MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS MUSEUM OF ZOOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, NO. 70 THE LAND AND FRESH-WATER MOLLUSKS OF PUERTO RICO BY HENRY VAN DER SCHALIE ANN ARBOR UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PRESS AUGUST12, 1948 MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS MUSEUM OF ZOOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, NO. 70 THE LAND AND FRESH-WATER MOLLUSKS OF PUERTO RICO BY HENRY VAN DER SCHALIE ANN ARBOR UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PRESS AUGUST12, 1948 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION.............. -... 9 Acknowledgments 10 ILLUSTRATIONS PLATES (Plates I-XITT follo~vpage 128) PLATE Francisco Mariaiio YagBn (front~spiece). I. FIG. 1. Alcadia striata (Lamnrck). FIG. a. Alcadia ILjulnlarsoni (Pfeiffer). FIG. 3. Alcadia ulta (Sowerby). FIa. 4. Helicina pl~asinnella " Sowel.by ' ' Pfeiff er. Fra. 5. Lucidella winosa (Sliuttle~vorth). PIG. 6. Lucidclla umbonuta (5huttlewortl1). FIa. 7. Pad?/enin portoricensis (Pfeiffer). FIG. 8. Ccrutoth.cc~isportoricanus Pilsbry and Vanatta. l17ra. 9. Stoaston~ops~U.C~~O~LC(LPLU $1. lj. 1l:lkcr. F1a. 10. Stoastonlops boriqucni 11. 13. Balter. 11. Fra. 1. Megalomastoma o'oceum (Ginelin). Fra. 2. Megalomasto?na werruculosum Sliuttlcworth. FIG. Licina decttssata (Lamarck). FIG. Licina aguadillensis (Pfeiffer) . FIG. Licina granainosa H. B. Baker. Fro. Chondropoma riisei (Pfeiffer). Fra. Chondropoma blauneri (Shuttleworth). Fra. Cl~ondropomaconseptum (von Martens). FIa. Chondropoma yunquei H. B. Baker. FIG. Chondroporna swifti (Sh~ttleworth). 111. FIG. 1. Pupi8,oma minus Pilsbry. FIG. 2. Pupison~adioscoricola (C. B. Adams). FIG. 3. Bothriopupa tenuidens (C. B. Adams). FIG. 4. Pupoides nitidulus (Pfeiffer) . FIG. 5. Gastrocopta sc.rwilis (Gould). FIG. 6. Gnstrocoptn prllncidn (Pfciffcr). Fra. 7. Guppya pi?~dlachi(Pf~iffer) . Fla. 8. Habroconcts cf. ernsti (Jousseaume). FIa. 9. Hau~aiia~tlinrrsc~rla (I%inney). FIG. 10. Retinella insccta (von Martens). Fra. 11. Striatqtra ?c~eritbionulis(Pilsbry :~ndForriss) . Fro. 12. Zonitoidrs arborct~s(Say). IV. FIG. 1. Stlccinea approxinlnils Shnttleworth. Fro. 2. Succinea hyalina Shuttleworth. Fra. 3. Succinea riisei Pfeiffer. Fro. 4. Niradiscops sp. FIG. 5. Gecilipides gundlachi (Pfeiffer). Fra. 6. Cecilioides consob~ina(D 'Orbigny). FIG. 7. Opeas pvn~ilunt (Pfeiffer). FIG. 8. Lamelltrxis naonodon opalescens (Shuttleworth). MOLLIJSKS 011' PUERTO ILI(:O PLATE E'ra. 9. Obcliscus L'crcbrasler (Laniarclr). FIG. 10. Obeliscz~sswiftlanus (Pfeiffer). FIG. 11. Lantella.zis gracilis (I-Iutton). FIG. 12. T,a?nrllaz.is nticra ?n,argarilocrzrs (Slluttlc~rorth). FIG. 13. Lamellazis t~nilamellata(D 'Orbigny) . FIG. 14. Sub~ilinaoctona (Bruguii~re). V. FIG. 1. Obeliscus don~inicens~s7tasta (Pfeiffer). 