive, then weeks magazine. later they would return saying For more information, contact Lynn the report didn’t pan out. That Sleeth at 567-4740 or at lynn.sleeth@ emotional rollercoaster can really schriever.af.mil. take its toll.” As the years passed into de- Cardio and Aerobic Room cades, the Apodaca family even- Closures due to HVAC tually learned most of the details Upgrades of Victor’s mission, and his ac- HVAC upgrades will be taking place tions on that cloudy June day in in the Main Fitness Center beginning 1967. Sept. 28. The Cardio Room will be He occupied the rear seat of an closed 28 Sept. 28 through Oct. 23, F-4C on a two-jet reconnaissance mission over North Vietnam. The and the Aerobic Room will be closed first F-4C was flying roughly a 26 Oct. 26 through Nov. 20. The Fitness mile in front of his plane when Center Annex, located in Bldg 502 in- the pilot of the lead jet dipped side the RA is open Monday through below cloud cover to get a clearer Friday, 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. and has more view of the mission’s objective. than 20 pieces of cardio equipment Enemies on the ground spotted available for your use. U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Stacy Foster For more information, contact the The POW/MIA table is a way of symbolizing those servicemembers who are unable to attend military ceremonies due to Fitness Center at 567-6628. their sacrifice in defense of freedom. The table was part of the POW/MIA remembrance ceremony held in front of the DeKok See MIA page 4 Building Sept. 18. More Briefs page 5 Inside The Combined Federal Campaign began this Commentary ......................... 3 Football .................................... 7 week. Schriever’s goal is $250,000. Chain of Command ....... 10-11 2 September 24, 2009 Schriever Sentinel Schriever Sentinel September 24, 2009 3 Commuters face driving dangers PUBLISHER Commentary by Tech. Sgt. Steven Briggs stopping distances. Lon P. Matejczyk 50th Space Wing Ground Safety manager Space Village Road and Marksheffel intersections [email protected] In the past 20 months, two Airmen and a civilian are in close proximity with the Highway-94 inter- Editorial have lost their lives on Marksheffel Road. section. Because of this, use extra caution when Driving out to Schriever leaves us with a decision approaching this intersection. Editor of which route we should take Two years ago, the traffic light was removed Mike Boyd to Highway-94 or Curtis road. It’s designed to make left turns safer from the Marksheffel and [email protected] One of the more popular roads and reduce the number of accidents Space Village Road intersec- Staff Reporter chosen is Marksheffel Road. and the severity of accidents tion. Now, traffic on Marksheffel Scott Prater However, driving on this road between through and turning traffic. is not required to stop, adding to the danger of this intersec- [email protected] presents a number of hazards everyone should be aware of. tion. Be cautious and yield the ADVERTISING Marksheffel varies from two to four lanes. The right of way. At the intersection of Marksheffel and Highway-94, in an effort to reduce accidents the Advertising Director/GM speed limit also varies between 45 and 55 mph. The road has numerous businesses located on it that state has installed special left turn lights.(view as- Tex Stuart operate large vehicles which must enter this con- sociated graphic) [email protected] gested road. This means drivers need to be prepared Colorado Department of Transportation Traffic Tammy Fogall to react quickly by leaving plenty of room between Engineer Terry Shippy said, “It’s designed to make [email protected] their vehicle and the one in front of them. left turns safer and reduce the number of accidents Eighteen wheelers, large construction vehicles and and the severity of accidents between through and Pam Millman recreational vehicles take time to get up to speed turning traffic.” [email protected] and can give the illusion they’re going slower than By knowing the risks associated with Marksheffel they really are. So, give yourself some space when and the other roads you travel, observing and fol- U.S. Air Force graphic/Staff Sgt. Amanda McCarty Classified Ad Manager approaching these types of vehicles from behind, lowing traffic signs and signals, you will help reduce Stop light arrow meanings Heidi Witherington especially in the winter as weather can increase the chances of being involved in a mishap.
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