VOL. XXXVII NO. 51. MAINE WOODS, P H ILLIP S , MAINE, JULY 15, 1915. PRICE 4 CENT« PHILLIPS WOMAN were seen together on the shc-re of the lake. And such beautiful trout. SEES A MOOSE Husband had written me that I should have some for my dinner the day I came. So that morning he Malcolm Barker Member of Maine went out early and got some beau­ College Band. ties. Two of them after being dressed and cooked when laid on a Id a personal letter received from twelve-inch plate, reached clear Mrs. C. E. Barker about a month ago across and over the side of the she says: plate, and I have had them every “As you see I am here at Howe meal since. We, Mrs. Jose, the book Brook, a place very much like our keeper’s wife, and myself, board at little Redington, on St. Croix Lake, the same place, and we are scon to a beautiful sheet of water about six try our luck with rod, and she miles in length. No carriage drive within five miles, but many trains is also a good shot. each day. As I was coming down The Maine College Band of which from Stockholm Saturday, a distance Malcolm is a member has been chos­ of 67 miles, when .about half-way en to fill the vacancy made by tlie here I heard the engine whistle, resignation of the band from Ban­ blowing short sharp toots. I have gor, which 'being made up of busi­ One of the Finest Appointed Resort Hotels in the State of Maine lived on the P. & R. road too long ness men, and older, did not care not to understand that this signal to remain in 2nd Regiment Maine means something on the track. So volunteer militia. And as soon as I rushed.to the window to see, what? militia inspection is over he is com­ Center o f the best Trout and Salmon Fishing A big Aroostook moose leisurely ing up here. moving away up into the woods, af­ I wish you knew how much we en­ GOLF, TENNIS, MUSIC, BOATING, BATHING, AUTOING ter having brought the train to a joy the little paper. I am enjoying Write for Booklet that will tell You all about it, \ dead stop. I find this is a common the change, but expect before very occurence up here. ^ong to locate permanently, but not Only a short time ago some deer in Howe Brook.” \- RANGELEY LAKES HOTEL CO., Rangeley, Maine PLEASANT ISLAND CAMPS HOTEL BLANCHARD On Cupsuptic Lake. Fishing unex­ STRATTON MAINE celled. Best of hunting. Special rates MAKING SURVEY [ cars as near that as possible. BIG COW MOOSE In the center of the Fish and Game for June, October and November. They started on this survey the Sectioa. Write for booklet. Write for booklet. first of April and expect to reach WESTON U. TOOTH AKER, Prop., OF RAILROAD Rangeley by September. They were ON MILE SQUARE HOTEL BLANCHARD, _____ I STRATTON MAINE, E. H. GROSE. Prop. Pleasant Island, - - Maine at Farmington three weeks, Maple­ Lived in the Cars and Changed wood, Strong, and below the How­ One of the best all around fishing and hunting camps in the Rangeleys. land crossing about two weeks in Takes Her Time and Lunches on Like, Pond and Stream fishing, all near the camps. The five mile river «.fiords Location Often each, place. the best of fly-fishing. Camps with or without bath room. After reaching Rangeley they will the Way. For particulars write for free circular to The crew of civil engineers who come back to Strong and go over the j Capt. E. F. COBURN, have been making tihe survey on the Kingfield and Bigelow branch in the Moose are getting to be quite plenti­ LAKEWOOD CAMPS, Middledam, Maine Sandy River & Ij-ankeley Lakes same manner. ful throughout the state as they have Railroad .expect to mov's along to An Aierdale dog keeps the crew been seen frequently in different locali­ Bragg Corner about Saturday of this company and is owned by Mr. Low­ ties. week. They have been in Phillips ell. When they were stationed near It was the good fortune of Mr. and I four weeks Saturday. Their usual ! the river he accompanied Mrs. Sund­ stop in a place is about two weeks. erland on many swimming trips. Mrs. J. E. Noble of the Mile Square to Mountain View House Many liave.f been interested in the Mrs. Sunderland is a graduate of see a big cow moose at close range last Mountain View, Maine work and have been making inquiries the Carlisle school of Pennsylvania Monday. She was very near their as to what purpose they are making and Mr. Sunderland of the Univers­ home and feeding on some of G. T. For further particulars write or address this survey. It is to comply with ity of Pennsylvania. Jacobs’ vegetables. She took her own time, and walked leisurely off into the L. E. BOW LEY, a law passed by the government com­ pelling the railroads to furnish a woods. a * * M a in e * I SUSBCRIBE NOW FOR MAINE Mountain View, • * * physical survey of the valuation of j Earlier in the day she was seen by WOODS AND READ ALL Sumner Beal and family who live ^mr.injifiao;.. ........................ tlieir property. THE LOCAL NEWS. about one-half mile from Noble’s. It is practically of no material ben­ The Place Where You Can Always Find Unsurpassed Fishing. efit to the railroad, but it means an expense of several thousands of del TIM POND CAMPS lars, as the railroad has to bear the MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD Individual Camps, Rock Fire-places, Fly and Bait Fishing. Lake and expense of the most of it, a very Stream Fishing for Trout. Telephone. Daily Mail, Write for Booklet. small amount being appropriated by JULIAN K. VILE8 & SON, Tim, Franklin Co., Me. the government. All railroads are Maine to Chicago having to comply with this law, and the surveyors in Phillips are em­ W ithout Change of Cars Ed. Grant’s Kennebago Camps ployed by the Maine Central Rail­ FAST EXPRESS TRAIN SERVICE—FEW STOPS. Log camps with baths, open fires, etc. Best trout fly-fishing, both lake and road. THROUGH SLEEPING CARS DAILY stream, canoeing, mountain climbing, etc. Excellent cuisine. Post Office The crew is composed of J. Nor­ From Portland, Union Station, 9.30 p. m., Maine Central and Long Distance Telephone, in Main Camp. For rates, descriptive circulars man Sunderland, of Philadelphia, the to Montreal, Canadian Pacific Railway and Michigan Central and other information, write assistant engineer who is in charge, CD. G R A N T (S i SON CO., P* O. Address, Grant s Me. Railroad. Arrive Chicago 7.35 a. m. second morning. Con­ Railroad and Telegraph office Kennebago, Me. Monroe G. Tarbell of Brimfield, Mass., George C. Staples of Pitts­ nects with all late afternoon trains into Portland. field, Me., and Philip J. Lowell of Panama-Pacific Exposition Passengers should consider Portland, with Mrs. Sunderland as service and route. Also all travelers from Maine to the West. BALD MOUNTAIN CAMPA “ M5». cook and housekeeper. For full information and reservations inquire of any They have to survey a certain num Maine Central Railroad Agent or address ber of feet each side of the rail­ i cfcpuvuw --------------------------- - _ . _ _ . PASSENGER TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT, AMOS ELLIS. Prop’r.. Bald Mountain, Maine road, measuring all buildings, etc., that ccme within that radius. Their MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD, PORTLAND, MAINE progress is naturally slow as they have to go into minute details. SPEN D YO U R They have four cars fitted up quite conveniently, using one for a kit­ HEALD POND CAMPS chen, one fori a diner and the oth­ SUMMER VACATION ers for sleeping apartmnets and liv­ ing room. It; is quite handy to do IN THE RANGELEI LAKE OR DEAD RIVER REGION IN the work with the exception of the MAINE water, but they plan to station the STEAMBOAT SERVICE on This territory is easy of access being reached in ONE DA\ RANGELEY LAKE from Boston. The summer climate is delightful, the nights are Boats leave Rangeley for South always cool, the air clear and bracing, the accommodations a^ the Rangeley at 5.35 A. M- and 11.40 various resorts are up-to-date, the scenery is giand, and there is A. M., where close conneciion i s1 fine trout and salmon fishing, golf, tennis and good roads fo r .made with Maine Central Rail­ road trains for Portland, Boston motoring. „ and New York. Boats making j The SANDY RIVER & RANGELEY LAKES RAILROAD close connection at South Range- issue a fine Guide Book which contains an accurate map of this ley with trains from New York, Country. Address Boston and Portland, arrive at Rangeley at 1.20 P. M. and F. N* BEAL, General Manager, Phillips, Maine. 6.40 P. M. t ■I I MAINE WOODS, PHILLIPS, MAIN E, JULY 15, 1915. added new boats to the ever-increas- among the earliest arrivals. Mr. to some distant lake where he se. PRIVATE CAMPS in°' fleet of the Yacht Club. Mr. Cook will jojn them later. MEMBER MOHICAN cured many a lusty trout and saW* Samuel York has launched a fine Mr. Samuel Appleton, Miss M. E. Mr. Howard is a great lo v e r of brook ARE OPENING six(ty-foot cruiser, the Larina, and Appleton and Miss Charlotte Pierce CANOE CLUB fishing also I take pleasure in his son Holcomb has put into the of Boston are among those returning.
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