1g1a. 2. Varicellu cnltlcro?ri 11. B. Balier. FIG. 3. Varicella sporadica 11. B. Baker. Fra. 4. Varicella terebraeforn~is(Sliuttleworth). FIG. 5. Laevaricella inlc~rupta(Sh~lttleworth) . FIG. 6. Laeva~icellaplaya 11. B. Baker. FIG. 7. Laevaricella glabra (Pfeiffer) . FIG. 8. Varicella portoricensis (Pfeiffer) . FIG. 9. Austroselenites concolor (PBrussac) 15. B. Baker. FIG. 10. Austroselenitcs allicola H. I3. Baker. FIG. 11. Gulella bicolor (Hutton). FIG. 12. Thysanophora plagioptycha Shuttleworth. VI. FIG. 1. Mcleania darli~~gtoniBequaert and Clench. FIG. 2. Platysz~ccineaportoricensis (Shuttleworth). FIG. 3. Lacteoluna selenina (Gould) . FIG. 4. Microconus cf. wil7~elmi(Pfeiffer) . FIG. 5. Yzinquea dcnsclirata H. B. Baker. FIG. 6. Pleurodonte marginella (Gmelin). FIG. 7. Pleurodonte carocolla (Linnaeus) . FIG. 8. Pol?ydontcs ltma (Fhrussac) . Fra. 9. I'ol?jdo7ites lziq~tillcnsis(Shuttleworth). FIG. 10. Polydowtes acutanguta (Burrow). FIG. 11. Zachr?jsio aurico?na havanensis Pilsbry. FIG. 12. Crpolis rnnsicola (Sl~uttlewortli). FIG. 13. Cepolis squamosa (Fbrussac) . FIG. 14. Cepolis boriqlicnae R. B. Baker. FIG. 15. Cepolis dermatina (Shuttleworth). VII. FIG. 1. Buli?nulus ezilis (Gmelin) . Fro. 2. ~lacroceram~ts?nicrodon (Pfeiffer). FIG. 3. Pselidopinerza vieque7rsis (Pfeiffer) . &'la. 4. Microceran~usguar~icanus H. B. Balicr. FIG. 5. Cerion crassilabris (' ' Shuttleworth' ' Sowerby). FIG. 6. Nel~iat ridens (Scliweiggcr) . VIII. FIG. 1. Aquebana velz~tina(Lamarck) . Fro. 2. Hyalosagda szibaqt~ila(Shuttleworth) FIG. 3. FIG. 4. Dr?/?iaaeus liltaceus (FGrussac) . FIG. 5. Gacotis nigrolincatc~Sliuttleworth. FIG. 6. Rrach?lpodella riisei (Pfeiffer) . I~'1G. 7. Bmchypodella portoricensis (Pfeiff er) . FI~.8. Brach?ypodella pallitla (' ' Guilding " Pf eiffcr) 6 HENRY VAN DER SCHALIE PLATE FIG. 9. Lymnuea cubensis Pfeiffer. FIG. 10. Lyrnnaca (l'sc~rrtlosirccz~~ect)colli?nella Say. Fro. 11. Ph?ysu crtb~~i~srsI'f'c~~ffc~r. IX. FIG. 1. Helisowln cnribnctrilt (1)'Orl.)ign~). FIQ. 2. Dc~liso~~i(~tcr~>(,ric~ii IOII ( 1) 'Orbigny). Fro. 3. Tropicorbis riisei (Dnnlter) . Yl0. 4. 1't.opicorbis cllbir.crtts (l'f riffcr) . Fra. 5. Aztstrnlorbis glabmt rts (Say). FIG. 6. l'ropicorbis elecipiens (C. 13. Adams). PIG. 7. Pisieliuir~sp. FI~.8. Ilrepc~ilotre~~~aanatin rtirt (I)'Orbigi~y ) . FIG. 9. TJ~sconc!/lits concc7nttsots (D or big^^) ) . FIG. 10. Ferriss?a benztr (Bourguigiiat). ~"IG. 11. Potni~~op!jrgi~scot onnt its (Pi'eiffer) . S. Vari:rtion in Illr~nlo~nnsto?t~aooceicn~ (Gmclin), illustrating a progressive increase ill six from the Iligl~c'~cxlc'~ atlolls to the ~o~istalplain. XI. l'no viens of the eo:~stnl1)lnln of l'ucrto Rieo. FIG.1. A coconut grove on the alluvial plains. FIG. 2. Sugar cane. SIT. TIYOV~CIVS :ICI.OSY the 1lpl)ru 1)cnel11:1111of Pnerto liico. FIG.1. Extcnsive clearing of the wide plain as seen from foothills in thc region of Aguas Buenns and looking south toward Cayey. FIG.2. A closer vie\$- of the upland hills to indicate the extent to which many of them have been cleared of vegetation. XIII. Scenes along river v2rlle;)- roads indicating tl~cimnlense anioui~tof clcariiig that 1i:ls t:~l\'n pl:~ccl. FIG.1. Abandoned farm land which is slo~vlybeginning to develop a new ground COVCT. FIG.2. Holises along n river valley. XIV. Two views of vegetative cover. FIG.1. Upland forest in which coffee is grown. FIG.2. The karst topography of the extensive coastal plain west of Bxpamon. FIGTTIZISS IS TIIE TEXT FIGITRI< 1. A decrease in size of spcciincns of Megulo~nastoma croceum is correlated with increased land elcvntiol~. .. .. ............ 29 2. Color pattern vnri:itiori in Clrond1.o2)o?t1ariisei. 0. 