PAOE FO\m MOORHEAp^DAILY NEWS, Moorheaa, Minn. Thursday, October 27, 1938 Holland and Regnhild Hveger of Ada Six-Man Grid Team Denmark. Miss Feggelen was tim-, Defeats Fertile, 37-28 ed in 2:40.6 for the 200-meter back- stroke, breaking Eleanor Holm Jar- ^ rett's mark of 2:48.7. Miss Hveger's Dragons Make Loop Debut Here Friday Ada, Oct. 27—Coming from be- 2:25.9 for 220 yards free style bet- hind after lagging at the half, Ada high school's six-man football team tered the 2:27.6 record set by Willie ended its season without a defeat Don Ouden of Holland. OFFICIA TING FOOTBALL'S by turning back Fertile, 37 to 28. CRIMSON GRIDDERS JIM CROWLEY NOT Northwestern, Gophers Baer Kayoes Hankinson Honolulu, T. H., Oct. 27 (UP) — HARDEST JOB, SA YS RICE 2 Women's Tank Marks Max Baer, the former world's SEEK 1ST VICTORY SURE YET PANTHER Appear Evenly Matched heavyweight champion who says he By GRANTLAND RICE ball was given to Michigan as an Shattered In Europe is out to regain his title, was off New York. Oct. 27—The toughest incompleted forward. It happen- to a good start on his series of IN WINONA TUSSLE job. in football doesn't belong to ed to be a 100 per cent fumble. ELEVEN GREATEST For Encounter Saturday Dusseldorf, Oct. 27 (UP)—World bouts in Hawaii today after scor- the clrarging line, the ball carrier, Later on, with Yale leading, 13 to record swimming marks wer^ claim- ing a first-round knockout over the blocking back or the forward 8. Brooks of Yale broke through ed today by Ida Van Feggelen of Hank Hankinson. MSTC ELEVEN TO GET REAL passer who takes entirely too much and rushed the kicker. Brooks FORDHAM COACH WITHHOLDS LOSER VIRTUALLY OUT OF TEST IN INITIAL LEAGUE beating. dived, hurrying the kick, which JUDGMENT UNTIL AFTER RUNNING FOR BIG TEN traveled only 20 yards. Being un- HAWLEY DEFEATS The toughest job in football be- GAME SATURDAY. ENCOUNTER. longs to any one of the four offi- able to stop himself in midair, he CHAMPIONSHIP. cials who too often have close de- naturally crashed into the kicker, and Michigan was given the ball MSTC HIGH, 6 TO 0 cisions to make that could be call- Pitt Team Hasn't Had Heat Ap- Concordia, Bison Grid Squads Drill ed either way by the margin of an for roughing the punter. Neither Team Has^ Sensational Of- As Dncky Pond asks, "How do For Homecoming Engage- eyelash — hair-line margins that plied Yet, Asserts Ram Grid- WICKER INTERCEPTS PASS, fense, Both Are Powerijul, often make or break. you stop yourself after leaving ments Saturday. yotir feet before a kick has been iron Mentor. RUNS 85 YARDS TO SCORE Weil-Balanced. Having worked a few years as j made?" referee and umpire in the south. I How can you put backspin on a IN 4TH QUARTER. By ED EASTMAN don't happen to be guessing along flying human body? Sammy Snead By GEORGE KIRKSEY By STEVE SNIDER. this line. This is no rap at offi- Moorhead State Teachers college and Gene Sarazen would like to New York, Oct. 27 (UP)—Jimmy Chicago, Oct. 27 (UP) — There's cials who face an almost impossible Crowley said he didn't want to be Hawley and Moorhead State gridders, making a belated entry know. Also Bobby Jones and Wal- no little brown jug or old oaken job on many occasions. But I ter Hagen. There is the now fa- stubborn about it but he couldn't Teachers college high school foot- bucket at stake when Minnesota and into the Northern Teachers college have seen any number of big games mous case of Getchell who told yet see his way clear to agreeing ball teams concluded their seasons Northwestern swing their football conference race, will have a real changed by penalties or no penal- the Carnegie Tech quarterback the j with the football wise boys who say here Wednesday, with Hawley juggernauts at each other, usually ties—games in which players in- job before them when they meet wrong down. This probably cost i the University of Pittsburgh has emerging victorious, 6 to 0. only a Big Ten or national title, volved have told what had taken I the greatest football club of our Albert Wicker, Hawley right end, Winona Teachers Friday at 8 p. m. | the football game. Getchell nat- and Saturday tl^ey will help settle place on plays that should have urally should have called the play I time. intercepted a forward pass on his them both. changed the score from winning to on Memorial field. off. Or a double offside. "They're good all right." said the own 15-yard line with only three Winona has a clear