11 tlccrt1:lsc in size of sl)ccitne~~sof Obclisc~~tster land elevat,ion. 4. J\ dec,rcasc in size land clcvation. MOLLUSKS OF PUERTO RICO MAPS 1. Tl~r8t:ltitrns in I'uerto Rico. 2. Distribution of Alcadia stri 3. Distribution ol Lzicidella u 5. Distribution of Helicina phasiane 6. Distribution of Lzicidella vinosa. 9. Distribution of Megnlomastonta crocetc~n. .... ........ .. .. , , .. 10. Pistribut,ion of Licina dcclcssnin (circlrs) ant1 Licina agicatl~illensis (trim~glrs). 11, Distribution of Clrondropomn riisci (circles) nnil Cllondrol~omab?a?incri (tri- 12. Distributio . .. .. , , , . , , 13, Distribution 15. Distribution of Bothriopzipa tenuiden.~. 16. Distribution of Gastrocopta servilis. 17. Distribution of Gastrocopta pellzicida 18. Distribution of Sltccinea approximans. 19. Distribution of Succinea hyalina. 20. Distribution of Succinea riisei. ........................... ...... .. ......... .. .. ........... .................................. 21. Distribution of Guppya gundlachi. 22. Distribution of Habroconus cf ernsti. 23. Distribution of Striatura nwridionali 24. Distribution of Retinella insecta. 25. Distribution of Retinella s 2G. Distribution of Miradiscops. 27. Distribution of Zacl~rysiaa (triangles), and Cectliozdes consobrinus (rectangles). 28. Distribution of Opeas p?~mzlum. 29. Distribution of l;n~nellazisgracili 30. Distribution of Larrlellaxis micra 31. 1)iutrilrlltion of Lamellaxis monod 32. I)istril,ution of T,anic311axis ~tniln? 33. I)istril)~itioiiof S~~cbttliniaoctonu. ........ .. .. .. .... .. , . , . , , .. , . 34. 1)istribution of Obelisczis tcrcbruster. 35. Distribution of' Obeliscus su~iftiunus. 36. Distributio~i of Ohclisc?is tlomi?~iccnsi 37, 1)istriltotion of Vr~ricellaportoricensi 38. Distribution of Varicellu terebrtaeformis. .. .. ......... ... , , . , . ., , , . , . , , ,. , . 39. Distribntion of Baricclla sporadica (circles) and Laevaricella interrupts (tri- 41. Distribution of Azcstroselenites concolor. 42, Distl.ibution of Thysanophora plagzoptycha. 43. Distribution of dquebana velzitlna. HENRY VAN DER SCHALIE NAP 44. Distribution of Hyalosagda subaquila. ... .......... .. .... ... .. ..... ...... .. 45. nistribution of Lacteolztna selen,ina. 46. IXstribution of Platys~tccineaporto 47. Distribution of (triangles). 48. Distribution of .... 49. Distribution of Polydontes lima. 50. Ilistribution of 51. Distribution of Cepolis rnusico 52. Distribution of Cepolis squam 53. Distribution of Cepolis boriqu 54. Distribution of Cepolis derrnatzna 55. Distribution of Bulimulz~sezilis . ......... .. .. .. .. 56. Distribution of Drymaeus virgtilatu 57. Distribution of Drymaeus liliaceus 58. Distribution of Brachypodella port 59. Distribution of Brachypodella riisez 60. Distribution of Brachypodella pallida 61. Distribution of 62. Distribution of 63. Distribution of Nenia tridens 64. Physiographic p . .. .. .. THE LAND AND FRESH-WATER MOLLUSKS OF PUERTO RICO INTRODUCTION THE following account of the land and fresh-water shells of Puerto Rico is based on collections made in that island during the 1940-1941 school year when I was privileged to enjoy an exchange professorship at the University of Puerto Rico. Holidays and ~veelr-endperiods were utilized to collect at some hundred widely scattered stations (Map 1).
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