record in the losing, or the other way around. minutes to play and dashed 85 Down in Dyche stadium these two But what can be done about it? sleepy-eyed but sharp-witted Ford- powers of the Western conference conference, with two victories and A penalty could be called on The interference on a forward pass ham coach, "but I want to withhold yards to score. no defeats and has lost only one nearly every play in football. In The defeat left the Baby Dragons will fight anothei- in their history- is often a fifty-fifty matter—too I my judgment until they've had a making series, with Minnesota aim- game this year, a 7-0 decision to the Yale-Michigan game last week. close to be figured out. And yet j little pressure on them. If you no- with a record of one victory and four defeats for the season. ing at its second straight conference the powerful LaCrosse Teachers I saw two leading examples. this play might easily ' decide the ! tice their record you'll see they championship. eleven. On one occasion, a Michigan game. There are twenty-two men haven't had the heat on 'em yet." Sig Stusiak. and Willis Euren were the Baby Dragon stars while Eye National Title. Cobbers. Bison Drill passer, fading far back, was nailed all over the field in a football Have Oone Okay While the Dragons get tlieir last by a Yale rusher before the ball game, during which officials; giv- Wicker, Pred Bodwell, Harris Roh- The Gophers, undefeated and un- "Do you think Fordham will'pro- mer and Ken Austad starred for tied in four games, also have an eye drill today in preparation for the left his hands. The ball dribbled ing the best they have, are often vide that test Saturday?" Winona invasion, Concordia and out sideways. Yale covered. The screened. Hawley. on a claim to the mythical national the NDAC Bison were getting ready "We've done all right the past I -The lineups: title and regard Northwestern as the for homecoming games Saturday, three years, haven't we?" he said, ! MSTC HAWLSY toughest hurdle remaining, but a both agaJn.st favored opponents. he said, recalling those three score- Zuehlsdorff le Bodwell defeat for either virtually will re- The Cobbers will meet St. John's, less ties Pitt and Fordham played. Euren It Eppler move the loser fx'om fixrther con- the current Minnesota College con- "But Saturday I don't know—may- Kassenborg Ig M. Marvig sideration, even in the conference. ference leader, at 2 p. m. Saturday be yes, maybe no." Moos c Cameron "We're pretty much alike," boom- on the Concordia field while the Bi- Crowley was down in he Fordham J. Gwynn rg Johnson ed big Lynn Waldorf, Northwest- JOMY'S^SPOStTSlocke r room, peeling off his cloth- D. Hegland rt Crowley son face the University of North ern's head coach. "Each has a strong Oikota Sioux at the .same time at es. He kept laughing and kidding L. Hegland re Wicker defense and a good backfield that Dacotah field. with the coaches and scribes. A fire Tritchler q Rohmer lacks a great star. Neither team Prisch rh H. Marvig Tlie Dragon record this sea.son is engine went clanging by and Crow- has a sensational offense but both ley wisecracked: "There goes the Stusiak Ih Torgerson are powerful and well balanced. not impressive at a first glaaice, the Pitt backfield running through Holden f Austad Crim.son eleven having lost tliree signal practice." Hawley 0 0 0 6-6 "It's a hard game to dope and it'll games and tied one in four staits. By HENRY McLEMORE It is not miusuar for Garcia to be harder to win." ' Scoring Tricks Uncovered MSTC high 0 0 0 0—0 However, two of the.se lo.s.ses were to New York, Oct. 27 (UP)—Henry send his'opponents straight to the Substitutions: MSTC—Sander, P. Hard Battle Seen. North Central conference teams by Armstrong and Ceferino Garcia hospital. More than one man 'has i He was asked why Fordham un- Before the last two Minnesota j covered several of its scormg trick.s Holden, Westby, G. Gwynn, Haw- one-touchdown margins and the were quoted at even money today .shuffled out against him and wound ley—Pord, McDonald, Kjos. meetings, Waldorf sang such a tale third was to the strong Winnipeg for their welterweight champion- up looking into the kind faces of ' in the final period of the Oregon of woe the contrast of his 1938 at- Blue Bombers The deadlock was in .•••hip fight in Madison Square Gar- internes and hotise surgeons. Cefer- game, with the game already on ice.
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